Tim Tebow

Hey DWF's, repeat after me, "46% completion percentage, 46% completion percentage" and "can't read defenses, can't read defenses" and "can't make quick decisions, can't make quick decisions". There. He's now finished. We've gone over the 46% thing here, and the reasons are simple for it. The other two things that are being chanted by the masses are simply made up and repeated until they are "truth". One DWF responded to me that RG3, Newton, Wilson, and Kaepernick can run those offenses because they can "think fast". LOL!

Try "run"...as in from the cops. The DWFs are such weak minded sheeple.
With the release of Tebow the extreme anti-white hatred of the NFL is plain to see. Unfortunately the DWFs are so crazy they believe the most ridiculous propaganda.

Tebow led a team to the playoffs and won a playoff game. Now the white hating media claims he can't play. What does it take to wake people up?

Any team could at least use Tebow in the red zone and on short yardage. This warrants him at least being in the league. But the anti-whites want him out of the NFL.

They claim he's not even good enough to be a 3rd string quarterback. Ridiculous.

Plus Tebow brings publicity. That's a good thing for a team, not a bad thing as the racist sports media claims.

Just the latest addition to Tebow's supposed weaknesses. "Lacks arm strength". Although this has absolutely no basis in reality, the pundits and talking heads are endlessly repeating it, so it makes it "fact" for the DWFs who can't think on their own. That long pass to Thomas in the Steelers game certainly required "NFL arm strength". Virtually all of his passes in the pathetic Denver offense HAD to be long throws because of the endless third-and-longs. Watch any Gators highlights and far more of his passes are mid-deep throws than your average college QB, certainly more than RGIII threw.
I posted to the Yahoo story about Moon's opinion pretty much the same as I wrote above, and you wouldn't believe the running gun battle that sort of knowledgeable post will get you with the DWFs who's tender sensibilities you've just tread upon. The posts that state that "Tebow's a great guy", or "I like Tebow" just flow under the bridge, but state facts that contradict the party line and there's hell to pay.
No matter what the media says about Tebow or what happens to him regarding his career from now on Tebow has had a great career.

He was a great college player. His last year in Denver he led the Broncos in an exciting and memorable playoff run. And he beat the Steelers in the first round of the playoffs.

Tebow stood up for his beliefs. He's good looking and successful.

I think a lot of the animosity toward Tebow is the usual leftist hatred toward white men but I suspect some of it is jealousy!
Tebow has a more than adequate arm he just has a problem in getting his throws in a tight window. It will be interesting to see if he will try and convert to another position or will head up to Canada. Also Warren Moon is on his way to joining Jim Brown, Hank Aaron and Joe Morgan in the bitterest angry Black men club....:frusty:
Tebow has a more than adequate arm he just has a problem in getting his throws in a tight window. It will be interesting to see if he will try and convert to another position or will head up to Canada. Also Warren Moon is on his way to joining Jim Brown, Hank Aaron and Joe Morgan in the bitterest angry Black men club....:frusty:

IMO those blacks you mention have right to grouse, but where I differ from the caste system is the allowance for the black clowns and their enablers to keep up the woe is blacks nonsense.
More retarded drivel from bagel-muncher media: Apparently the fans themselves cost Tebow his career :dodgy:


If Tim Tebow never plays in the NFL again, his fans loved his career to death.

We knew this day was coming. The rest of us, I mean. Those of us who aren't Tebow fans, even those of us who enjoyed his presence in the NFL the same way we enjoy elephants, clowns and Waldo the two-headed walrus. We knew this would happen. That one day, the squeakiest wheels on the Tebow bandwagon would drive his career right off the cliff.

Congratulations, idiot who petitioned President Obama to force the Jaguars to sign Tebow. You did this.

But it's not just those two. It's the rest of you. It took millions of you to do this, but I'll be damned -- millions of you did it.

It's the Forbes thing. Every year the magazine surveys the country to determine the most influential person in various spheres, including sports. The most influential person in sports today? In the whole country?

Tim Tebow.

Any idea how many NFL teams -- from the owner to the general manager to the coach to the locker room -- want a backup quarterback who is considered the most influential athlete in the country?


You've done this, Tebow fans. You've loved Tebow's career to death. You're a seventh-grader who calls his girlfriend every hour on the hour just to say, "I love you so much!" Pretty soon the girlfriend's parents put an end to the relationship, because that's just stupid. And you're being a pain in the ass.

What do you know? I stumbled onto a motto for the Tebow fan base:

We're a pain in the ass.

Here's the truth. I had this story on my radar a week ago. I can't prove it to you, but that's a fact. At the time the headline in mind was "Trolling Tebow," because that's what seemed to be happening. An arena football team, stupendously called the Omaha Beef, offered Tebow its quarterback job at $75 a game. A lingerie football league wanted Tebow to do something. Play? Coach? Referee? Not sure. I could look it up, but anything beyond the words "Tebow" and "lingerie league" is just a detail. When a window company in Florida offered him $30,000 to throw footballs at its product -- to prove its windows are hurricane-proof by having Tebow throw at them, or something -- I was sold.

Tebow fans might want him back in Jacksonville, but the Jaguars apparently don't. (USATSI)
Trolling Tebow. That was my story for early this week. But on Saturday, Boston College's courageous Dick Kelley emailed me to say he was ready to talk. And then the Geno Smith story grabbed me by the throat. Which leads to today.
And what do you know? The story has changed from idiots trolling Tebow to even bigger idiots doing exactly what they don't want: making it difficult for Tebow to continue in the NFL -- and impossible in Jacksonville, just down the road from Nease High and the University of Florida, where the Tebow legend started and then flourished.

Last week that other stuff happened. The Omaha Beef. The lingerie league. The window company. Since Saturday, the petition to Obama happened. The commercial begging the Jags to sign Tebow happened. The Forbes survey happened.

Hell, Mike Ditka happened.

Somebody thought it was a good idea to ask Ditka about Tebow, and Ditka said he would play Tebow. This is the guy who once traded an entire draft to pick Ricky Williams, so an endorsement from Ditka means about as much as an endorsement from John Morgan.

Who is John Morgan? Exactly. Point of fact, he's an attorney in Orlando who apparently loves two things: The sound of his voice, and the sound of his voice when it says the words "Tim Tebow." Morgan combined both loves in a ridiculous radio commercial aimed at Jags owner Shahid Khan.

The commercial hit the Jacksonville airwaves Tuesday, just a few days after the WWE ringside announcer -- a WWE Hall of Famer! -- broached the idea of Tebow becoming a professional wrestler.

It's ridiculous, obviously. Somewhere off the coast of Jacksonville swims a shark. Maybe more than one shark. Maybe hundreds. The Tebow story has jumped every last one of them.

Shahid Khan knows this. When the Jags owner was asked this week about Tebow, Khan said he was "fascinated" by the question. Don't misunderstand what he was saying: He's not fascinated by Tebow. He's fascinated by the question. And it is a fascinating question:

Why the absurd demand for Tebow? Why are Tebow's fans loving him right out of the NFL?

Do they see what they're doing?

Do they see what they've done?
That...was one of the dumbest articles I've ever read. In a league that depends on fan interest, Tebow is too popular. Ludicrous.

Jacksonville's refusal to give Tebow a shot is particularly stupid yet many writers act as if it's perfectly rational.

Tebow is being blackballed because he's an outspoken Christian white man. Even if Tebow is not good enough to be a starter the fact that he's not even being given a chance proves this. (For the record I think Tebow could be a good starter in the right system.)

Even the DWFs should be questioning why there's so much unfairness being exhibited toward Tebow.

Note that the article gratuitously takes a dig at another white man, Mike Ditka, a Hall of Fame player and the head coach of one of the greatest football teams of all time. Leftists use this tactic a lot.
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I am resigning myself to the fact that Tebow may never play again. Pretty hard to believe that a few years ago with Tebow playing in Denver in 2011 and Peyton Hillis with his great year of 2010 are now just a distant memory.

I hope Tebow makes a comeback but like others have said I wish he would drop his aw shucks persona and just go for everyone's throat like everyone has been doing to him since he lead Denver to the playoffs.
That article was one of the worst I've ever read by Gregg Doyle, and considering he churns out 1 or 2 toilet paper worthy pieces a week, that's quite a feat. Doyle is a DWF turned sports"writer" who makes his living off of "controversial" pieces that generate clicks on his articles and comments in the section area. I've read some of his articles that had overwhelming negative comments afterwards but he doesn't care. He's doing his job, writing drivel and being "hated", like a poor version of a radio shock jock.

EDIT: I forgot to mention, he also does a weekly column where he responds to hate mail. A true Pulitzer we're dealing with here.
This writer gets about 10% of the Big Picture, which is 9% more than most DWFs do. ESPN and the rest of the corporate media always had it in for Tim Tebow. The corporate media is filled with troglodytes similar to outspoken anti-White, anti-Christian hater Bill Maher; Tebow was a threat, a "throwback" who was upfront about his "old-fashioned" values in a time when White athletes can only be "humble" deracinated, de-Christianized cookie cutter types who can't say or do anything "controversial." If they want to be "different" the only sanctioned way is to emulate trash-talking ghetto blacks.

Tim Tebow’s Camp Thinks He’s Done With NFL, And You Should Blame ESPN

Tim Tebow’s career was brief, it was tumultuous and it will be remembered for a lot of things not related to football. Tim Tebow was a reserve and overall nice guy who was painted as a demon thanks to relentless and undeserved coverage from ESPN and that will unfortunately be his legacy. Tebow could redeem his career should he sign with a team this offseason but a report in ESPN The Magazine states that Tebow’s private camp is saying the former Heisman winner is done with the NFL.

Tebow hasn’t said anything officially but logic does suggest that he’s being forced out of the NFL and he’s accepting the notion that no one wants him on their team. It almost makes you feel bad, because we all played a part in the bashing of Tim Tebow and in the end it really doesn’t seem worth it. Tebow did nothing wrong to anyone, he just wanted to play football and gave given more than he asked for.

Tebow didn’t ask to be drafted in the first-round when he wasn’t being valued there, he didn’t ask to have his cult of fans call for him to start in Denver and he didn’t ask for the media circus that ESPN forced upon him to their own benefit. ESPN sucked Tebow dry until he was of no use to their ratings and then they flipped on him to get the ratings back up. When it was popular to cover Tebow, ESPN was right there at Jets camp, stopping short of putting a camera in Tim Tebow’s room. Then when he was losing public popularity they burned him at the stake.

NFL scouts weren’t fond of Tebow but their criticism wasn’t as centered on his cult as others. One NFC scout told ESPN The Magazine that even during Tebow’s best season in 2011, he wasn’t setting anyone’s mind on fire.

“He’s not a quarterback,” the scout said. “When you look at his run two years ago, when you watch the tape and break it down, he wasn’t really doing anything that impressive. He’s a tough guy, a great leader, a great person. But he isn’t a good enough quarterback to have all the distractions that come with him.”

It was the distraction amplified by ESPN that scared everyone off, not Tebow’s religion or his play. There was talent inside of Tebow but the attention around him was such a circus that not even the lowest of NFL franchises ended up wanting to have anything to do with him.

The NFL is filled with devoutly religious guys like Jon Kitna, Matt Birk and current players like Philip Rivers who aren’t afraid to thank God. In fact it the status quo to thank God and Jesus Christ anytime something good happens to you, yet when Tebow did it he was crucified. It’s a double standard that most people are all guilty of, whether they were directly doing it to Tebow or indirectly so through his cult following.

There’s a chance Tebow makes a comeback, but like Fox News and MSNBC support and grow their political parties, ESPN created the idea of Tim Tebow that overshadowed the player. And while they had the power to build him into the icon he was never meant to be, they had the power to tear him down and that’s exactly what we saw happen.

Take ESPN away and Tebow is another backup in the NFL trying to make it. Add ESPN to the mix and you have what we saw — a circus that engulfed the potentially promising career of a guy who’s chances were ruined not by drug addiction or legal problems but the national media.

Tebow will be remembered by those who arent brainwashed (which is VERY few) for being the biggest victim of the caste system. RG3 cant carry his jock. AHDIW couldnt hold a candle to him. He was/is better than EVERY black quarterback thats ever put on pads, and the rigged/fake/scripted NFL didnt want him. If Tim was black he would be hyped more than any QB ever.

Sometimes it gets frustrating being one of the maybe 1% of sports fans that isnt an idiot. Thank God for Caste Football. Everybody in real life I talk to about Tebow thinks Im crazy.
Tebow torched the Steeler's number 1 defense through the air in a playoff game. He set playoff records. This defense was coached by one of the best defensive coordinators in the game.

Yet the average dwf doesn't question the party line "he can't throw." They pretend the game never happened. They don't stop to think "If he did it once maybe he can do it again."

Tebow has been blackballed because he's a charismatic, Christian white man.
Oklahoma improved their offense by using packages featuring running quarterback Blake Bell. They used them in the red zone and in short yardage situations. Their percentages increased in those areas.

The Jets could easily have done this with Tim Tebow. They could have used him in the red zone and in short yardage. This would have upgraded their offense.

The fact is the Jets refused to use Tebow even when it would have helped them.

A smart team would sign Tebow now, if only to use him in these packages.
I'm out on the road this week, so I subject myself to the USA Today fishwrap while at breakfast. In it today is an article about Tebow's chances of making the Patriots roster. It's actually a fairly well-written article and worth reading. Here is the link that I found online:

[h=1]What does Tim Tebow have to do to make Patriots?[/h]

The author brings up Tebow's accuracy as the main issue as to whether he has a shot or not, and I agree. I've seen Tebow throw some really ugly passes this year that make me wish that he would just go back to being the super-accurate long-windup guy he was at Florida. But we'll see.
I guess it's too much to hope for that Tebow would have an offensive package for his abilities. It wouldn't take much to implement it. The Pats are already in the shotgun most of the time, and the blocking schemes wouldn't be any different from what they already do. Of course he needs to throw more accurately, but his running ability is devastating. The league really doesn't want highlights of him running over black defensive backs.
I guess it's too much to hope for that Tebow would have an offensive package for his abilities. It wouldn't take much to implement it. The Pats are already in the shotgun most of the time, and the blocking schemes wouldn't be any different from what they already do. Of course he needs to throw more accurately, but his running ability is devastating. The league really doesn't want highlights of him running over black defensive backs.

Exactly! Why doesn't a team give Tebow an offense that caters to his abilities? Look at RG3, Newton, Krapernick, and Wilson. These "new generation" QBs all have offense that cater directly to their strengths. Contrast with the absolute crap that John Fox and co. gave Tebow to work with in Denver. It's obvious; the league only wants these "next generation" QBs to be black. Having Tebow succeed and destroy these terrible all-black defenses goes against what the NFL wants.
They have been doing these photo retrospectives of Tebow as if anticipation of his removal from the league.

Bob Kraft is "rooting" for him. A good PR ($) move whether Tebow remains or goes. Especially if he goes.

Don't even know if Tebow will get many (or any) reps next time out. Looks like it is, more than ever, "Tebow Time." So he will have to step up if he gets the chance (but, who knows, they may keep him on and develop him as a "utility player." Something the Pats are known for).
They have been doing these photo retrospectives of Tebow as if anticipation of his removal from the league.

Bob Kraft is "rooting" for him. A good PR ($) move whether Tebow remains or goes. Especially if he goes.

Don't even know if Tebow will get many (or any) reps next time out. Looks like it is, more than ever, "Tebow Time." So he will have to step up if he gets the chance (but, who knows, they may keep him on and develop him as a "utility player." Something the Pats are known for).

Some think Belichick will plan to use him in the Jets games just to show up Rex Ryan.
If I was the coach, I would start Tim Tebow tommorow night and play him for around 3 solid quarters. They know what they have in Mallet as he is a solid 2nd string currently. They need to give "Touchdown" Timmy some more playing time to get his confidence up so if that when they use him occasionally this season he will be more prepared. Holding a clip board only helps so much. Tim needs to play to continue to improve and learn the ins and outs of the Pats Offense.
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