Tim Tebow

There's around 15 younger quarterbacks coming into the league every year. The more time that goes by, the less likely he'll get a shot.

He should have switched positions while continuing to work with the QB coach on the side, or played in the CFL. Relishing his position as a bruising running back or wstd would have gone a long way in exhibiting his hunger and love for the game. That fact that he stubbornly took his ball and went home pretty much sealed his fate.

What position would he switch to? TE? Too short and one dropped pass and he is done - a position he has never played. Did any team even show any interest in him as a TE? Fullback/RB? Why and how? Has the NFL treated white rbs better? If Peyton Hillis struggles to make a roster how could Tebow? No NFL team wants him near the field in any aspect.

If we want to point to mistakes he made it would be being way too humble and also choosing the Jets over the Jaguars. He could have been a 4th stringer and hated by the coaches, but the fans would have forced Tebow to start just like they did in Denver. Jew York is last fan base that would support him.
What position would he switch to? TE? Too short and one dropped pass and he is done - a position he has never played. Did any team even show any interest in him as a TE? Fullback/RB? Why and how? Has the NFL treated white rbs better? If Peyton Hillis struggles to make a roster how could Tebow? No NFL team wants him near the field in any aspect.

If we want to point to mistakes he made it would be being way too humble and also choosing the Jets over the Jaguars. He could have been a 4th stringer and hated by the coaches, but the fans would have forced Tebow to start just like they did in Denver. Jew York is last fan base that would support him.

I agree that going to New York instead of his own hometown was a mistake. As awful as Mark Sanchez was, Blaine Gabbert was even worse. The amount of love and affection he's engendered in J'ville, plus the amount of money the team would have generated would have given him enough cushion to work through his throwing problems.

As far as switching positions, I was referring to this article posted earlier.


He should have told them he'd do anything to keep his foot in the door.. like Scott Frost, Antwaan Randle-El, and Jordan Lynch. Tim played tight end in high school, and there are plenty of TE's in the league 6'3" and under. Gator teammate/dumbass Aaron Hernandez is 6'2". Switching up would have shown how committed he was are. As far as rb, Brian Leonard, Jacob Hester, and Toby Gerhart all made nice coin for several years on 1/10th of Tebow's buzz.

There's plenty of guys sitting at the end of the bench, collecting their $400,000+ minimum annual salaries, while never seeing a sniff of the field. With his size, speed, power, and (fleeting) youth he could easily have taken one of those blocking TE, blocking FB, spot RB duty, special teams, end of blowout game defense, tackling dummy spots while continuing to work on his craft.

If I were right on the precipice like that, I would do anything to earn my keep. I guess with all of his speaking appearances, he figures he doesn't really need to money.
I agree that going to New York instead of his own hometown was a mistake. As awful as Mark Sanchez was, Blaine Gabbert was even worse. The amount of love and affection he's engendered in J'ville, plus the amount of money the team would have generated would have given him enough cushion to work through his throwing problems.

As far as switching positions, I was referring to this article posted earlier.


He should have told them he'd do anything to keep his foot in the door.. like Scott Frost, Antwaan Randle-El, and Jordan Lynch. Tim played tight end in high school, and there are plenty of TE's in the league 6'3" and under. Gator teammate/dumbass Aaron Hernandez is 6'2". Switching up would have shown how committed he was are. As far as rb, Brian Leonard, Jacob Hester, and Toby Gerhart all made nice coin for several years on 1/10th of Tebow's buzz.

There's plenty of guys sitting at the end of the bench, collecting their $400,000+ minimum annual salaries, while never seeing a sniff of the field. With his size, speed, power, and (fleeting) youth he could easily have taken one of those blocking TE, blocking FB, spot RB duty, special teams, end of blowout game defense, tackling dummy spots while continuing to work on his craft.

If I were right on the precipice like that, I would do anything to earn my keep. I guess with all of his speaking appearances, he figures he doesn't really need to money.

I'd rather not see him on the field at all as opposed to being bench-riding back-up tight end or an underused Fullback. It would almost be an admission to the anti-Tebow crowd that they were right. He threw better on his pro day workouts than a lot of quarterbacks - certainly better than Teddy Bridgewater. His throwing problems were an invention of the media. I hope now he lands a starting job in the CFL or something. But my guess is that they have no interest as well. Amazing for a guy that was the most popular athlete perhaps in the world during the last game that he started.
It doesn't look as if any NFL team is going to give Tebow a chance. His best plan may be to play a year in Canada, assuming a team there has interest in him.

To recap, in his first year starting for the Broncos he took a 1-4 team to the playoffs. They won their first playoff game on the strength of his passing, against one of the best defenses in the league.

After that, the mainstream sports media declared that he couldn't pass and no team with a quarterback problem would give him a chance.

The mainstream sports media told lies about Tebow. For example, they started saying he had a weak arm, which was a lie. The mainstream sports media clearly had an anti-Tebow agenda.

No black quarterback would ever have been treated the way Tebow was.

Michael Vick had a lower completion percentage and a lower quarterback rating his first year starting than Tebow. Yet the media had nothing but praise for him.

There's a different standard for whites and blacks in the black supremacist, anti-white world of football.
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The Tim Tebow saga continues.

He was signed by the Philadelphia Eagles.
The Tim Tebow saga continues.

He was signed by the Philadelphia Eagles.

It will be interesting to see what happens. Could turn into a great situation for Tebow, a guy who can lead a team and can pass and run.

I made a new thread about this earlier, but it looks like it disappeared.

Between Chip Kelly and Tebow they could build a really awesome offensive attack in Philly.
There's an interesting discussion about Tebow in the comments section on the SB Nation site.

david180 provides some favorable statistics in the comments section that are hard to refute about Tebow's performance.

The worst kind of draft pick - SBNation.com
After an excellent performance in the last preseason game it looks as if Tim Tebow will make the Eagles. He deserves it.

Him being out of football those years was absurd. There's no way he wasn't better than some third string quarterbacks.

He was sure as heck better than BJ Daniels for example, who's in the league solely because he's black.
Anyone hear caste stooge Mike Golic say Tebow wasn't good enough to be on Eagles? Maybe that's what he tells his son when he couldn't make a team's roster such as the Steelers. :der:
Mike Golic and most of the announcers are all idiots. Former players trying to stay in the lime light. Can you guys imagine if black announcers would talk bad about black players? It would never happen yet year after year white announcers make fun of white players.

I'm very dissapointed in the treatment of Tim Tebow. He looked great in that last game. To try and say he is not ever worthy of 3rd string is complete b.s. Everyone here knows it. It is just about the league continuing to have a bias against whites and christians just like the country we live in. Everything these days is corrupt.

I hope he does continue to play. He deserves better.
Mike Golic and most of the announcers are all idiots. Former players trying to stay in the lime light. Can you guys imagine if black announcers would talk bad about black players? It would never happen yet year after year white announcers make fun of white players.

I'm very dissapointed in the treatment of Tim Tebow. He looked great in that last game. To try and say he is not ever worthy of 3rd string is complete b.s. Everyone here knows it. It is just about the league continuing to have a bias against whites and christians just like the country we live in. Everything these days is corrupt.

I hope he does continue to play. He deserves better.

And specifically about Chip Kelly capitulating after being a "maverick" up till now.
Right now, Tebow's best shot is going up to the CFL for one year, tearing it up and then hope next year some team will give a fair chance after their black quarterbacks flop. Because right now, him getting cut by an alleged qb expert in Chip Kelly leaves a bad perception among the minds of scouts etc in the league about him. The only way to change that is for him to display his new found mechanics and talent elsewhere. He can't keep going back to the booth and miss out on playing the game because he will come back rusty. Doug Flutie needed this to get back in the league after having been told he was too small. Flutie and Tebow are alike in many ways in all they have had to deal with in the NFL.

Johnson, who was cut by the Jets on Saturday, is one of the most athletic quarterbacks not currently under contract to an NFL team. He hasn’t developed much as a passer, but it wouldn’t be surprising to see Chip Kelly give Johnson a shot at some point: Johnson’s running ability gives him the potential to be a unique weapon in the NFL.

And Tebow wasn't? These dwf clowns are oblivious to their hypocrisy.

Further proof that Chip Kelly is now officially down with the struggle.The combination of the cadre of disgruntled afroletes he cast off of his roster and the warped Marxist Media Mavens have rather easily succeeded in their goal of forcing him to comply with the agenda.I'd be willing to bet that Jeffrey Lurie has a hand in this too as I mentioned in another posting.Cutting Tebow alone would've been bad,but forgivable.Throwing him under the bus in the fashion that he did followed by his very own version of a black quarterback Quest makes it that much more obvious !!!

Once again,f**k you,Chip.

Further proof that Chip Kelly is now officially down with the struggle.The combination of the cadre of disgruntled afroletes he cast off of his roster and the warped Marxist Media Mavens have rather easily succeeded in their goal of forcing him to comply with the agenda.I'd be willing to bet that Jeffrey Lurie has a hand in this too as I mentioned in another posting.Cutting Tebow alone would've been bad,but forgivable.Throwing him under the bus in the fashion that he did followed by his very own version of a black quarterback Quest makes it that much more obvious !!!

Once again,f**k you,Chip.


I hate to be a "grammar-progressive" lol, but a space goes after periods and such. Other than that your posts are always right to the point!
I hate to be a "grammar-progressive" lol, but a space goes after periods and such. Other than that your posts are always right to the point!

Thanks for pointing this out. I haven't been typing messages via computer for all that long, and had never done much typing of any sort before that. Additionally, I've been texting for a far longer period of time where one of the main concerns is saving character space. Those factors combined with my lack of use of any sort of form/punctuation/spelling corrector is what lead to this foible on my part. I've now corrected my ways and must admit it makes for a much easier read !!!

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Perhaps if an Eagles quarterback gets injured Tebow will get another chance. Bradford is injury prone.

This seems unlikely, however. Chip Kelly would probably sign another "affirmative action" quarterback before he would sign Tebow.
Perhaps if an Eagles quarterback gets injured Tebow will get another chance. Bradford is injury prone.

This seems unlikely, however. Chip Kelly would probably sign another "affirmative action" quarterback before he would sign Tebow.

That would never happen. NFL coaches are egomaniacs - even though these days they seem to be nothing more than game managers and/or butt ugly homo-cheerleaders. If Chip picked him up he would never let him play just like Rex Ryan didn't and how John Fox didn't want to. Fox if you remember seemed to openly root against Tebow (same with Elway) both with his facial expressions, comments, and obvious sabotaged play calling. Swallowing a bitter pill that normal fans, who they are all superior too, were right about Tebow being great while they were dead wrong is something they never want to test. He will never see the field in the NFL. It's a tragedy.
Even though it's been a couple of weeks I'm still pissed about Tim Tebow getting cut. I use to stick up for Chip Kelly and I thought he was a descent guy and a good coach. Lately I have changed my opinion. He screwed over Tebow bad by talking good about him and getting everyones hopes up. I think it was all an acting sketch.

Tebow proved he deserves to be in the league. I'm glad the Eagles lost last night. They screwed over Nick Foles, then Tebow and also have not treaded the receivers with much respect.

I hope Tebow changes his mind and considers the CFL. I would watch him. It's just a shame it has to come to this. This league disgusts me.
Even though it's been a couple of weeks I'm still pissed about Tim Tebow getting cut. I use to stick up for Chip Kelly and I thought he was a descent guy and a good coach. Lately I have changed my opinion. He screwed over Tebow bad by talking good about him and getting everyones hopes up. I think it was all an acting sketch.

Tebow proved he deserves to be in the league. I'm glad the Eagles lost last night. They screwed over Nick Foles, then Tebow and also have not treaded the receivers with much respect.

I hope Tebow changes his mind and considers the CFL. I would watch him. It's just a shame it has to come to this. This league disgusts me.

I agree completely.
With Roethlisberger injured what are the odds the Steelers sign Tebow?

They should but almost certainly won't.
With Roethlisberger injured what are the odds the Steelers sign Tebow?

They should but almost certainly won't.

It will never happen in Pittsburgh, they would rather sign Josh Freeman than sign a white qb.
Some generic blogger who gets paid to write copy for CBS published a list of nine quarterback options for the Patriots. The ninth was a picture of Tom Brady with a handlebar mustache and the caption 'Tim Grady.' That's a clever joke. The final line of the "article" was that Grady was still a better option than Tim Tebow. This is not a clever or funny joke.

Here's a very in-depth article about Tebow's career trajectory written by an alt-right ally.

The Passion of Tim Tebow: Jews Control Professional Sports, Here’s Why It Matters

It's a bit "heavy" for polite company, but neatly summarizes the popular shell game we see all too often.
American Freedom News