Tim Tebow

Same here, Dixie and whiteathlete33. This is sad to read about.

Wow Colonel Reb! You haven't been on in a while.

I'm disappointed because I would think Tebow would do endorsements with better characters than Ludacriss who is bad news and as ghetto as they come.
Wow Colonel Reb! You haven't been on in a while.

I'm disappointed because I would think Tebow would do endorsements with better characters than Ludacriss who is bad news and as ghetto as they come.

What's that about lying down with camels??
This is not surprising in the least. Truth be told, he will get better treatment from Ludacris than the white traitors running the NFL.

I never idolized Tim Tebow though, I just like that he pisses off self-hating whites to no end.
The strange irony is that blacks seem split on Tebow. Some love him because he is so openly Christian (and maybe because he "plays black" ala Jason "White Chocolate" Williams), while others appear jealous of him because he seems to be encroaching on a black niche (the running quarterback). Does Ludacriss fall into the first camp?

I know little about
Ludacriss and would, in fact, like to know less, but it is possible he's one of these black Christians that thumps a bible by day but then lives like your typical hoodlum by night and so feels a sort of Christian kinship with Tebow. Or maybe Tebow is being encouraged by the wrong people to "street"/dirty his image so people (i.e. the media) don't hate him so much.
The strange irony is that blacks seem split on Tebow. Some love him because he is so openly Christian (and maybe because he "plays black" ala Jason "White Chocolate" Williams), while others appear jealous of him because he seems to be encroaching on a black niche (the running quarterback). Does Ludacriss fall into the first camp?

I know little about
Ludacriss and would, in fact, like to know less, but it is possible he's one of these black Christians that thumps a bible by day but then lives like your typical hoodlum by night and so feels a sort of Christian kinship with Tebow. Or maybe Tebow is being encouraged by the wrong people to "street"/dirty his image so people (i.e. the media) don't hate him so much.

Ludacris knows he can hit a whole new target customer with Tebow and that's why this deal went through. It's all about the money.
Might even be a good career move for Tebow. If he can get more positive PR with blacks and DWF's he might actually get a shot in the pop-culture NFL.
This photo doesn't really bother me that much. I'm not much up on (c)rap/hip-hop culture but it is my understanding that this fellow Ludicris is one of the more tame rappers out there. I would be much more concerned if Tebow did a photo-op with a straight up thug like 'Lil Wayne or someone of that nature. That man truly is one of the most vulgar (c)rappers out there, not to mention a hideously ugly human being.
Any of the pre-Kapernick running QBs could have won a SB and so can TT but they need a dominant shut down D. Vick could have but his team gave him the Moss sized contract which guts the rest of the team, or Brady contract which guts his team.
The NY Jets announced yesterday that they refuse to relase Tim Tebow unless it's a trade. Talk about trying to ruin his career. They already stold a year of his life and treated him like sh**. At least be descent enough to let the kid move on. I hate the Jets! Outside of
Wayne Chrebet, they treat white football players lower than dirt. Not to mention that the coach is a moron!
Know who holds the "BCS bowl game record" for most passing yards in ANY single bowl game? Who threw for 482 yards (while rushing for 51) on 31 completions of 35 attempts in that bowl game against a Top 20 team?

It was Tebow in the Sugar Bowl, Jan 1, 2010 !!!!


The fella' passed for 9285 yards in college, 66.4 % completion, and 88 TD's vs. 16 interceptions, but "He can't pass".

Yes, his completion percentage was 46.5% in 2011 at Denver, but Denver used the run-option for short yardage INSTEAD of screen passes (which- being "easy to complete"- usually boost a QB's completion percentage by 5-7% if he gets to throw 7 or 8 of 'em a game). So, his completion percentage at Denver in 2011 was 46.5 % DESPITE not being called on to throw screen passes. Guess what Terry Bradshaw's first-year completion percentage was- 38% !!!! TEBOW CAN PASS (AND RUN) !!!

Tebow has proven that he can pass.

If I had a bad NFL team I'd trade for Tebow. I'd offer a fifth round pick but I'd go as high as a fourth. He's actually worth more but I think he can be had on the cheap.

I wouldn't "coach him up" as far as his throwing motion goes. I'd just leave him alone, he's had enough coaching on that.

I wouldn't design a special offense for him but I would build a conventional offense that emphasized the running game and the deep ball.

Then I'd give him a year as a starter to prove what he could do. I believe he'd do very well.
Tebow has proven that he can pass.

If I had a bad NFL team I'd trade for Tebow. I'd offer a fifth round pick but I'd go as high as a fourth. He's actually worth more but I think he can be had on the cheap.

I wouldn't "coach him up" as far as his throwing motion goes. I'd just leave him alone, he's had enough coaching on that.

I wouldn't design a special offense for him but I would build a conventional offense that emphasized the running game and the deep ball.

Then I'd give him a year as a starter to prove what he could do. I believe he'd do very well.

Or Tebow could get the same special treatment that Scam and Gremlin received and have an offense built around them similar to the won they played in college. The same type of offense that in 2010 all the "experts" said would not work when Tebow was coming out but now all the black quarterbacks who are "revolutionizing" the position get to play in. If Tebow was allowed to play in his same college offense I would have no doubt he would be a 60% passer.
I know that the Jags say they don't want Tebow(what are they suppose to say?) but their owner is no idiot and he knows Tebow fills that stadium every home game.
On ESPN radio the other day the talk jock, maybe Skip Bayless, I don't keep track of that stuff was interviewing the pastor of First Baptist in Dallas, the so-called "hate" church. (you gotta admire the culty marxy group, they go all in.). He was trying to demonize these evil Christians, and they are evil, because if right is wrong, and bad is good, then Christians in today's society are evil.

He wanted to know the churches stance on believing that Islam was a religion of pedophiles-which is the MSM's way of defending the Muslims (while they lobby for drone strikes against them), and then he asked the pastor: "what percentage of your church members feels that homosexuality is a sin?" I thought that was odd. He didn't ask if they thought it was wrong, but rather if they thought it was a sin. Now as I understand it the bible is fairly clear on it being a sin. You can choose not to believe that homosexuality is wrong but in an understanding of Christiananity it certainly has to be a sin.

So that's the direction they are going. Not only are religious people not going to be able to hold beliefs that are against the mainstream of cultural marxism but they are going to have to change what their beliefs are.

After the interview was over the talk was over how was Tebow going to be punished for his act of speaking to this church? Was the NFL going to punish Tebow. What would be sufficient punishment for an athlete speaking to a "hate" church. This had my head spinning. Now according to the jews that run this country a guy can't speak in a Baptist church.

I took some solace in the fact that a good Christian warrior like Tebow would not be prevented in his mission by the comments and the threats of the likes of these people.

Now, of course, Tebow has caved like every other weak spined, cowardly Christian and has changed his mind. He won't spoeak to the church. And just like every time this surrender is made it will not buy him one iota of sympathy from those that want to destroy him, it will only embolden them. What it will do is drive away those that support him. It certainly has worked with me. I no longer care what happens to him. I hope he does spend the rest of his life as the butt of jokes and a career backup. That's what cowards deserve.
On ESPN radio the other day the talk jock, maybe Skip Bayless, I don't keep track of that stuff was interviewing the pastor of First Baptist in Dallas, the so-called "hate" church. (you gotta admire the culty marxy group, they go all in.). He was trying to demonize these evil Christians, and they are evil, because if right is wrong, and bad is good, then Christians in today's society are evil.

He wanted to know the churches stance on believing that Islam was a religion of pedophiles-which is the MSM's way of defending the Muslims (while they lobby for drone strikes against them), and then he asked the pastor: "what percentage of your church members feels that homosexuality is a sin?" I thought that was odd. He didn't ask if they thought it was wrong, but rather if they thought it was a sin. Now as I understand it the bible is fairly clear on it being a sin. You can choose not to believe that homosexuality is wrong but in an understanding of Christiananity it certainly has to be a sin.

So that's the direction they are going. Not only are religious people not going to be able to hold beliefs that are against the mainstream of cultural marxism but they are going to have to change what their beliefs are.

After the interview was over the talk was over how was Tebow going to be punished for his act of speaking to this church? Was the NFL going to punish Tebow. What would be sufficient punishment for an athlete speaking to a "hate" church. This had my head spinning. Now according to the jews that run this country a guy can't speak in a Baptist church.

I took some solace in the fact that a good Christian warrior like Tebow would not be prevented in his mission by the comments and the threats of the likes of these people.

Now, of course, Tebow has caved like every other weak spined, cowardly Christian and has changed his mind. He won't spoeak to the church. And just like every time this surrender is made it will not buy him one iota of sympathy from those that want to destroy him, it will only embolden them. What it will do is drive away those that support him. It certainly has worked with me. I no longer care what happens to him. I hope he does spend the rest of his life as the butt of jokes and a career backup. That's what cowards deserve.

To call him a coward is a little too much i.m.o. Not that it matters. Tim Tebow did say he would still speak there but at a later date and
time. I'm sure he was told by the NFL and his agent, if he ever wants to play, don't speak there any time soon. The league is really going after any black or white player who speaks out against gays. It's the day and age we live in. I wish the stupid media would report how muslims and every other religion says that homosexuality is wrong but no they only attack christianity? Gee I wonder why? I am a little dissapointed but I understand why he backed out. It was career suiciide and he knew he would never have a chance to play again. This is
the way this country is now a days. At any job, if your are religious, you better keep your mouth shut or most companies if not all will fire you on the spot!!

I think Tim Tebow is trying to wait till he has a guaranteed contract. Then he can continue to help spread the message of christianity. I wonder though if any team has the guts to sign and him and let him start. I sure hope so!
We'll get to see how gutless Tebow is after this weekend if he can be convinced to back out of another speaking engagement at a conservative Christian (i.e. homophobic) location.

He'll probably go through with this one because if he backs down now he might as well just shut up for the rest of his life.

What this shows is that the war on Christianity has heated up to the point where following the biblical teachings of the last 2000 years is a crime. Right now it's a social crime but when celebrities are getting fined and fired by employers for doing it pretty soon the ignorant masses will turn on the average Joe. As depressing as this all is you kinda have to welcome it because it's going to force people to pick sides instead of drowning themselves in apathy.


Gay rights activists are demanding Tim Tebow back out of a speaking engagement at Liberty University just two weeks after pressuring the New York Jets quarterback to cancel a speaking engagement at the First Baptist Church of Dallas.

Tebow is expected to speak this weekend at Wildfire – a men’s conference hosted by the conservative Christian university. His remarks will be closed to the general public.
Reports this morning that Tim Tebow is being released by the Jets.
Hopefully, he can get picked up by someone who will give him a chance. But that may be unlikely.
Heard about the release a few mins before hearing about a black reporter saying there is a "black tax" in the NFL since Geno Smith was not drafted in the first round. :bowl:
Here is an article that is filled with just about every media misdirection/misconception about Tebow that you can think of. http://sports.yahoo.com/news/nfl--j...of-qb-is-willing-to-take-stock-145252244.html And like most of the articles on Tebow, reasoned support in the comments is tough to find. Most supporters will defend him because of his toughness, spirituality, character, etc., but toe the line on his abilities.
Hope all goes well for Tebow.

We'll see, but I'm not optimistic. He's already been destroyed and discredited by the CM media. I've been arguing with DWF's in the thread above, but it's useless and just gives me a headache.
I think its a full on attack on Tebow - they are going to do their best to blackball him from playing professional football ever again.
I think its a full on attack on Tebow - they are going to do their best to blackball him from playing professional football ever again.

The media and the league has orchestrated his demise pretty well. On sports talk radio today they were saying that he needs to go to the CFL because: look at last year he was a 3rd string scrub--so he's no good. HAHA Nice job NFL and NY. I knew they would engineer it this way. Trade him to a place where he never gets a chance to play and then say in a year or two --see he's no good, what did he do the last two years?

This is usually the way they bury White running backs but it's worked so well on the DWF's for a few generations that doing it to a QB was easy too.

The other arguement against him was that he brings a "circus" where ever he goes. Sure, the media creates the circus and it's Tebow's fault. I'm glad the guy has his faith because he is sure going to need it.

Odd how it was just two years ago he led a team to the playoffs winning a bunch of games late and then a dramatic playoff victory in overtime and all that has been completely forgotten. It was some of the most compelling football I've ever seen. And the NFL wants nothing to do with it.
Leonardfan - I think its a full on attack on Tebow - they are going to do their best to blackball him from playing professional football ever again.

I think your right, but Tebow isn't going away. He's going to show up somehow. He's just got that something you can't hold down. Just a winner of a person. Whatever happens, he'll just pick himself up, dust himself off and continue on.

Hey DWF's, repeat after me, "46% completion percentage, 46% completion percentage" and "can't read defenses, can't read defenses" and "can't make quick decisions, can't make quick decisions". There. He's now finished. We've gone over the 46% thing here, and the reasons are simple for it. The other two things that are being chanted by the masses are simply made up and repeated until they are "truth". One DWF responded to me that RG3, Newton, Wilson, and Kaepernick can run those offenses because they can "think fast". LOL!
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