Tim Tebow

If I was the coach, I would start Tim Tebow tommorow night and play him for around 3 solid quarters. They know what they have in Mallet as he is a solid 2nd string currently. They need to give "Touchdown" Timmy some more playing time to get his confidence up so if that when they use him occasionally this season he will be more prepared. Holding a clip board only helps so much. Tim needs to play to continue to improve and learn the ins and outs of the Pats Offense.

Objectively, that might be a good approach. It is tragic how politicized Tebow has become. It's to the point that one has to suspect that even someone as relatively independent as BB would think twice before making such a "radical" move in an otherwise inconsequential pre-season game. Then again BB does seem to pride himself in being a bit of a rebel in terms of his approach. The question is, does it take the form of Tebow getting meaningful minutes in this game (a game meaningful only to the players, like Timmy, who are on the bubble). And then there is the Rex Ryan factor. The stomping they took last week may tend to curtail BBs liberality in this instance or, who knows, it may encourage him to do the opposite and "think outside of the box" and maybe send a message to Tom Brady and co. to get their sh%t together.
It seems like Tebow made the final cut. Kudos to Belichek for not giving into the dwf media shenanigans.
Spoke too soon

The Raiders should pick Tebow up

It appears so. I am sick to my stomach. All the respect I had left for Belicheck went out the window. The clown in the hoody can you know what. I have a hunch Tebow will resurface somewhere else. Many think this the end of Tebow but I don't think people know Tebow that well. The nfl and the media has tried to break him. You can't break Tebow. He's a fighter. He'll be back.
Personally I hope this is the end of the long drawn out drama that has been Tebow's career. I was always on his bandwagon and except for a few bright spots when he was with Denver it's been a big disappointment. I did not follow him at all when he was in college, in fact I don't remember watching a single game he played in but when he came into the NFL with those gaudy numbers I thought he had to have something going on. But I waited in vain for him to show it as a pro.

From what I've seen of him in the NFL he is a poor passer with bad accuracy. He didn't even put throws in the area of his receivers so they could get them. When you look at how RGIII and Midget Russell have come in the league and been able to hit guys on a regular basis, it makes Tebow's lack of success all the more glaring.

Unfortunately at this point in his career there is not going to be a team to "build an offense around him" or "teach him the game". He had that one opportunity at Denver, and was in a good position there, but when the league conspired against him to blow that up and send him in exile to NY I knew it was bad news for him.

Unless he changes position and sells it to some organization he is done for. He has too much baggage for a team to risk trying him at QB and with the absurd trend for black quarterbacks going on there won't be spots anyway. I wish him well in his post football life and hope he doesn't have any surprises left for his fans.
the only reason RG3 has been able to hit people in stride is because they are like 5 yards open before he even throws due to the play action off of the read option, and the fact that they run a variety of passing plays, 1st, 2nd and 3rd down. IF he had to anticipate a receiver getting open and throw the ball before the guy even made his cut then it would be off the mark a lot more.

Tebow got to run the read option, but a really stripped down version of it, just the basic concepts. His passing plays were very long developing high risk high reward type plays, he mostly got to throw it on 3rd and long, and had the most completions for passes over 20 yards for any qb in like a 3 year span. Most of the passing patterns were deep down the field. Let him run the read option and dink and dunk with the occasional deep ball I think he would be fine. Yes he has trouble going through his progressions and locks on to his primary receiver, but lets not act like RG3 and Wilson are light years ahead of him. Rg3 got that 70 percent completion rate by the running game, run to set up the play action to the tight end for a 12 yard gain with 20 yards after the catch, or a 16 yard gain to the wr who gets an 88 yard td.

Tebow got to run more of a regular read option type offense in the last 5 minutes of games, and surprise, his qbr was the highest of any qb in the last 5 minutes that year. there is proof he can succeed. They accomodate Wilson, Rg3, Kaepernick, Newton, it shouldn't be a big deal to accomodate Tebow. I don't see why no chance at another position, they had a bunch of injuries to their pass catchers and he is a great runner. Yeah the dwf excuse is he never played the position before how is he going to learn it in the NFL. Antonio Gates never played the position either and has done fine.
I hate to say it, but BBs verdict in this matter carries a bit more authority than Rex's. At least as it concerns Tebow as a back up.

NE was not the situation for Tebow as a QB. After Denver he should have been picked up by a team that had gone 2-14 the previous year and started immediately. A team with nothing to lose. He's a leader not a "back up". And it's certainly not practical to design a whole new offense for your third stringer - takes valuable time away from practicing the game that you are actually going to play. Patriots are way too established a team for him.

Some enterprising soul with a struggling franchise needs to grab him and build a team around him and try it out for 2-3 years. He'd sell tickets, be exciting to watch and probably rehabilitate the team to .700 (.6875) level (even if he never becomes a Superbowl winning QB. How many do?)

The problem is that few struggling franchises are headed by enterprising souls - I mean after all, they are struggling.

I talked to a girl that had a great theory about why the Patriots picked up Tebow when they did. They did it to launder(clean) their image after the Hernandez debacle. Actually sounded like a somewhat legitimate theory. But then again, BB is famous for his rehabilitation projects and looking for treasure in other peoples trash heaps. So maybe the truth lies somewhere in between.
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I hate to say it, but BBs verdict in this matter carries a bit more authority than Rex's. At least as it concerns Tebow as a back up.
Bellichick is a known CHEATER as is the entire Patriots organization.
Weight, schmate.

NE was not the situation for Tebow as a QB.
Not when the fix is in from the beginning..which it was.

After Denver he should have been picked up by a team that had gone 2-14 the previous year and started immediately.
TT did that once at Denver, remember? And took them to the Playoffs, shredding the best defense in the NFL.

A team with nothing to lose. He's a leader not a "back up". And it's certainly not practical to design a whole new offense for your third stringer - takes valuable time away from practicing the game that you are actually going to play. Patriots are way too established a team for him.
And they got Blown out the exhibitio game 40-9 the one he didnt play but he still got flack for it for not playing!!

Some enterprising soul with a struggling franchise needs to grab him and build a team around him and try it out for 2-3 years. He'd sell tickets, be exciting to watch and probably rehabilitate the team to .700 (.6875) level (even if he never becomes a Superbowl winning QB. How many do?)
The NFL is fixed and has been a long time.

The problem is that few struggling franchises are headed by enterprising souls - I mean after all, they are struggling
Ironic that many of the owners and commissioners are J EWs as well, isnt it?

I talked to a girl that had a great theory about why the Patriots picked up Tebow when they did. They did it to launder(clean) their image after the Hernandez debacle. Actually sounded like a somewhat legitimate theory. But then again, BB is famous for his rehabilitation projects and looking for treasure in other peoples trash heaps. So maybe the truth lies somewhere in between.
Plausible, he is Pro Christian Anti Abortion.
1 of the NFLs bigger sponsors is also Pro Abortion, big conflict of interest. Plus hes a running QB and the league doesnt like that.

Lets face it.
Tebow LED the SEC is completion percentage passing. Was more accurate than the Manning brothers.
He -Tebow, broke every college record there was to break.
But the NFL league says he had to change his throwing motion? Said that about Bernie Kosar too, remember him?

Enter Denver and many DROPPED BALLS from sub par receivers.
His completion % is good enough to win even in the Negro Felon League or NCO, & thats what he does.

Dude, the NFL is fixed.
The more discerning know this already.
Personally I hope this is the end of the long drawn out drama that has been Tebow's career. I was always on his bandwagon and except for a few bright spots when he was with Denver it's been a big disappointment.
What? He didnt play last year!!

I did not follow him at all when he was in college, in fact I don't remember watching a single game he played in but when he came into the NFL with those gaudy numbers I thought he had to have something going on. But I waited in vain for him to show it as a pro.
When given a chance, he performed, outperformed really. He broke every college QB record there is to break, from completion % to wins. And Natl Championships/Heisman to boot.

From what I've seen of him in the NFL he is a poor passer with bad accuracy. He didn't even put throws in the area of his receivers so they could get them.
He was about 50% with Denverwith ALOT of dropped balls, for a crappy Denver team, but with alot of wins that got them from last place to Playoff win.
Poor passer with bad accuracy is nonsense. Go back and watch the film.
He was the most accurate QB in college from a completion %, but the NFL said they have to change his throwing motion. Of course, Bernie Kosar who threw sidearm never had to change his..

When you look at how RGIII and Midget Russell have come in the league and been able to hit guys on a regular basis, it makes Tebow's lack of success all the more glaring.
He played 1 yr,
Hetook over a last place team and took them to the playoffs beating the best D in the NFL. What are you smoking?

Unfortunately at this point in his career there is not going to be a team to "build an offense around him" or "teach him the game". He had that one opportunity at Denver, and was in a good position there, but when the league conspired against him to blow that up and send him in exile to NY I knew it was bad news for him.
True, Conspiure against him is accurate.

Unless he changes position and sells it to some organization he is done for.
He has the CFL if no team wants a Christian Anti Abortion QB that knows how to win..

He has too much baggage for a team to risk trying him at QB and with the absurd trend for black quarterbacks going on there won't be spots anyway.
Hitting the Ganja again?
TT has NO Baggage except being a Christian and Anti Abortion..Hardly compares to real baggage like animal cruelty, dog fighting, murder et al, but the PTB dont like his views.
IF these teams were actually trying to put fans in the seats, increase the value of their franchises, sell more merchandise, etc., then obviously one of them- Jacksonville immediately springs to mind- would have signed Tebow and anointed him the starter, built the offense around him, made him the face of the franchise.

It's not about the money, as we're so often told. If it was about the money, then clearly Tebow is a commodity that could make any team more of it. There is a larger agenda here, and it should be obvious to everyone. The NFL doesn't want any white players running the ball, and this includes white QBs, who thus must be excluded from the new "read option" craze. That's only for black quarterbacks. Next on the agenda- Johnny Manziel, who is probably even more dynamic than Tebow. They simply are not going to let him play in the NFL.

Tebow represents everything our sick, decaying, depraved culture despises. A good, clean, moral character is about as welcome in today's professional sports world as a porn star would be in the Vatican. Unless Tebow goes back to his original throwing motion, which allowed him to be an incredibly accurate thrower in college, he will be laughed out of the CFL, too. It's not like the CFL, or any other lesser sports league, is exactly white friendly. You see, America has an unlimited supply of magical, "talented" black males, despite the fact they comprise only 6% of our population.

I'm sure that ESPN, the NFL Network, and all the other msm outlets are celebrating Tebow being cut. Their nonstop efforts to ruin his career were successful.
Bellichick is a known CHEATER as is the entire Patriots organization.
Weight, schmate.

Not when the fix is in from the beginning..which it was.

The more discerning know this already.

You're a raving lunatic. I like Tebow but I am not living in a fantasy world.
You're a raving lunatic. I like Tebow but I am not living in a fantasy world.

Ad Hominem Marxist like attacks have nothing to do with this discussion or with reality.

You deny the Patriots Cheated their way to the Super Bowls by listening to their opponents plays via audio 'gate' before they were even called on gameday, Or 'illegally' taping their opponents practices?
This is not debatable, as facts cant be debated.

Interesting to note that Soon after the Patriots (always losers) went on a win string, the Patriot Act-Surveillance anti Constitutional bill was passed, and AmeriKa rallied to invade the entire Middle East to steal oil for Israel and set up Central Banks and create debt.
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IF these teams were actually trying to put fans in the seats, increase the value of their franchises, sell more merchandise, etc., then obviously one of them- Jacksonville immediately springs to mind- would have signed Tebow and anointed him the starter, built the offense around him, made him the face of the franchise.

It's not about the money, as we're so often told. If it was about the money, then clearly Tebow is a commodity that could make any team more of it. There is a larger agenda here, and it should be obvious to everyone. The NFL doesn't want any white players running the ball, and this includes white QBs, who thus must be excluded from the new "read option" craze. That's only for black quarterbacks. Next on the agenda- Johnny Manziel, who is probably even more dynamic than Tebow. They simply are not going to let him play in the NFL.

Tebow represents everything our sick, decaying, depraved culture despises. A good, clean, moral character is about as welcome in today's professional sports world as a porn star would be in the Vatican. Unless Tebow goes back to his original throwing motion, which allowed him to be an incredibly accurate thrower in college, he will be laughed out of the CFL, too. It's not like the CFL, or any other lesser sports league, is exactly white friendly. You see, America has an unlimited supply of magical, "talented" black males, despite the fact they comprise only 6% of our population.

I'm sure that ESPN, the NFL Network, and all the other msm outlets are celebrating Tebow being cut. Their nonstop efforts to ruin his career were successful.

You're a raving lunatic. I like Tebow but I am not living in a fantasy world.
1 of the NFL sponsors (KOMEN) which has the players wearing PINK on the field!!!! is a large donor to Planned Parenthood, a Multi Billion dollar organization, that pierces the skulls of children and sells their body parts for big money.
Tebow is obviously Anti Abortion...

Komen Announces New Funding for Planned Parenthood Abortion Biz

by Steven Ertelt | Washington, DC LifeNews.com | 6/18/12

Another Komen affiliate is sending thousands of dollars to the nation’s biggest Abortion business following the national controversy over Komen’s initial decision, and subsequent reversal, to deny Planned Parenthood funding.

The North Jersey affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure announced Friday that Planned Parenthood is among the recipients of more than $1.2 million in total grants to 18 local organizations. A news report reveals the Komen chapter had given a $20,000 grant to the local Planned Parenthood abortion business last year and chose to renew the grant this year.

Komen North Jersey spokeswoman Kathi Edelson Wolder said Friday the organization had an independent panel review all its grant applications.

“Planned Parenthood was found worthy in terms of its patient education and how they measure up to our priorities in meeting the needs of women and men in our community,†she said.

In a press release Friday, the organization added that this year’s grants are based on a “comprehensive, biannual community profile†conducted in 2011 to make sure the programs address unmet needs.

Earlier this year, after the dustup, the Washington Post reported that at least 17 Planned Parenthood affiliates will be funded this year, about the same number that received grants in 2011, according to a tally provided by Komen.

“Additional grants may continue to be awarded because not all of the 122 Komen affiliates base awards on the fiscal year that began April 1. Planned Parenthood has said its Komen grants totaled about $680,000 in 2011 and went to at least 19 of its 79 affiliates,†it said.

In April, Susan G. Komen for the Cure’s Austin Affiliate announced that it would award more than $1.4 million in grants this year to local organizations, including Planned Parenthood, according to one local news report. Planned Parenthood of the Texas Capital Region will receive $45,000 even though Planned Parenthood does not perform mammograms and despite the fact that abortion increases a woman’s risk of contracting breast cancer.

Figures from August 2011 directly from the Komen for the Cure foundation show 18 affiliates of the breast cancer charity gave a total of more than $569,000 to the Planned Parenthood abortion business in 2010. That was down from the $731,303 Komen officials publicly confirmed in October 2010, when they acknowledged that 20 of the 122 Komen affiliates gave to Planned Parenthood during the 2009 fiscal year.

Komen spokeswoman Leslie Aun appeared apologetic about the decision to revoke funding to Planned Parenthood, in her comments to the Post.

“We know that people have been upset and concerned about recent events,†she said. “We’ve acknowledged our missteps and apologized. People need to know that we have not and never will walk away from women in need. There is no one filling the gap in services the way that Komen is.â€

The renewal of funding to the Planned Parenthood abortion business is upsetting for Austin Ruse, the president of the Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute, who initially had hoped Komen would stay true to its initial decisions.

“Komen knows the truth about Planned Parenthood. Planned Parenthood does not do mammograms. It is sad they could not hold out against the mafia-like onslaught of this awful group,†he told LifeNews.

The donations will certainly prompt the continued boycott of the Komen breast cancer group by millions of pro-life Americans who find it disingenuous that the women’s organization would partner with an abortion business when abortions are linked to an increase in breast cancer and when Planned Parenthood has been proven to mislead the public by falsely claiming it performs mammograms.
Tebows college stats that he compiled playing in the most competitive and best league in college football.
Note his excellent completion percentatge, obviously this is before the FIXED NFL decided they have to change his throwing motion..

Touchdown responsibility: Tebow shattered Danny Wuerffel's SEC career record, but he did not break the NCAA major-college record (henceforth, all references to the NCAA are to its top division of football), although another Senior Bowl QB did

Tebow shattered Danny Wuerffel's SEC career record, but he did not break the NCAA major-college record (henceforth, all references to the NCAA are to its top division of football), although another Senior Bowl QB did.

To look at it another way, Tebow accounted for 50 percent more TDs in his career than all but three players in SEC history

By running for 14 TDs in 2009, Tebow broke this career record, too. He finished with 57 -- four more than Kevin Faulk scored LSU from 1995 through 1998.

Rushing touchdowns: Another broken record for Tebow.

Total offense: Tebow became the first SEC player to reach 12,000 yards of total offense in his career.

Passing efficiency: Tebow not only set the SEC record for highest career passer rating, he also broke the standing NCAA record. Unfortunately for Tebow, so did another QB -- and by more than Tebow did.

Interception ratio: One reason for Tebow's high passer rating is his low interception ratio. In his career, Tebow threw an interception every 62.2 passes.

Completion percentage: The SEC limits this category to quarterbacks who have completed at least 300 passes, and among that group, Tebow ranked second entering the season and ends his career in the same spot.

Interesting to note that Soon after the Patriots (always losers) went on a win string, the Patriot Act-Surveillance anti Constitutional bill was passed, and AmeriKa rallied to invade the entire Middle East to steal oil for Israel and set up Central Banks and create debt.

Haha. Patriots - Patriot act. You're bonkers.

So your contention also seems to be that the great success of the Patriots, the whitest team in Football (as well as the winningest in the last 20 yrs) was also an NFL plot to...make the country less Christian. You're incoherent.

Unless you are contending that Christianity is Anti-white. That's an argument that actually can be made independent of any consideration of the Patriots or the NFL. Haha. And yeah, BTW, only Zionists and gullible Christians have supported those wars in the middle east, every one else has pretty much been like WTF?

I don't deny that the Patriots were caught spying on other teams. What that has to do with the NFL being fixed is beyond me.
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I never saw a team called "Patriots" winning the first post-9/11 SB as anything manipulative (by either divine or earthly forces), and I still don't.

I never saw a team called "Patriots" winning the first post-9/11 SB as anything manipulative (by either divine or earthly forces), and I still don't.


If the NFL really wanted a fix for post-9/11 they'd put both New York teams in the Super Bowl.
I never saw a team called "Patriots" winning the first post-9/11 SB as anything manipulative (by either divine or earthly forces), and I still don't.

Sorry, I dont believe in coincidence...

The Patriots couldnt nor didnt win/dominate with Bill Parcells nor Carroll-fired. Teams were about 500 at best.

Bellichick, not known for winning, went 5-11 his first year -2000. Fired from Cleveland for not winning in 1995, didnt coach again until 2000.

Then Al-CIAeda (Israeli Mossad) did 911 and Bellichick goes 11-5 and soon dominates the NFL? Suddenly Patriotism is the order of the day..support the troops and all that BS.
Dude, the fix was in.... America is collectively stupid.

Kruschev said Americans are so stupid you can spit in their eye and tell thems it dew. Its true.
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Haha. Patriots - Patriot act. You're bonkers.

Do you think its also a coincidence that the most oppressive bill in our history, the most un Constitutional and degenerate is also called The PATRIOT ACT?

So your contention also seems to be that the great success of the Patriots, the whitest team in Football (as well as the winningest in the last 20 yrs) was also an NFL plot to...make the country less Christian. You're incoherent.
I said nothing about Christianity you fool.
The Patriots cheated their way to wins, this is fact. Listening to their opponants plays and filming their practices, is cheating in everyones book. Their success isnt on merit. Its for show, and happened soon after America was 'attacked' by our CIA and Israeli Mossad in the false flag aka 911 to take us to war to steal Oil for Israel.

]Unless you are contending that Christianity is Anti-white. That's an argument that actually can be made independent of any consideration of the Patriots or the NFL. Haha.
As it is being practiced today, yes it is Anti White. Christianity has been usurped by the same enemies of Christ for 2000 years..Jewry.
Divorce, abortion and filth (J E W Porn et al) abound and are practiced by many so called Christians, as is support for an Apartheid State called IsraHell.

And yeah, BTW, only Zionists and gullible Christians have supported those wars in the middle east, every one else has pretty much been like WTF?
What in the hell do you think Christianity in America is? Its Zionism lite. Its been supported, and was from the get go and people still wave their invade Syria flags for more war for IsraHell.

I don't deny that the Patriots were caught spying on other teams. What that has to do with the NFL being fixed is beyond me.
Spying and cheating to win at a time when Americas elite needed support to invade 6 nations now to steal oil for Israel.
Pat Tillman was also taken out by US Forces, He was a liability and began to speak out about the illegality of these so called wars that Congress never declared, as per our Constitution. You probably deny that as well..shillstein.
The Patriots couldnt nor didnt win/dominate with Bill Parcells nor Carroll-fired. Teams were about 500 at best.

Bellichick, not known for winning, went 5-11 his first year -2000. Fired from Cleveland for not winning in 1995, didnt coach again until 2000.

Then Al-CIAeda (Israeli Mossad) did 911 and Bellichick goes 11-5 and soon dominates the NFL? Suddenly Patriotism is the order of the day..support the troops and all that BS.
Dude, the fix was in.... America is collectively stupid.

Kruschev said Americans are so stupid you can spit in their eye and tell thems it dew. Its true.

You think people give a **** that the New England football team is called the Patriots? They don't. Patriots winning won't make them anymore Patriotic.
If the NFL really wanted a fix for post-9/11 they'd put both New York teams in the Super Bowl.

You mean like they did after Katrina, taking the New Orleans Aints, worst team in the NFL to the big show?

The NY Teams dont have Patriot for a mascot.

J E W Owner Bob Kraft knows how to get what he wants and the masses lop it up like pigs to slop.
Now its more invasion, more taxes, Obama care, declining dollar, loss of Jobs, future market collapse, whites are being brutalized by blacks and the double standard for hate crimes is appalling....ala Trayvon Martin and that sideshow, but least we have Hank Williams singing 'All My Rowdy Friends are Coming Over On Monday Night' to fire em up and make em forget about how F*cked up things are.
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You think people give a **** that the New England football team is called the Patriots? They don't. Patriots winning won't make them anymore Patriotic.

'Patriots winning won't make them anymore Patriotic'

You dont think at time of war, having and dubbing Americas team, now the Patriots, assists in that regard?
You really and overestimate the intelligence of the average American...typical war supporter below.

Bellicheck was stuck with an expansion team in Cleveland that was hard to win with. He admitted that he made some mistakes as a head coach and vowed to not make them again if he became a head coach again, but once he set the tone for who he was as a coach in the Cleveland lockerroom you really can't change that. I believe he still coached, just not as a head coach.

The Saints didn't reach the big show until 2009, Katrina happened before the 2005 regular season happened, and they had to pratice in high schools during that season, wouldn't have made more sense to let them win THAT year, with Aaron Brooks with like one White starter, instead of the next year with Drew Brees and a revamped team?. Did they know the oil spill was going to happen the next summer so they "let them" win the Superbowl? Drew Brees is a top qb, up there with Manning and Brady as well as Rodgers. In 2006 they made it to the NFC championship game and were humiliated by the Bears who had signs that said "we will finish what Katrina started".

You are discrediting everything White players have accomplished by saying this is all fixed. New England has been a very White friendly team. The turn around in New Orleans was the addition of Drew Brees and them bringing in 3 White linebackers, known as the Snow Patrol. They have slowly gone away from this and have been one and done in the playoffs the past few years. The Superbowl season they still had a somewhat White team with Fujita and Shanle on defense , and to mask the deficiency on the defense (the coal black secondary that couldn't cover) they blitzed alot , and got lucky. The offense was already great with Drew Brees, who has done the most with the least out of all the top qbs, majority sumo line and mediocre receivers. All they have to do is run the right route and catch the ball, no acrobatic jumping receptions where he just heaves it up for athletic receivers to grab, because non of the wideouts can do that. He has pin point accuracy, which has been proven over time. However, he had Shockey during the Superbowl and the Saints split him and David Thomas out wide like receivers quite a bit, and Sean Payton had already had plenty of success as an offensive coordinator in New York.

So you are basically saying the whole thing was fixed, and frankly I don't see how you fix a play like the onside kick after half time where the (WHITE) Chris Reis gets the ball after the mediocre Hank Baskett had his hands on it, with Baskett's mudshark wife crying out of the venue. The same way it would have been hard to stage the blocked punt the WHITE Steve Gleason had during the season opener against the Falcons when the Dome first opened up after Katrina. If you ever played football you would realize how hard it would be to choreograph a play like that. The only thing refs can do is throw flags to try and influence a game. You can't fix the entire thing. Teams can still outplay the refs, although sometimes getting flagged often leaves them down. The Saints were flagged quite a bit during the Superbowl season but didn't get down. This is where Brees' "zulu antics" come to help.

Teams exploited the all out blitzing the next seasons which is why they got rid of Gregg Williams, it really didn't have much to do with "bounty gate" (something that most teams have, and players on other teams have admitted.

Patriots cheated, but pretty much every other team was doing the same thing, the Patriots got caught. The only thing they really got busted for was stealing signals for the redzone plays the Rams had. The Rams really never made it to the redzone in that Superbowl game and they knew about this before the game, so, they most likely changed signals. By the way, there is no rule that a coach can't go to another teams practice and watch the signals, they just can't record it. They can write it all down on paper. Instead of the White friendly offense we see now, they have a White friendly defense that stopped Marshall Faulk, who was the key to the greatest show on turf. So by saying this you are denying that the talent of those White players had anything to do with the win.

like someone said, putting both New York teams in the Superbowl would have done much more for the cause. Because I remember after 9/11 the Giants whooped the Saints (yes a lot of flags were thrown against the Saints but they weren't exactly great either) and everybody was happy, much happier than when the Patriots won the Superbowl.
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American Freedom News