Tim Tebow

Some generic blogger who gets paid to write copy for CBS published a list of nine quarterback options for the Patriots. The ninth was a picture of Tom Brady with a handlebar mustache and the caption 'Tim Grady.' That's a clever joke. The final line of the "article" was that Grady was still a better option than Tim Tebow. This is not a clever or funny joke.

Here's a very in-depth article about Tebow's career trajectory written by an alt-right ally.

The Passion of Tim Tebow: Jews Control Professional Sports, Here’s Why It Matters

It's a bit "heavy" for polite company, but neatly summarizes the popular shell game we see all too often.

Had read it already. It was dead on.
That article is completely accurate. Nobody wants to say it, but that is right on target and it (the Tebow ostracization by the string pullers in the league ) is also indicative of what they do in the other areas of major influence they have here in the ussa. Nothing else is a plausible explanation of why what goes on, goes on.
Why didn't Tebow ever play for the Canadian football league?
American Freedom News