The Trump Era Begins

Biden will have the moderators on his side 100 %. His handlers will have given him some cute phrases. If he can deliver them and doesn't fall apart, the MSM will unanimously declare Biden the winner.

In the past Biden did fairly well in two VP debates and held his own with Bernie Sanders early this year.
Never have i looked forward to a debate like i have tonight. Feels like a big football game is ready to happen! Little did i know how legendary the Hilliary debates would be!

Joe will likely have a shot of Ritalin mixed w Vitamin B12......Down to the Party of Davos! If no kid gloves; he's going to get his face ripped off!
So Trump cucked and gave Blacks Reperations huh?

By no means for Pedo Joe but man must be nice to be black. Pout, destroy cities and still get your way.
Debate was a shitshow. I caught some of it on the radio and it was unlistenable. If Trump could act Presidential in one if these debates he could sway some undecideds.
Trump has peerless energy and power, but it was unharnessed in this debate. To make a sports analogy he's like early Sandy Koufax and Randy Johnson, still unable to control his fastball even in his mid-70s. He's a super alpha-predator, but that is an acquired taste in a country in which raw masculinity has been demonized as "toxic" for decades now. Old Joe hung in there, two more debates to go, the only certainty is that this election isn't going to be decided Election Day, it's all about how bad and nasty it's going to get afterward.
Agreed. Our society is weak. But I am not and I really enjoyed Trump’s tenacity. He knew he was up against both Joe and Chris Wallace. In my opinion he wipes both of them off the floor.

I expect the next debate to he even more in Trump’s court- he has seen Biden and what he brings to the table now.
Debate was a shitshow. I caught some of it on the radio and it was unlistenable. If Trump could act Presidential in one if these debates he could sway some undecideds.

Yeah from what snippets I saw Trump was being Trump and that might be wearing thin for some. Biden managed to hold his own.

Wallik is a rodent.
Yeah from what snippets I saw Trump was being Trump and that might be wearing thin for some. Biden managed to hold his own.

Wallik is a rodent.

I've been afraid all along that swing voters would go for Biden in order to get "peace and quiet." The MSM had their "Biden Wins" headline written long before the "debate."
This is like 2016 all over again. Remember, it was all over for Trump after the first debate ... according to conservatives. Biden managed to not die during the debate. That's really about it.

I will give Biden that one good zinger about Trump only being in the suburbs if he was lost. That one wasn't bad.
It was a mess . Trump took on Biden & Wallace(sub par moderator) gotcha questions and all. . He did good Joe to alienate the far left with the New Green Deal.

Biden was the one who said "racist" ; "clown" "shut up" ....not Trump

They keep saying Trump refuses to denounce white supremacy. Biden is the LIAR. Media been LYING ALL DAY about this! Repeat LIE enough!
Larry Elder & Hershel Walker are class acts in defending Trump and calling out Media lies!
Trump has taken on the world at all ends. From the attempted silent coup at the beginning of his Presidency to the bogus impeachment over a normal phone call with a leader of Ukraine. His accomplishments have been great. 36o miles of a border wall, soon to be 3 conservative SCOTUS judges. No middle east wars, incredible prosperity before COVID hit.

I pray he gets another 4 years. Even in last night's debate he was taking on two. Wallace always to bail out Slow Joe and refusing to press him. F him!
TwentyTwo and Westside I agree 100%.

Trump took on both moderator and opponent and dominated them in both presence and substance.
The President has tested positive for Covid-19.

One of the most protected men on the planet? Weeks before an election, when he's even more protected than usual?

Assassination attempt will be confirmed if it turns out to be a suspiciously mutated variant that is immune to hydroxychloroquine.
The President has tested positive for Covid-19.

One of the most protected men on the planet? Weeks before an election, when he's even more protected than usual?

Assassination attempt will be confirmed if it turns out to be a suspiciously mutated variant that is immune to hydroxychloroquine.
CFers if you believe in God pray!
I am a Catholic. Please pray for the President his Wife and trusted confident Hope Hicks! Who has reported having COVID 19.
Praying for them all. But I am not worried as he has less than 1% chance of dying. Much less than 1%.

Plus he is as energetic and tough as they come. He will have the greatest recovery of all time..
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