The Trump Era Begins

Does it really make a difference? How is you life going to change in anyway no matter who wins an election? The bureaucracy is so set in place things are going to change very little and you won't even notice unless you live in a ghetto or inner city. Take the worry about socialism and "communism". Hell the govt runs everything already. What are they going to socialize? Every step a company makes is controlled by a volume of regulations. The system is so fossilized in place it will never change.

Riots? It's all stuff in the cities. Fat lesbos, soy boys, and ferel negroes. That group isn't going to overthrow anything. Let em burn it all down. The "victims" of their violence deserve it. To much energy is caring about stuff that is never going to change and never going to effect you.
Does it really make a difference? How is you life going to change in anyway no matter who wins an election? The bureaucracy is so set in place things are going to change very little and you won't even notice unless you live in a ghetto or inner city. Take the worry about socialism and "communism". Hell the govt runs everything already. What are they going to socialize? Every step a company makes is controlled by a volume of regulations. The system is so fossilized in place it will never change.

Riots? It's all stuff in the cities. Fat lesbos, soy boys, and ferel negroes. That group isn't going to overthrow anything. Let em burn it all down. The "victims" of their violence deserve it. To much energy is caring about stuff that is never going to change and never going to effect you.

Exactly. I am still waiting to see a credible explanation on how this "civil war" scenario is going to play out. No uniforms, no geographic dispute, most White Americans are either very young, old, or pathetically out of shape. Are Trump voters going to be hunting down Biden voters and vice versa? Where will this sudden army come from, and how will they stop the fedgov from slaughtering it with high-tech weapons. Dream on.
I guess if you are really fired up you could kidnap a govener and put them on trial. But that doesn't seem like it would work out too well.
A Trump supporter was just gunned down in Denver, Antifa cheered his death. Just an idea though.
I realize Chris Wallace is a Democrat, but still held hope FOX News debate would be more neutral from the moderator as it should be.

my prediction: Trump wins on Election Day and then over the next couple weeks a ton of blue ballots are “found” and the Democrats try to steal the election. I think it will be enough to push the country over the edge into Civil War.
A few Big-Data firms are predicting that too.
Bucky, we will find this story disappears quickly now that evidence coming out paints them into the anarchist crowd and not white supremacy. The media was frothing at the mouth at the idea that white supremacists plotted this - but once again their blatant agenda is exposed.

How anyone who is “neutral” can still listen to the MSM is beyond me...
Bucky, we will find this story disappears quickly now that evidence coming out paints them into the anarchist crowd and not white supremacy. The media was frothing at the mouth at the idea that white supremacists plotted this - but once again their blatant agenda is exposed.

How anyone who is “neutral” can still listen to the MSM is beyond me...

Yup another one down the rabbit hole.
Not down the rabbit hole but through the looking glass. Ms. Witchner is all over the media blaming this on Trump and right wing violence. The actual facts of the matter are not part of the discussion.
Not down the rabbit hole but through the looking glass. Ms. Witchner is all over the media blaming this on Trump and right wing violence. The actual facts of the matter are not part of the discussion.
That B*tch is a special piece of work! Can not believe the ppl in MI voted for that power-hungry tyrant!
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In other more positive news. Trump has tested negative for COVID19 today. The Man is superman. He will now step on the gas rallying across the country. I can not believe the crooked polls. Over the weekend there were large caravans Where I live with yuge Trump flags, Old Glory, and Thin Blue Line Flags.
I tell you what Westside - I like Trump more and more as he flips the finger time and again to the Left.
I saw a Trump rally yesterday in a city that’s basically a suburb of Seattle. Even in the very liberal area of Seattle I’m starting to see a lot more Trump supporters out and about. It’s a good sign.
Dictator Whitmer is as vile as it gets. Look into her soul less eyes. She has a seat at the table w crazy Nancy; crooked Hilliary & mad Maxine. In the 1600's they would have politely escorted her out of no longer needed.

I appreciate what Trump has done vs. the Party of Davos at the World Economic Forum back in January. Basically undoing the last 25 years of work from previous administration(s) Uni-Party system. The NWO global cabal wants him removed (see Sachs) as he is an major obstacle to their socialist uptopia Agenda 2030; The "Great Re Set". Jan 2021....

.....And this manufactured virus from the Wuhan lab; mainstream state run bought-n-paid $ for media NOT allowed to speak of this is very telling! The MSM is public enemy #1 IMO. The timing of this was virus no accident w Event 201 & follows Rockefeller Foundation "Operation Lockstep" 2010. For the past 25 years the U.S. is been pimped out to the Globalist. Orange Man finally stands up to the CCP...and here comes the virus!

Biden will sign the U.S. back into the Paris Climate Accord. China will not pay their $share until 2030......
Trump has balls of steel; we all know he is countering the Globalist agenda of one-world Marxist government. Giant steel balls!
Trump crushed Slo Joe in last night's debate. He got Biden to admit to ending fossil fuels. Biden campaign in "clean up mode today." Today, Trump was happy and relaxed. I believe all these polls are fake and used as a means to demoralize normies. KAG 2020!
Trump crushed Slo Joe in last night's debate. He got Biden to admit to ending fossil fuels. Biden campaign in "clean up mode today." Today, Trump was happy and relaxed. I believe all these polls are fake and used as a means to demoralize normies. KAG 2020!

I agree. He had his swagger back last night and kept his cool undre pressure. Meanwhile Biden kept looking at his watch which is a mini teleprompter I'm sure. He can't just wing it like Trump can!
My own opinion is that in a fair election Trump would win by a comfortable margin, maybe even a landslide.

But the corrupt Democrats commit such massive vote fraud they may well steal this election.
My own opinion is that in a fair election Trump would win by a comfortable margin, maybe even a landslide.

But the corrupt Democrats commit such massive vote fraud they may well steal this election.

I am with you. The push for mail in ballots reeks of voter fraud. There have already been examples of ballots voting for Trump being tossed in different states. The media tries to sweep it under the rug of course. The lefists have been pushing for years for illegals being able to vote, pushing for ex-cons to have their voting rights given back to them, voters not having to confirm their identity and now we are seeing this big media push (saw that facebook commercial 10 times yesterday) to vote (with the implication being to vote left).

The election will come down to battle ground states - Texas, Florida, Pennsylvania all in play. Biden is the essence of everything wrong with the Amerikan political system - lifelong politician, corrupt as hell, anti-American in every way. The lunacy on the of "Orange Man Bad" just goes to show what lemmings those on the left are. Parroting fake talking points from there favorite propaganda outlets. If Hunter Biden were Donald Trump Jr. I would imagine the media would be covering that story much more intently rather than ignore it.
The corruption of the Bidens looks to be beyond belief. Joe's a true national security threat due to being easily blackmailable by China and the other countries he's accepted kickbacks from. And Hunter is a degenerate of the highest order. An anti-communist China group released a film of a naked, crack smoking Hunter getting a "foot job" from a woman, probably a prostitute but her face isn't seen and it isn't known if she's of age or not. Hunter supposedly has a fondness for underage girls, and old Joe is now being accused of messing around with the daughter of Sen. Coons of Delaware, while Joe's daughter is accusing him of sexually abusing her when she was young. Joe's a senile, utterly corrupt piece of creepiness and graft, the best the crazy communist Democrat Party could come up with. Even with all the demographic and ideological changes in this country, I agree that only fraud will enable Biden to win.
The corruption of the Bidens looks to be beyond belief. Joe's a true national security threat due to being easily blackmailable by China and the other countries he's accepted kickbacks from. And Hunter is a degenerate of the highest order. An anti-communist China group released a film of a naked, crack smoking Hunter getting a "foot job" from a woman, probably a prostitute but her face isn't seen and it isn't known if she's of age or not. Hunter supposedly has a fondness for underage girls, and old Joe is now being accused of messing around with the daughter of Sen. Coons of Delaware, while Joe's daughter is accusing him of sexually abusing her when she was young. Joe's a senile, utterly corrupt piece of creepiness and graft, the best the crazy communist Democrat Party could come up with. Even with all the demographic and ideological changes in this country, I agree that only fraud will enable Biden to win.
Utterly disgusting.

If Pedo Joe wins an honest election, then the country is officially gone and lost forever.
I can’t believe anyone here still supports Trump. Did you guys stop following the news after 2016 or do you get all your news from Fox and Maga Facebook? Cause I can’t see how anyone who’s been keeping up with everything could have anything other than complete contempt toward Trump.

Trump promised to build a 2000 mile border wall. He ended up building a couple miles worth of new fencing, the rest of what he did was reinforce weakened parts of the previously built fencing.

Trump promised he was going to deport millions of illegals back to Mexico and Central America. He ended up deporting less people than Obama .

Trump said he was going to follow an America first foreign policy and end the wars. He ended up moving the embassy to Jerusalem, canceling the Iran deal, bombing Syria multiple times,, increasing troops in the Middle East, assassinating an Iranian general, trying to organize a coup in Venezuela, and doing everything he can to start a war with Iran.

He said he was going to drain the swamp and end corruption and instead he filled his cabinet and administration with swamp creature . He gave his completely unqualified daughter and Jewish son in law tops job in the White House. He put Kushner in charge of brokering peace in the Middle East and tech policy. If you want to talk about hunter Biden making 50k a month through his dad’s connections Jared and Ivanka made over 135 million dollars in 2018 due to connections they made through their top White House positions

Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires. He repealed regulations designed to give us clean water and clean food. He pardoned thousands of black criminals that went on to set half the country on fire while trump did nothing but watch.He pardoned Jewish criminals like Sholom Rubashkin. He disgraced the Oval Office by inviting pornstars like Kim kardashian and her anti white rapper husband to discuss official policy with him. He literally declared himself the King of Israel and “the chosen one”.

There’s so much more I could say about how awful Trump has been. I’m voting for Joe Biden and I’m hoping he crushes Trump. The only major policy difference between the two is that Biden won’t try and start a major war . But I also like Biden because he conducts himself with class and dignity, He acts like a white man. Trump is just a black guy with orange skin. That’s why non Whites love him and his trashy behavior. Him and Biden are almost tied among Hispanic males.
I can’t believe anyone here still supports Trump. Did you guys stop following the news after 2016 or do you get all your news from Fox and Maga Facebook? Cause I can’t see how anyone who’s been keeping up with everything could have anything other than complete contempt toward Trump.

Trump promised to build a 2000 mile border wall. He ended up building a couple miles worth of new fencing, the rest of what he did was reinforce weakened parts of the previously built fencing.

Trump promised he was going to deport millions of illegals back to Mexico and Central America. He ended up deporting less people than Obama .

Trump said he was going to follow an America first foreign policy and end the wars. He ended up moving the embassy to Jerusalem, canceling the Iran deal, bombing Syria multiple times,, increasing troops in the Middle East, assassinating an Iranian general, trying to organize a coup in Venezuela, and doing everything he can to start a war with Iran.

He said he was going to drain the swamp and end corruption and instead he filled his cabinet and administration with swamp creature . He gave his completely unqualified daughter and Jewish son in law tops job in the White House. He put Kushner in charge of brokering peace in the Middle East and tech policy. If you want to talk about hunter Biden making 50k a month through his dad’s connections Jared and Ivanka made over 135 million dollars in 2018 due to connections they made through their top White House positions

Trump gave tax cuts to billionaires. He repealed regulations designed to give us clean water and clean food. He pardoned thousands of black criminals that went on to set half the country on fire while trump did nothing but watch.He pardoned Jewish criminals like Sholom Rubashkin. He disgraced the Oval Office by inviting pornstars like Kim kardashian and her anti white rapper husband to discuss official policy with him. He literally declared himself the King of Israel and “the chosen one”.

There’s so much more I could say about how awful Trump has been. I’m voting for Joe Biden and I’m hoping he crushes Trump. The only major policy difference between the two is that Biden won’t try and start a major war . But I also like Biden because he conducts himself with class and dignity, He acts like a white man. Trump is just a black guy with orange skin. That’s why non Whites love him and his trashy behavior. Him and Biden are almost tied among Hispanic males.
You made good points until you said you were voting for Biden. Biden is totally controlled by the Israel lobby as well. A new war / conflict on their behalf would be almost a guarantee in his 4 years. Trump has actually avoided this other than a few faux “shows of force”. Also Biden doesn’t conduct himself like any White man I’d want in my family. When he’s not shuckin’ and jive talkin’ and reminiscing about hanging out with inner city Wilmington negroes, he’s making anti-White statements feed to him by his handlers.

For a clear example of why Trump is marginally better than Biden, look to the last debate. Trump signed an executive order ending critical race theory training (it maybe toothless but it’s a good gesture) while Biden defended it by saying “who could possibly be against racial sensitivity training”.

Lastly, there is little evidence that non-Whites love Trump. Black voted around 95% and hispanics 75% against him in 2016. I doubt these percentages improve much next week. That’s a funny way they have of showing him love.
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