The Trump Era Begins

I was so pissed of Chris “incompetent” Wallace has all that time to come up with solid questions and he bombed. Critical Race Theory indeed teaches to hate white men and this country. And the Proud Boys are not a white supremacy group - their leader is afro-Cuban!

Disappointed Trump didn’t seem to know who they were and really disappointed in Wallace. He is a big part of the problem - even at Fox Democrat lies prevail.
I was so pissed of Chris “incompetent” Wallace has all that time to come up with solid questions and he bombed. Critical Race Theory indeed teaches to hate white men and this country. And the Proud Boys are not a white supremacy group - their leader is afro-Cuban!

Disappointed Trump didn’t seem to know who they were and really disappointed in Wallace. He is a big part of the problem - even at Fox Democrat lies prevail.

Chris Wallace is a staunchly anti-Trump Democrat, so it is no surprise he acted that way. Trump's de facto defeat in 2020 is a foregone conclusion because the Leftists have effectively rigged the election. That being said, the time for Nationalists to organize is now. If Nationalists organize now, they can build a much more effective movement than MAGA.
I realize Chris Wallace is a Democrat, but still held hope FOX News debate would be more neutral from the moderator as it should be.

my prediction: Trump wins on Election Day and then over the next couple weeks a ton of blue ballots are “found” and the Democrats try to steal the election. I think it will be enough to push the country over the edge into Civil War.
my prediction: Trump wins on Election Day and then over the next couple weeks a ton of blue ballots are “found” and the Democrats try to steal the election. I think it will be enough to push the country over the edge into Civil War.

I don't think Trump will win. The global leftist machine has spent twenty years engineering their vote creation system to allow them to steal elections.
I don't think Obama won either of his elections. But his vote counts were close enough in key locations that they could stuff the ballots (and remove R-votes) to give him a comfortable win, twice.
I'm confident that the same apparatus was functioning in 2016, but Trump's actual vote totals were so overwhelming that even cheating wasn't enough to make up the difference. They would have needed blatantly obvious manipulations to change that result, which they weren't prepared to engage in back then. They will certainly be willing now. Even though I think just mild cheating in battleground states will be enough this time. The left's destruction of American society for the entire year has been enough to sour sufficient numbers of people on Trump, even if none of it is his fault. These are the stupid centrist "change" voters, who always just want to throw out those currently in power.
"but Trump's actual vote totals were so overwhelming that even cheating wasn't enough to make up the difference"

Where did you get this information from? Hillary won the popular vote by over 3 million voters. Trump won the electoral college vote.
I disagree. Not that Democrats cheat - of course they do. But Trump won the battleground states which enabled him to pull away and win the Electoral College. Hillary won the popular vote (I’m sure at least a couple million illegal votes helped).

But I think enough of the country is aware of how devastating Biden-Harris will be that Trump will win. And I believe Democrats know this and this is why they are pushing mail in voting. They know they cannot win faire and square.

However, we have already seen many examples of fraud (Project Veritas in MN, dumped ballots in PN,etc) and the Demoncrats will effectively steal the election. Their evil knows no bounds.

And we will have a contested election - violence will fill the streets in the suburbs as Right begins to fight back against the radical Left. We will enter into a hot Civil War not unlike Colombia had what 40-50 years ago? Something like that.

Be prepared men. Tough times are ahead unfortunately. But times that need tough men to prevail. Our very freedoms are at stake here.
Not to keep going back and forth but which part of my post do you disagree with?

"(I’m sure at least a couple million illegal votes helped)"

The “I don’t think Trump will win” part. As previously stated, I think he will. I think there are a lot of silent voters that will show up on Election Day.

But, I also believe Democrats will ultimately attempt to steal the election by “finding” swaths if lost mail in ballots.
I can easily see the leftists winning the election through voter fraud and manipulation. The "deep state" is a very real thing - govt agencies, main stream media, academia, corrupt local government (especially in Urban areas) are all gearing up for stealing this election and not letting the same mistakes happen that happened with Cankles in 2016. The thing that is the biggest concern are the battle ground state - we know the densley populated coasts will both vote mindlessly for Biden like good sheeple. This was how Clinton won the popular vote. The thing that worries me is the migration out of California to Texas, Arizona, Idaho etc. On the east coast the pre-covid exodus of leftists from New England and New York down south to the Carolinas, Georgia and Florida. Not to mention the exodus of New Yorkers over the past 6 months to neighboring states (PA being the biggest swing state in the vicinity). The push to allow everyone to vote - ex-cons, illegals reeks of desperation and corruption. The fact they are calling for this in the open just shows they are prepared to do this. What kind of sane society would allow people who have violated the social contract by committing crimes be given the right to vote and the more insane argument of illegals being allowed to vote when they pay nothing into the system, live tax free and get benefits from tax payers should be given the right to vote. Truly a clown world.

Trump has plenty of warts but in my years as a voter the only candidate I have liked better was Ron Paul. If there were a politician with Ron Paul's beliefs and Trump's bravado that would be the winning combination. However, since we only have Trump I am going to back him 100% and it's time to bring back an old favorite description of Trump as a shitlord!
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in Commiefornia by over 4 million votes over Trump; in the other 49 states Trump won the popular vote by over 1 million.

Trump won by the narrowest of margins in '16 in the "battleground states." If he wins again all it'll do is push back the day of reckoning for four more years because the Republican Party has spent the past four years doing nothing of substance to reverse the demographic time bomb in this country, nor anything about the near total control of the media and academia by Cultural Communists in conjunction with the social media monopoly corporations.

Or maybe the GOP, seeing how close to the precipice of permanent one-party rule by the radical left the U.S. is, will actually start fighting back, but don't hold your breath as their role has always been that of junior partner to the Dems. Or maybe, if Trump wins and the top-down financed color revolution cranks up a lot more than it already has, substantial portions of local, state and federal law enforcement will begin cracking heads and rounding up the leaders of antifa and smashing their organizations along with the Soros types enabling it, which is what would have happened in a New York second if the threat was instead coming from "White supremacists" as the head of the FBI insists. We can always hope.
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in Commiefornia by over 4 million votes over Trump; in the other 49 states Trump won the popular vote by over 1 million.

Trump won by the narrowest of margins in '16 in the "battleground states." If he wins again all it'll do is push back the day of reckoning for four more years because the Republican Party has spent the past four years doing nothing of substance to reverse the demographic time bomb in this country, nor anything about the near total control of the media and academia by Cultural Communists in conjunction with the social media monopoly corporations.

Or maybe the GOP, seeing how close to the precipice of permanent one-party rule by the radical left the U.S. is, will actually start fighting back, but don't hold your breath as their role has always been that of junior partner to the Dems. Or maybe, if Trump wins and the top-down financed color revolution cranks up a lot more than it already has, substantial portions of local, state and federal law enforcement will begin cracking heads and rounding up the leaders of antifa and smashing their organizations along with the Soros types enabling it, which is what would have happened in a New York second if the threat was instead coming from "White supremacists" as the head of the FBI insists. We can always hope.

I have no delusions about the republican party. I hate them pretty much as I do the leftists. They are pretty much two sides of the same coin. I totally agree about the demographic ticking time bomb (something Pat Buchannan has also warned us about for years if not decades). Trump is the only viable option in this election though. Ideally he wins, the left is triggered once again but this time since he does not have to worry about re-election he is able to really take on the deep state. Trump's most positive impact has been on exposing the left and red-pilling many more people then there were 4 years ago. Alternative media outlets have grown exponentially. I give him credit for that.
I'm not criticizing Trump in this context, he's obviously the choice to vote for here, but his party. The GOP consists of about 25% hard-core conservative politicians, 25% wishy washy types who will go whichever way the wind blows, i.e., support Trump as long as it's seen as the politically smart thing to do, and 50% RINO country club types who oppose Trump (but rarely openly) and hope he loses. That's not an opposition party, that's a party that always eventually capitulates and surrenders to the left. And even if Trump wins re-election, what's going to change? Will QAnon and Trump ride to the rescue? If there's to be positive change it's going to be in large part forced by bottom-up organizing and activism by his base and it's difficult for me to see that happening.

The reality is that the Deep State and Swamp are still as entrenched as ever, the Durham Report won't be issued before the election (surprise, surprise!), and as it stands now all the criminal plotting to overthrow Trump will go unpunished, at least as far as the higher ups.
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I'm not criticizing Trump in this context, he's obviously the choice to vote for here, but his party. The GOP consists of about 25% hard-core conservative politicians, 25% wishy washy types who will go whichever way the wind blows, i.e., support Trump as long as it's seen as the politically smart thing to do, and 50% RINO country club types who oppose Trump (but rarely openly) and hope he loses. That's not an opposition party, that's a party that always eventually capitulates and surrenders to the left. And even if Trump wins re-election, what's going to change? Will QAnon and Trump ride to the rescue? If there's to be positive change it's going to be in large part forced by bottom-up organizing and activism by his base and it's difficult for me to see that happening.

The reality is that the Deep State and Swamp are still as entrenched as ever, the Durham Report won't be issued before the election (surprise, surprise!), and as it stands now all the criminal plotting to overthrow Trump will go unpunished, at least as far as the higher ups.

The Republicans always accept the parameters and, for a lack of a better term, the Rules of Engagement the left sets forth.
Hillary Clinton won the popular vote in Commiefornia by over 4 million votes over Trump; in the other 49 states Trump won the popular vote by over 1 million.

Trump won by the narrowest of margins in '16 in the "battleground states." If he wins again all it'll do is push back the day of reckoning for four more years because the Republican Party has spent the past four years doing nothing of substance to reverse the demographic time bomb in this country, nor anything about the near total control of the media and academia by Cultural Communists in conjunction with the social media monopoly corporations.

Or maybe the GOP, seeing how close to the precipice of permanent one-party rule by the radical left the U.S. is, will actually start fighting back, but don't hold your breath as their role has always been that of junior partner to the Dems. Or maybe, if Trump wins and the top-down financed color revolution cranks up a lot more than it already has, substantial portions of local, state and federal law enforcement will begin cracking heads and rounding up the leaders of antifa and smashing their organizations along with the Soros types enabling it, which is what would have happened in a New York second if the threat was instead coming from "White supremacists" as the head of the FBI insists. We can always hope.

Trump won by carrying Wi, PA & Mi by only 88,000 votes total. States that Hillary didn't spend much time in.
Trump won by carrying Wi, PA & Mi by only 88,000 votes total. States that Hillary didn't spend much time in.

I'm very aware of that. In fact, my post that you quote says exactly that: "Trump won by the narrowest of margins in '16 in the battleground states." So what's your point? Mine was that the overwhelming Democrat vote in California is the only reason Clinton won the popular vote, which puts it in a better perspective.
I am voting for Trump but he has been a disappointment in my opinion. He has had some very bad advisors but he needs to take some of the blame for appointing them.
I believe Joe Biden will win the election and Donald Trump will lose.

Trump's biggest mistake he made is that he actually tried to help out in USA and put USA first. Western Nations (USA, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France, Germany) are lost and at this point barring a few exceptions, are largely unsalvageable. When we look at the condition of Western Nations, whether we are discussing the changing racial demographics, Whites becoming minorities, mass legal and illegal immigration, resurgence of the welfare state, and unchecked Governmental power, it is extremely important to point out that it is White Voters themselves who over years have put themselves in this position. When you become honest about that you also need to ask yourselves if these people are worth saving, as Trump has tried to do?

The Baby Boomer Generation of Whites in particular, those who have enjoyed the greatest wealth of all, are largely at fault and as a generation currently hold the most power in society and are overwhelmingly liberal. Other generations too but they are the most responsible through a generation of liberalism and ignoring accountability.

As I've said since Day 1, even before Trump was elected, the best thing that right wingers in USA can hope for is for things to get really, really, really bad. Electing a conservative politician is not going to fix this. Only when there is blood in the streets, people's lives and livelihoods are threatened, people become impoverished and rely on a "barely getting by" Government welfare will change come about. We need things to get really bad before any real change can happen.

In a strange way, electing ultra liberals may turn out to be good for our cause as it forces this change overtime. Have any of you guys been to Democrat states? They are a mess even before the riots. All the Pacific States have a massive homeless problem. That is going to happen in the entire country and quite frankly that is good for right wingers in the future. It will force people to confront the reality of their voting choices and the welfare state.

As a final comment may not be the most popular here, but we should welcome nonWhites who have truly conservative, traditional and right wing view points. Some of the most rational voices in recent times have been nonWhite conservatives and these people deserve a lot of respect.

At the end of the day, more than race, I think the issues at stake here are personal liberty and governmental power. Liberals are willing to throw away their liberty and give the Government total power. A historian once asked a question of how all Germans could have supported the Holocaust, and they did a study at Stanford University, and basically what they found is that a good 80%+ of people will simply obey all forms of authority. These are the same people who put on the masks, and vote Biden, and support BLM. 80%+ of people are sheep, cannot and will not think for themselves will do literally anything authority says.
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I'm not criticizing Trump in this context, he's obviously the choice to vote for here, but his party. The GOP consists of about 25% hard-core conservative politicians, 25% wishy washy types who will go whichever way the wind blows, i.e., support Trump as long as it's seen as the politically smart thing to do, and 50% RINO country club types who oppose Trump (but rarely openly) and hope he loses. That's not an opposition party, that's a party that always eventually capitulates and surrenders to the left. And even if Trump wins re-election, what's going to change? Will QAnon and Trump ride to the rescue? If there's to be positive change it's going to be in large part forced by bottom-up organizing and activism by his base and it's difficult for me to see that happening.

The reality is that the Deep State and Swamp are still as entrenched as ever, the Durham Report won't be issued before the election (surprise, surprise!), and as it stands now all the criminal plotting to overthrow Trump will go unpunished, at least as far as the higher ups.

Bang on Assessment

Like all Western Nations you have 2 Choices: Leftism Now (Democrats) or Leftism Delayed and at a Slower Pace (Republicans). No legitimate opposition.

The citizenry of these nations, collectively over the past decades, are also responsible for their support of this system. You reap what you sow.
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As I've said since Day 1, even before Trump was elected, the best thing that right wingers in USA can hope for is for things to get really, really, really bad. Electing a conservative politician is not going to fix this. Only when there is blood in the streets, people's lives and livelihoods are threatened, people become impoverished and rely on a "barely getting by" Government welfare will change come about. We need things to get really bad before any real change can happen.

a good 80%+ of people will simply obey all forms of authority. These are the same people who put on the masks, and vote Biden, and support BLM. 80%+ of people are sheep, cannot and will not think for themselves will do literally anything authority says.

Things have been really, really bad for a long time. Transport an average American from 100 years ago, 60 years ago, 40 years ago, to today and see what they think. I was involved in right wing politics for a long time on the front lines before finally giving up and among the refrains I heard over and over going back decades were "worse is better" and "when things get bad enough, then you'll see change." No you won't. Do you really want to live in a country where there is blood in the streets and most people are starving? How do you think that will end? No matter how bad things get, White Americans never organize and I don't see that ever changing. In fact, it's now pretty much impossible to do so. Taking an entire generation to task is silly; it's always a very small minority that is awake and it is incumbent on them to organize and lead, but no one does in the U.S. unlike in Europe where almost every country at least has a populist-nationalist political party.

I'd say roughly half of Americans or more hate the mask mandates and the economic shutdown. But again, they're not organized to any degree just as the Republicans always get rolled over by their senior partners the Democrats. When the opposition controls almost everything, what are Americans supposed to do now? Those expecting or hoping for a civil war are almost always delusional people who have never engaged in activism in their entire lives. The blame lies with the internal top-down subversion that has taken place over generations, and the failure of the small number of the aware to be an effective vanguard of an organized opposition.
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Things have been really, really bad for a long time. Transport an average American from 100 years ago, 60 years ago, 40 years ago, to today and see what they think. I was involved in right wing politics for a long time on the front lines before finally giving up and among the refrains I heard over and over going back decades were "worse is better" and "when things get bad enough, then you'll see change." No you won't. Do you really want to live in a country where there is blood in the streets and most people are starving? How do you think that will end? No matter how bad things get, White Americans never organize and I don't see that ever changing. In fact, it's now pretty much impossible to do so. Taking an entire generation to task is silly; it's always a very small minority that is awake and it is incumbent on them to organize and lead, but no one does in the U.S. unlike in Europe where almost every country at least has a populist-nationalist political party.

I'd say roughly half of Americans or more hate the mask mandates and the economic shutdown. But again, they're not organized to any degree just as the Republicans always get rolled over by their senior partners the Democrats. When the opposition controls almost everything, what are Americans supposed to do now? Those expecting or hoping for a civil war are almost always delusional people who have never engaged in activism in their entire lives. The blame lies with the internal top-down subversion that has taken place over generations, and the failure of the small number of the aware to be an effective vanguard of an organized opposition.

You might be right, that even as the situation gets worse, things will not change, and if that's the case maybe that's the way it's supposed to go? As I said, barring some exceptions, for the most part I don't think Western Citizens are worth "saving". The reality is that collectively White Westerners voted themselves into this situation through decades of liberalism after WW2.

Personally, I believe that life goes on cycles. It can take 100 years for that cycle to take place, but I guarantee you it will take place eventually. Just as today Western society is largely to the left, there will be circumstances in the future that move it to the precise opposite direction.

I have traveled to North America, Europe (West & East), Middle East and Asia and I can tell you firsthand that Western Nations and people are not as wealthy and do not live as high quality of life as they used to and the gap between the West and the rest of the world is no longer there like it used to be. Westerners pay some of the highest taxes in the entire world, you don't have free healthcare contrary to what Governments like UK and Canada claim, cost of living is soaring, many jobs have been outsourced to Asia, the West has a massive drug and homeless problem, Western people are more in debt than anywhere in the world, civil unrest in USA.

Things are falling apart in the West. I do believe when things hit rock bottom it will necessitate a different political perspective. Unfortunately by that time Whites will be a minority. As I said I don't feel race is the biggest issue at play here.

The real issues here are welfare, personal liberty, and governmental power.
I can agree with some of that assessment. While I would never hope for blood in the streets, I understand it may not be that far off. We’ve seen the rise of terrorist organizations Antifa and BLM - expect to see right-wing counter to that increasingly going forward.

But I disagree Western Civilization is not worth saving. It is the basis for individual freedom the world over. It is absolutely, unequivocally worth saving!

There are signs of a new conservative, National-populist movement growing in the West. See Brexit, Poland and Hungary’s stance against immigration, Trump’s America First policies and all he has accomplished despite constant undermining within his own party and overt treason from the Left. See Brazil and Colombia electing conservative leaders. Right wing rise in France and even Germany.

Things have been bad for a while as Don stated. And people are beginning to wake up. We talk sports here and the Caste system in place to suppress white men; it is merely a microcosm of the greater agenda. That agenda is to emasculate, denigrate and beat-down white men. Why? Because the Globalist, Marxist cabal know that when whites (and men especially) get angry and unite, mountains can be moved and regimes can fall. And despite the naysayers, I am encouraged because I am seeing pushback on Leftist policies and even ideology.

And as previously stated, some of the greatest conservative voices are black or Hispanic and those voices are beginning to turn even blacks away from the Left. Call me an optimist but I am seeing eyes opened all over the place.

I’m encouraged because I am seeing younger people (kid in high school) push back against there liberal teachers and embrace conservative values.

I think a big part of the despair comes from how much better at organizing the Left is. People on the right are individualistic by nature - live and let live, lone Cowboy. Harder to get to work collectively and also with conservatives being canceled in media and indeed at work for merely voicing support for our President - people are hesitant to speak up.

But I am seeing that change. Here is Wisconsin, our evil governor extended the mask mandate but I am seeing fewer and fewer sheep. Many places people do not care and stand in defiance to Evers by not blindly following. I never see police officers wearing them either. The Left’s brazen play to control all aspects of Americans’ lives is beginning to show cracks under the pushback of the people.

We are still in the infancy of crushing this Marxist coup, but I am seeing people starting to wake up.
American Freedom News