The Trump Era Begins

Again you are missing the point. A single rapper or a few is much less dismaying then leftists organizations with power and funding that have been working in overdrive using every advantage to destroy what is left of normal America. The "normal" you seek from Biden's puppet masters is not a normal I want to exist in.
Those leftist organizations don’t like Biden. The normal I seek is all we’ve ever known. And it wasn’t that bad compared to what he have now. Do you really want more of this?
Bruce, when the election is over let us know which mental hospital you are in so we can send you a card. You might be in one now the way you sound.
That’s cool how your nursing home lets you use the internet
You used to regularly compliment me on my posts and now I’m a “long time troll”. I guess I must have really struck a nerve with something I said

What a crock of you know what. Do you want me to copy and paste some of the PMs I've sent you calling you out? I'm a nice guy and sometimes I wait too long before banning trolls.

You've already been banned once when you were "Lew" but you came back as "Bruce." (Maybe next time you'll come back as "Ted" or "Biff.") I can't recall you ever posting something positive, never, until you became a big-time Biden poster right before the election. Your posts have always been filled with negativity and ridiculous assertions. Biden's "dark winter" gloom and doom matches your personality exactly, so if you're not a troll I can see why you're so enthralled with Sleepy Creepy Corrupt Joe.
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“Biden crime family” “crooked Hilary” “ Clinton killing machine”
You are just what the Party of Davos is looking forward to. Are you going to be speaking at the World Economic Forum Jan of 21'? It's all about the Great Re Set! Your Agenda 2030 globalist socialist New Green utopia awaits you. This deplorable chump says screw the New World Order!

You lost me at Biden & dignity. Not worth a back n forth when one suffers from TDS. How bout the murder of Seth Rich?
Completely insulting to be repeatedly told to vote by celebrities, entertainers, athletes, ********, bots, google, etc... Zero percent chance I will participate in the sham of voting unless I’m properly compensated. $1000 and I will cast a vote. $5000 and I will take the Covid vaccine when it comes out.
Hahaha, I respect your principled stance.

@Bruce, I’ve respected a great many of your posts in the past so I won’t be too harsh to you. Regarding Trump, I agree with about 75% of what you’ve wrote. I’ve been critical of Trump and I’d overall only grade him a C-. To compare, I’d rate every other president of my adult life (I’m an older millennial) an F. However, I’m going to vote for him again because the thought of Biden (or Kabala Harris taking over in short order) is worse. Even if Trump does nothing, he triggers the Left into insane overreactions that redpill normies to their Marxist goals. He also delegitimizes the (((MSM))), which is the biggest adversary to anyone in the White Positive Sphere.

I can understand abstaining from voting or even voting for Biden as an accelerationist candidate but your not going to sell me that Biden would actually be good for America and more importantly, White people. I think you’ve been watching too many Richard Spencer videos.

Edit to add: regarding the fear mongering that Trump will get us into a new war is unfounded. The hysterical left and MSM have been saying he would recklessly do that for 4 years and he hasn’t. A Biden presidency would be a “return to normal”. A return to continuous overseas wars, conflicts and entanglements that has plagued the US for almost all of its history.
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Speaking of accelerationism, or making things worse faster to provoke a reaction, wypipo have shown no limit to what they are willing to take so far so it would likely just hurtle America towards it's doom faster.

Some seem to think the idea is panacea but it is playing with fire.
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Brett Farve is smarting than I thought. He announced that he is down with Trump and MAGA!
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I did see that about Jack yesterday. There's been a steady flow of sports figures and other celebrities endorsing Trump of late, and some black ones too. As Jason Whitlock noted on Tucker Carlson's show last week, Trump's strong alpha personality appeals to a lot of black (and hispanic) men. His biggest loss in support from '16 appears to be some of the elderly who have successfully been scared out of their wits by the non-stop fear propaganda about the virus.
The timing of these celebrity endorsements is interesting. In 2016 there seemed to be a steady stream of them one or so a week leading up to the election in the late summer and fall months. Now a large push of them a few days before the election and a ton of early voting

Jack Nicklaus
lil Wayne
Jay Cutler
Brett Favre
Bobby Orr
I did see that about Jack yesterday. There's been a steady flow of sports figures and other celebrities endorsing Trump of late, and some black ones too. As Jason Whitlock noted on Tucker Carlson's show last week, Trump's strong alpha personality appeals to a lot of black (and hispanic) men. His biggest loss in support from '16 appears to be some of the elderly who have successfully been scared out of their wits by the non-stop fear propaganda about the virus.

In the polls Trump hasn't shown the strength with white voters he needs to in order to win. And not as well as in 2016. A month or so ago I saw somewhere that people are afraid to tell a pollster on the phone they are for Donald Trump.
In the polls Trump hasn't shown the strength with white voters he needs to in order to win. And not as well as in 2016. A month or so ago I saw somewhere that people are afraid to tell a pollster on the phone they are for Donald Trump.
They are called "shy Trump voters" I am confident 2020 will be like 2016. I am feeling good about Trump's chances.
Been awhile since I posted. Bruce or Lew may be trolling but he does touch on Trump's failure to capture the White vote. I'm afraid that Trump will lose in a landslide not only because of fraudulent votes and double voting - to which despite the media's denial there is no mechanism to prevent. Every Democrat I know is casting an early ballot and then showing to vote in person. Both votes will be accepted and tallied. Republicans simply aren't going to do this. Then you factor in the fact that somehow the White vote is worse than 4 years ago. Trump had a golden opportunity to bring up the massive racism against Whites by the Democratic Party. Instead, like all Republicans, he pandered hard for the minority vote. The small gains if any he might get in the minority vote will not make up for the White voters he has lost. I'm astonished after this year that any White person would vote for any Democrat, but there is just there too many virtue signallers in our own population. 5 years of constant propaganda are pushing the gutless White virtue signallers to vote for their own genocide. I hope I am wrong but I'm predicting a near shutout - a communist-like humiliation of Trump followed by a quick betrayal from the turn-coat goons of the Republican Party.
In the polls Trump hasn't shown the strength with white voters he needs to in order to win. And not as well as in 2016. A month or so ago I saw somewhere that people are afraid to tell a pollster on the phone they are for Donald Trump.

Polls = fake news Can't believe anyone on this site still believes anything that comes out of MSM. MSM = fake news = non-stop lying
I just read an article from the PalmBeach Post written by Tom D'Angelo of an interview with Jack Nicklaus. In it, he said Trump did the best he could with who and what he had to fight the virus.
Nicklaus who had the virus himself said he took hydroxychloroquine and was better within two days. He personally believes the virus numbers are inflated. He went on and told a story of two people he knew whose parents had died of other conditions not related to convid-19 and were asked could their deaths be listed as covid-19 related they said no.
Biden Crime Family has poured a ton of money into commercials. They're still going off faulty "Covid" numbers too. Still reporting over 200k have died LOL. I guess there are a lot of retards out there that believe anything they're told. Also agree @aalin . Polls are a complete scam and waste of time, they don't gauge ****! Pretty sure HRC was leading polls 90 percent right before 16 election.
Been awhile since I posted. Bruce or Lew may be trolling but he does touch on Trump's failure to capture the White vote. I'm afraid that Trump will lose in a landslide not only because of fraudulent votes and double voting - to which despite the media's denial there is no mechanism to prevent. Every Democrat I know is casting an early ballot and then showing to vote in person. Both votes will be accepted and tallied. Republicans simply aren't going to do this. Then you factor in the fact that somehow the White vote is worse than 4 years ago. Trump had a golden opportunity to bring up the massive racism against Whites by the Democratic Party. Instead, like all Republicans, he pandered hard for the minority vote. The small gains if any he might get in the minority vote will not make up for the White voters he has lost. I'm astonished after this year that any White person would vote for any Democrat, but there is just there too many virtue signallers in our own population. 5 years of constant propaganda are pushing the gutless White virtue signallers to vote for their own genocide. I hope I am wrong but I'm predicting a near shutout - a communist-like humiliation of Trump followed by a quick betrayal from the turn-coat goons of the Republican Party.

I think it will be voter fraud. It' won't be a landslide - I am sure most of the country will vote "red" but the coasts and swing states will go to Biden due to aforementioned voter fraud. I think the post that @Freethinker shared does capture the positive of what Trump has done. The proverbial cat is out of the bag.
Very close so far. Trump has a very slight lead in the total votes, but it changes every little while.

Trump is leading in the expected states like Florida, while Biden is sweeping states like Vermont.
Very close so far. Trump has a very slight lead in the total votes, but it changes every little while.

Trump is leading in the expected states like Florida, while Biden is sweeping states like Vermont.

We have an election thread going, please post in that one.
American Freedom News