The Trump Era Begins

She may have as much European ancestry as African too, her father doesn't look like the typical Jamaican who are pretty close to full blooded Africans.

Good point so what like 25% black? Enough for establishment to embrace her.
Good point so what like 25% black? Enough for establishment to embrace her.

Has to be at least a shade of off white and lean left on the spectrum. The blacks that lean right on the political spectrum are ostracized and attacked.
Hahaha, great comparison. At this point, he’s the long snapper.
If he gets elected president he will be the equivalent of a corrupt mayor who owes the mob favors for helping him get elected.

The "Squad", BLM, The Rainbow Coaliton, The Congressional Black Caucus and every other extremist left wing group will be the equivalent of Al Capone extracting their pound of flesh out of the Manchurian candidate (Biden).
If this goblin had died six months ago, there never would have been a coronavirus fraud. Never would have been a BLM summer of riots. Never would have been Antifa assassinations.
If Trump is truly on the right side of humanity, he will move Heaven and Earth to force through her replacement before the election.
Additionally, the left will be willing to destroy the world to stop her replacement by anyone other than their puppet.

The next two weeks will reveal all about the truth of the world.
Here's a positive article:

How the Underground Press Will Thwart the Media and Re-Elect Donald Trump

by Jack Cashill

As the saying goes, the difference between the New York Times and the old Soviet Pravda is that Pravda readers knew they were being lied to.

To circumvent the Soviet mainstream media, dissidents created what they called the "samizdat," their word for the clandestine copying and distribution of literature banned by the state.

To circumvent our mainstream media, conservatives have created their own samizdat, an unorganized network of blogs, public forums, news-aggregators, online publications, talk radio shows, citizen-journalists, and legal monitors such as Judicial Watch, a truth force that one Second Amendment blogger aptly called "a coalition of willing Lilliputians."

Despite repeated attempts by Big Tech to thwart the samizdat, the internet has given the Lilliputians unprecedented reportorial power, and social media — Facebook and Twitter most prominently — have given them an ability to distribute their message in ways Soviet dissidents could only imagine. It was the samizdat that carried Donald Trump to victory in 2016 and, barring massive vote fraud, will carry him again in 2020.

The samizdat has done most of the real reporting on the major news stories of the last dozen or so years, most recently on the Black Lives Matter (BLM) mania. To understand the samizdat's effect, consider a recent Gallup poll on the U.S. sports industry. A year ago, by a 45-25 margin, most Americans had a favorable view of professional sports. Today, by a 40-30 margin, most have an unfavorable view.

These numbers had to shock the more woke among NFL and NBA execs. All summer, these execs have been reading about the largely peaceful protests against the systemic racism responsible for the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and Rayshard Brooks among others and the crippling of Jacob Blake. How, they wondered, could sports fans not embrace those athletes who stood (or knelt) in support of social justice?

The players all endorsed the BLM movement or appeared to. So did the sportscasters, the advertisers, the TV networks, Hollywood, Big Tech, the New York Times, the major magazines, and just about everyone with a prominent soapbox except for Fox News — and even Fox waffled.

Had the execs been paying attention, however, they would have understood that the same forces that supported the BLM protest also supported Hillary Clinton. In 2020, as in 2016, the major media's collective control of the BLM messaging was subverted by the samizdat's ability to record and distribute the facts on the ground. For the first time in history, ordinary people know more real news than do the people in control of America's major newsrooms.

V.P. candidate Kamala Harris has yet to catch on. Allying herself with Kenosha's Jacob Blake, Harris paid a visit to Blake's family last week and spoke to Blake on the phone. "I mean, they're an incredible family," said Harris. "And what they've endured, and they just do it with such dignity and grace."

Times readers applauded. They, like Harris, did not know what the samizdat knew. For starters, the dad of this incredible family, Jacob Blake, Sr., is likely no fan of the Times, having tweeted not too long ago, "The Jewish controlled media tells you what they want you to hear." This was one of many anti-Semitic tweets from the old man.

The samizdat also know that the son from this incredible family, Jacob Jr., broke into the home of an ex-girlfriend, digitally raped her in front of a sleeping child, and stole her car keys and debit card. Police issued an open warrant for Blake's arrest on sexual assault charges and a restraining order, the violation of which prompted a call to the police.

The Kenosha police tried multiple times to subdue Blake without injuring him, just as they tried with George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks. On the average day, American police arrest roughly 28,000 people. In only 2 percent of those arrests do the police have to resort to weapons. In only 0.2 percent do they pull their guns. Blake prompted each stage of the escalation, including the final one, when he reached into the back seat, presumably for a knife, and the police shot him.

Bad things happen when people resist arrest, either to the perp or the cop or both. The samizdat understands this. Protesting athletes and their enablers do not. Of the roughly 560 arrests each day in which the police use weapons, the major media will share only those videos in which white cops subdue black suspects, and then, only the snippets that incriminate. Videos of black cops forcibly arresting black suspects or white cops subduing white ones hold no arrest interest for the shapers of the day's news.

In a just world, the Minneapolis police who arrested George Floyd will likely be cleared as well. New York Times readers do not know this. Those who follow the samizdat do. The same holds true for the Louisville cops involved in the Breonna Taylor shooting and quite likely for the Atlanta cops involved in the shooting of Rayshard Brooks.

The samizdat understands the consequences of these celebrated police-perp encounters: cops begin to pull back from actively policing black neighborhoods. Sensing opportunity, criminals moved into the void. Attorney and Manhattan Institute fellow Heather Mac Donald has dubbed this phenomenon the "Ferguson Effect."

According to FBI data, the murder rate in the United States rose nearly 11 percent the year after the Ferguson riots in late 2014, its greatest one-year jump in a half-century. In 2016, the trend continued with an 8.5-percent increase over the year before, more than half of those murdered being black.

This summer, "the Minneapolis effect" is making cops long for the Ferguson years. My best source, political scientist Dr. Ernest Evans, tells me homicides year-to-date are up an astonishing 37 percent nationwide. Kansas City, where I live, has already recorded 60 percent more murders than it did in the entire year of 2014.

None of this has been necessary. It all started in July 2013, when a trio of Marxists threw a fit following a Florida jury's acquittal of the innocent George Zimmerman. Those who followed the samizdat expected this outcome. Those who depended on the major media were as shocked as they were when Trump cleaned Hillary's clock in 2016.

President Barack "If I Had a Son" Obama had the opportunity to endorse the verdict in 2013 and kill BLM in its earliest stages. He chose not to. Now the Democrats have lost control of a movement they lacked the courage to stop back when they had the power to stop it.

Their media allies have been spinning all summer to offset the damage the BLM has done to America and the Democratic Party, but that task grows harder by the day. The media can call a riot a protest, but there is no euphemism for the wanton shooting of cops.
Excellent article. Democrats tend to live in a bubble and get their news from the Times, Post, CNN, NBC etc. - so essentially they do not get the truth and remain woefully ignorant.

Some of them can be very intelligent and yet unable to admit their basis of thought is based in misrepresentation and outright lies. That’s a hard pill to swallow but I believe people are slowly waking up.
Good article! The rise of alternative media has been a godsend in terms of access to the truth. The fact that the democrats are pushing for mail-in ballots should be a red flag to anyone with any common sense that voter fraud is planned. I won't go to much into the conveniently timed "pandemic" (right after the impeachment attempts fails), its questionable origin etc. but if the election is stolen it would not surprise me one bit.

Say what you will about Trump but his presidency has been the catalyst to at least get everything out into the open in terms of what the leftist, Marxist, globalist corporate conglomerate has been pushing on western civilization for the past 60 years plus.
Maybe not the best thread to post this in, but it does correspond to Americans tuning out the "mainstream" media despite the ongoing efforts to censor everything else. Six million viewers out of a population of 330 million is miniscule, hilarious really, though Hollywood's clueless communist celebrities seem to be oblivious to just how much Americans hate them:

Emmys Hit Lowest-Ever Ratings With Just 6.1 Million Viewers

The Emmys hit their lowest-ever ratings Sunday night, as Nielsen's Live+SameDay fast nationals for reveal the awards ceremony had just 6.1 million viewers, and a 1.2 rating in adults aged 18-49.

This is a drop of 12% over last year, which marked the previous all-time low, and represented a 25% dropoff in the key demographic, according to Variety.

Perhaps it was host Jimmy Kimmel's "Black Lives Matter" chant - which comedian Stephen Crowder 'manipulated' with clips of Kimmel's old blackface routines.

Last year marked a historic low for TV’s top awards show, as a host-less ceremony on Fox delivered a massive 33% decline from the year before, scoring a 1.6 rating and drawing only 6.9 million viewers. For comparison, the previous four ceremonies before that were watched by 10.2 million viewers, 11.4 million viewers (in both 2017 and 2016) and 11.9 million viewers. That 6.9 million figure was roughly one third of the total pairs of eyeballs the Emmys drew as recently as 2013. -Variety

That said, Variety notes that Sunday night's ceremony had competition from NBC's "Sunday Night Football" as well as the NBA Playoffs on the East Coast, which aired in the primetime window for the first time.

What's more, there was no red carpet lead-in this year, which "likely played some part in producing these low numbers."
There goes that number again. Everyone knows these people are either naturally scumbags or forced into prostitution. There is not much classy about it, no matter how much one suspends reality. It has the edginess and counter culture feel of an old time after school special. Maybe there is 6 million old cat ladies and LGBT types that can stomach this madness, but even that number feels high. Its just a dirty smelly industry and people are finally figuring it out. Shiny diamonds on whores and pedophiles.
There goes that number again. Everyone knows these people are either naturally scumbags or forced into prostitution. There is not much classy about it, no matter how much one suspends reality. It has the edginess and counter culture feel of an old time after school special. Maybe there is 6 million old cat ladies and LGBT types that can stomach this madness, but even that number feels high. Its just a dirty smelly industry and people are finally figuring it out. Shiny diamonds on whores and pedophiles.

Couldn't have said it better myself.
A crazy bull dyke tried to end the Trump era prematurely with Ricin, she also tried to bring a gun across the border up to who knows what. She is even crazy by Antifa standards.....

I recall this being talked about by this cult hit tv show...
A crazy bull dyke tried to end the Trump era prematurely with Ricin, she also tried to bring a gun across the border up to who knows what. She is even crazy by Antifa standards.....

I recall this being talked about by this cult hit tv show...

I’ve stopped watching “news” years ago. But, as long as I did, these type of stories were propagated. I believe they are pure fiction, serving the following propaganda narratives: crazy people are trying to murder the president; the president is actually an important person (not a puppet); Secret Service, Homeland Security, Border Patrol, FBI, etc. are necessary and competent agencies. All the same as promoted by Hollywood. I’ll pass.
Woman plows car into Trump supporters; NY Times omits key detail

The New York Times and NPR covered the same story on Sunday when a liberal activist was caught on video plowing a car through a group of Trump supporters, but the liberal newspaper omitted a key detail that NPR and other outlets managed to divulge.

Tatiana Turner was charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon after she allegedly tried to plow through a group of pro-Trump demonstrators.
Woman plows car into Trump supporters; NY Times omits key detail

The New York Times and NPR covered the same story on Sunday when a liberal activist was caught on video plowing a car through a group of Trump supporters, but the liberal newspaper omitted a key detail that NPR and other outlets managed to divulge.

Tatiana Turner was charged with attempted murder and assault with a deadly weapon after she allegedly tried to plow through a group of pro-Trump demonstrators.

Fake news. Drivers plowing through crowds is a relatively new psyop that has been a regular in the news the last few years. Whatever happened to the school shooters?
Im with you on this one 100%. What happened to all the sleeper cell muslim terrorists that would attack monthly before this as well. If they like running people over with trucks, they sure have had a ton of opportunities.

Im sure the school shootings are real in the sense that people die. But almost certain they are done by merc’s or kids that have been programmed to do so.
Anyone looking forward to the debate tonight? I’ve mostly soured on Trump, but I still prefer him to Biden, as he triggers the Marxist left hard and resultantly brings their evil agenda for Whites into the open. I’m looking forward to the schadenfreude of seeing the left’s dementia patient embarrass himself. Maybe it will cause many Whites to question their allegiance to the Democrat party?
Anyone looking forward to the debate tonight? I’ve mostly soured on Trump, but I still prefer him to Biden, as he triggers the Marxist left hard and resultantly brings their evil agenda for Whites into the open. I’m looking forward to the schadenfreude of seeing the left’s dementia patient embarrass himself. Maybe it will cause many Whites to question their allegiance to the Democrat party?

We can only hope so. Even in interviews Biden has countless times lost his train of thought. He needs a teleprompter or he is lost in space. It's a joke that a mentally uncapable guy is running to become the president of the united states. I will be watching
it. My guess is the questions will be so scripted and he will have a mike in his ear telling him what to say. Without that it's hard to imagine him doing very well. Hope Trump wins the debate by a huge margin.
Anyone looking forward to the debate tonight? I’ve mostly soured on Trump, but I still prefer him to Biden, as he triggers the Marxist left hard and resultantly brings their evil agenda for Whites into the open. I’m looking forward to the schadenfreude of seeing the left’s dementia patient embarrass himself. Maybe it will cause many Whites to question their allegiance to the Democrat party?

Trump's penchant for off the cuff remarks and hitting below the belt should make this entertaining. Trump's ability to unhinge commies even moreso than they already are is the stuff of legends. I love seeing and hearing people get triggered by him. Biden is one of the biggest sellouts this country has ever produced - his son is embroiled in all sorts of shady stuff - crackheads, strippers, Ukrainian payoffs, meddling with the Chinese. All the stuff the left has been trying pin on Trump is what Biden and his family are guilty of. Trump has also been the spear head of the counter attack in the 50+ year culture war against the subversive communists. I feel compared to 4 years ago there are alot more people aware of what is really going on - not just whites but also blacks and hispanics.
American Freedom News