The Trump Era Begins

There is no proof that Q exists, other than as a troll or put-on artist. Anyone could write those cryptic messages that various cult leaders interpret for the people who want to believe Q exists.

We can go round and round on this forever. If there's a thousands year old satanic cult firmly in control, then how did Trump get elected in the first place? It would have been nothing to tweak the results in Florida, Michigan, North Carolina and Pennsylvania to give Hillary narrow wins in those states rather than Trump.

The whole idea behind Q as I understand it, has been that at some point the good guys in the Deep State were going to go after the main bad actors. In the meantime, Trump's term of office is nearly over with no guarantee of re-election, and it has been filled with criminal intrigue against him. So I ask again, when is the great purging of the Deep State going to happen? You're making excuses for the fact that none of what Q and his followers promised has taken place. If the satanic cult is that powerful, then why promise in the first place that Trump and friends were going to go after them?
I know it's going to sound off the rails, but it shouldn't, that Biden is likely not going to be the nominee. It's going to be Skeletor. Why hasn't Obummer endorsed old Joe? The DNC is so corrupt this seems the most likely scenario since they know all too well Biden's dementia and rapidly worsening faculties will doom him in debates with Trump. He can't even string a few sentences together on a good day. Killary will be the nominee. I could could be wrong but why not at this point?

I know it's going to sound off the rails, but it shouldn't, that Biden is likely not going to be the nominee. It's going to be Skeletor. Why hasn't Obummer endorsed old Joe? The DNC is so corrupt this seems the most likely scenario since they know all too well Biden's dementia and rapidly worsening faculties will doom him in debates with Trump. He can't even string a few sentences together on a good day. Killary will be the nominee. I could could be wrong but why not at this point?

If they sh*t can Biden and rightly so, I think Sanders will have something to say. That is the main reason he has not released his earned delegates. I can not see Sanders and his idiot followers going quietly into the night. The DNC will be great to watch and see them implode.
I know it's going to sound off the rails, but it shouldn't, that Biden is likely not going to be the nominee. It's going to be Skeletor. Why hasn't Obummer endorsed old Joe? The DNC is so corrupt this seems the most likely scenario since they know all too well Biden's dementia and rapidly worsening faculties will doom him in debates with Trump. He can't even string a few sentences together on a good day. Killary will be the nominee. I could could be wrong but why not at this point?

The half hearted Obama endorsement has come.

I think they are locked into Biden, for better or mostly worse. If they are forced to do a last minute substitution due to Biden being totally incapacitated, I think they’ll pivot to NY governor Andrew Cuomo, whom they will build into a hero who saved NY from the 6 million that would have died from COVID-19 without his brilliance.
Cuomo has one of the most nauseating, whiny voices I've ever heard. Can't seem him going over well outside of the NYC metro area.

Whoever is nominated as Biden's running mate is likely to be the next president if Trump is defeated, likely soon after Biden takes office if he doesn't become completely batpoop crazy and is replaced before the election.

I think one of Hillary, Pocahontas or Klobuchar will be the next puppet in the White House if Trump loses. After Obama became the first POC prez, the feminazis will go nuts if it isn't their turn next.
The half hearted Obama endorsement has come.

I think they are locked into Biden, for better or mostly worse. If they are forced to do a last minute substitution due to Biden being totally incapacitated, I think they’ll pivot to NY governor Andrew Cuomo, whom they will build into a hero who saved NY from the 6 million that would have died from COVID-19 without his brilliance.
This post made me think of this meme that I saw earlier....

Trump's father's name is Fred. The liberal media has criticized him. Two of Trump's associates were General Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. Both were maliciously prosecuted by the liberals.

Fred + Flynn + Stone = Fred Flintstone. Why has no one in the media reported on this? What are they hiding?
Trump's father's name is Fred. The liberal media has criticized him. Two of Trump's associates were General Michael Flynn and Roger Stone. Both were maliciously prosecuted by the liberals.

Fred + Flynn + Stone = Fred Flintstone. Why has no one in the media reported on this? What are they hiding?

Barney might know.
If he does get elected there's a good chance Jill Biden will be making important decisions anyway.
Lol! This is the best candidate The Cabal can trot out?!
Watch how he walks in public he is one misstep away from a broken hip, he seems like a modern day Manchurian candidate and it looks like one medical emergency away from the presidency will be a White hating, carpet munching(Harris aside) shot calling Black female.....
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I think the Libs are going to glom onto Harris and start gushing about her bigtime. I know they aren't excited about Uncle Joe. Harris isn't the ideal candidate for them but she checks the boxes.
I think the Libs are going to glom onto Harris and start gushing about her bigtime. I know they aren't excited about Uncle Joe. Harris isn't the ideal candidate for them but she checks the boxes.

Harris has two big things going for her in the eyes of white liberal voters. She's non-white and female.
Qualifications are secondary to white liberal voters. To them it's what you are not who you are.

They'll almost always vote for a non-white female over a white male.
Liberals truly are the most racist of all. Tribalism runs rampant in their party.

if Harris and Biden win, prepare for battle. That is not hyperbole either - they will engage in an all-our assault in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. And the over-whelming majority of Republicans are cowards unfortunately.

Keep listening to Tucker Carlson as he is, right now, the only person with an audience speaking the truth.

And make sure to by a lot of ammunition because I fear everything we’ve seen Antifa and Black Lies Matter so far is just a drop in the bucket.
Non white and female are exactly right @Extra Point ! Simple as that.

It's amusing that she has more Indian blood than African Blood. Also her great grandfather in Jamaica owned over 100slaves!
Liberals truly are the most racist of all. Tribalism runs rampant in their party.

if Harris and Biden win, prepare for battle. That is not hyperbole either - they will engage in an all-our assault in our Constitution and Bill of Rights. And the over-whelming majority of Republicans are cowards unfortunately.

Keep listening to Tucker Carlson as he is, right now, the only person with an audience speaking the truth.

And make sure to by a lot of ammunition because I fear everything we’ve seen Antifa and Black Lies Matter so far is just a drop in the bucket.
Warhawk_46 you have to get the Binary trigger system it is worth every penny you pay for it. It installs easily and you can lay down fire if you were firing a fully automatic weapon.
Non white and female are exactly right @Extra Point ! Simple as that.

It's amusing that she has more Indian blood than African Blood. Also her great grandfather in Jamaica owned over 100slaves!
She may have as much European ancestry as African too, her father doesn't look like the typical Jamaican who are pretty close to full blooded Africans.
American Freedom News