You made good points until you said you were voting for Biden. Biden is totally controlled by the Israel lobby as well. A new war / conflict on their behalf would be almost a guarantee in his 4 years. Trump has actually avoided this other than a few faux “shows of force”. Also Biden doesn’t conduct himself like any White man I’d want in my family. When he’s not shuckin’ and jive talkin’ and reminiscing about hanging out with inner city Wilmington negroes, he’s making anti-White statements feed to him by his handlers.
For a clear example of why Trump is marginally better than Biden, look to the last debate. Trump signed an executive order ending critical race theory training (it maybe toothless but it’s a good gesture) while Biden defended it by saying “who could possibly be against racial sensitivity training”.
Lastly, there is little evidence that non-Whites love Trump. Black voted around 95% and hispanics 75% against him in 2016. I doubt these percentages improve much next week. That’s a funny way they have of showing him love.
Biden Crime Family conducts themselves with class and dignity. LOL, lost me on that last paragraph.
I’m voting for Joe Biden and I’m hoping he crushes Trump. The only major policy difference between the two is that Biden won’t try and start a major war . But I also like Biden because he conducts himself with class and dignity, He acts like a white man. Trump is just a black guy with orange skin. That’s why non Whites love him and his trashy behavior. Him and Biden are almost tied among Hispanic males.
You made good points until you said you were voting for Biden. Biden is totally controlled by the Israel lobby as well. A new war / conflict on their behalf would be almost a guarantee in his 4 years. Trump has actually avoided this other than a few faux “shows of force”. Also Biden doesn’t conduct himself like any White man I’d want in my family. When he’s not shuckin’ and jive talkin’ and reminiscing about hanging out with inner city Wilmington negroes, he’s making anti-White statements feed to him by his handlers.
For a clear example of why Trump is marginally better than Biden, look to the last debate. Trump signed an executive order ending critical race theory training (it maybe toothless but it’s a good gesture) while Biden defended it by saying “who could possibly be against racial sensitivity training”.
Lastly, there is little evidence that non-Whites love Trump. Black voted around 95% and hispanics 75% against him in 2016. I doubt these percentages improve much next week. That’s a funny way they have of showing him love.
“Biden crime family” “crooked Hilary” “ Clinton killing machine”Biden Crime Family conducts themselves with class and dignity. LOL, lost me on that last paragraph.
First off nominating Supreme Court justices isn’t really an accomplishment because it’s something that just falls in your lap. Whoever was prez would have also nominated 3 judges. And so what? He nominated 3 typical republican justices, what difference does it make? I can’t wait to see how the White woman ,with black kids, he nominated does though. Federal court justices...yawn. Likewise to the 21 hostages. And anyone can get nominated for a noble peace prize, not that it even means anything. Obama won it.President Trump in one term has nominated 3 Supreme Court Justices, appointed over 200 federal court justices and he has been nominated 3 times for the Nobel Peace Prize. He has negotiated the release of 21 hostages without paying any ransom money. He is bringing troops home from Germany, Iraq, and Afganistan. He let the generals do their jobs and we defeated the Caliphate.
What has Biden done? He supported the invasion of Iraq, his and Obama's inaction helped the rise of Isis, and was against taking out OBL. The Obama- Biden Administration tore down our military to a level where it was below China's and Russia's. They also gave Iran billions of dollars and sold our uranium to Russia.
Voting for Trump makes you a cuck. It’s not like you have to vote for Biden though but voting for trump should be out of the question because of his treacheryAny White man or woman who votes for Biden is a --->
“Biden crime family” “crooked Hilary” “ Clinton killing machine”
You spend too much time on Boomer Facebook.
Voting for Biden is the logical conclusion to everything I posted about Trump. When your wife cheats on you you don’t reward her by buying her a new car. You kick her out and you divorce her. Trump cheated on all of you guys in humiliating fashion . That should be enough.
Yes Biden is also controlled by Jews but the difference is that Biden is controlled by sane and rational Jews. Trump is controlled by insane whack job Jews who want to destroy the world. There’s a reason why every previous president has been controlled by Zionists yet they all refused to move the US embassy to Jerusalem.
Trump technically didn’t start any new wars although he continued all the previous wars and even escalated air strikes. But he did TRY his hardest to start a war with Iran. How can you gloss over that? If he wins a second term war with Iran is all but guaranteed. Insane Zionists don’t just give up after the first time.
Biden does conduct himself with class and dignity. That’s not to say he’s some great human being. 99% of politicians do the same. It’s just something you do if you’re a politician or just a typical White man.Trump is the only one who acts like a spoiled petulant child.
Not only was that EO meaningless you should take it as an insult that he routinely does those things right before elections because he thinks he can get away with tricking all the people who voted for him because they believed his campaign promises that he failed to deliver on. I couldn’t care less about critical race theory, it doesn’t mean anything when he promised to deport millions of illegals and build a wall.
And non Whites do like Trump more than any other Republican President in recent history. Forget about 2016 and look at the recent polling. Biden is taking away white voters from trump and trump is taking away non Whites from Biden. If trump wins Florida it’s going to be because of Hispanic voters, biden is only leading them by 5%. Who would have ever thought that was possible. And look at all the black rappers coming out in support of trump like ice cube, Kanye, and 50 cent. Leaving policy out of this blacks and browns love guys like Trump, Whites don’t like people like that.
Biden is the lesser of two evils here. With Biden you’re getting Obama’s second term, with Trump you’re getting a major war. Not to mention things have never been as bad as they were during Trump’s first term. We saw more gun control and first amendment restrictions under Trump than ObamaRegardless of your opinion on Trump, there should be an awareness that a Biden presidency would be likely catastrophic. Even if you dislike him it should be pretty obvious Trump would be the "lesser evil" in that case, also, Trump's cognitive capacities are lambasted but Biden seems to be having dementia?
I'm so used to hearing outrageous lies and claims that one from Bruce didn't register.
Voting for Trump makes you a cuck. It’s not like you have to vote for Biden though but voting for trump should be out of the question because of his treachery
Bruce, when the election is over let us know which mental hospital you are in so we can send you a card. You might be in one now the way you sound.First off nominating Supreme Court justices isn’t really an accomplishment because it’s something that just falls in your lap. Whoever was prez would have also nominated 3 judges. And so what? He nominated 3 typical republican justices, what difference does it make? I can’t wait to see how the White woman ,with black kids, he nominated does though. Federal court justices...yawn. Likewise to the 21 hostages. And anyone can get nominated for a noble peace prize, not that it even means anything. Obama won it.
And Trump says he’s bringing troops back home? This isn’t 2016 anymore. He had 4 years to do it, it doesn’t matter anymore what he says he’s going to do. You should judge him by his actions instead,HE INCREASED THE AMOUNT OF TROOPS IN THE MIDDLE EAST.
Trump supported the Iraq war too. Biden didn’t help create ISIS, that’s ridiculous. You know what Biden has done though, he’s responsible for helping put hundreds of thousands of criminal blacks in prison during the 90s. He’s probably done more to improve the quality of life of white people than any politician alive. Meanwhile trump releases black criminals from prison so they can terrorize Whites
Obama and Biden didn’t tear the military down. That’s just a stupid GOP talking point that they say about any democrat. And Obama gave Iran Billions of dollars of their own money back that the US stole from them lol
Bruce, when the election is over let us know which mental hospital you are in so we can send you a card. You might be in one now the way you sound.
I think your thought process is a little flawed. If you vote for Biden you align yourself with the far left - BLM, Soros, Antifa, La Raza etc. Remember when Biden said it would be a "good thing when whites become a minority". We see how whites are treated now and it will only get worse/accelerate under Biden.
Biden's been in a position of power for almost 50 years and he's made himself filthy rich while doing his part to sell out the country. The Jewish subversives on the far left have been much more destructive to American society over the past 60 years if you ask me. They are the ones that have allowed the country to rot from the inside and their political ideology aligns with Biden's.
Just had a great meeting with @realdonaldtrump@potus besides what he’s done so far with criminal reform, the platinum plan is going to give the community real ownership. He listened to what we had to say today and assured he will and can get it done.
As far as I know Biden has done nothing to court the endorsement of those groups. If anything those groups hate Biden and call him a racist. For anti White comment Biden said while pandering to special interest groups you could find another comment of him saying something pro White. It doesn’t matter either way. Actions matter more than words.
The Jews who control trump are not your standard right wing Jews. They are insane religious fanatics who want to build the third temple and start a world war. Why do you think there’s been such a major push lately from the maga media to demonize China the same way they used to demonize middle eastern countries they want to go to war with?
Point is Biden has no ideology and neither does Trump. You’re voting for their puppet masters. Biden’s puppet masters will take us back to normal. Trump’s masters will take us to hell on earth.
Btw look who Trump invited to the Oval Office today to discuss official policy
You used to regularly compliment me on my posts and now I’m a “long time troll”. I guess I must have really struck a nerve with something I saidHe's a long time troll who decided to resurface after a lengthy absence.