Riley Cooper

Blacks can now call whites ******s as well as other racial slurs without impunity and whites of course can't return the favor. We are the new ******s.

Because Riley apologized and groveled he will now probably be suspended and possibly ostracized from the league. Bad move. He should have given the Rachael Jenteal defense of "that's just how we be talk'n where I fwrum. ya know just part of my culture.

Actually he should have just said he lost his temper with someone and that's it. No apology.

In a league where violent criminals are on the field including serial killers this is ridiculous.

Lets also not hold our breath for the nigga's in the NFL who wished death on the Zimmerman trial jurors.
Since entering the NFL, Cooper has always been overly-feisty towards Negroes. Remember when he engaged in a “fist fight” with a black defender (Ellis Hobbs, I believe) during a training camp practice session back in 2010? I call certainly recall him viciously “scrapping” with black DB’s during games on several occasions. You know, when he was actually allowed to play under Porky Pig Andy.

If you watch the “damning” video, which was no doubt filmed and cunningly retained (for nearly two months) by some anti-white wretch and intentionally released only hours subsequent to Maclin’s injury…Cooper didn’t use the “Luciferian” verbiage like gangster rappers or in the manner in which Negroes casually address one another. No, if you listen to his pronunciation, he most certainly ended “The Most Hateful Word in Human History” (sic) with an “R” instead of an “A.” The term wasn’t delivered in a playful manner whatsoever, as he was obviously quite angry and wanted to pulverize a group of blacks (supposedly security guards, who were probably annoying him) positioned behind some off-camera fence. That’s why he yelled that he’d be willing to fight “any n-gger here.”

I agree that his teammates don’t seem to care much, particularly Mike Vick, who actually handled the situation with some class. The always-swift, teary-eyed, ritualistic retort of the Zionist Occupied Media and the athletics corporation involved in the “controversy” (Philadelphia Eagles, Inc.) conformed to all previous Marx-o-Matic paradigms since their totalitarian institution in the 1960’s…

Jewry Lurie’s statement:

“We are shocked and appalled by Riley Cooper’s words. This sort of behavior or attitude from anyone has no role in a civil society. He has accepted responsibility for his words and his actions. He has been fined for this incident.”

*Says the billionaire Jew-boy who lives in a diamond-ensconced mansion, far away from the so-called “civil society” that teems with violent, raping, murdering, stealing, cheating, indolent, hateful non-white bacteria. This ivory tower-dwelling Yarmulke-scalp is, of course, only dealing with non-whites when they’re pressing their sycophantic lips against with acne-scarred backside like a modern day plantation owner. But, hey, at least this Marxist Shylock practices the silly platitudes he preaches…


CAPTION: Lurie Weds Asian Woman 22 Years His Junior

The NFL’s statement…

The NFL stands for diversity and inclusion. Comments like this are wrong, offensive, and unacceptable.”

*This is a lie, which tends to occur each and every time that a representative of NFL, Inc. is moving their forked tongue. What’s so “diverse” about the Pittsburgh Steelers? The Baltimore Ravens? The Jew York Jets? The Arizona Cardinals? The San Francisco 49ers?

Some random minion on ESPN mentioned that Cooper was being “killed” in social media and that “the people of Philadelphia are furious at him.” Being from PA myself, I’ve met countless vermin, of all races, hailing from Philth-a-delphia. In my humble estimation, almost all of them are criminally-ignorant, Negro-doting turds and their feelings and sentiments should be laughed at, and nothing more…


CAPTION: Classless, Slovenly, Deracinated Drunkards Vilify Cooper’s “Bigotry”


CAPTION: Tranny DWF Worships T.O. and McDrabb


CAPTION: Clairvoyant Bottom Feeders


CAPTION: Philly’s Phinest


CAPTION: Future Occupants of Hell Play Dress-Up

Cooper’s time-honored, contractually-obligated “apology of the white pariah” fell upon deaf Yiddish/DWF/******* ears, as they all do…


CAPTION: “Land of the Free” Concocts Fresh “Pariah Stew”

In this dastardly nation, shepherded to the very gates of hell by Militant Fundamentalist Cultural Marxists of every caustic aroma (preacher, pastor, priest, professor, politician, government goon, entrepreneur, corporation, teacher, newsman, entertainer, and rural, suburban, and urban citizens alike), a 6-letter word cases more controversy and revulsion than 6 odious decades of deep-seated, virulent, unapologetic genocide against the white race. Yes, this is “America Incarnate”…behold the fetid flesh of decaying grandeur, rotting the putrescent secretions of a cultural massacre through the meaningless fabric of an anti-white flag sheathing a forsaken soil.


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We really live in an upside down backwards world. Everything is so twisted around the wrong way that it boggles my mind.:huh:
who was filming that? how do we know the story behind it? why did it pop up just now? I don't know if they conveniently didn't talk about it for 2 months, or spent a **** ton of resources in finding anything negative on Riley Cooper

This is so ridiculous. Kenny Chesney went on for like 10 minutes apologizing making sure that in no way that he has any affiliations with anybody that could utter " such an offensive word"

""All I do is get off my bus and try to give the fans all the heart and passion I got. That's where it starts and stops; that's all I think about. "I'm as shocked as anyone to see the video of Riley Cooper that's started circulating on the internet. I don't believe in discrimination in any form, and I think using language like that is not only unacceptable, it is hateful beyond words," Chesney told Granderson.
"I don't know everything about every player who comes to our shows. We invite the teams in the places where we play, and I've found the guys from the NFL are some of the most inspiring people I meet all year. They give back to their communities, work with children, hospitals and various charities, as well as raising awesome families.

"To judge an entire audience by one loud mouth isn't fair ... not to the NFL, not to the city of Philadelphia and that awesome crowd, not to my band and crew and certainly not to me, who believes music is about bringing people together for friendship and forgetting about the things in life that bring you down. The music I make is about living life, loving life and loving everybody -- no matter who they are. That's how I was raised, and what someone else does or says doesn't reflect who I am or what my fans stand for."

Oh no, someone said the n word at his concert, better make sure that no one thinks in any way that he is affiliated with anything "racist". I think it would be funny at this point if fans just posted videos "I am a Chensey fan and I hate n*gg*rs. Maybe he will apologize for those too.
This is the perfect illustration of how nuts this country is. I can't stand it nor wrap my mind around it. No one sees the double standard in this society. When black people say the word its a positive thing - give me a break. NO ONE seemed to care when "creepy ass cracker" was uttered by Trayvon Martin and his fat friend. It's not racist yet somehow this is.

Its bizarre how this one word has somehow become so taboo. Cultural marxism at its finest.
So apparently you can't be forgiven for saying the n word, Skip Bayless said he would have cut him on the spot, but apparently people that beat women and other horrific things can be forgiven.

But, blacks are more "forgiving" than whites on this issue, because frankly, a good deal of them believe deep down that all whites go around using it behind closed doors and that they are all racist, and where I am from, we do say it quite a bit, although its not thrown around all the time. Probably the same in Florida where Riley is from, or any area where Whites live amongst a bunch of blacks. I remember going to Oregon and saying it and people acted like it was illegal to say and I remember being shocked.

The NFL CAN'T discipline him because his team already did, otherwise I am sure he would have gotten harsher penalties. I haven't been paying that much to ESPN but the stories have been getting ridiculous and I can't imagine the dwf that watches this stuff non stop. With just a couple of Whites in the news they have gone all out (Manziel is the other guy, the coverage has been ridiculous), its like when MTV stopped playing music videos. What happened to talking about sports? Oh yeah when its back to just to blacks getting in trouble it will be closer to that
Looks like can't handle all the people that are speaking up for Riley or notice the double standard about race in the nfl.There were a ton of comments standing up for him or mentioning the crap white players go through and now comments are disabled on all of the Cooper stories there.It looks like a lot of people outside of castefootball are waking up finally.
The NFL claiming to be "diverse and inclusive" ranks as one of the most hypocritical statements of all time, even for our ultra-hypocritical age. The NFL is built and maintained, on the field and off the field (management, ownership and broadcasting) pretty much for two groups only -- jewish males and black males. White men are deliberately kept a minority on and off the field. For example, just about every studio combination I saw on ESPN and the NFL Network yesterday reporting and commenting on Cooper's slur consisted of blacks and Jews with the occasional solemn goy like Matt Millen thrown in for good measure. And the owner and the general manager of Cooper's team just happen to be Jewish. What a coincidence!

The NFL is not a place that has any interest in Whites, Asians, Hispanics or anyone else except for its two favored groups. It's the Caste System version of the "civil rights" coalition of blacks on the street and Jews steering them that operated so well and thoroughly throughout the 20th century, and while it's developed strains (many blacks don't like Jews), it still works very well.
Eagles WR Riley Cooper at Concert: "I Will Fight Every N*gger Here"

What I suspect happen was this; Riley was juiced on the beer or what ever alcoholic drink he likes. He got into a discussion with a fan or fans about his treatment by the NFL and it abhorrent affelets. Then in justifiable anger towards his employer and "co-workers" he vented and said want he said. Riley never backed down from affelets since being in the NFL. I suspect his days as a Eagle are numbered and future in the N***A Football League. I hope that I am wrong.
IMO this crap has gotten so ridiculous that it will only take one person to stand up against it and it will fall. I'm not really impressed anymore by these showtrials, the guy up thread about the racial abuse has it right.
who was filming that? how do we know the story behind it? why did it pop up just now? I don't know if they conveniently didn't talk about it for 2 months, or spent a **** ton of resources in finding anything negative on Riley Cooper

I saw about the last minute of this scene on a video several weeks ago. Thought it was much ado about nothing. I haven’t got it straight whether the two videos are connected to the same source. The timing for the latest video is very convenient. You know, it’s possible that Riley is an obnoxious dude when drinking, I‘ve known people who’ve had complete personality changes when imbibing, and not for the good. There is a solution for that problem. I’m most concerned about the complete hypocrisy and convulsive reaction every time these types of situations occur. It’s an anti-White motive and there seems to be no solution for that.

Kenny Chesney Concert
This is the perfect illustration of how nuts this country is. I can't stand it nor wrap my mind around it. No one sees the double standard in this society. When black people say the word its a positive thing - give me a break. NO ONE seemed to care when "creepy ass cracker" was uttered by Trayvon Martin and his fat friend. It's not racist yet somehow this is.

Its bizarre how this one word has somehow become so taboo. Cultural marxism at its finest.

Compare that to less than a 100 years ago when newspapers would routinely refer to blacks as negroes.
I saw about the last minute of this scene on a video several weeks ago. Thought it was much ado about nothing. I haven’t got it straight whether the two videos are connected to the same source. The timing for the latest video is very convenient. You know, it’s possible that Riley is an obnoxious dude when drinking, I‘ve known people who’ve had complete personality changes when imbibing, and not for the good. There is a solution for that problem. I’m most concerned about the complete hypocrisy and convulsive reaction every time these types of situations occur. It’s an anti-White motive and there seems to be no solution for that.

Kenny Chesney Concert

I think personalities can change as well when intoxicated. The problem is , the jews on the radio today like Rome are pronouncing alcohol as a "truth serum" that just magnifies your personality. Gee I wonder why the CIA hasn't looked into this for questioning...sarcasm of course. Even the barbituates the CIA used that are supposedly truth serum aren't trustworthy. Just ridiculous.
I have to chuckle at this story because the only times I recall (or have had recounted to me) using the "full -ER" myself in public (as opposed to closed settings) is in almost exactly the same scenario: I'm all tuned up at a bar or club and some black bouncer is impeding my fun in some trivial way that seems completely outrageous in my impaired state. Obviously, the "full N-word" is basically an open challenge to everyone on God's green earth to fight. It's so far out in left field that it's indefensible by subconscious design. A hundred years ago, one might have slapped their foe across the cheek with a thin, knit glove. No backing down from a challenge like that! But nowadays, simply insulting a woman's honor or a man's constitution doesn't really do the trick anymore. You have to cast a pretty wide net to goad another man into a fight sometimes.

Note that despite the crass patois, coaxing the first punch out of the other guy is still rather noble in some basic way. It's easy to jump in and go for the king hit, and that's never on Cooper's mind. This new second video shows him holding his hands together purposefully behind his back, waiting to get socked before making his move, and not giving into temptation when that moment never comes. So, Cooper was being a belligerent lout and a public nuisance. There's really no need to equate that to any sort of hate crime.

I've come up with a clever rationale to justify this behavior. In 90 years, these black bouncers' great-great-great-grandkids will now have a real, actual story of "white oppression" and racism to recount in their doctoral theses in African Supremacy Studies at the Ivy League university of their choosing. Who could ever deny this maligned class of scholars an endless flow of AA appointments, subsidies, and free goodies?
I'm extremely disappointed (but not really surprised) in Riley Cooper's submissive, contrite response to his horrific "crime." More startling is the fact he still has a job with the Eagles. Will they still actually let him start?

Again, as has been noted here, all it will take to really get this thing to collapse is one well-spoken white player telling the truth. No racial taunts at blacks, just pointing out the absurd double standard. Just asking publicly if it's a greater "crime" to offend this one particular group of people than it is for someone from that particular group to assault, rape or kill others.

As Don mentioned, the term "diversity" has become a joke, a password for the elite. It's used to denote a diametrically opposite reality that only exists in their Hollywood products. The idea that the NFL or NBA is "diverse" or "inclusive" should make every American who has ever watched one of their games laugh hysterically. "Diversity" means, in our Orwellian world, more blacks. Or perhaps in a more obvious sense, less whites.

The only person I've seen on television, or heard on radio, who came close to making sense about the Cooper "incident" is, incredibly enough, Michael Vick. His comments were well reasoned, and actually fairly articulate. I'm trying not to give up hope that any of these emasculated white males will ever stand up to the system that continues to pummel them, much as they refuse to stand up to the black bullies that continue to pummel them literally.

The sports world now reflects our crumbling society at large. Total systemic corruption. Jews in charge everywhere, but no one is supposed to notice. Blacks continually not meeting the minimal standards of acceptable conduct, but without ever being held accountable. While the monstrous health care industry may be the first facet of our police state to fall, professional sports won't be far behind.

Despite it all, I still fantasize that one day, one of these whites will respond rationally, and go off script. That one of them will simply state clearly what cannot be refuted, no matter how much power and control they have. It's just one more disappointment that Riley Cooper wasn't that player.
@bigunreal: Your post at 10:41 is very powerful stuff.........thanks for posting really is a problem much bigger than just sports.......
I think personalities can change as well when intoxicated. The problem is , the jews on the radio today like Rome are pronouncing alcohol as a "truth serum" that just magnifies your personality. Gee I wonder why the CIA hasn't looked into this for questioning...sarcasm of course. Even the barbituates the CIA used that are supposedly truth serum aren't trustworthy. Just ridiculous.
I recall some famous celebrity saying something like this publicly in a similar situation and he checked himself into rehab. That might have been the "John Barley" talking. Plus I love how sanctimonious every public announcer is on this subject, EVERYBODY has said or thought this word at some point in their life. I remember back in my high school days we used to drink and smoke pot and say racist jokes about every ethnic/religious group possible with all races there and zinged hard against each other no foul taken or given unless some idiot had about 6 too many and then wasn't thinking rationally.......:tongue:
Great posts everyone. After viewing comments on other sites about this story it does seem that alot of people have really had enough, if anything this stokes the fires. Don - that post about the NFL being diverse both pissed me off and made me laugh out loud - are those idiots serious.

Most blacks that seem to post give the same argument - they turned a negative into a positive, it's one word whites can't say and they want to say it anyways, its a symbol of oppression and white racism - blah blah blah. Basically just regurgitating what their handlers have taught them as they continue along their path of zero accountability in this backwards ass society we exist in.

I am hopeful Cooper is able to get past this and play. I honestly can't blame him to much for giving his faux apology - hundreds of reporters, stories, television segments are trying to tear him apart. He is in a tough spot.

The funny thing is all the black hypocrite "team mates" that have down way worse than him are either anonymously or like LeSean McCoy (who has done much worse than utter a single word) are basically undermining him. Its bizarre how this one white player says a one word is instantly villified yet the blacks mock white players on the field, make fun of whites in their daily lives, do drugs, beat women and engage in other acts of idiocy get a free pass. More and more white athletes are becoming the favorite targets of the jewish run press - Tebow, Manziel and Cooper are three prime examples.

If Cooper is targeted during the season will it be considered a hate crime? Probably not but it could stoke the fires more and more. The Race "conversation" is so one sided and dishonest in this country, its a joke.
I'm actually shocked that he's still with the team, and most, if not all black players appear to have forgiven him. I thought he's radioactive now, and no one would want him, which means he'd be permanently banished from the NFL. We'll still have to wait and see if they'll keep him.

And imagine this, a lifeline thrown to him by Michael Vick of all people, with some good comments. I believe this incident all but guarantees that Vick will be named the starter to keep the locker room harmony intact.
I'm actually shocked that he's still with the team, and most, if not all black players appear to have forgiven him. I thought he's radioactive now, and no one would want him, which means he'd be permanently banished from the NFL. We'll still have to wait and see if they'll keep him.

And imagine this, a lifeline thrown to him by Michael Vick of all people, with some good comments. I believe this incident all but guarantees that Vick will be named the starter to keep the locker room harmony intact.

Interesting observation and likely accurate too.
Great posts everyone. After viewing comments on other sites about this story it does seem that alot of people have really had enough, if anything this stokes the fires. Don - that post about the NFL being diverse both pissed me off and made me laugh out loud - are those idiots serious.

Most blacks that seem to post give the same argument - they turned a negative into a positive, it's one word whites can't say and they want to say it anyways, its a symbol of oppression and white racism - blah blah blah. Basically just regurgitating what their handlers have taught them as they continue along their path of zero accountability in this backwards ass society we exist in.

I am hopeful Cooper is able to get past this and play. I honestly can't blame him to much for giving his faux apology - hundreds of reporters, stories, television segments are trying to tear him apart. He is in a tough spot.

The funny thing is all the black hypocrite "team mates" that have down way worse than him are either anonymously or like LeSean McCoy (who has done much worse than utter a single word) are basically undermining him. Its bizarre how this one white player says a one word is instantly villified yet the blacks mock white players on the field, make fun of whites in their daily lives, do drugs, beat women and engage in other acts of idiocy get a free pass. More and more white athletes are becoming the favorite targets of the jewish run press - Tebow, Manziel and Cooper are three prime examples.

If Cooper is targeted during the season will it be considered a hate crime? Probably not but it could stoke the fires more and more. The Race "conversation" is so one sided and dishonest in this country, its a joke.

I was reading my the other day and one comment by a poster really stuck out. The poster wrote something like , "What if we recorded the Eagles locker room after the George Zimmerman verdict. The racial slurs against whites would be too many to count.:

I think Cooper, like many white college and NFL players, was subject to a lot of racial taunting throughout his playing career. Many whites are sick of it but few are brave enough to address it.
Don't worry one day the handlers here in 'Murika will relent and show mercy, it is how they retain the aura of AUTHORITY, and too many here will rejoice, "Master has loosened the shackles." But there are a few here who really desire to liberate whites from this immoral AUTHORITY, and that is real greatness.
American Freedom News