Riley Cooper

If he doesn't get killed in the locker or the field, his career is done. The Main Scream Media will ride this horse into the ground. :icon_sad:
Will this be the end of Cooper's NFL career? Once again, White public figures have to realize that every private conversation is public in a Cultural Communist system.

Eagles WR Riley Cooper At Concert: "I Will Fight Every ****** Here"

Here's Riley Cooper, the guy who is supposed to replace the injured Jeremy Maclin as the Eagles' No. 2 wide receiver, being a racist hillbilly at a Kenny Chesney concert.

Update: Cooper apologizes on Twitter.

just came on to post this; i can't believe this bull****... will Vick throw to him now? will he get suspended by the league? will he get demoted/kicked off the team? Eagles are what, 80 percent black? goddamn it, Cooper

Riley Cooper - WR - Eagles

Eagles WR Riley Cooper has admitted to using a racial slur, and issued a lengthy apology.

"I am so ashamed and disgusted with myself," Cooper began. "I have apologized to my coach, to (owner) Jeffrey Lurie, to (GM) Howie Roseman and to my teammates. ... I am so ashamed, but there are no excuses. What I did was wrong and I will accept the consequences." It's unclear if Cooper will face league discipline, either in the form of a fine or suspension, but we would guess yes. Punishments tend to be harsh when the league is in the midst of a rash of negative publicity, which the NFL has been all summer. It's unlikely to affect Cooper's status with the Eagles, but we wouldn't rule it out. The biggest effect may be the chilling one it has on Cooper's relationship with his teammates.

Source: Adam Caplan on Twitter

He really stuck his foot in his mouth on this one.He should have known that anything he said like this would make it out into the msm.

Now there are a lot of questions about how this is going to affect his season.Will the NFL throw a suspension his way?Will Vick even look his way during games?Will the locker room make his life a living hell?Will he be demonized to the point of being ran out of the NFL?

I hope him the best but this is gonna kill him in the msm and NFLnetwork and BSPN.
If he doesn't get killed in the locker or the field, his career is done. The Main Scream Media will ride this horse into the ground. :icon_sad:

The media will probably be his main problem not his teammates.John Terry of Chelsea was accused of racial abuse towards a black player and Terry was playing on a half black team at the time but it never seemed to affect his relationship with his black teammates.He still got along well with them after the media furor but they were obviously British blacks aswell as French and African blacks ,it may be different with American blacks.If Cooper gets along well with his teammates then it shouldnt be a problem.The media are likely to hound him though,crucify him and drag his name through mud as they did with Terry.
It might be worth reiterating that he made these comments at a Kenny Chesney concert. Any guess of how many blacks were in the audience, let alone backstage?

Perhaps zero? Only blacks he could be talking about are security guard types (paid to be there), but even that's unlikely.

Anyone with half of a brain can come to the conclusion that he was very likely just using the "N*gger" slur in the same, casual way many black rappers and entertainers us it.

Perhaps he's sort of a wigger, who refers to everyone (whites, Asians, kids, ect.) as "N*ggers", because he thinks it's funny?

Unfortunately for him, he was caught on camera and we know the Jewish media -- who go into "Divide and Conquer" mode any chance they can --- will rely hold his feet to the fire for a while. Hopefully this will go away soon.
Early in his career, Kerry Collins used the "n-word" while out drinking with some black teammates. He did it in a friendly way, being overly confident of his relationship with those teammates. If I recall correctly, WR Muhsin Muhammad was offended and complained and Collins, who also had a drinking problem, was given a rough time for a while by the media but eventually overcame it.

In this case, a lot may depend on what Cooper's black teammates thought of him before today's unveiling of his crime against humanity. If they like him, it may wash over and his main problem will be watching out for black opponents trying to take out one of his knees during games. The media will likely take their cue from Cooper's black teammates, and from Howie Roseman and Jeff Lurie, as far as the degree they will persecute him. Considering how underused he's been and how widely he's disliked by DWFs, the overall prognosis for Riley isn't good.
It was sure fine when the negroes were yelling racial slurs at Peyton Hillis in front of thousands of DWF's. That was accepted.

Remember the black cornerback Brian Williams calling white cops all types of racial slurs back in 2008? These animals get away with everything.
Wow, this doesn't sound very good for Cooper, especially playing in the "City of Bruva-ly Love". Perhaps he was hanging out with Paula Deen before the concert.:tape2:
I just read on some blog that Cooper was to face reporters while offering an apology. If I were a reporter present, I would of asked just have one question: How many times have you been called white boy or cracka on the field in your playing career? The answer wouldn’t matter though, the rules are different.

Last year, during a Denver game an on the field microphone caught the phrase “what you looking at white boyâ€￾ while Denver was breaking the huddle. I wondered if the slur was aimed at Eric Decker or Brandon Stokley. We know Peyton Hillis received this kind of treatment, the media doesn’t find this interesting, however.

QB Kerry Collins reportedly used the N word and recovered. That was a totally different situation as he used it while hanging out with blacks and thought it would be accepted. Cooper is in a tough, tough situation.
I just read on some blog that Cooper was to face reporters while offering an apology. If I were a reporter present, I would of asked just have one question: How many times have you been called white boy or cracka on the field in your playing career? The answer wouldn’t matter though, the rules are different.

Last year, during a Denver game an on the field microphone caught the phrase “what you looking at white boyâ€￾ while Denver was breaking the huddle. I wondered if the slur was aimed at Eric Decker or Brandon Stokley. We know Peyton Hillis received this kind of treatment, the media doesn’t find this interesting, however.

QB Kerry Collins reportedly used the N word and recovered. That was a totally different situation as he used it while hanging out with blacks and thought it would be accepted. Cooper is in a tough, tough situation.

I wonder who he was screaming to? Was it a black security guard on the other side of the fence? They will really try and railroad him now.

Don, I always respect your opinions greatly. You usually have a great explanation for just about everything but I have to disagree with you on this one. He may have some black friends on the team but once a black hears that word come out of a whites mouth it's over. Mark my words, not a single black player will come to his defense and even if one were they'd never risk being called an Uncle Tom and being shunned by the black community.
Boy, the NFL just does not want to go over its ridiculously low black quarterback of starting white WRS, does it? First, the Ryan Swope "concussion" during non-contact drills (although he only had a chance to be the 3rd WR), then the mysterious refusal of any team to sign the most talented WR on the market- Austin Collie.

Now, fresh on the heels of Maclin's injury, and Cooper's surprising promotion to the starting lineup, the media is suddenly giving saturation coverage to an incident that happened nearly two months ago. Supposedly, the club had already addressed this internally with Cooper, fining him a "significant" amount. So...why is this now the top story in the sports world?

This is the best chance our dysfunctional society has of finally punching this particular bully in the nose. Cooper obviously has a bolder personality than most of his white peers, and seems unwilling to back down under normal circumstances. So, if any of the unfairly treated white players are ever to step up and speak the truth, refuse to receive second class treatment, this is probably the guy to do it. So far, his initial apology is disappointing, but if the pressure from the "journalists" continues to build, who knows? Maybe he might say something about the First Amendment, and ask why he isn't allowed to be offended by hearing this same forbidden word uttered hundreds of times every day in his work environment, not to mention why he has to put up with all the racial slurs directed against him.

I try to explain to people all the time how absurd and untenable this double standard is; you can't have a culture where one particular word is for all intents and purposes illegal for everyone to say, except for one magical, minority group, who celebrates the word like no other, and sprinkles it liberally into their every conversation. I am typically met with the blank, zombie-like stares we are all familiar with.

If only someone, somewhere, would just use the simple talking point- "How can a word be bad enough to ruin the careers and destroy the lives of those caught using it, yet at the same time be THE favorite word of one particular group?" But instead, all we get is the typical, nauseating apologies that never work. When is one of these "offenders" going to discern that they are going to be punished severely regardless of any words of "healing" they utter? Why not try fighting back for once?

I heard something about some black idiot (didn't catch the name) tweeting out a $1000 bounty on Riley Cooper's head. Shockingly, the jock sniffers in the "media" didn't seem bothered by this. We have unquestionably reached the point, as I have noted before, where offending black people is considered a more serious "crime" than the violent actions of black people themselves. Will white people ever reach the tipping point? Are they still capable of displaying a shred of pride, determination or self- confidence?
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I heard something about some black idiot (didn't catch the name) tweeting out a $1000 bounty on Riley Cooper's head. Shockingly, the jock sniffers in the "media" didn't seem bothered by this. We have unquestionably reached the point, as I have noted before, where offending black people is considered a more serious "crime" than the violent actions of black people themselves. Will white people ever reach the tipping point? Are they still capable of displaying a shred of pride, determination or self- confidence?

The idiot was Marcus Vick, younger brother of Michael. However, the NFL Network just reported after Cooper's meeting with his teammates that Michael Vick was very forgiving of him. No other player reaction was given. Michael Vick of all people should know about second chances and being able to redeem oneself. This drama is still shaking out, but I still think it will be Cooper's black teammates that decide his fate.
I just heard about this on the radio, the announcer, not an editorial guy, just giving the news asked rhetorically if Cooper's career was over, and then quoted an 'unnamed Eagles official' who said he didn't think so but he had a lot of "healing to do".

My friend Leon said: "that sure is one crazy n*gger, to use the word n*gger, about a n*gger, and he not be a n*gger". Nigga got that right.
I just heard about this on the radio, the announcer, not an editorial guy, just giving the news asked rhetorically if Cooper's career was over, and then quoted an 'unnamed Eagles official' who said he didn't think so but he had a lot of "healing to do".

My friend Leon said: "that sure is one crazy n*gger, to use the word n*gger, about a n*gger, and he not be a n*gger". Nigga got that right.

Perhaps Cooper should come out and say his " outburst" was a result of constant racial abuse he has faced from all the African Americans he has played with throughout his career and that all this abuse has broken him down and affected his personal life. Then he could go on to say he has had many hours of counseling due to being constantly made to feel like he is a second class citizen by all these African Americans in the NFL. He could write a book about all the racism against him...I could go on but you get the idea. Play the "poor me" card. It's the only angle he has in my opinion. Screw the NFL and screw a career in the NFL. He would never be treated fairly anyways! Dont count on me to tune into any games this year...I live near Seattle so it wouldn't matter much
I wonder who he was screaming to? Was it a black security guard on the other side of the fence? They will really try and railroad him now.

Don, I always respect your opinions greatly. You usually have a great explanation for just about everything but I have to disagree with you on this one. He may have some black friends on the team but once a black hears that word come out of a whites mouth it's over. Mark my words, not a single black player will come to his defense and even if one were they'd never risk being called an Uncle Tom and being shunned by the black community.
I recall a Black lineman admitting on ESPN that he let an "arrogant" White qb get creamed on a passing play because he wanted the other qb to play. I wouldn't be shocked to see a Cheestake teammate not lay a block on a defender on a end a round so that Cooper gets clobbered. Ps this is the funniest controversy about a White using the N word it almost seems scripted by this Ned Flanders clone........
It might be worth reiterating that he made these comments at a Kenny Chesney concert. Any guess of how many blacks were in the audience, let alone backstage?

Perhaps zero? Only blacks he could be talking about are security guard types (paid to be there), but even that's unlikely.

Anyone with half of a brain can come to the conclusion that he was very likely just using the "N*gger" slur in the same, casual way many black rappers and entertainers us it.

Perhaps he's sort of a wigger, who refers to everyone (whites, Asians, kids, ect.) as "N*ggers", because he thinks it's funny?

Unfortunately for him, he was caught on camera and we know the Jewish media -- who go into "Divide and Conquer" mode any chance they can --- will rely hold his feet to the fire for a while. Hopefully this will go away soon.

I'm kind of with Truthteller on this one, he may be a wigger, but the only problem with that; is his apology.
I would have made no comment until asked and would have said I hear so much crazy @$$ black rap music in the locker room using the word nigg@ and f#c% all the time it just came out. Kind of like when your child here's you say a curse word, they are prone to repeat it. There, end of of explanation. Let's move on.
I don't understand the context of his use of the word. Did he really say it in a racist way? or was he implying that he would fight everybody there and used the word "nigga" since he has been surrounded by a ton of blacks since his UF days. I can't imagine black people at a Kenny Chesney concert.
I don't understand the context of his use of the word. Did he really say it in a racist way? or was he implying that he would fight everybody there and used the word "nigga" since he has been surrounded by a ton of blacks since his UF days. I can't imagine black people at a Kenny Chesney concert.

Again, another reliable explanation, except for his apology. The way he apologized is killing him.:doh:
Again, another reliable explanation, except for his apology. The way he apologized is killing him.:doh:

Thats exactly right. The "Im so ashamed, and disgusted with myself" B.S. is just nauseating. Like Jaxvid said awhile back there are no real men on that level of fame.
I really wish he would of used this as an opportunity to expose the double-standard of whites in pro sports but in society as a whole. Tell the media that he has been insulted for being white on a football field and exposing it all. He is going to be a target though for sure.
I don't understand the context of his use of the word. Did he really say it in a racist way? or was he implying that he would fight everybody there and used the word "nigga" since he has been surrounded by a ton of blacks since his UF days. I can't imagine black people at a Kenny Chesney concert.

Turns out his anger was directed at a black security guard. Actually, as I noted earlier, the only blacks at a Kenny Chesney concert would likely be paid stadium staff. That could complicate things for him, as the media can really hammer him good -- now he's admitted his "slur" was targeted towards a black man.

Perhaps a good sign is several of his most notable teammates (Vick, Avant, Ryans) have said they fully support him. It also has to help that the Eagles have a Jewish owner and Jewish GM, who apparently don't want to cut him over this.

I agree with Carolina Speed, in the sense that I think Riley is probably a bit of wigger, who got way too comfortable throwing the "n*gger" term around freely, even in a friendly way with his black teammates. Now he's on tape saying it, and he'll be forced to apologize a million times.

My guess, is the Jewish media elite are more upset about it than his Eagles black teammates. As I'm typing this, I have the TV on and Neil Everett (Morfitt) is on ESPN asking if he should be cut?

Jewish flame-thrower Jim Rome has gone on record saying he should've been cut immediately.
Jason Avant said that he's one of his best friends on the team and that he's standing by him no matter what. Also supposedly he and Maclin are very close. It's going to be tough but I truly feel that prior to the comment, Cooper was well liked by a lot of his black teammates (as much as a cracka wide receiver can be liked), they will pretend to forgive him and Riley will still have a breakout season. I can already see the sappy Sportscenter special segment around Week 14/15 where they play dramatic music in the background and Riley says, "I was lost, I was drinking too much, I offended my 'African-American' teammates and friends--of which I have many, then I got help and I turned my out-of-control life around..." Mark it down!
Well I just bought a Riley Cooper Jersey. I will look good next to my new Danny Woodhead and Wes Welker jeresy.
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