Riley Cooper

it seems Vick might be having a change of heart on his forgiveness, maybe his teammates didn't approve of the apology

"No," Vick said. "That's the thing. That's not the guy we know. We know Riley."

Vick paused for a second.

"Or maybe we don't," he said.

Blacks calling for him to be cut are too dumb to realize that this is going to set a precedent for things said about homosexuals, and you know a black player is going to slip up and say something derogatory. While the league doesn't give a **** about what is said about White people, they will care about what it is said about **** as we saw with the last black player who said something about them for the 49ers who had to apologize.
Blacks calling for him to be cut are too dumb to realize that this is going to set a precedent for things said about homosexuals, and you know a black player is going to slip up and say something derogatory.

I remember reading SI back in the 1990's and Ricky Proehl was basically begging the NFL to the stop the racial abuse/taunting he was getting from black linebackers and DB's. I believe Ed McCaffery also admitted to being constantly racially harassed and wanted the league to step in and stop it....I think in recent years, Peyton Hillis has even openly talked about being racially taunted.

It's an absolute miracle that a group of ex-white players hasn't sued the NFL for allowing such a "hostile working environment".

If several ex-white players ever came forward and simply told the truth about the racial taunting they were forced to endure, my guess is the KFL (Kosher Football League) could face tens-of-millions (if not billions) in damages, as this has been going on for several decades!

Yea, this makes a ton of sense: White guy utters a taboo "slur" in private (while drunk)...Next the rabidly anti-Gentile, Jewish media persecutes him 24/7 to the point he has to walk from his high paying dream job and that's okay?

However, black DB's and LB's can taunt and racially harass whites to no end on the field with impunity. Any black DB or LB can undoubtedly say the following to any white WR or RB (at any time) and no one would care: "Hey white boy, if you done come over the middle, I is gonna break your leg".

Why would guys like Bram Weinstein, Chris Berman, Adam Schefter and Bob Holtzman give a flying f**k, they've probably been taught their hole lives Gentiles are garbage and are basically sub-human. They are only good for fighting costly, never-ending wars for Israel, ala Pat Tillman and Jeremy Staat?
Here's the latest buffoonery:

Riley Cooper has been excused from all team activities as he seeks counseling for his recent actions.

The Eagles released the following statement: "This is all new territory and we are going to evaluate this timetable every step of the way. He will meet with professionals provided by the Eagles during this period of time to better help him understand how his words have hurt so many, including his teammates." Cooper released a statement of his own and said he plans to "step away for a period of time" as he deals with his "inexcusable" actions. Look for some combination of Arrelious Benn, Jason Avant, and Russell Shepard to man the No. 2 receiver spot in camp while Cooper is away.

How absurd. Riley has to get lectured to by some hack with a bullsh1t PHD about how "hurtful his words" are. This is a grown adult, not a child in elementary school, taking time away from his profession to talk about feelings. This is nothing more that re-education brainwashing straight out of a dystopian sci-fi novel of generations past.
it seems Vick might be having a change of heart on his forgiveness, maybe his teammates didn't approve of the apology

"No," Vick said. "That's the thing. That's not the guy we know. We know Riley."

Vick paused for a second.

"Or maybe we don't," he said.

Blacks calling for him to be cut are too dumb to realize that this is going to set a precedent for things said about homosexuals, and you know a black player is going to slip up and say something derogatory. While the league doesn't give a **** about what is said about White people, they will care about what it is said about **** as we saw with the last black player who said something about them for the 49ers who had to apologize.

All part of the agenda. Making Vick out to be the "peacemaker" and showing how he's redeemed himself. I get the feeling Vick doesn't want any part of it, but it it helps his career then so be it.
Not looking good for Riley....:;the media won't let the story die the Eagles sending him to Stalinist like counseling.......if the Eagles cut him no other team would pick him up. The may turn into the ultimate PC character assassination story
Not looking good for Riley....:;the media won't let the story die the Eagles sending him to Stalinist like counseling.......if the Eagles cut him no other team would pick him up. The may turn into the ultimate PC character assassination story

If he is ran out of football i'm finishedwith the bs nfl.
Sterling Sharpe on Inside Training Camp just said he doesn't see how the Eagles can let Riley back into the mostly black locker room......and, if the Eagles cut him, no other team would touch him.......I think the dye is cast......
ESPN's Sports Center doing a lengthy round table on Cooper.....with Merrill Hodge and the old black coach the consensus is building........his career is over
ESPN's Sports Center doing a lengthy round table on Cooper.....with Merrill Hodge and the old black coach the consensus is building........his career is over

As I said earlier, I'm surprised he's still on the team. But this has turned into a fast moving story now and the media is indeed not letting it go. The black players, even those who appeared to be on the forgiving side, are starting to change their tune. He should be cut fairly soon and since no other team will pick him up, his career will be over.

The question is, will he then go for broke and do what Bigunreal suggested? He'll have nothing to lose at that point.
Interesting situaltion. If the Eagles get rid of Cooper, he'll be picked up. I'm certain of it. I think it'd probably be New England or Denver, with coach Manning out there. I think the league is quietly putting pressure on the Eagles to keep him so just such a scenario doesn't come to pass.

If Cooper is cut, he has to hold a press conference and tell the world of the racism against him and whites in the NFL. but if he does the media will say "sour grapes and that he is projecting his racism on the league. He will further be made out to be persona non grata." White people in this upside country are F'd! Except the elites.
And while Cooper is being persecuted for a single word he said while drunk (and notice how the corporate media in print and TV reports has started to say Riley used racial "slurs" plural), Jewish-run Hollywood proudly gets ready to launch yet another show centered around raw hate against White men. This one is by the half-Jew homo Seth McFarlane:

Seth MacFarlane's New Fox Sitcom Full of 'Disparaging Portrayals of White Men'

So much for that post-racial society we were promised if Barack Obama became the first black president.

Seth MacFarlane has a new sitcom coming to Fox this fall apparently filled with lots of racial jokes...all directed at white men, of course.

The cast and producers of Dads spoke at the Television Critics Association's summer tour Thursday, and according to The Wrap, were rather upfront about the show's content:

Stereotypes abound on "Dads," and come from the old-school-in-a-bad-way, socially out-of-step dads. One mistakes a woman of color for the maid. There's a joke likening a boxing match to a game of "punch the Puerto Rican." A young Asian woman dresses up as an anime character.

But in every case, the real target of the joke is the white male making it. [...]

"Just to be fair, these are some pretty disparaging portrayals of white men," joked star Seth Green.

Disparaging portrayals of white men.

Can you imagine any network airing a show full of disparaging portrayals of black men? Or Hispanic men? Or Asian men?

Not likely.


Well, because that would be considered racist.

And how about disparaging portrayals of women?

Can't do that. That would be sexist.

But disparaging portrayals of white men?

Good, clean fun.

Welcome to Obama's America.

Read more:
Interesting situation. If the Eagles get rid of Cooper, he'll be picked up. I'm certain of it. I think it'd probably be New England or Denver, with coach Manning out there. I think the league is quietly putting pressure on the Eagles to keep him so just such a scenario doesn't come to pass.


Tom, I honestly believe no other team in the NFL will sign Cooper if he's released. Perhaps the Patriots are his only chance, but don't forget their owner (Robert Kraft) is Jewish. While Kraft might not be outwardly anti-white as most of his fellow Lonsmen that own NFL and NBA teams, I can't imagine him taking Cooper after this overblown episode.

However, Tom, I wholeheartedly agree with your second point: I don't think the league wants the Eagles to release him. My guess is they'd prefer he stay put and work this out. why?

One, it appears a "race-war" has broken out on message boards at various websites (, and you can tell the race of most of the posters due to their Facebook accounts. It seems over 90% of whites (men and women) are backing Cooper, while the vast majority of blacks want to see him gone. While blacks may think they are an important fan base, I'd assume whites make up North of 95% of the leagues' season ticket holders and are more important to sponsors. Last thing the NFL needs, is have the Limbaugh/Hannity crowd upset at them, as they see Cooper as the NFL equivalent of George Zimmerman. I think this is already happening.

Secondly, as I noted in my last post, there is more than ample evidence (dating back over 20 years) that blacks linebackers and DB's have been regularly racially taunting and harassing white WR's and running backs, creating a "hostile workplace environment". The league must be fully aware of this and they have to know it could bite them hard on the @ss if they are ever taken to court.

I hate to say this, but I think Riley is finished. Only chance he has, is if the Eagles take him back....If this is true (that he's done), I would hope he becomes part of a group that sues the league. At that point, what else does he have to lose?

He can apologize 10 million times a day and it will not change anything. Only redress, would be via litigation, claiming he was run out the NFL for a "racial slur" off the field, while blacks have been allowed to racially taunt and harass for decades with impunity.
I've heard countless system writers, commentators and pundits deplore the way so many blacks use the n-word when discussing Cooper's use of the word, but there's been a total "blackout" [pun intended] on how common it is for blacks to use racial slurs against Whites in every facet of life, including at an epidemic level in the NFL. Every "discussion on race" is totally one-sided except for those articles that allow comments. But what else can one expect in a country whose institutions hate Whites to a degree that only be described as Genocide Lite in intent and implementation?
Below is part of the article I was alluding to earlier. I Read this online just a couple years ago and thought it was from the mid-90's, but it's actually from September, 1992.

I will NOT provide a link for it, because the rest of the article is simply terrible --- total Caste bull$hit trying to justify the fact that white WR's were only a "vanishing breed" due to a lack of speed. It was written by fat-@sshole Peter King, who's been a loyal castewhore for the Kosher the media for many years.

The Taunts start early for Phoenix Cardinal wide receiver Ricky Proehl on most fall Sundays. "Hey, slow white boy!" opposing cornerbacks scream at him. "You ain't going anywhere today. You ain't catching nothing!"

Proehl thinks the Philadelphia Eagle defensive backs are the loudest, but they aren't alone in singling him out—Proehl's one of only five white wide receivers who were starters for most or all of last season. "Most cornerbacks take it personally when they get beat by a white guy," Proehl says. "Even in practice, when I beat a corner deep, I get compliments. It's like I'm not supposed to do it. "

By the way, my guess is most of the taunts were much less "tame" and far more angry and "profanity laced" than fat-pig Peter King put forth in But as Don has pointed out, our Jewish masters have set up a world in which whites can be routinely and constantly belittled, taunted, harassed and even physically attacked by blacks and it simply can not be mentioned.



Vintage 1970's Photo of a massively overweight Caste Clown
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I don't read social networking sites, is it really that divided?
I don't read social networking sites, is it really that divided?

I'm alluding to the Facebook comments posted after various articles. Like this one at

Right now it's about 5.35 EST and here are the comments of the first dozen (or so) whites (I've deleted their names). All the blacks are anti-Riley, of course:

In the NFL a black guy can assault someone, be involved in a homicide, and numerous other things (Pacman) and get 4th and 5th chances. A white guy uses a word that black people freely call each other and he needs to be banned for life. Ridiculous logic.
Its funny to me that this is even a story. While I agree that what he said was stupid and deserved to be fined but I wonder if the role was reversed and McCoy (who said he lost respect for Cooper by this) was caught saying he would fight every cracker in here would it be considered racist?
If it's ok for a certain race to say a word any race should be able to. It would be racist to think only one race is allowed to do something. With that in mind I'm also introducing two new ideas. White entertainment television, and a yearly white expo. No wait that would probably be racist to have equality.
I suppose that means that Victor Cruz will also lose his job for saying "the hood" will get George Zimmerman within a year.....which is not only racist statement, but also encouraging homicide.
Well if a man loses is job for saying one word then I guess society has not advanced as far as we had hoped I thought at least with minority president I thought we would stop making this an issue in country but no people will still get blamed for things that happened decades ago
"What if I told you the n word was worse than DUI mansalughter".
an all new ESPN 30 for witch hunt.

I think the media likes making people out to be racist then they have something to talk about
JA Adande saying on PTI "We know there are certain people can say that word and others can't" And then he admits that African Americans are saying that word constantly in the locker room.
I don't remember Delmon Young being BREAKING NEWS for two straight days after he had a huge rant of anti-Semitic phrases to New York Jews. Oh yeah forgot about the Double Standard.
Let the one who has never said a racial comment or laughed at one throw the first stone! Forgive as you would like to be forgiven.
This faux rage over words is getting ludicrous. Yes, we all agree it was wrong and should never be said. But, please, all these self-righteous pontificators trying to destroy Cooper are too much. This piling on due to our cultural collectivist PC over-hype on the "hurt" of words--grow up!
Does anybody remember Floyd mayweather making fun of Manny Pac with the sushi wonton eggroll comment....didn't think so but that's totally ok.
I agree- it was horrible what Cooper said- on the other hand- black people r allowed to denigrate and make fun of white people at will/ as if they r the only race to have the right to b racist- I understand the effects of slavery - but when does that excuse expire?

Actually, I'm glad to the whites (DWF's) are showing some backbone. Hopefully they will do what I did many years ago -- stop supporting this league. No more game tickets, trading cards, hats, ect.....
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Yes, glad to see people realize the double standard

this is the type of UF team Riley was on and exposed to constantly as described by OSU

"They're classless. That's the way I'd put it," Moeller said, according to Marcus Hartman from Buckeye Sports Bulletin. "I've never seen more people swing at our players and call us racial slurs. I've never been called a 'cracker' more in my life than I have today. So I don't really have much respect for them in terms of that but they're a good team. They came out and outplayed us today." is doing on poll on their NFL page, asking to you think Cooper should be cut. So far 81 percent say no. This just proves my point that the media is blowing this out of proportion, first off he was most likely calling white people ******, so their was clearly no malicious intent, and also we don't know the context it was said in. Personally I recommend you guys go on in the NFL section and vote. I hope by the end of the night it's like 90 percent to make DWF, racist blacks, and the stupid race baiting media feel stupid. is doing on poll on their NFL page, asking to you think Cooper should be cut. So far 81 percent say no. This just proves my point that the media is blowing this out of proportion, first off he was most likely calling white people ******, so their was clearly no malicious intent, and also we don't know the context it was said in. Personally I recommend you guys go on in the NFL section and vote. I hope by the end of the night it's like 90 percent to make DWF, racist blacks, and the stupid race baiting media feel stupid.

All that will do is make them say "look how much hate, and racist anger is still out there in America today! I cant believe in this day and age that 90% of people are still so bitterly racissssssst!"
Riley Cooper has been admirable in the way he's handled himself. He showed genuine contrition, but didn't weep or otherwise emasculate himself. In fact, he's got everything going for him -- tremendous athleticism, movie star good looks, charisma, well spoken. In any era of the USSA pre-1970, he'd have been a widely admired, nationally known star athlete, whether in football or baseball, or both. Maybe he could have been a better two-sport athlete than Bo Jackson; my bet would be on Riley but we'll never know will we? No wonder he has righteous anger.
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First thing I heard on the radio this morning was a comarpison of what Riley Cooper did, and what Michael Vick did. As if verballizing something is as bad, or worse than an act of animal cruelty. But the radio announcer was coming at it from the angle of MV has paid his debt to society and Riley Cooper hasn't paid his "debt" yet. As if there's any comparison with the two situations. Interesting that such ridiculous logic is being put forth on a public radio station.

He could have raped someone, assaulted someone, played a part in a murder or ran over someone on his way home, and the reaction wouldn't have been so bad. He wouldn't have gotten off scot-free since he isn't black, but he wouldn't be seen as the new Hitler, regardless.

All of this to continually baby and protect our black population from being offended. The unspoken rule among the media, politicians and liberals in general is that anything that can possibly upset the delicate sensibilities of the black breed of drama queens shouldn't be spoken of since they can't be trusted to not become violent at the first instance of being offended. It is everyone else's obligation to pamper their psyches and protect them from the burden of being decent humans.

The white runningback is expected to be able to handle himself when linebackers call him a cracker, the black OT called a ni**** by the DE is justified for starting a fight. The black quarter back who commits a felony doesn't have to fear being headhunted, the white receiver who says a word drunk at a concert has to fear for his life. It was Zimmerman's fault for offending trayvon into attacking him, white kids walking down the street are held to a higher standard of civility.

Burn baby burn.
The media is trying to exploit race, but for the most part it seems to be failing. I've been listening to a lot of sports radio and while the broadcasters are attempting to demonize Cooper, most of the callers believe it is being blown out of proportion for the sake of exploiting race.
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