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  1. S

    NBA Draft

    Yes. Americans own the media and power. Edited by: son_of_Radovan
  2. S

    Demographer: "It's Over For Anglos"

    Because it's full of Mexicans. Regardless of who rules the sh*tpile, if it's full of non-Whites, it's always the same. (bold type added)
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    Wow. I didn't think you had it in you, johnnyboy. Sweet. Today Tel Aviv, tomorrow Hollywood (two prongs of the axis of evil )
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    CUT US aid to Israel???

    ...And Egypt's massive number of Arabic supporters (enabled by those Egypto-Christians) and their powerful lobbies, pressure groups (such as the Egyptian SPLC and the Egyptian ADL) can continue to make White skin a crime while propagandizing White women into hating White men and our youth into...
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    Gays and the Military

    Here's a reason to NOT join.Edited by: son_of_Radovan
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    2010 week 2

    This is an excellent observation and an equal question. While I would wish that such a book exists (for two reasons - first, it would be a powerful bit of evidence, and second, it would mean that fewer Whites are conditioned to respond in an anti-white manner than I feared) I do not believe...
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    Office of Minority and Women Inclusion

    Utterly unsurprising considering this is a full-scale genocide (if White women would awaken to this fact - they are included when "Whitey" is targeted...well, we can dream). It will continue, escalate, accelerate as long as there is no response.
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    Helen Thomas quits

    Their ability to stay in there is predicated on suicidal White self-sacrifice in the form of blood (Iraq, et al - and likely soon to be Iran) and treasure (billions per year in aid, high-tech weaponry, etc). Keep in mind, the entire time we sacrifice, they are attempting to exterminate us in...
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    Helen Thomas quits

    I agree in entirety with you, KP, et al, Bart, though I might use the analogy of wealthy abused whore constantly returning to the abusive little *rick.
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    Former NY Giant rapes 16 year old girl

    I cannot say how much I appreciate your fire, Thrashen. Some days, upon coming home from work (factory with >90% White male workers on midnight) I am convinced that only the weak remain; then I pass by here and read posts by select members and the experience is reinvigorating. My...
  11. S

    Eugene Terre Blanche RIP

    I do not ask for, nor do I care for media exposure and support; especially considering who the media are. I want us to stand up for us; rather than hope for international support (which for Whites in SA will never come from the United States or Europe, busy annihilating their own Whites) I...
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    Winter Olympics

    Slovenija gives the US women stiff competition... Tina Maze, 2x Silver Medalist 2010 - Super G and Giant Slalom
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    SI swimsuit blonde...and swastikas!

    One day they will beg for forgiveness and there will...nay, must be none. Mt. St. Helens, 1977 Slumber need not lead to death.
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    SI swimsuit blonde...and swastikas!

    (bold type added)
  15. S

    What’s Up With White Women  And White Men?

    Agree - incredible. What I wouldn't give to hear one young white female (17-22), of her own free will and volition, defend her people and the only men who would sacrifice everything, their very lives, for her well being - white men. Just one young white woman, uncoerced, without alterior...
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    Earthquake in Haiti

    It is glaring, isn't it? For example, Leonhard Seppala, et al, and the 1925 Nome Serum Run or local responses to the 1985 killer tornado swarm in PA. The first group endangered their very lives to save people hundreds of miles away in the deadly cold of the Alaskan winter; for the second, the...
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    Earthquake in Haiti

    Excellent post Thrashen No one could have put it better.
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    Opinions on White+Mixed Couples

    " Mixed-race people don't have the same luxury as whites, blacks, Hispanics, or any other race in that they can never really be in a community that's just like them. You can't tell many mixed-race people to stick with their own kind like you could for a white or black person." That's their...
  19. S

    "Average American" is Dying Off

    Indeed, among other things
  20. S

    How's this conspiracy?

    Why show their hand? Everything they ever could have dreamed in their most depraved fantasies is coming true. White men cannot speak their mind, White women are estranged from their men (and constantly bombarded with misgenation and lesbian propaganda), gun ownership rights are being eroded...
  21. S

    Joe Sakic Retires

    From wikipedia : All-Time "¢8th place â€" Regular season points (1641) "¢11th place â€" Regular season assists (1016) "¢14th place â€" Regular season goals (625) "¢35th place â€" Regular season games played (1363) "¢1st place â€" All-Star...
  22. S

    Forcing Gender Equality

    He never "made the point that having female crew members caused the crash". He used this occasion to voice his concerns over forced gender equality, which should be a concern for anyone who still possesses a little sanity.
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    Are White People Stupid or What?

    Just supposing it's worth the effort, see: Who else celebrates? More about these guys Note that this has been suppressed And of course, our ever-reliable allies would *never* attempt to lure us into their war Of course, if we expand this beyond Israel, to Jewish hatred of Whites...
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    Yugoslavia, a small, soverign nation, was basically destroyed by the Occident for many of the same reasons Russia is now condemned for destroying Georgia. Mahommedans - who since the 1970's wished a sharia-run state in Bosnia (where they are a minority) - with instigation from the usual...