Helen Thomas quits

From the perspective of an evangelical Christian, I'd much rather be part of Christ's church and be the "Bride of Christ", saved by his blood, than an heir of Abraham. They've still got a lot of foul stuff coming at them and eventually will have to accept Jesus as their Savior as well. The deal with Abram does not include salvation on their own merits. So don't be "jealous" of the 12 Tribes, I'd rather have my place with the Lord than a dusty remnant on the Eastern Mediterranean!!
FootballDad said:
jaxvid said:
FootballDad said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Let the strong take all they want and put the weak in gas chambers.
Please. Don't feign shock just because it's a type of comment that jews hate. What about "stinking Arab hordes" living in "cesspools". And your insistence on might makes right? That's the same thing!
<div>Jews?  "Put the weak in gas chambers" should offend anyone.  Although the modern anecdote would be toward the majority historical perspective in regards to Nazi Germany, to me this is a cry for eugenics in general, which should be repulsive to any human being.</div>

I thought it was to the victor go the spoils? As Jaxvid pointed out, you're a hypocrit. What is going on in Palestine if not genocide? Arabs have been removed from the land and are now under seige. That is the definition of genocide justified by you're reasoning of them just being dumb Arabs anyway. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
<div></div>  Modern Bibles are translated directly from the Hebrew and Greek manuscripts.  The volume of copies of source material, when cross-referenced is 99.5% accurate, with most differences being a misspelling or something along the lines of one copy saying "Jesus" while the next says "Jesus Christ".  So to use the old saw that the Scriptures have been corrupted does not hold up under examination.
<div> </div>

Yes, and blacks are genetically 99.999999% similar to whites. Look, you and I know you haven't studied the Bible. You are repeating Zionist talking points. Just explain how the promised land was promised to "Jews" and yet the word "Jew" does not appear in the first 11 books of the Bible.

Explain why Christian scholars tried to take the Holy Land for themselves. I suppose you are smarter than ancient Christian scholars?

Even Billy Graham said that there were two kinds of Jews in Judea - one of them belonging to the "Synagogue of Satan." I suppose you are more learned on the issue than Mr. Graham?

How incredibly silly to suggest that the Bible hasn't been corrupted according to who was interpreting the scripture. I don't think I need to post the dozens of completely different wording you get from just about each and every version of the Bible. Why do we have so many "versions" of the Bible if they are all the same as you say?

Prove to me that Ashkenazi Jews are the chosen people and that European whites couldn't possibly be. Afterall Jesus was an Israelite and it is likely that the people of his ilk were the first Christians. Christianity first spread through the white western European peoples of the Earth.

Revelations 3:9

"I will make those who are of the synagogue of Satan, who claim to be Jews though they are not, but are liarsâ€"I will make them come and fall down at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you."
Wasn't this thread originally about Helen Thomas?
Are you for real KP?? Just because a Bible's translated wording varies, in the translator's attempt to reach out to a different language group, or a different age group so that the message is understandable is not evidence for corruption! Just because my NIV version reads differently than my New King James or my Amplified bible, does not change the message! If I decide to look to the originalHebrew,Aramaic, orGreek to see for myself, I can.

What does Billy Graham's commentary on the Jews in modern-day Israel have to do with anything in my (or anyone elses) post here? Who said that the Jews now or in antiquity were innocent angels? A cursory glance at the Old Testament says otherwise. Do you want me to catalog all of the times that God allowed the Jews to be conquered by other kingdoms because of their wanton disobedience?

Also, you've twice mentioned the Crusades where the Church tried to take back the Holy Land. What this has to do with Israel, the Jews and biblical prophecy is a mystery known only to you, perhaps.

As for Jesus, he was a Jew. He was sent to redeem our sins, and minister first to the Jews, as he stated himself. I'm not sure why you are hung up on chosen people thing in regards to salvation, as it has nothing to do with it. As stated above, it's much better to be a saved Gentile and the Bride of Christ!
Helen Thomas and Israel are only issues for me
because our government and media make them issues. If Jews and Mohammedans want to slaughter
each other for all eternity over the Levant
that is their business (as a Christian I would pray for peace and more importantly
that God would save their souls).

However, the powers that be have decided that it is our
business. Criticism of Israeli policy is
a forbidden viewpoint with tangible consequences even among a so-called free
press. Our tax dollars fund Israel's war
machine even as our nation hurtles into bankruptcy. Our lopsided meddling brings jihadist
terrorism onto the American civilian population. We exhaust our military fighting wars against
enemies who hate us for taking sides in their regional disputes. If Iran
eventually makes nuclear weapons they are not doing it to wipe Israel off the map; they are doing it to deter
the U.S.
from invading their country.

I conclude with the wisdom of our Founding Fathers:

But she goes not abroad, in search of monsters to destroy.
She is the well-wisher to the freedom and independence of all. She is the
champion and vindicator only of her own.
-- John Quincy Adams

Our detached and distant situation invites and enables us to
pursue a different course. If we remain one people under an efficient
government. the period is not far off when we may defy material injury from
external annoyance; when we may take such an attitude as will cause the
neutrality we may at any time resolve upon to be scrupulously respected; when
belligerent nations, under the impossibility of making acquisitions upon us,
will not lightly hazard the giving us provocation; when we may choose peace or
war, as our interest, guided by justice, shall counsel.

Why forego the advantages of so peculiar a situation? Why quit
our own to stand upon foreign ground? Why, by interweaving our destiny with
that of any part of Europe, entangle our peace
and prosperity in the toils of European ambition, rivalship, interest, humor or

It is our true policy to steer clear of permanent alliances
with any portion of the foreign world; so far, I mean, as we are now at liberty
to do it; for let me not be understood as capable of patronizing infidelity to
existing engagements. I hold the maxim no less applicable to public than to private
affairs, that honesty is always the best policy. I repeat it, therefore, let
those engagements be observed in their genuine sense. But, in my opinion, it is
unnecessary and would be unwise to extend them.

Taking care always to keep ourselves by suitable establishments on a respectable defensive posture, we may safely trust to temporary alliances for extraordinary emergencies.
-- George Washington
Edited by: Paleocon
jaxvid said:
Your point was off the mark. Israel's military success is wholly due to US support in equipment, training, and billions of dollars. If that had been given to the Arabs instead there would be no Israel. It's got nothing to do with how "smart" they are unless you consider "smart" worming their way into positions of power in another country (USA) and using that power to further the goals of the home country.

Quite true. In a previous thread someone wrote that Israel has a thriving economy.
If not for the American taxpayer they would have crashed and burned decades ago. It's not hard for Izzy to flourish when good ol' Uncle Sam is Sugar Daddy.
I agree in entirety with you, KP, et al, Bart, though I might use the analogy of wealthy abused whore constantly returning to the abusive little *rick.
Menelik said:
Wasn't this thread originally about Helen Thomas?

Yeah I should've stayed out of it.

Where's your "Not this Sh!t again" post, it reminds me to avoid commenting!!!!
FootballDad said:
As for Jesus, he was a Jew. He was sent to redeem our sins, and minister first to the Jews, as he stated himself. I'm not sure why you are hung up on chosen people thing in regards to salvation, as it has nothing to do with it. As stated above, it's much better to be a saved Gentile and the Bride of Christ!
We should have our OWN religion, and not bother with those old Hebrew legends!

With its own gods, the Roman Empire was powerful before it became Christianized. Then, it gradually fell apart.

Centuries later, the pagan Vikings were, by all accounts, the most fearsome warriors imaginable - winning battle after battle where they were greatly outnumbered - until they converted to Christianity and then they became softer and more passive.

I prefer the old European legends to Middle Eastern mythology.
Yeah, back to the subject. How come no one who says some un-PC thing ever just says "screw it" and "that's the way I feel". Especially this old bag. She's almost dead! why is she apologizing! One of the advantages of getting old is not always having to say you're sorry for the stupid sh*t you say, you're old!! your brain is breaking down like the rest of you, what should people expect?

An old lady groveling before the Zionist's...just sad.
FootballDad said:
Are you for real KP??  Just because a Bible's translated wording varies, in the translator's attempt to reach out to a different language group, or a different age group so that the message is understandable is not evidence for corruption!  Just because my NIV version reads differently than my New King James or my Amplified bible, does not change the message!  If I decide to look to the original Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek to see for myself, I can.
<div> </div>
<div>What does Billy Graham's commentary on the Jews in modern-day Israel have to do with anything in my (or anyone elses) post here?   Who said that the Jews now or in antiquity were innocent angels?  A cursory glance at the Old Testament says otherwise.  Do you want me to catalog all of the times that God allowed the Jews to be conquered by other kingdoms because of their wanton disobedience?</div>
<div> </div>
<div>Also, you've twice mentioned the Crusades where the Church tried to take back the Holy Land.  What this has to do with Israel, the Jews and biblical prophecy is a mystery known only to you, perhaps.</div>
<div> </div>
<div>As for Jesus, he was a Jew.  He was sent to redeem our sins, and minister first to the Jews, as he stated himself.  I'm not sure why you are hung up on chosen people thing in regards to salvation, as it has nothing to do with it.  As stated above, it's much better to be a saved Gentile and the Bride of Christ!</div>

Are you some Biblical scholar? No, you're not. So why do feel the need to come on here and attack my views of a current event based on your warped view of Biblical prophecy that even Biblical scholars debate to this day? Is it because you have no moral point to back your own Zionism? Or is it because you like to parrot the lines of some hot-shot preacher man you once heard as you were flipping through the channels? Unless you have spent thousands of hours studying scripture, then don't come on here and start preaching your BS.

The issue should be; is Helen Thomas allowed to suggest that Jews not illegally settle in Palestine for the sake of peace? And should we as Christian Americans support illegal settlements by international law? If your best arguement is that Arabs are stupid and God/Jesus wants to Bulldoze down houses and starve poor dumb people, then just shut up. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
jaxvid said:
Menelik said:
Wasn't this thread originally about Helen Thomas?

Yeah I should've stayed out of it.

Where's your "Not this Sh!t again" post, it reminds me to avoid commenting!!!!

jaxvid said:
An old lady groveling before the Zionist's...just sad.

I went to Youtube and viewed the video of Helen Thomas and another of the Rabbi commenting on a news program. He said among other things, she should not be a journalist because she was biased. What chutzpah! The media is filled with partisan hacks of all stripes. Her crime was speaking against the Israaeli occupation of Palestine.

It's not like she was on 'Meet the Press' or some other news talk show, she was sitting on a bench at the White House when they were celebrating Jewish Heritage Month.
The rabbi approached her and asked her for some comments. She answered and has been guillotined.

Now, the good Rabbi could have let it go, but forgiving and forgetting is not a Jewish credo. After all she was just an old woman expressing her own personal opinions privately, not on a national venue.But that is not how Jews operate. No, they never forgive, never forget, so he had to show the video to the world knowing damn well that a firestorm would erupt among the Chosen and their minions. That should teach all goyim a lesson!Keep your traps shut and toe the line or else!
jaxvid said:
Menelik said:
If we are to claim that the Palestinians have a claim to the land what about all of the indigenous tribes that were here before Europeans arrived? Historical military conquest trumps all claims in my opinion. I'm sure though that someone will point out the error of my way of thinking.

The ruling government of an area IS decided by conquest. However note that every single native American tribe is still in the america's and they are not required to live in a certain area and prohibited to enjoy any of the other freedoms of the local population. While american natives might continue to self segregate or suffer due to the welfare state they live under, they are still free to go anywhere in the country and live as they chose. They are legal equals with the "conquerers" which is all that can really be asked.

Compare that to the Palestinians in Israel. Forcibly segregated, denied basic freedoms and basically living in a concentration camp. How does that compare to the Indians?

You have no clue. There are Arab members of the Israeli Parliament . Some are traitors to Israel calling for Israel's destruction and they aren't removed from their elected position. If a senator in the US made speeches supporting the destruction of the US , they would be forced to resign. Arabs citizens of Israel aren't prohibited from living anywhere in Israel. Arab citizens (who make up 20% of Israel's population) attend all of the top universities in Israel. Arabs are even members of Israel's national soccer team.
jaxvid said:
Westside said:

I only calls it as I sees it. I have made my point(s) and now will move on.

Your point was off the mark. Israel's military success is wholly due to US support in equipment, training, and billions of dollars. If that had been given to the Arabs instead there would be no Israel. It's got nothing to do with how "smart" they are unless you consider "smart" worming their way into positions of power in another country (USA) and using that power to further the goals of the home country.

Israel has fought 4 major wars : none since 1973. The US only began supporting Israel prior to the 1973 war. Israel's weapons in the 6 day war were French and British. The Air Force consisted entirely of Mirage, and Super Mystere Jets made in France. The Arabs had better weapons which were the latest Soviet models except for Jordan. Israel's tanks were older British models. The US never trained the Israel military. The "Billions" in aid only began in 1977 . Egypt has received the exact same amount each year. In 1948, Israel had no weapons from the West and only were able to buy weapons from Czechoslavakia. Jordan's army was actually led by British officers in 1948. In the 1973 war, the Soviets operated the SAM missiles sites in Egypt and even flew at least a few combat missions against the Israelis.
Just because Ari Fleischer who hates Helen Thomas because she constantly disrepected GW Bush , and one slimy politician voiced their opinions , I don't see the logic of vilifying all Jews.
jwhite96 said:
You have no clue. There are Arab members of the Israeli Parliament . Some are traitors to Israel calling for Israel's destruction and they aren't removed from their elected position. If a senator in the US made speeches supporting the destruction of the US , they would be forced to resign. Arabs citizens of Israel aren't prohibited from living anywhere in Israel. Arab citizens (who make up 20% of Israel's population) attend all of the top universities in Israel. Arabs are even members of Israel's national soccer team.

I didn't realize they had it so good in Israel. Sounds like a real nice place for Arabs. Wonder why there is so much violence if Israel is so supportive of Palestinians? I also wonder about the ship that the Israeli's attacked. Why the need for relief if the Arabs have it so good in Israel?
jaxvid said:
jwhite96 said:
You have no clue. There are Arab members of the Israeli Parliament . Some are traitors to Israel calling for Israel's destruction and they aren't removed from their elected position. If a senator in the US made speeches supporting the destruction of the US , they would be forced to resign. Arabs citizens of Israel aren't prohibited from living anywhere in Israel. Arab citizens (who make up 20% of Israel's population) attend all of the top universities in Israel. Arabs are even members of Israel's national soccer team.

I didn't realize they had it so good in Israel. Sounds like a real nice place for Arabs. Wonder why there is so much violence if Israel is so supportive of Palestinians? I also wonder about the ship that the Israeli's attacked. Why the need for relief if the Arabs have it so good in Israel?
Hey jaxvid, just can't stay away from it, can you? That's okay, I should have stopped with this thread a long time ago as well

My apologies for the overarching diatribe in regards to Christianity, et al. It happens to be a passion of mine. KP, you make many sweeping generalizations in regards to my biblical training. Where in your crystal ball does it say that I've never attended Seminary or that I am not ordained? How do you know? I'm not going to tell as it's no onesbusiness here.

In regards to Israel, I merely support their right to the land. If they can keep it, fine. I do not support my tax $$ for the support effort, however. As to jaxvid's question above in regards to Arab unrest in the region in regards to Israel, it's not necessarily Arabs, per se, but Islam. Eradication of the Jews is a central theological point in the Quran and Hadith, which is why Hamas and Hezbollah (Islamic names both) have Israel's destruction as part of their organizational charters. So even if Israel conceded all "contested" territories to placate the "Palestinians", it wouldn't change the core Islamic teachings and the hostilities would still continue.

In light of this, and getting back to Helen Thomas, perhaps she is more right than she knows?? With that, I, like Helen, "quit" this thread. Cheerio!!

Edited by: FootballDad
No need for a crystal ball. The Bible is a passion of mine also. That's why I get riled when someone tells me that the Christian Bible supports people being mistreated and dipossessed because "they think" an ancient document said so. As far as the Quran, I've never studied it and I also never heard about some plan to kill Christians. I do know what the Talmud says about goyim and how they view Christians. In a moral/Biblical sense, how could anyone suggest that Christians should in anyway support people who study the Talmud? I support neither the Talmud, nor the Koran. I support Christianity, good Christian judgement, and common sense.

If the Biblical arguement is that we must support Israel because the Old Testament said so, then at what point do we stop supporting Israel? What if that Jewish state was actually starting to enslave white goyim just as their Talmud suggest? Can we criticize Israel then? Can we question them when they come after our white sons and daughters, or must we all repeat misinterpreted verses from the Old Testament as we sit and quietly watch our own destruction? Has Jewish influence in America and the world been a positive or a negative for the White Western European People? Of course its been extremely negative. Then why should we support a Jewish Supremacist homeland?

yep Menelink, this sh!t again.

Edited by: Kaptain Poop
Kaptain Poop said:
If the Biblical arguement is that we must support Israel because the Old Testament said so, then at what point do we stop supporting Israel?

The Bible is just old Hebrew mythology.

White people should free their minds from that garbage and embrace our OWN legends and mythology.

Since I was a child, I've enjoyed the stories of Perseus, Hercules and Achilles more than the stories of Samson, Jonah and Noah.

Socrates &gt; Moses.

Aristotle &gt; Paul

Thor &gt; Jesus

White &gt; Semitic

Parody said:
Kaptain Poop said:
If the Biblical arguement is that we must support Israel because the Old Testament said so, then at what point do we stop supporting Israel?

The Bible is just old Hebrew mythology.

White people should free their minds from that garbage and embrace our OWN legends and mythology.

Since I was a child, I've enjoyed the stories of Perseus, Hercules and Achilles more than the stories of Samson, Jonah and Noah.

Socrates &gt; Moses.

Aristotle &gt; Paul

Thor &gt; Jesus

White &gt; Semitic


WTF! Is it crap on Christians now?!
Parody said:
Kaptain Poop said:
If the Biblical arguement is that we must support Israel because the Old Testament said so, then at what point do we stop supporting Israel?

The Bible is just old Hebrew mythology.

White people should free their minds from that garbage and embrace our OWN legends and mythology.

Since I was a child, I've enjoyed the stories of Perseus, Hercules and Achilles more than the stories of Samson, Jonah and Noah.

Socrates &gt; Moses.

Aristotle &gt; Paul

Thor &gt; Jesus

White &gt; Semitic

I remember bringing this up in junior high english class. I asked out loud why is Greek mythology called that and the Old Testament taken as the word of god. The only answer the teacher could come up with is that people still believe the bible. This was after the teacher thought about it for about 2 minutes....
white is right said:
Parody said:
Kaptain Poop said:
If the Biblical arguement is that we must support Israel because the Old Testament said so, then at what point do we stop supporting Israel?

The Bible is just old Hebrew mythology.

White people should free their minds from that garbage and embrace our OWN legends and mythology.

Since I was a child, I've enjoyed the stories of Perseus, Hercules and Achilles more than the stories of Samson, Jonah and Noah.

Socrates &gt; Moses.

Aristotle &gt; Paul

Thor &gt; Jesus

White &gt; Semitic

I remember bringing this up in junior high english class. I asked out loud why is Greek mythology called that and the Old Testament taken as the word of god. The only answer the teacher could come up with is that people still believe the bible. This was after the teacher thought about it for about 2 minutes....

You didn't have a very good teacher then. I teach history and let me tell you; there is plenty of historical and secular evidence that major figures of the Bible, to include Jesus, existed. Guess how much evidence there is for the authenticity of Hercules? Thor?
Menelik said:
white is right said:
Parody said:
Kaptain Poop said:
If the Biblical arguement is that we must support Israel because the Old Testament said so, then at what point do we stop supporting Israel?
The Bible is just old Hebrew mythology. White people should free their minds from that garbage and embrace our OWN legends and mythology. Since I was a child, I've enjoyed the stories of Perseus, Hercules and Achilles more than the stories of Samson, Jonah and Noah. Socrates &gt; Moses. Aristotle &gt; Paul Thor &gt; Jesus White &gt; Semitic
I remember bringing this up in junior high english class. I asked out loud why is Greek mythology called that and the Old Testament taken as the word of god. The only answer the teacher could come up with is that people still believe the bible. This was after the teacher thought about it for about 2 minutes....
<div> </div>
<div>You didn't have a very good teacher then. I teach history and let me tell you; there is plenty of historical and secular evidence that major figures of the Bible, to include Jesus, existed. Guess how much evidence there is for the authenticity of Hercules? Thor?

Absolutely right, Menelik. We often disagree on political matters but I don't think worshiping Thor and Hercules will get me anywhere in this life and certainly not a afterlife and at least the Biblical figures actually existed.
American Freedom News