What’s Up With White Women  And White Men?


Dec 7, 2008
A Comanche sees Reality:
more than Overdomesticated whites

What's Up With White Women â€" And White Men?
By David Yeagley, February 10, 2009

Since I began writing for Vdare.com, FrontPageMagazine.com, and TheAmericanEnterprise in 2001, there is one article that has been more often quoted than any other: What's Up With White Women? (It appeared on FrontPageMag May 18, 2001, but is no longer available on in its website). There is something in this article that has been considered fundamentally important by authors with such diverse approaches to as Pat Buchanan, The Death of the West, pp. 155-156), Robert Spencer, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam and the Crusades pp. 177-179 and Religion of Peace pp. 2-3), and most recently, Michael Medved, The 10 Big Lies About America, pp. 9-10).

My original article was meant to call attention to the fact that the attitude of white women in America is an indication of where the country standsâ€"and, specifically, where white men stand. As an American Indian, I had occasion to recognize this in a way that apparently spoke very deeply to white men in this country who are concerned about the future.

White men don't stand in a very good place, according to many white women. White men have failed.

This article came about as the result of a simple exchange between myself and a white female student, back when I was teaching at Oklahoma State University (Oklahoma City campus). It began:

"Look, Dr, Yeagley, I don't see anything about my culture to be proud of. It's all nothing. My race is just nothing."

The girl was white. She was tall and pretty, with amber hair and brown eyes. For convenience' sake, let's call her ‘Rachel'.

I had been leading a class on social psychology, in which we discussed patriotism â€" what it means to be a people or a nation. The discussion had been quite lively. But when Rachel spoke, everyone fell silent.

"Look at your culture", she said to me. "Look at American Indian tradition. Now I think that's really great. You have something to be proud of. My culture is nothing".

"You're not proud to be American?" I asked.

"Oh, I'm happy to be American, but I'm not proud of how America came about."

Her choice of words was telling. She was ‘happy' to be an American. But not ‘proud' of it.

On one level, I wasn't surprised. I knew the head of our American History department at Oklahoma State University-OKC, and I recognized his hackneyed liberal jargon in Rachel's words. She had taken one of his courses, with predictable results.

Yet, I was still stunned. Her words disturbed and offended me in a way that I could not quite enunciate.

I could hardly concentrate the rest of the day. I lay awake that night thinking about what she had said.

‘Rachel', I called her, said that she was ashamed of American culture. She essentially denied that there was any. On the other hand, she extolled me and American Indian people for the honorable culture of Indian Country, and the fact that it is still here.

I found this astounding, and deeply disturbing. On the one hand, I was proud to say that it took the greatest culture in the world to defeat the Indians. But, on the other hand, if this young heiress of America considered her own culture to be ‘nothing', then what did that say of mine?

Central to my telling of this modern tale of cultural clash was the quotation of a Cheyenne saying, a proverb, whose source by this time I don't even remember. It's just a simple, obvious, dramatic fact: "A nation is never defeated until the hearts of its women are on the ground".

Rachel's heart was on the ground.

My article continued:

‘As I lay awake that night, I thought of an old story by Kay Boyle, written in 1941, called Defeat. It's about the French women in the German-occupied village of Pontcharra. All the French men were away at war. It was the 14th of July, Bastille Day, when Frenchmen were usually proud to be French. The village women, however, chose that day to give in to the German men.

‘They did it innocently enough. The women just wanted to wear their fancy holiday dresses. They wanted to drink and dance. And the Germans were the only men around with whom they could do it.

‘So they gave in.'

I propose that, with the recent presidential selection in America, the hearts of most white women are on the ground. That a near-majority of white women â€" 46% as opposed to 41% of white men â€" ended up voting for a dubious figure of impossible identity, an alien black African leftist, is something to take serious note of. And I have no doubt that girls like ‘Rachel' were the reason whites aged 18-30 did vote solidly for Obama, the only white group to do so.

Now, authors like Buchanan, Spencer, and Medved each respond to this matter of my article in different contexts.

Buchanan saw Rachel's attitude as being the result of ‘antihistory' which was "killing love of country".

Spencer sees it as an expression of the anti-white racism that would debunk all Western (i.e., ‘white') civilization altogether. This, Spencer says, is part of what has prepared the way for the invasion of Islam in the modern world. It is the essential self-abasement when has nearly destroyed modern Europe's resolve to preserve itself from Islam.

Medved's use of What's Up With White Women? is found in his introduction. It is America-specific, and speaks directly to the issue of America's pride. Medved argues that America need not be ashamed.

Inevitably, the very first issue he addresses is American Indian encounters. The first ‘lie' he wants to remove is the thought that America Indians were pristinely abused and America is therefore forever branded as evil. Medved cites ‘Rachel's' lament as simply an example of the shame he wants to remove. He disputes the cause of that shame. The encounter with the American Indian was not as outrageous as liberals would make it. Medved uses historical references and bases his moral arguments on those. Specifically, the devastations of small-pox on Indians, says Medved, cannot be attributed to any intent of the American government.

Ann Coulter would certainly agree on that point. When she did the Bad Eagle Interview with me (The Great White Woman Speaks, October 19, 2006), she pointed out that Pasteur's science of contagion was not known until the late nineteenth century, long after small-pox had done its evil work on the Indian population.

And everyone knows, Ann Coulter's heart is not on the ground!

But apparently authors like Buchanan, Spencer, and Medved fear that the hearts of many white women are. My article strikes deep, like an arrow piercing the heart. The men of no race or ethnicity want to see their women falling at the feet of foreigners.

I concluded

‘It gives me no solace to see the white man self-destruct. If Rachel's people are ‘nothing', what does that say about mine?

‘I believe in my Comanche people. I know that someday we'll stand as equals before the white man, strong, prosperous and self-sufficient. But we won't get there by listening to empty praise from guilty white women. We'll get there by studying the white man's ways and learning to be strong as he is.'

Of course, this does require white men to be strong.

Dr. David A. Yeagley is an enrolled member of the Comanche Nation (Lawton, Oklahoma). His articles have appeared in TheAmericanEnterprise, FrontPageMagazine.com, VDARE.com, and on his own web site, BadEagle.com. He is a speaker for the Young America's Foundation, David Yeagley's columns for VDARE.COM include An American Indian View of Immigration, and To Deport or not to Deport. David Yeagley is the author of Bad Eagle: The Rantings of a Conservative Comanche and Altered States: The State of the Dead and the State of the Holy. Dr. Yeagley has contributed to Persian Heritage Magazine and served its editorial board since 1998. Recently, Dr. Yeagley was commissioned by the Oklahoma Historical Society to write a symphonic music score for the 1920 silent movie, Daughter of Dawn. Release date is projected in 2009.


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When I get angry, I've been told that I have these piercing "Charles Manson" eyes.

It's possible to be respected by your own and feared by your enemies. It's interesting, though, because even pathetic, neutered Christian-types and geeky DWFs, often have girlfriends. They've made themselves into the perfect "victim" material, though, so they aren't living in THE REAL WORLD.
Incredible article. Thanks for posting. You need to post the link to the actual article though, so we can share it. I apologize if I missed it if it's included in the post. Edited by: White Shogun
Agree - incredible.

What I wouldn't give to hear one young white female (17-22), of her own free will and volition, defend her people and the only men who would sacrifice everything, their very lives, for her well being - white men.

Just one young white woman, uncoerced, without alterior motives.
son_of_Radovan said:
Agree - incredible.

What I wouldn't give to hear one young white female (17-22), of her own free will and volition, defend her people and the only men who would sacrifice everything, their very lives, for her well being - white men.

Just one young white woman, uncoerced, without alterior motives.

Really makes you wonder if females have any intellect at all. I like how you said "alterior motives" because just like some overweight white women flock to blacks to get the leftover men, many racially aware white women are just racially aware because they were either born that way, or feel they can take advantage of the dearth of women with this mindset and exploit the situation to get a guy. Maybe I feel this way because I live in New England, though.

This article is really good. Women usually go with public opinion, and like the author said popular opinion is white guilt, and white women have their heart on the ground. It is true that women are good gauges of culture in this sense.
Of course women are easily influenced by public opinion. Public opinion for all practical purposes is what the main stream says it is. The main stream media is controlled by by a handful of people with one ethnic group grossly over represented that wants to destroy European culture.
I mentioned this in another post, but I think it deserves being mentioned again. Back in the early 1970's, to whom was the radical Feminist doctrine being preached?

No, it wasn't the Asian woman harvesting rice in some South-East Asian rice field or cooking a delicious meal for her husband and family or giving a massage (sexual or non-sexual) to a returning and satisfied customer or working at a nail or hair salon, nor was it the Hispanic or Indian woman in Mexico, Central America or South America taking her four children to Mass, cultivating hot peppers, pounding out corn tortillas by hand, or weaving a beautiful rug, nor was it the Black woman in Africa that walked for miles carrying water in a pot on her head, preparing family meals and looking after her children while making crafts to sell at the local market, nor was it White women in Central and Eastern Europe or Ukraine or Russia that, despite Soviet Communist control, were devoted mothers and committed and supportive wives that helped strengthen families in the face of restricted freedom and opportunity.

No, it was none of these women. Instead, it was the White (and Black in the United States) women of the West (United States, Canada, UK, Western Europe, Australia and New Zealand.) Ever since then, this radical Feminism has been institutionalized, whether it be Universities (first) and then, later, High School, Middle School and Grade School, Big Media (MSM) and, even some of the worst examples now, the workplace, especially large Corporations and government entities and their required diversity (read: White Male Hating) "training".

So, when these White women say things like this foolish and ignorant female student did in this Comanche's class, it's an automated reflex...she's just regurgitating the prescribed doctrine that was drilled into her head starting at a very young age.

Arron Russo covers some of this in his documentary "From Freedom to Fascism" where he says that Nicholas Rockefeller (to whom he had once been a good friend of) told him that the Feminist movement was C.I.A.-led. Recently, it has come to light, via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), I believe, that Gloria Steinem and "her" movement, including "Ms." magazine was bankrolled by the C.I.A. to "destabilize society" and "breakup the family unit" so people could become dependent on the State.

I highly recommend watching this. You can watch it in its entirety here:

Anyway, the resulting fruit of this "movement" are White women like Madonna, Jolie, Lady Gaga, etc. and the seemingly countless number of single, childless White women racing to get their hands on one of these Haitian orphans. It's like a "gold rush" from 1849 to them. They can satisfy the entire doctrine drilled in to them by not having a man but still having a non-White child!

Edited by: Highlander
The reason the air head said her culture was nothing ,is because for the past 30 years, white men has been increasingly demonized. It begins with text books used in schools for history. I read an article on the myth of the white man as cancer http://whiteamerica.us/index.php/articles/articles/why_the_whites_as_cancer_myth/ opened my eyes to the extent of demonization of white men. It summarized the white bashing with the phrase "the white man as cancer". This was from a quote by a feminist, meaning anywhere white males go ,the area is "killed" like cancer kills healthy organs. Of course, this is the exact opposite of the truth. The IQ needed to master the most complex subjects/occupations is 120 to 130. For every black with an IQ of 130 or higher ,there are 250 white Americans with IQ 130 or higher.

Whites should go to school board meetings and demand the use of textbooks which give the white man the credit he deserves for inventing/developing almost everything essential for life in the 21st century. Commercials always have a white male portrayed as an idiot. One commercial had a "cool" black male, showing off his $10,000 large screen TV to a dorky white guy. The white was playing Madden.When the black said "throw a pass",the white threw the controller directly at the TV destroying it, as if he were mentally retarded. My sons were watching this and I said "Just remember who invented TV".

Nicholas Stix wrote a story on how "Law and Order" uses true cases but always substitutes the real minority criminal with a white. http://nicholasstixuncensored.blogspot.com/2009/12/nbcs-law-order-anti-white-propaganda-in.htmlEdited by: jwhite96

White Shogun above is the link. I hope it works. I am not as computer savy as some of you so it might not work.

After reading this article, I agree that to a certain extent white womens hearts are deservedly grounded. We as whtie men have failed, but for different reasons then the white women in the article is referring to. Like many of you on this sight I am a proud white man, and proud of what our forefathers have achieved. I am trying to instill that sense of pride in my children. Below are some of the reasons I belive we have failed:

- We allow poplular public opinion to be controlled by liberal white men (who I personally feel should be wearing a skirt so we know their real gender) who are anti-white male. We allow them as stated above, to show us as idiots in movies and commercials, criminals in anti theft commercials, we allow them to show our females at nausia next to black men, we allow them to show as subservent to black men when showing commercials as professionals - the black male is shown as the leader and the white man as the underling. We allow them to eliminate our dominate presence as much as possible (the white male in commercials and movies is ever more being replaced by blacks) , we allow them to create special advantages in education and hiring for minorities, we allow them to write books and educate our children into self-hate, we allow them to educate our children into whtie guilt to the point were they feel the need to jepordize their own future in the name of socail justice, they are lead to belive that success of white people is due to racism and "white privelige" and not hard work and intelligence, we allow the educators to demonzie the accomplishments of white men and not celiberate them.

- We allow our country to be invaded by immigrants and do nothing about it.

- We support black music and have made it the most popular music

- We treat black athlete's as gods. White athletes are no longer the must popular athletes in the world. Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan and Kolbe Bryant are probably on top.

- We have falied to develop a group mentatily to defend whtie men's self interest to stop the destruction

- We have been intimated by the word "racist" and kept silent as to not speak up against the travesties levied against us

- We have allowed liberal whtie males to take away our pride to the point in which the women article above stated, "that we have no identity as a race or a culture"

- We allow other minorties to have black history month, a cable channel devouted stricly to balcks, while we make every other television show and move more diverse, and have no history month devouted to white europeans

- We have allowed blacks to intimidate the media and news to the point that they will only be shown in a good light. The media will no longer show them as criminals, as well as the media will ignore any sories that make blacks look bad (criminal activity by blacks will be ignored by the media)

- We have allowed our women to date black men and shove it in our face without uttering a word of displeasure. Back in the 1950's this would never had happend the white men would beat the hell out of any black guy who even looked at a white women in a way that displeased them. What happened to us.

- We are allowing socail engineering to take place in the workforce so as to give us a disadvatage in the workplace in competing with minorties

- We refuse to tell our children to marry and date within our own culture for fear of being branded a racist

- We are allowing cultural genocide to be waged upon us in America and all throughout europe with no movement to stop it

- We allow the media to glorify black men and make them more appealing to our women, and the same time make us look like idiots and inferior and giggle about it as if it is funny

There were may times in America were we could have changed our fate.

- After the civil war blacks could have been returned back to Africa
- After white people stopped immigrating from europe immigration could have been stopped or limited to maintain a white homogenus society
- At the time of the civil rights movement, whites could have given blacks their own piece of land in America instead of integrating

When I say we have failed I include myself. Unfortunately most of us believe we have too much to lose by speaking out. We instead try to invest in our own children and hope for the best. Unfortunately, I don't think this strategy works in the long run. At some point, we will have to start fighting back even if it means we may lose out personally in the short run.
My opinion is that women as a whole have developed a type of Stockholm Syndrome due to their weaker physical nature as a means for ensuring the prosperity they have desired throughout human history. I don't really believe they have any loyalty to a tribe. I think they have simply learned to support the dominant tribe that holds a position of dominance over them. Today in the Western world it is the Jewish tribe and Marxists and their pogroms of demonizing white males, and unnatural promotion of black males. Since the sexual revolution, which was really all about women and not men, females have also come to think of themselves also as a separate entity from their racial kin.

I am not a woman hater. On the contrary, I am married to a woman who I dearly love, and would do almost anything for, including laying down my life. There was however, a reason our founding deemed that women should not have the right to vote and it wasn't because they were old white ogres like they are portrayed in modern history textbooks. Perhaps those stupid old white men who just accidentally and through nothing but subjugation managed to produce the onetime greatest country the world has ever known, the United States, knew something about the true nature of women that we have forgotten? Something that enemies inside our gates have been only too happy to exploit.
Women generally will want to be with the dominant males in society. I recently had conversation with my wife (who adore) and she told me the reason the athletes get all the girls in school is because they are viewed as the dominant males. As the women get older, they view men who have good paying jobs and socail status as the dominant males.

As far as women, especially whte women not being loyal to their tribe or racial kin, it is because they realize they are desired and wanted by men of all races, so the skin color of the dominant male will have little effect on their prospects of being with the dominant males. White men losing socail status in society, will not have a major impact on their ability to achieve a high quality of life, so if in the future if a white women has to be with a non-white male to be with the dominant white male, in their view so be it.

Black women however, at least verbally tend to be more supportive of black males, even thou they know many will date and marry outside their race once they achive success, but they still support them, because they know that other races whites and asians, have little to no interest in them, so their only chance to be with a dominant male, is to stick with and support black men.
From what I can tell, most "rappers" are married to colored women and these women tend to be subpar in appearance. It's simply an observation. You won't see me complain about blacks being married to blacks.

Here's the thing, though, if these males are so dominant, why aren't they married to one of the "Rap Video Girls" that are shaking their asses? At least they have curves. Many Rappers' wives look pretty damn emaciated.

For blacks, money often times doesn't equal "hot wife." I've seen significant numbers of wealthy blacks with average wives and many with below-average wives. Does anyone consider the woman that Alex Rodriguez was married to - "a babe?" Jason Kidd's wife - "a babe?"

And you have a guy like Spike Lee who tells his brothas to be wary of the White gold-diggers. He knows that very few White/black marriages are everlasting...
jwhite96 said:
The reason the air head said her culture was nothing ,is because for the past 30 years, white men has been increasingly demonized. It begins with text books used in schools for history. I read an article on the myth of the white man as cancer http://whiteamerica.us/index.php/articles/articles/why_the_whites_as_cancer_myth/ opened my eyes to the extent of demonization of white men. It summarized the white bashing with the phrase "the white man as cancer". This was from a quote by a feminist, meaning anywhere white males go ,the area is "killed" like cancer kills healthy organs. Of course, this is the exact opposite of the truth. The IQ needed to master the most complex subjects/occupations is 120 to 130. For every black with an IQ of 130 or higher ,there are 250 white Americans with IQ 130 or higher.

Whites should go to school board meetings and demand the use of textbooks which give the white man the credit he deserves for inventing/developing almost everything essential for life in the 21st century. Commercials always have a white male portrayed as an idiot. One commercial had a "cool" black male, showing off his $10,000 large screen TV to a dorky white guy. The white was playing Madden.When the black said "throw a pass",the white threw the controller directly at the TV destroying it, as if he were mentally retarded. My sons were watching this and I said "Just remember who invented TV".

Nicholas Stix wrote a story on how "Law and Order" uses true cases but always substitutes the real minority criminal with a white. http://nicholasstixuncensored.blogspot.com/2009/12/nbcs-law-order-anti-white-propaganda-in.html

damn, my IQ from a test was 118
( IQ i think is part genetic part not)
but still more then average.
I think the intelligence on this website is above average.
You need intelligence to understand the caste system.
WB, my IQ has varied from 135-145 (based on the test), & I believe IQ is largely inherent from our race/bloodlines (genetics). You're correct...it does take a solid IQ (and common sense) to grasp the caste system and cultural marxism (which enables the caste system).

No doubt some modern women (like men) are duped by propaganda via the TalmudVision, "Sheepletainment" industry and "educational" indoctrination system. Also, upbringing is paramount to a person's beliefs, but nowadays upbringing goes head-to-head with endless propaganda (on multiple fronts). I think (by nature) women want a strong man to be their husband, father to the children & leader of the family. However, the PTB has pulled out the stops to undermine that natural female inclination.

We see the same with neutered, pansified "men"...also via the propaganda/brain-washing machinery.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
My belief is that Affirmative Action doesn't affect white women the same way it hurts white men. The same goes that white women aren't nearly presented as idiots/morons/buffoons on TV as white men are. If white women started getting hit hard by AA and lambasted the way white men are, then you would see most of them quickly becoming more of a racial realist. I have talked to several people that had negative encounters with blacks, and none of them are very supportive of minorities.

The solution I have as I have presented on this site several times is that we need to take a page out of the Sal Alynsky playbook. We need to influence people by re-infiltrating our political system, local government, business, marketing, education, coaching etc. Remember, racially conscious white men invented things like TV and schools, the very thing used to demonize and demoralize us. We obviously have the intellectual and physical tools to reestablish our status in society. History shows that it's hard to hold white men down, which makes me confident that we are making/can make a comeback so to speak.

Also I want to point out that we should not exaggerate the reality of the modern day world. Most of the dominant people in society like business owners, high level athletes of most sports, doctors, etc. are white men. In pop culture there are still many dominant white male actors, musicians, news personalities, etc. Obviously the PTB are in overdrive to reduce this as much as possible in the name of diversity, but I don't think they will be able to achieve their ultimate objectives because eventually the more you remove white men, the more things degenerate. Even the NBA could not exist without white men, because there would be not enough owners, GMs, coaches, fans, event operations managers, TV production crews and athletic trainers for it to resemble anything close to what it is now. You can further that to people who design and construct stadiums, basketball floors, goals balls and uniforms, athletic training supplies and weight-training equipment. People just forget how essential white men are, and there's a critical mass point that once reached things simply would simply cease to exist in any meaningful way.
Electric Slide,

Well said Sir.

I will add that when minorities finally go stark raving mad as their positions deteriorate in society, Notwithstanding the propaganda onslaught aimed at creating an illusion of minority superiority, White women will be forced by circumstances to seek protection of their White men.

Those White women who have thrown in their lot with the minorities will just cease to exist during the time of violence that is coming.

Let's try to remember that women are in some ways very susceptable to propaganda and we must not hate them for leaving us. They are our Mothers, Sisters, Aunts, Cousins, Sweethearts, etc. When the time comes, the best of them will side with us and the rest will be doomed.

Tom Iron...
DixieDestroyer said:
WB, my IQ has varied from 135-145 (based on the test), & I believe IQ is largely inherent from our race/bloodlines (genetics). You're correct...it does take a solid IQ (and common sense) to grasp the caste system and cultural marxism (which enables the caste system).

No doubt some modern women (like men) are duped by propaganda via the TalmudVision, "Sheepletainment" industry and "educational" indoctrination system. Also, upbringing is paramount to a person's beliefs, but nowadays upbringing goes head-to-head with endless propaganda (on multiple fronts). I think (by nature) women want a strong man to be their husband, father to the children & leader of the family. However, the PTB has pulled out the stops to undermine that natural female inclination.

We see the same with neutered, pansified "men"...also via the propaganda/brain-washing machinery.

I have taken a couple of IQ tests and my scores varied from 136 to 143. I definitely agree that anybody that comes here and posts on a frequent basis about the caste system has above average intelligence. That fact goes almost without saying with all the brainwashing going on out there as I saw in abundance with the white male hating and ridiculing Super Bowl commercials. I agree with Star Wars that this is a very good thread which is usually par for the course at CF. You certainly can't go to blackathlete.com and see anything close to a intelligent thread unless a few of us are trolling on it.
Man,there are so many geniuses on this site I think I might just have to take my 122 and do more lurking.
140 for me. Yes, I have never successfully convinced unintelligient people about the caste system. They can only follow public opinion.
I's be down uround 80, but they be givin me da skolarship cuz i's got da hops, da wiggle, an' mad skilz.
Big-time "Sheepletainment" here... but this time, is VH1 trying to emasculate the glorious black man?


Most of those "things" are black. The "thing" from Virginia is also a mixed black. If you click on the link, don't hate me afterwards!
FootballDad said:
I's be down uround 80, but they be givin me da skolarship cuz i's got da hops, da wiggle, an' mad skilz.

waterbed said:
jwhite96 said:
The reason the air head said her culture was nothing ,is because for the past 30 years, white men has been increasingly demonized. It begins with text books used in schools for history. I read an article on the myth of the white man as cancer http://whiteamerica.us/index.php/articles/articles/why_the_whites_as_cancer_myth/ opened my eyes to the extent of demonization of white men. It summarized the white bashing with the phrase "the white man as cancer". This was from a quote by a feminist, meaning anywhere white males go ,the area is "killed" like cancer kills healthy organs. Of course, this is the exact opposite of the truth. The IQ needed to master the most complex subjects/occupations is 120 to 130. For every black with an IQ of 130 or higher ,there are 250 white Americans with IQ 130 or higher.

Whites should go to school board meetings and demand the use of textbooks which give the white man the credit he deserves for inventing/developing almost everything essential for life in the 21st century. Commercials always have a white male portrayed as an idiot. One commercial had a "cool" black male, showing off his $10,000 large screen TV to a dorky white guy. The white was playing Madden.When the black said "throw a pass",the white threw the controller directly at the TV destroying it, as if he were mentally retarded. My sons were watching this and I said "Just remember who invented TV".

Nicholas Stix wrote a story on how "Law and Order" uses true cases but always substitutes the real minority criminal with a white. http://nicholasstixuncensored.blogspot.com/2009/12/nbcs-law-order-anti-white-propaganda-in.html

damn, my IQ from a test was 118
( IQ i think is part genetic part not)
but still more then average.
I think the intelligence on this website is above average.
You need intelligence to understand the caste system.
Hay, same here, 118!!!
FootballDad said:
I's be down uround 80, but they be givin me da skolarship cuz i's got da hops, da wiggle, an' mad skilz.

Don't be modest -- your 50,000 megawatt room brightening smile also factored in.
American Freedom News