Demographer: "It's Over For Anglos"


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Tis' not merely happenstance, but part of the PTB grand design...

Texas demographer: 'It's basically over for Anglos'

Looking at population projections for Texas, demographer Steve Murdock concludes: "It's basically over for Anglos."

Two of every three Texas children are now non-Anglo and the trend line will become even more pronounced in the future, said Murdock, former U.S. Census Bureau director and now director of the Hobby Center for the Study of Texas at Rice University.

Today's Texas population can be divided into two groups, he said. One is an old and aging Anglo and the other is young and minority. Between 2000 and 2040, the state's public school enrollment will see a 15 percent decline in Anglo children while Hispanic children will make up a 213 percent increase, he said.

The state's largest county - Harris - will shed Anglos throughout the coming decades. By 2040, Harris County will have about 516, 000 fewer Anglos than lived in the Houston area in 2000, while the number of Hispanics will increase by 2.5 million during the same period, Murdock said. The projection assumes a net migration rate equal to one-half of 1990-2000.

Most of the state's population growth is natural, Murdock told the House Mexican American Legislative Caucus today. About 22 percent of the growth comes from people moving to Texas from other states.

About 6 percent of the state's population is not documented, he said.

B y 2040, only 20 percent of the state's public school enrollment will be Anglo, he said. Last year, non-Hispanic white children made up 33.3 percent of the state's 4.8 million public school enrollment.

Of the state's 254 counties, 79 recorded declining population during the past 20 years. All are rural. An additional 30 Texas counties, he said, would have also lost population had they not experienced Hispanic growth.

The state's future looks bleak assuming the current trend line does not change because education and income levels for Hispanics lag considerably behind Anglos, he said.

Unless the trend line changes, 30 percent of the state's labor force will not have even a high school diploma by 2040, he said. And the average household income will be about $6,500 lower than it was in 2000. That figure is not inflation adjusted so it will be worse than what it sounds.

"It's a terrible situation that you are in. I am worried," Murdock said.
The statistics quoted in that article are shocking, even to me and I've been following this issue for a long time. We really are running out of time in a hurry. Just from watching the dumbed-down and emasculated White people on TV it's easy to think it's already too late. Television has neverpresented an accurate depiction of how most Americans think and feel, but the situation is clearly Code Red.
It is a terrible situation. I hope this can be reversed, but I doubt it will as long as we have our current political setup.
I spent much of my late 20s in the immigration control movement. Lots of time, money and effort went into this as I was a true believer. I came to see that there will be no immigration control without a developed white racial consciousness.

The demographic battle is more or less over and we lost. But if we gain a racial consciousness like blacks we can carve out a place for our people in America besides our current status as pathetic, cowardly punching bags.
First we cut off the welfare benefits. Many will flee. Then we round them up and kick them out of the country along with their "Anchor Babies." (Mexicans cannot have anchor babies; it is against article 14 of the mexican constitution.) Then we build that wall. Then we bring in more whites, and encourage families.
It is not over for the anglos. We just begun to fight.
The Globalist Elite's pawns on "Crapitol sHill" will never do what's required stop the illegal invasion...end birthright citizenship (jackpot baby loophole), end taxpayer subsidies for invaders & totally crackdown on the plethora of companies who hire the invaders. The DC traitors have their marching orders & will continue to serve their PTB puppet ma$ters.

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Part of the problem is that many whites are well-educated (although there is still a large amount of trailer trash) and educated people simply do not have as many children. Often they wait longer to have babies as they are focused on obtaining an education and career growth before starting families.<div>
</div><div>Think of the movie "Idiocracy" and you get the picture.</div>
Waterbed - they mean all whites when they say Anglos. Not sure why this is an acceptable term.
Dirty Jersey is in the same position. The once great city of Garfield and home of the Wayne Chrebet, has turned into a hispanic wonderland. I remember as a kid things were good. It's turned into a thug paradise with gangs everywhere. Guess that's what's in store.
Using only public school enrollment numbers does not tell one much since Whites in many places have been ethical cleansed from public schools so only the poorest or most liberal idiot White parents send their children there. The number of Whites in private schools and home schooled would, undoubtedly, be vastly larger then the number of nonwhites.Also, White Hispanics would have to be removed from the "Hispanic" count and added to the White while nonwhites counted as White (like Jews and nonwhite Arabs) would need to be moved to the nonwhite category, but likely in Texas White "Hispanic" would probably outnumber nonwhites counted as White but nationwide it might be about the same numbers. To have a true count of the number of White children vs. nonwhite children, the definition must be real and all the children counted not just the ones in public schools.
Liverlips said:
The demographic battle is more or less over and we lost. But if we gain a racial consciousness like blacks we can carve out a place for our people in America besides our current status as pathetic, cowardly punching bags.

I've never been Texas, but based on what I have read Ibelieve a significant part of the problem is many whites don't see this overwhelmingflood ofMexicans as athreat. If this was a deluge from Somalia, perhaps, the reaction would much different.

My guess is a large number of "Anglos" in Texas feel just like Jorge Bush, McCain and the otherglobalist's that these Mexicans are "almost white" and just need to be Americanized. Many might not like this flood of illegals, but they certainly aren't scared enough to make this stop.

I know I'mon the correct track feeling a lot of whites will accept many Americanized Mexicans, when we here at Caste Football have a ton of posters rooting for Hawaii WR Greg Salas, who looks like a typical (lighter skinned)SoCal anchor baby, all grown up:

Just took a quick look at some athletic sites from schools in Texas to find some hispanic female athletes. Do you think your typical Texan is intimidated by the like of Brenda from UT or Alicia from Baylor?



My guess is your typical Texas family, which would be terrified if their blonde haired/blode-eyed sons were to date a black girl, would gladly accept these Americanized latin girls as potential in-laws because they are "close enough to white".

Of course, these athletes are likely not indicitive of the typical Mexican girl, many are dropouts or single teen moms, but my point is nothing will really change until whites start getting uncomfortable being in the minority in a heavily Mexican state. And by that point it will be too late to reverse things?
Truthteller you told alot truth in your last post. The mixing bwtn Anglos and Mexicans have going on since the 1840s. Most Whites in Tejas don't mind socializing and marrying respectable Mexican Americans. The señoritas are quite pleasent on the eyes.

Yes, if the Hordes that are sneaking in were Nigerias or natives of South Africa, something tells me that borders would be expodentially more secure!
Since 1964 when my family moved here, I grew up in Harris County and I still live there.

You cannot believe the changes I have seen in that time. "Old Houston," as we old-timers call it now, was mostly whites from rural Texas, Louisiana, Arkansas, Mississippi and Oklahoma. Even the yankees fleeing the industrial north in the 1970s were whites from Ohio and Pennsylvania. In the late 1970s, when the steady flood of mestizos was apparent, my best friend's father warned us that we'd better do something about it now or the Mexicans would "underlive" us and bring our standards down. Since then waves of Asians, first the Viets then the Arabs then Chinese and now the Indians and Pakis, have engulfed the place.

Back when I grew up here, Houston was renound as a friendly city. Undoubtedly, it had all the same problems of a giant metropolis, but it had a different character than NY, LA or the other cities and that white southern neighborlyness surprised and attracted many. That is gone. The Old Houston has given away to a surly, rapacious horde of foreigners have sewn the place up.
I live a very rural, 98% white county in Pennsylvania. My neighbor to the east has 8 children (ages 18 to 6 months) and my neighbor to the west has 7 (ages 11 to 22). I work with 3 guys who each have 5 kids.

I know we're talking about Texas"¦but I thought I'd say something positive in light of this horrific demographic shift.

Should a national "race war"Â￾ ever occur in America, areas such as Arizona, Southern California, Texas, and New Mexico may be a lost cause.
Westside said:
Truthteller you told alot truth in your last post. The mixing bwtn Anglos and Mexicans have going on since the 1840s. Most Whites in Tejas don't mind socializing and marrying respectable Mexican Americans. The señoritas are quite pleasent on the eyes.

Yes, if the Hordes that are sneaking in were Nigerias or natives of South Africa, something tells me that borders would be expodentially more secure!
The mixing that did occur were largely of White to fairly White Mexicans. The wave that is invading and transforming the American Southwest are largely Mexicans that look close to full blooded North American Indians. Picture Fernando Valenzuela or Michael Carbajal. Whites in Mexico are largely well off and are better off in Mexico(in most cases). Mestizos and full blooded Indians that can barely feed themselves in Mexico obviously are better off working under the table or scamming welfare in the United States.
WIR Mexico is one of the few remaining countries where White Europeans have maintained a vice grip on power. They are pushing the natives, poor, criminal and down and outers to the US so they don't have to administer to them.

The one thing they did not see coming was the greed of the drug cartels, whose lust for power and money exceeded theirs. The Mexican Government now has problems, because alot of the top government officials are on the take form these cartels. Wonder why the Mexican President doesn't descend on the Cartel's coke plants and Mansions and pulverize them? Which he easily could do! He enjoys the cash flow the cartel provide to him. The last two presidents have left office will billions. One lives in Switzerland and his brother who got caught is serving life.

Mexico with two beautiful coasts remains a 3rd world country because its corrupt to its core. The worlds most wealthy man is Mexican, Carlos Slim. The White Spaniards who run things will continue to appease the cartels and push its undesirables towards the US.

The US gladly accepts them to work(repubs)for big business. The left wants them as a voting block. Will something ever be done about totally sealing the border? I don't know.
The Globalist Elite/PTB also want the untermenschen mexcrements to invade our (once sovereign) soil to help destroy the Republic & make a way for a regional government & (then) an eventual One World government.
Westside said:
Mexico with two beautiful coasts remains a 3rd world country because its corrupt to its core. The worlds most wealthy man is Mexican, Carlos Slim. The White Spaniards who run things will continue to appease the cartels and push its undesirables towards the US.

Because it's full of Mexicans. Regardless of who rules the sh*tpile, if it's full of non-Whites, it's always the same.

(bold type added)
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