How's this conspiracy?

Dec 9, 2007
Hey guys, I was just thinking of this. what about this conspiracy to get the white man really really screwed?

what about a UFC championship fight between a big bad awesome white American vs. a fast twitch, beaming smiling black American and the white fighter kills the black fighter in the ring. first UFC death starts a race war...

I wouldn't put any thing past the multi-culti elites.

anyone have any comments?
I don't think they'll do that (by design). It'd be too difficult to plan, keep secret, etc. with no direct assurance of achieving such a goal. Not totally impossible, but highly unlikely.

I'd say they'd some other false flag op to meet that objective (if they decide to go such a route). More than likely, the Elite will continue the (intentional) implosion of the economy to end the middle class. Eventually, martial law will be imposed & police-state fully implemented, etc.
Why show their hand? Everything they ever could have dreamed in their most depraved fantasies is coming true. White men cannot speak their mind, White women are estranged from their men (and constantly bombarded with misgenation and lesbian propaganda), gun ownership rights are being eroded, free speech is dead - pure and simple - and the US as well as the White Homeland of Europe are drowning in a tide of non-White masses. Very few even have the courage point out that only White nations are targeted for such inundation, and those who would point this out are targeted for destruction, with very few other Whites willing to openly defend them.

I'd say if the course of events remains up to the "elites"
things will continue as they are now; once slow, now not-so-slow death by the proverbial "thousand cuts".
I don't know. Whites will continue to dominate MMA as they are best built for it and run all of the gyms. Unlike boxing in the U.S. which is state subsidized and run mostly by blacks. As MMA gets more popular, it will likely become a target by the cultural marxists. Feritta will sell the business to the elite that run sports in the U.S. and they will try to control white dominance. They have a tough row to hoe though.
Maple Leaf said:
I don't know. Whites will continue to dominate MMA as they are best built for it and run all of the gyms. Unlike boxing in the U.S. which is state subsidized and run mostly by blacks. As MMA gets more popular, it will likely become a target by the cultural marxists. Feritta will sell the business to the elite that run sports in the U.S. and they will try to control white dominance. They have a tough row to hoe though.

The Ferritta's are already rich and getting richer. They seem to love MMA and so hopefully they will retain ownership for a long time.
So... you think there may be a conspiracy to have a white fighter kill a black fighter in the cage?

Exactly how would they do that? By setting up truly bad match ups? Or would the fighters be in on it? Like say, the black guy's family gets $50 million under the table for dying in the cage?

How will this murder be accomplished? Beaten in the head til dead, with the ref and the audience and ring side doctors watching?

The real question is, are you seriously asking this question??
Ill agree w\you Shogun, a weird post
How would that start a race war? Whites and blacks fight against each other in boxing and MMA all the time?
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