Are White People Stupid or What?


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
Good article/insight...

Are White People Stupid or What?

By Philip Marlowe

So maybe now is a good time to ask this hard to ask question, since the holidays are all but over and the relatives have left for home  like that conservative, FOX news-loving Uncle Josh, with whom you had that "healthy" debate before turkey dinner; your touchy sister-in-law from Vermont, the one who gave you a pissed-off look when you said Obama was not even Constitutionally qualified to be prez; your Che-loving kid brother who just recently discovered Bob Marley music and that's all he talks about now.

I know, I know, it's tough because of what it means to racially awakened Whites who thinks of all the things "going down" in the US and elsewhere  often, he or she gets frustrated having to listen to the usual holiday blather. So this question must be asked: We hope that Whites, over-all, are not this stupid, not this oblivious to the reality of where this country is headed and why  or are they?

Just think about all the interracial sex pushed in the media over the last few years  what could be the end result of that? What about allowing non-White immigration into the formerly White countries of the West? Don't White people ever put two and two together about all this kind of thing? Yeah, one may very well think that Whites are stupid to ignore what is being done and allowing ourselves to be turned into a minority.

If you're a White person who has read so far and are concerned with current events, you need to ask yourself some serious questions and find some way to divorce your personal, local "world view," so as to see the "big picture" going on today for our race. It behooves you to read on and think hard about these matters before you.

Whites are now the monsters and evil characters in a Jew-controlled Hollywood, while the heroes are anyone but.

Unfortunately, we know that everyday Whites have some serious problems in critical thinking which has brought us to this point. For example: When you talk to a White person about any of these subjects often the first thing out of their mouths is "I know such and such person and he's a pretty nice guy!" So by inference, if the one person they know is nice than all of them must be. Oh sure, they'll admit some can be bad  just like anybody else!

That's the problem. American Whites through-out history have always been for the "little guy." We don't like to see evil oppressive powers enslaving innocent people. This has all been part and parcel to the American psyche since before the Revolutionary war  hell, it's the whole reason we had the dam Revolution in the first place!

But this has been used by some very smart and racially devious people. And yes, I'm talking about the Jews here, of course. But the truth of the matter is that Jews are not a monolithic block, i.e. all of them are not on the same page and same wavelength. That would pretty much stand out like a sore thumb (besides being pretty freaky), something Whites would surely notice. Some are indeed nice people and believe the exact same things we do (well, not everything you see here!).

But on two different, mutually compatible fronts, this mostly cohesive, self-serving alien race has totally distracted and divided up the White race and all quite purposefully. We've been snowed people!

Now, one of the questions that frequently comes up is the news media and who owns it. Whites can easily see and understand that if an alien force controlled the media than they would likely control us. This is why we get in all these complicated debates about who owns and controls what, etc.

But the basic building block to thought control is already within us. They've created the social/political boundaries which has placed blinders on all our heads  including the people working in the news media. That's right. They've created the ultimate in censoring mechanisms through race politics. Simply put: They've used the American sense of "fair play for the little guy" to reject any possible thought that we, ourselves, are the real target. It's quite diabolical when you think about it all.

Jews brag about running Hollywood.
And no, there is no playbook being passed around by Jewry to accomplish all this; general Jewry is left in the dark just as much as we are, but many Jews do make some very noticiable efforts in screwing with White people's heads and institutions. This is all but a reflection of the Jew's very real racial arrogance, along with a deap-seated inner fear and loathing of the White race  readily seen in movies from Hollywood today.

A typical screenplay nowadays might go like this: Cute, young White girl in college makes friends with the nerds, gays and blacks. She's treated like hell by the stuck-up beautiful blond White girls, but eventually overcomes their treachery. All the outcasts become the winners due to everyone saying they've had enough of the evil White girls. The various minorities (specifically including Jewish-looking students) and the hero White girl (who ends up with the handsome but far-sighted White guy) live happily ever after. The Aryan-looking Whites, once again, get their comeuppance! But the trick here is to make sure enough Whites are in the mix on the "good side" so as to identify with. These are the ones who have seen the light and, most importantly, do not group themselves in a homogeneous, all-white group.

Now, we all know that there probably isn't any top-secret instructions going out to the screenwriters to do the above. That would be too prone to discovery. No, this is an expression of the over-all social "screenplay" written for us in the Politically Correct world, fostered by the Jew for many decades now.

Of course, there are many other type of movies saying pretty much the same thing: The beet-faced White cavalry soldiers massacring helpless Indians in the West (many, in fact, were Black troops but that's never shown), Evil White Southern "Rednecks," going KKK on helpless Blacks and then the usual Nazis goosestepping in Europe and heartlessly killing all the Jews (the Holocaust is big business for Jews). Even the Sci-Fi monsters in Hollywood movies now have White skins and all the heroes and computer hackers are Black. White people do see all this but just ascribe it all to being "Politically Correct." And they take the small examples they see on a daily basis and say to themselves it's only this little thing  it doesn't mean much  we can live with it and are big enough to not sweat the small stuff.

But that's exactly how brainwashing works  you're fed small stuff on a constant basis, so that you're not supposed to notice very much. But it all adds up over time. What do you think the word "tolerance" means? If your body ingests small enough doses of poison, you will tolerate it and survive  in a seriously weakened state  ready for the final finishing spoonful. Think about it.

They do this kind of brainwashing all the time in product advertising. Let's say you see your hero is having himself a cold beer in this action movie. Companies will pay serious bucks to make sure that hero is drinking himself a Budweiser. Or the housewife using Tide detergent in a scene. They also seed target markets by hiring out of work actors to tout their product on the street, pretending they are just like regular people. It's little things out there that subtly prod you to buy certain products.

Now, getting back on topic, these same people have been using mass marketing techniques to shift the American consciousness in a "leftward" direction. This "Multicultural" direction shields them and their efforts from exposure and scrutiny. It is thought control, via social change, brought on by advanced propaganda techniques.

The first level is in our heads with all the Politically Correct business. But they also have a secondary protection that works in conjunction with the psychological efforts over the years. This is where media infiltration and ownership comes into play, making sure that the one danger of an altruistic belief system does not find a home in some inconvenient way  like with the Palestinians. They have to make sure this issue is ignored, blacked-out or at least replaced by the Israeli's excuse of fighting "terrorism."

There is an old Polish saying that goes like this: "A Jew cries out as he strikes you."

You might see something on the Palestinian "problem" in the US media, but it always carefully worded and balanced out so that the Israelis are always seen as the victims and it is just them defending themselves. Americans are always "down" with the concept of defending oneself.

But a lot of inconvenient facts are invariably left out. The Palestinians might shoot a few primitive and ineffectual, unguided rockets into Israel, usually exploding harmlessly on some empty plot of land. Sure, they might kill an Israelis or two. If that happens, the Jews go completely off the Richter scale, being God's Chosen Ones and all. The resulting amount of retaliation is insane  the Israelis may massively bombard the Palestinians with 105 mm artillery and F-16 cluster bombs  killing dozens, maybe hundreds of Palestinians, even children.

Palestinian "collateral damage" from a US Hellfire missile.
Nor are we told that the first puny rockets fired from the Palestinians are almost always in retaliation to begin with, such as when land is stolen using devious methods (just look at the maps); access points closed off to prevent medicines and food from reaching them, literally to starve them into submission; or when one of their duly-elected political leaders (conveniently deemed a "terrorist") is blown to bits by some Hellfire missile  fired out of the blue from a Predator drone given to the Israelis by America. We are never told this side of the story.

Jews are indeed the modern-day "Nazi" of the world. They've managed to so flip-flop things around that any kind of peaceful, pro-White people are slandered as "Nazi," instead of them. We're not only being taken for a major-league ride by these bitter and spiteful people, we are also paying for their actions in the world (above right) with our tax dollars, inflation and even outright theft in our economy. No friggen lie!

The Palestinian problem is but one area that's considered too hot for the media to fully cover and investigate in detail (the bosses might get mad). But sometimes stories do get covered, usually only when things are just too big to ignore  like the Bernie Madoff 50 billion dollar Ponzi heist  but the "Jew part" is verbotten to mention. After-all that would be politically incorrect, right?

All these people on the news shows  from hosts to pundits to producers and writers  know full well not to talk critically about any "people of color," Gays and, of course, the "eternally victimized" Jew. Which is the real idea in the first place.

White people who pat themselves on the back and say they are "conservative" because they watch FOX news are just as much at the mercy of these same kind of things. If you tell them that FOX news is really not much different from the other cable news, they may look at you like you've uttered some kind of crazy talk and may be turning into a MSNBC Obama freak.

Each cable news venue has their own kind of viewing audience, but they are all pretty much the same, coralled by a "No-Go" system on what they can talk about on-air. It does not take much beyond the over-all Politically Correct framework to enforce this. Plus, the talking heads on the air are usually following a teleprompter or hearing something in their ear pieces, from copy written by a producer who knows the score and is more easily fired than the talking head. Then you have video editing on the canned reports, where tricky issues can be cut-out from the broadcast version.

Basically, if people don't see it, then it will never exist in the minds of the viewing public.

Whites are also infected with the same Politically Correct viewpoints in the universities and schools; this has been going on since the fifties, or even earlier. The real people behind the curtain, like the Council of Foreign Relations (US), the Royal Institute of International Affairs (UK) and the "Bilderbergers," have been behind the funding of education through groups like the Ford and Rockefeller Foundations, Carnegie Mellon endowment and a British-based group, specializing in population manipulation, called the Tavistock Institute.

They have expended billions in our universities, colleges and even in the high schools pushing liberal agendas on formative minds. These efforts have been clearly recognized in the past, ascribed to the unseen "Communist Conspiracy" and laughed-off by the general public as "right winger" talk. But the fact of the matter is that these efforts have been frighteningly very real, to this very day.

Even our religions have been targeted by these people; which on the face of things is incredibly stupid for Whites to ignore. Jews hate Christianity and are always subtly and even openly attacking it, yet the corrupted TV Evangelicals preach that we need to support the State of Israel. Our schools even have "Christian Zionist" groups openly funded by a foreign government (Israel) and the Jew Anti-Defamation League (ADL) provides strategy handbooks to combat on-campus anti-war protests that have the temerity to bring up Israel or Zionism.

This "unmentionable" Jew business is why you see so much blind hatred of Bush and Cheney. White activist "liberals" know the war in Iraq, etc. is a total lie, but stupidly ignore the Jew and intensify the blame on a politically OK target  evil old White men. That's not to say that some on the left don't recognize Zionism, but they get little public traction since the "progressive" leadership is often Jewish. "Conservative" Whites are equally retarded, swallowing the whole Neocon, Israel-First, "War on Terror" viewpoint hook, line and sinker.

Now, let's say you are a "liberal" or a "conservative" who has read this far. Unfortunately, most people take a quick look at something and dismiss it out of hand, without even reading and thinking about it. People are too busy, so they rely on initial impressions to save them effort and time. Plus, it scares them to consider that such things could be possibly true. They don't want to hear it! Unfortunately, it is. It is the only "World View" that fits all the inconvenient facts now facing White America today.

White people are not stupid  they just don't get the information from the public domain to consider and make conclusions, except on their own. Also, a White person may be a brilliant engineer or something, but when it comes to subjects like this, he or she may lack the personal bravery it takes to come to this understanding. Way too often, he'll simply dismiss whatever comes his way as "conspiracy" nonsense. Which is just another form of thought control.

Whites are secretly afraid of being called Nazi by friends and family.
Talking about any race issue is socially dangerous to White people and when they do, it's usually in a whispered form, in case Blacks are nearby. Or it might get a liberal White family member upset, causing them to loudly curse you as a Nazi or Klansman, running off crying about what an evil bastard you've become and you're the reason the whole holiday dinner is now ruined!

Anything that cannot be combated with real facts, is then relegated to "conspiracy theory" or "black helicopter" and "tin-foil hat" talk. This is another embedded social constraint and has worked to keep Americans silent about race or anything to do with 9/11 Truth or the obviously phoney "War on Terror" pysops programs, because of where it might lead. No one wants to be considered a nut case by friends and family!

Another form of thought control is describing people who do talk about such things as ignorant and inbred. This is popular with those who have a vested interest in the situation, the other races of course, but also including Whites who have a self-image as being intelligent, fair and good. And they are not always whom you would call "liberal," either. If you bring up a subject that may cast their "World View" in error  what they have bought into  they will attack you by calling you stupid, thus preserving the fact that they are and always have been right about the matter, hence smarter than you.

This is usually accompanied with a narrowing of eyelids, tightened lips and dismissive waving of hands. They are fearful that you might make a point that will put a crack in the social edifice they've built-up around them and instinctively take the fastest and safest way out  by turning to a stereotype created for them by the very people supposedly so against stereotypes!

Whites showing racial solidarity in any form is considered evil and blindly attacked by the media as "White supremacy." Many Whites, liberal or otherwise, will call these Whites "ignorant" when the direct opposite is true  racially aware Whites often have a firm grasp of history and are much more insightful of geopolitical realities and societal influences, than those who stupidly parrot liberal slogans. They are the real modern-day patriots and enemies of the war-mongering, Zionistic power structure now afflicting Western countries.

One thing that often greatly surprises Whites coming to their senses racially, is that Whites whom they once considered as racist and dismissed as "ignorant," are far from stupid. They are actually very intelligent, educated and much more knowledgeable about subjects like history than the layman.

This has been aided by the Internet, since people can't make judgements based solely on what a person looks like. You could have some guy who looks like a NeoNazi skinhead with biker tattoos and the whole nine yards, discourse quite expertly on the details of the Dual Monarchy in Austria-Hungary before World War I and how this led to conflict. Hell, this guy could do rings around your typical White FOX or MSNBC news viewer.

Racially aware Whites have seen right through today's bull and have the critical thinking skills necessary to form their own judgements, not what the mainstream news has trotted out for them.

But Whites do indeed have some serious Achilles heels, racially-speaking, and the Jews have used these very things against us. One race weakness is the sheer inability to conceive of another race, one who happens to look like them, working in concert with one another to further their own race. Whites just don't have a clue!

Most Whites think Jews are White. They sure as hell don't think so.
They also don't see the fact that Jews consider themselves a separate and superior race to begin with  only thinking Jews have a different religion, related to Christianity. Even the fact that most of them are atheistic, doesn't seem to register.

Another real weakness of Whites is the inability to see bigger trends outside of their own little local sphere of the world and extrapolate out on what it means for them and their children down the road. They may base their political views on a media that has no problem keeping them in the dark about becoming a minority, right along with inferring Whites as evil  causing them to internalize the message to the point where they actually welcome these very attacks on their own race!

Whites even go so far as to say the White race doesn't exist, when the other races think otherwise. Whites will tell themselves that they are "cool" and "with-it" and then trip all over themselves to keep from saying the wrong thing which could be misconstrued as "racist." This is often a source of humor for other races and leads to disrespect and, like children, further spoiled militancy.

To conclude: Whites are not dumb per se, but have been confused and manipulated on two different fronts without consciously understanding the real deal. One front is from self-hating Whites and Jews in our media. The second front has been a silent long-term assault in the education arena and in political processes financed by the unimaginably rich Globalist Jew Criminal Network, the International Banking cartel which controls the lifeblood of this country via the private, monopolistic Federal Reserve.

All these things can readily be researched over the Internet, for now. It is entirely up to you to look into it and decide for yourself. If you are waiting for someone like the friendly Charlie Gibson on ABC's World News Tonight or the feisty Bill O'Reilly on FOX news to tell you of these things then you can just forget it and roll over like a dog and take it. It just will not happen.

White people are indeed smart. Our average IQ level is the highest on the planet, but we've been relentlessly brainwashed for the last few generations to confuse and divide our race in so many devious ways that it's difficult for the regular White to grasp the totality of it all. They may suspect they don't get the full story, but that's about it.

In the end, when Whites figure out the real deal, we'll come out swinging. When Whites get mad and organized, then our real brain power and talents come to the fore and woe unto those on the other side of the equation. It's this very prospect that most scares the people behind all of this and is the real reason they've done this as stealthily as possible. They don't want the White race coming to our senses, putting a screeching stop to their devious agenda and then making America number 80 on the hit parade of countries which gave them the big boot!

**Reference article....
DixieDestroyer said:
Good article/insight...

Excellent! I hope the last paragraph comes to fruition.

In the end, when Whites figure out the real deal, we'll come out swinging. When Whites get mad and organized, then our real brain power and talents come to the fore and woe unto those on the other side of the equation. It's this very prospect that most scares the people behind all of this and is the real reason they've done this as stealthily as possible. They don't want the White race coming to our senses, putting a screeching stop to their devious agenda and then making America number 80 on the hit parade of countries which gave them the big boot!
You're a plain dumb idiot. Why would you side with a terrorist group like Hamas or a race that celebrated 911 and celebrates after at suicide bombing targeted only a civilians? Do you know they pass out candy on the street when a suicide bomber kills innocents woman and children?Do you know they put nails in their bombs so they can hurt and cripple more civilians?? Why don't you root for Al Qaeda you moron? What is the difference between Al Qaeda and Hamas?? Nothing. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>

Are Jews white? What are you color blind?<O:p></O:p>

<B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">Why would not root for Israel?? [/B]This is a country that will not tolerate terrorism and defends herself every time against countries that want her destruction all around her?? If liberal America would wake up and act like Israel we would be way ahead of the war on terror. If we went into Iraq like Israel went into Gaza it would have been game over years ago. Israel treats terrorism aggression how it should be.........hard-line. <O:p></O:p>

This is the single worst post I have ever seen. "Wake up white people!"<O:p></O:p>

Edited by: dbwave
Just supposing it's worth the effort, see:

Who else celebrates?

More about these guys Note that this has been suppressed

And of course, our ever-reliable allies would *never* attempt to lure us into their war

Of course, if we expand this beyond Israel, to Jewish hatred of Whites and their vicious war against Whites in general, (true, "old-time") Christians in particular, just randomly click on any thread on this site to see the results of their "love" for us Whites.

Good morning Sir and welcome to the site.

The reason people are against Israel is the fact that the Israelis are in the wrong and have been since the beginning of this conflict, which goes back to a document issued by the British in 1917, promising the land of Palestine/Israel to the Zionists. The British did this in connivance with the Zionists of the time, led by Chaim Weizmann without any input from the Arabs/Palestinians who represented 85-90% of the population of that land at the time.

Most Americans are totally ignorant (I'm not looking to be insulting to you)of the history of this situation. I was the same as you for many years. However, I finally got tired of hearing the Arabs use the term "Zionist" and not know what it was they were talking about. So I got some books on the subject and did the studying I had to to get a reasonable idea of what happened to precipitate all this bloodshed. I found out, but I warn you that if you decide to find out what is behind all of this, the subject is immense and there is a ton of reading to be done. If I can help you, I would suggest that you look up such names as Theodor Herzl, Chain Weizmann, Zev Jabotinsky for starters for the Zionist. On the Arab side, there's Prince Feisel, Grand Mufti Husseini, Yaser Arafat. Then there's the different organizations such as the Jewish Agency, Irgun (Zionist terrorist org.), Hagana, Stern Gang, etc.

As I say, the subject is immense and it takes some time to read through all this to get an idea of how it all began and worked itself out over the years. Also, as I said, I believed exactly as you do until I delved into this.

One last thing. There is a big difference between Judaism (the religion) and Zionism (the ideology) Many Orthodox Jews, primarily of the Satmar sect are violently opposed to the state of Israel.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...
Thanks for posting the article Dixie. A good read and one that I think is worth further distribution.
Thanks Tom Iron for the good follow up post. I'm always interested in learning more about this conflict and I will have to look up those people you mentioned.

The key thing you said was, "There is a big difference between Judaism (the religion) and Zionism (the ideology)".

This is so true and so misunderstood or unknown to the average American.
Tom Iron said:

Good morning Sir and welcome to the site.

The reason people are against Israel is the fact that the Israelis are in the wrong and have been since the beginning of this conflict, which goes back to a document issued by the British in 1917, promising the land of Palestine/Israel to the Zionists. The British did this in connivance with the Zionists of the time, led by Chaim Weizmann without any input from the Arabs/Palestinians who represented 85-90% of the population of that land at the time.

Most Americans are totally ignorant (I'm not looking to be insulting to you)of the history of this situation. I was the same as you for many years. However, I finally got tired of hearing the Arabs use the term "Zionist" and not know what it was they were talking about. So I got some books on the subject and did the studying I had to to get a reasonable idea of what happened to precipitate all this bloodshed. I found out, but I warn you that if you decide to find out what is behind all of this, the subject is immense and there is a ton of reading to be done. If I can help you, I would suggest that you look up such names as Theodor Herzl, Chain Weizmann, Zev Jabotinsky for starters for the Zionist. On the Arab side, there's Prince Feisel, Grand Mufti Husseini, Yaser Arafat. Then there's the different organizations such as the Jewish Agency, Irgun (Zionist terrorist org.), Hagana, Stern Gang, etc.

As I say, the subject is immense and it takes some time to read through all this to get an idea of how it all began and worked itself out over the years. Also, as I said, I believed exactly as you do until I delved into this.

One last thing. There is a big difference between Judaism (the religion) and Zionism (the ideology) Many Orthodox Jews, primarily of the Satmar sect are violently opposed to the state of Israel.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...


Good reply. However.....if you were to compare the USA and Israel you might find some interesting similarties. White America is made up from people NOT from America. Our conquest of this land put aside the American Indans way worse than the Arabs. Are wewrong for forming America?Israel is a desertthat the Jews have made into alivable place and have improved its worth. Hmmm. I like America now and think we have improved it far better than the Indianscould have. Shoud we be at blame for our past? Why condemn Israle then and not America? I don't either.

America has its past and so does Israel. Your right......I don't know enough about Israel's roots to make a great arguement. But.....I do know that America has a similar black eye the way we treated the Indians.

As far as 911 celebrations are concerned. You can find any individuals in any society that might have celebrated. As a whole Israel supported the US. Who did not retaliate in the first Gulf war when SCUD missles were shot into Tel Aviv? We attack Iraq and Iraq attacks Israel? hmmm. We told Israel to take the bombs and not defend herself on our accord? And they complied!!!! Sounds a worthy ally to me?

If we did not have Israel we would have a bunch of sand n*****s running the middle east. Unacceptable to our foreign dependance on oil. Israel needs and depends on the US sure. But if no Isreal, we would have to put TONS of troops in the middle east to conrol chaos.

If you sterotype all Jews as liberals seeking America's demise your as wrong as the people who say all folks that have white pride are rednecks. Stereotyping is wrong.....period.

A proud white Jew,

dbwave said:
A proud white Jew,

Well let me hijack this thread a little bit.
While I wouldn't put Caste Football in a category with Stormfront or even Amren I would say that this site to a certain degree espouses WN beliefs. Or at least some of the posters do. Is Judaism compatible with WN? Or is it Zionists who are the real enemy? Serious question and not trying to put you on the spot dbwave.
dbwave said:
A proud white Jew,


I don't give a sh*t about
A) the indians, or who screwed them, why, or what happened after
B) israel, it's people, interests, or history
C) the arabs--at all

I only care about white America. As far as I see it israel is screwing white America. So screw israel and anyone that supports it.

Are you white or jewish? I never hear white people going around saying I'm a proud white Baptist, or I'm a proud white Catholic. I thought jewry was just a religion. If it's something more--like a race, then you shouldn't consider yourself white.
Excellent article, DixieDestroyer.

I'm always puzzled as to why more people haven't figured all that out - or maybe many have, and they are just afraid to talk about it.
jaxvid said:
I don't give a sh*t about
A) the indians, or who screwed them, why, or what happened after
B) israel, it's people, interests, or history
C) the arabs--at all

Jaxvid, while I wouldn't have worded it in such a sharp way, you're ABCs pretty much sum up my beliefs

Edited by: Electric Slide
jaxvid said:
dbwave said:
A proud white Jew,


I don't give a sh*t about
A) the indians, or who screwed them, why, or what happened after
B) israel, it's people, interests, or history
C) the arabs--at all

I only care about white America. As far as I see it israel is screwing white America. So screw israel and anyone that supports it.

Are you white or jewish? I never hear white people going around saying I'm a proud white Baptist, or I'm a proud white Catholic. I thought jewry was just a religion. If it's something more--like a race, then you shouldn't consider yourself white.

I am not Jewish nor do I actually personally know a jew. That being said given what I have seen from Israel and the conflict I have to say I have to throw my support behind Israel. It does not make sense to me to throw my support behind countries that burn our flag and support terror. Sorry, but Israel gets my support.
How can anybody support Israel. They are literally choking the life out of Gaza. After wiping out flies with a hammer again. They once again will let humanitarian aid go into another bombed out area that they have invaded and denuded. Some people have bought the Koolaid that Israel's propaganda minsters sell, but not me....
Edited by: white is right

thanks for providing the excellent article.

jaxvid said:
I don't give a sh*t about
A) the indians, or who screwed them, why, or what happened after
B) israel, it's people, interests, or history
C) the arabs--at all

I only care about white America. As far as I see it israel is screwing white America. So screw israel and anyone that supports it.

Are you white or jewish? I never hear white people going around saying I'm a proud white Baptist, or I'm a proud white Catholic. I thought jewry was just a religion. If it's something more--like a race, then you shouldn't consider yourself white.

i agree with this 100%.
Don Wassall said:
jaxvid said:
dbwave said:
A proud white Jew,


I don't give a sh*t about
A) the indians, or who screwed them, why, or what happened after
B) israel, it's people, interests, or history
C) the arabs--at all

I only care about white America. As far as I see it israel is screwing white America. So screw israel and anyone that supports it.

Are you white or jewish? I never hear white people going around saying I'm a proud white Baptist, or I'm a proud white Catholic. I thought jewry was just a religion. If it's something more--like a race, then you shouldn't consider yourself white.


So where do I begin. Well lets level set.

Israel supports the US.

Palestine supports Iran and is funded by Iran.

Iran wants to nuke the US.

How the f is Israel screwing America. She took bombs for America in the first Gulf War. How is that scewing America? She has never gone against the US and has always supported us.

My relegion is Jewish and the color of my skin is white. I could join the Klan if I wanted to and not tell them I am Jewish. How can you tell me I am not white when I look at my skin and it is white?

The reason I bring this up isthiswas posted telling me I am not white because I am Jewish. Let's say you are Christian. If there was a post saying your religion was scum of the earth and that you are not white.....would you stand silent???? I hope not.

If you don't care about Israel or Arabs great. Who cares. As an intelligent American on earth could you side with the Arabs in this conflict???

How can you NOT root for a nation the size of thumb tack that has been persucuted from its existance and decided not to take and kick some ass? A nation that treats terrosim the way it should be......with a giant hammer.

There are probably Jews on this site that are supported because the COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. Kevin Youkili , Sage Rosenfels and Igor Olshanskyname a few. Hmm they are listed on this site. Are they not WHITE??? They are rooted for on this site and yes they are all Jewish.

The Jewish liberals make me sick. But then, all liberals make me sick.


Edited by: dbwave
The Jews always seem to take us all for fools. "Iran wants to nuke the US"...

The reason the Muslim countries are so hostile to the US is because of its unconditional support for Israel.

The history of the past 60 years of the US and other Western countries is largely defined by Zionist Jews' hatred for the white goyim. Our culture has become one of self-hate and confusion, as all the TV programs and movies have had their gradual, subtle effect on us. Every aspect of our lives is affected in a negative way - we even have Jewish doctors and counsellors on radio and TV shows giving us conflicting advice in order to confuse us. I just keep praying that we eventually wake up from our slumber and do something about it:

wake up from your slumber
dbwave said:
Don Wassall said:
jaxvid said:
dbwave said:
A proud white Jew,

I don't give a sh*t about A) the indians, or who screwed them, why, or what happened after B) israel, it's people, interests, or history C) the arabs--at all I only care about white America. As far as I see it israel is screwing white America. So screw israel and anyone that supports it. Are you white or jewish? I never hear white people going around saying I'm a proud white Baptist, or I'm a proud white Catholic. I thought jewry was just a religion. If it's something more--like a race, then you shouldn't consider yourself white.


So where do I begin. Well lets level set.

Israel supports the US.

Palestine supports Iran and is funded by Iran.

Iran wants to nuke the US.

How the f is Israel screwing America. She took bombs for America in the first Gulf War. How is that scewing America? She has never gone against the US and has always supported us.

My relegion is Jewish and the color of my skin is white. I could join the Klan if I wanted to and not tell them I am Jewish. How can you tell me I am not white when I look at my skin and it is white?

The reason I bring this up is this was posted telling me I am not white because I am Jewish. Let's say you are Christian. If there was a post saying your religion was scum of the earth and that you are not white.....would you stand silent???? I hope not.

If you don't care about Israel or Arabs great. Who cares. As an intelligent American on earth could you side with the Arabs in this conflict???

How can you NOT root for a nation the size of thumb tack that has been persucuted from its existance and decided not to take and kick some ass? A nation that treats terrosim the way it should be......with a giant hammer.

There are probably Jews on this site that are supported because the COLOR OF THEIR SKIN. Kevin Youkili , Sage Rosenfels and Igor Olshansky name a few. Hmm they are listed on this site. Are they not WHITE??? They are rooted for on this site and yes they are all Jewish.

The Jewish liberals make me sick. But then, all liberals make me sick.



You forgot Morgan Pressel, the female golfer.

Also, there is such a thing as "Jewy" facial features and voice of course. I thought Pressel looked like a Jewess and then I stumbled on a Jewish sports site and she was there.

Fact is, the "Jews" that don't look Jewish are the one's with lots of White gentile blood. Jennifer Connelly, for example. I can usually spot a "Jewish comedian" and it's not just because I know about the Jewish role in that field. The Sarah Silverman's and Jimmy Kimmel's are despicable and there's so much "anti-Gentilism" and vicious hatred of European-inspired cultures.

These are OUR friends?... Have you seen Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo? Out of all the sheepletainment, this is still one of the most despicable "films" ever. There's no agenda to debase and pervert Gentiles?? Could of fooled me...

Good morning Sir,

As to your reference to the "similarities" between our treatment of the American Indians and The Zionist treatment of Arabs, I have to respectfully disagree with you. There is no comparison to the two different scenarios. When the colonists first came to this country, it's estimated that approximately three million Indians inhabited this nation from coast to coast. Furthermore, they were stone age hunter gatherers who hadn't invented the wheel or learn how to harness animals. They were nature worshipers (animists)

In the case of the Zionists entering Palestine, the opposite was the case. They found an established people who had their own written language, worshiped a single God, owned land, and had long lived on a land not even the size of N.J. The comparison between the U. S. and Israel is completely erroneous at best.

I agree with you about your White skin. I look at you as a White American man who happens to profess the Jewish faith, Just as I'm a White American who happens to profess the Christian faith. There's nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned. The most important point with me is that a man support our country and our constitution and hold no "dual" loyalties. Do you have dual loyalty Sir or is your loyalty only to the U.S.?

The difference between you and Me Sir is that You're for Israel And I'm against the Israeli State. You said you weren't up on the history of the Zionist movement. I suggest you look into it. I'm sure that as an American, your idea of Israel will change if you finally see how from the beginning, the Zionist agenda has been achieved completely through lies and deceit. All good Americans hate deceit I think. Actually, even though it's sports we talk about here on castefootball, it's also deceit we're talking about as well.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...
JD1986 said:
The reason the Muslim countries are so hostile to the US is because of its unconditional support for Israel.

Yes. They also hate any infadel on their soil.They hate us for many reasons. Israel loves us.

You forgot Morgan Pressel, the female golfer.

Also, there is such a thing as "Jewy" facial features and voice of course. I thought Pressel looked like a Jewess and then I stumbled on a Jewish sports site and she was there.

Fact is, the "Jews" that don't look Jewish are the one's with lots of White gentile blood. Jennifer Connelly, for example. I can usually spot a "Jewish comedian" and it's not just because I know about the Jewish role in that field. The Sarah Silverman's and Jimmy Kimmel's are despicable and there's so much "anti-Gentilism" and vicious hatred of European-inspired cultures.

These are OUR friends?... Have you seen Deuce Bigalow: European Gigolo? Out of all the sheepletainment, this is still one of the most despicable "films" ever. There's no agenda to debase and pervert Gentiles?? Could of fooled me...


I don't understand your first point about Morgan. What should we do though? Should we take the before mentioned athletes of the site? I would hate to see that. Igor is a stud and a bright spot on the SD defense.

Hollywood is hollywood. I did not see Deuce Bigalow. Did you see Goodfellas? Loved that film. The Departed, Braveheart and Boogie Nights are other personal favorites.
Tom Iron said:

Good morning Sir,

As to your reference to the "similarities" between our treatment of the American Indians and The Zionist treatment of Arabs, I have to respectfully disagree with you. There is no comparison to the two different scenarios. When the colonists first came to this country, it's estimated that approximately three million Indians inhabited this nation from coast to coast. Furthermore, they were stone age hunter gatherers who hadn't invented the wheel or learn how to harness animals. They were nature worshipers (animists)

In the case of the Zionists entering Palestine, the opposite was the case. They found an established people who had their own written language, worshiped a single God, owned land, and had long lived on a land not even the size of N.J. The comparison between the U. S. and Israel is completely erroneous at best.

I agree with you about your White skin. I look at you as a White American man who happens to profess the Jewish faith, Just as I'm a White American who happens to profess the Christian faith. There's nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned. The most important point with me is that a man support our country and our constitution and hold no "dual" loyalties. Do you have dual loyalty Sir or is your loyalty only to the U.S.?

The difference between you and Me Sir is that You're for Israel And I'm against the Israeli State. You said you weren't up on the history of the Zionist movement. I suggest you look into it. I'm sure that as an American, your idea of Israel will change if you finally see how from the beginning, the Zionist agenda has been achieved completely through lies and deceit. All good Americans hate deceit I think. Actually, even though it's sports we talk about here on castefootball, it's also deceit we're talking about as well.

Take care Sir and have a good day.

Tom Iron...

Tom. This will probably go over like a fart in church (no pun intended) but why can't you be proud of two countries? I love America and I am an American. I proud of the white culture and proud of being Jewish. I am proud of one of our strongest Allies Isreal as I am of England who supported us through the Iraq war. I am not a fan of France and Germany who did not.

It is a shame you are not a fan of Israel, for you sound like a intelligent and articulate person.
dbwave said:
Tom Iron said:
dbwave, Good morning Sir, As to your reference to the "similarities" between our treatment of the American Indians and The Zionist treatment of Arabs, I have to respectfully disagree with you. There is no comparison to the two different scenarios. When the colonists first came to this country, it's estimated that approximately three million Indians inhabited this nation from coast to coast. Furthermore, they were stone age hunter gatherers who hadn't invented the wheel or learn how to harness animals. They were nature worshipers (animists) In the case of the Zionists entering Palestine, the opposite was the case. They found an established people who had their own written language, worshiped a single God, owned land, and had long lived on a land not even the size of N.J. The comparison between the U. S. and Israel is completely erroneous at best. I agree with you about your White skin. I look at you as a White American man who happens to profess the Jewish faith, Just as I'm a White American who happens to profess the Christian faith. There's nothing wrong with that as far as I'm concerned. The most important point with me is that a man support our country and our constitution and hold no "dual" loyalties. Do you have dual loyalty Sir or is your loyalty only to the U.S.? The difference between you and Me Sir is that You're for Israel And I'm against the Israeli State. You said you weren't up on the history of the Zionist movement. I suggest you look into it. I'm sure that as an American, your idea of Israel will change if you finally see how from the beginning, the Zionist agenda has been achieved completely through lies and deceit. All good Americans hate deceit I think. Actually, even though it's sports we talk about here on castefootball, it's also deceit we're talking about as well. Take care Sir and have a good day. Tom Iron...

Tom. This will probably go over like a fart in church (no pun intended) but why can't you be proud of two countries? I love America and I am an American. I proud of the white culture and proud of being Jewish. I am proud of one of our strongest Allies Isreal as I am of England who supported us through the Iraq war. I am not a fan of France and Germany who did not.

It is a shame you are not a fan of Israel, for you sound like a intelligent and articulate person.

I generally stay out of this topic because my positive views on Israel and Jewish people are well known around around here on CF and I have gotten tired from constantly swimming upstream on the issue and all the flaming I usually get when I post something in support of Israel.
I am a Messianic Jew. I am a christian with jewish ethnicity through my mothers side of the family. I am proud of my jewish ethnicity but I am also proud of my Irish, Scotch and Greek background. I disagree with Jaxvids assertion that you can't consider yourself white and jew, I am a walking contradiction to that statement. I support what Israel is doing in Gaza and they have just as much right to protect themselves from being shelled by rockets from Gaza as America would have the same right to protect themselves from Mexico if we were getting shelled.
I firmy believe as a evangelical christian that the God of the bible gave that land to Israel and she has a full right to live and prosper on that land and she never stole it from the Palestianians because it was never theirs to begin with. It's a miracle and prophecy fulfilled that after a 2000 year dispersal and a unimaginable Holocaust that Israel became a nation again in May 1948. We are clearly in the last days and when I stand before God one day,I don't want to be on the wrong side of history.
There are some secular Jews in this country who are powerful and up to no good, I am not deaf ,dumb and blind to that, I have been at CF too long not to have read many posts and gone to many links that have proved that fact abundantly. But most jews are not out to get you and alot of us are tired of being the eternal boogeyman and whipping boy for every problem that comes up. White people are mostly responsible for the problems that we have and we need to look within ourselves to solve the problem and we need to more earnestly seek the eternal and spiritual truths that seem to sadly elude many here , even some of my Christian brothers on here.
I felt compelled to post this not because I wanted to but because I felt compelled and obligated to. I have been silent on these topics for awile because defending Israel and the honor of the Jewish people is not my purpose here and if it becomes my purpose then I am a troll. I support the white race and the cause of the white athlete, I love America and Israel as well and do my best to support both. I care about the white race but with me, race DOES NOT trump everything. It doesn't trump my faith, my country, my black friends, my values or my humanity. So there, I have said my peace and hope to go on to much more fun topics. Edited by: guest301
American Freedom News