I appreciate those of you who took the time to respond in an intelligent manner (not Lost, who made sure to respond to my comments in this topic and the other one in the equivalent manner of sticking his fingers in his ears, shouting "WITCH!" and closing his eyes until the scary man went away).I probably should've clarified my question. In the other topic, many of the users said that they had less respect or even hated the whites and blacks that participate in interracial relationships. Now, I can understand why you would feel that way, with all the problems it can cause: family troubles, racist family members on either side, being treated differently by others, racial dilemmas between the couple, what their own kids would have to deal with while growing up, and the fact that whites and blacks have every opportunity to be with one of their own. What I am interested in hearing about is your guys' opinions on the whites and mixed-race people that engage in relationships with each other. Do you have the same feelings toward them that you do for those in white-black relationships?For me, I don't have a problem with this. Mixed-race people don't have the same luxury as whites, blacks, Hispanics, or any other race in that they can never really be in a community that's just like them. You can't tell many mixed-race people to stick with their own kind like you could for a white or black person. A lot of them don't really fit in anywhere. And none of that was of their own choosing. Take someone like Grady Sizemore, who looks mostly white, but you can slightly tell that he has a bit of black in him. If he were to have a son with a white woman, the boy most likely wouldn't look a whole lot different than anyone here. If you would discredit the kid and claim that "he's just another black guy," I'd like to see that kid go into the ghetto and say "What up, my *****!" Or I'd like to see any white person do that and then claim that their great-granddad was black. I don't think the blacks would gladly take them up as one of their own.I hate the whole 'drop of blood' theory that claims that anyone who has a great-great-great-great-great-great-great (etc.) grandparent of black descent (or another race), then they are automatically a black person (or other race) and not white. There's a top swimmer whose name I can't quite remember right now (not Cullen Jones) who is three-quarters white and one-quarter black. For a place that celebrates the achievement of whites, are his accomplishments discarded because a small part of him isn't white? The guy looks like a normal white person. He acts like a normal white person. He was raised as a normal white person. He considers himself a normal white person. And he participates in one of the whitest activities there is: swimming. If he wouldn't be considered a white person, then who would? Where is the line drawn? It's a slippery slope. Should those who look like us and behave like us, but have known black ancestors be shunned because of their ancestry? Are those from South Africa and Argentina with the same color of skin as ours not classified as white because they may possibly have a few drops of darker blood in them? Should they be shunned because they don't meet some gold standard of whiteness? Can any of us even be 100% certain that we are 100% white? No. That would be impossible.For those that believe in the 'drop of blood' theory, whites are in a battle that's impossible to win. There is only a finite amount of whites and an infinite amount of other races if their blood somehow has the extraordinary ability to override white blood. Whether anyone here wants to admit it or not, going by this theory, whites will be mostly gone in about 100 years time. But at the same time, pure blacks (and any other race in the United States) will be mostly gone as well. As long as there are originally more pure whites than any other single race, the inevitable final product (physically, culturally, etc.) will be closer to white than anything else.This went on a bit longer than I expected. Discuss this however you want, but let me just re-ask my question: Do you have the same dislike or hatred toward those in a white-mixed race relationship as you do for those in a white-black relationship?