Opinions on White+Mixed Couples

Oct 23, 2009
From reading the thread about black people taking our women, it's obvious that interracial couples are frowned upon, but I was wondering about couples involving a white and a mixed-race person. I myself have a white female friend who is currently dating a guy of mixed descent...I believe she said he was about half-white, part hispanic, and an eighth black. I've only met him once, and he's Vin Diesel-esque in that you wouldn't know how to classify him by race if you saw him. Personally, I don't mind this at all, but I was curious as to what the rest of you think about this.
Well if you dont mind race-mixing.. than maybe this is not the web site for "YOU"!
Edited by: lost
I used to think there was nothing wrong with it as well. Then i found this site and i learnt a lot about the world around me. I never realized that being an athletic white male there was so much going against me. Just take a look around this site and youl see what i mean.
MMCD, dating is obviously the precursor to engagement & marriage. It is the mixing of bloodlines/race that is detrimental to the future of the White race. According to the cultural Marxists, it quite alright for blacks, latinos, orientals, etc. to preserve, revere & celebrate their racial heritage...but it's (of course) "racist" for Whites to do the same. This hypocrisy is the mainstay of cultural Marxism. IMHO, all races should date & marry amongst themselves. However, my concern is with the White race (& our future).
miscegenation = the death of the white race.
I appreciate those of you who took the time to respond in an intelligent manner (not Lost, who made sure to respond to my comments in this topic and the other one in the equivalent manner of sticking his fingers in his ears, shouting "WITCH!" and closing his eyes until the scary man went away).

I probably should've clarified my question. In the other topic, many of the users said that they had less respect or even hated the whites and blacks that participate in interracial relationships. Now, I can understand why you would feel that way, with all the problems it can cause: family troubles, racist family members on either side, being treated differently by others, racial dilemmas between the couple, what their own kids would have to deal with while growing up, and the fact that whites and blacks have every opportunity to be with one of their own. What I am interested in hearing about is your guys' opinions on the whites and mixed-race people that engage in relationships with each other. Do you have the same feelings toward them that you do for those in white-black relationships?

For me, I don't have a problem with this. Mixed-race people don't have the same luxury as whites, blacks, Hispanics, or any other race in that they can never really be in a community that's just like them. You can't tell many mixed-race people to stick with their own kind like you could for a white or black person. A lot of them don't really fit in anywhere. And none of that was of their own choosing. Take someone like Grady Sizemore, who looks mostly white, but you can slightly tell that he has a bit of black in him. If he were to have a son with a white woman, the boy most likely wouldn't look a whole lot different than anyone here. If you would discredit the kid and claim that "he's just another black guy," I'd like to see that kid go into the ghetto and say "What up, my *****!" Or I'd like to see any white person do that and then claim that their great-granddad was black. I don't think the blacks would gladly take them up as one of their own.

I hate the whole 'drop of blood' theory that claims that anyone who has a great-great-great-great-great-great-great (etc.) grandparent of black descent (or another race), then they are automatically a black person (or other race) and not white. There's a top swimmer whose name I can't quite remember right now (not Cullen Jones) who is three-quarters white and one-quarter black. For a place that celebrates the achievement of whites, are his accomplishments discarded because a small part of him isn't white? The guy looks like a normal white person. He acts like a normal white person. He was raised as a normal white person. He considers himself a normal white person. And he participates in one of the whitest activities there is: swimming. If he wouldn't be considered a white person, then who would? Where is the line drawn? It's a slippery slope. Should those who look like us and behave like us, but have known black ancestors be shunned because of their ancestry? Are those from South Africa and Argentina with the same color of skin as ours not classified as white because they may possibly have a few drops of darker blood in them? Should they be shunned because they don't meet some gold standard of whiteness? Can any of us even be 100% certain that we are 100% white? No. That would be impossible.

For those that believe in the 'drop of blood' theory, whites are in a battle that's impossible to win. There is only a finite amount of whites and an infinite amount of other races if their blood somehow has the extraordinary ability to override white blood. Whether anyone here wants to admit it or not, going by this theory, whites will be mostly gone in about 100 years time. But at the same time, pure blacks (and any other race in the United States) will be mostly gone as well. As long as there are originally more pure whites than any other single race, the inevitable final product (physically, culturally, etc.) will be closer to white than anything else.

This went on a bit longer than I expected. Discuss this however you want, but let me just re-ask my question: Do you have the same dislike or hatred toward those in a white-mixed race relationship as you do for those in a white-black relationship?
I have no hatred towards anyone but the Globalist Elite who endlessly seek destruction of Christian, Western culture, traditions and values. My utmost disdain lies with the Powers-That-Be/Puppet Ma$ters.

It's not so much that I utterly abhor race mixers, as it's I'm frustrated over the future of our race (as a whole). The White race has a wide spectrum...from Aryan/Germanic/Nordic to Mediterranean (Sicilians, etc.), so there's a good range of mates to select from. In the end, I would urge Whites to date/marry only amongst themselves, but in today's (cultural Marxist inflicted) world...that won't happen.
I won't automatically be rude to a fellow White man (co-worker, etc.) if I learn his wife is oriental, etc. (I may lose some respect, but I'll be cordial). I try to always carry myself as a Southern gentleman...without appearing like a doormat. I don't overly dwell on race mixing because there's greater concerns to focus on (i.e. - a rising police state, rampant Globalism, an incessant attack on the Bill of Rights, etc.). For me...WN is about pride & standing up for our race & rights...not "hatred" (as the cultural Marxists claim).

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
" Mixed-race people don't have the same luxury as whites, blacks, Hispanics, or any other race in that they can never really be in a community that's just like them. You can't tell many mixed-race people to stick with their own kind like you could for a white or black person."

That's their problem, not ours. In any case let them fraternize with non-Whites; they certainly vote with non-White interests.

"For those that believe in the 'drop of blood' theory, whites are in a battle that's impossible to win. There is only a finite amount of whites and an infinite amount of other races if their blood somehow has the extraordinary ability to override white blood. Whether anyone here wants to admit it or not, going by this theory, whites will be mostly gone in about 100 years time. But at the same time, pure blacks (and any other race in the United States) will be mostly gone as well. As long as there are originally more pure whites than any other single race, the inevitable final product (physically, culturally, etc.) will be closer to white than anything else."

That's what the neocons and other miscreants want us to believe. Best to embrace oblivion than resist it.

And since there's an "infinite amount of other races" the products of misgenation can have their pick from the endless sea of non-Whites.
MarkMadsenCANdance said:
Do you have the same dislike or hatred toward those in a white-mixed race relationship as you do for those in a white-black relationship?

yes. if obama had a white wife, their kids would not be white by any standard.

these are the facts.

i have white children.

white children are safest amongst their own.

the production of non white children diminishes my children's safety.

therefor: inter-breeders are my enemy. Edited by: C Darwin
SuperSpeed23 said:
I used to think there was nothing wrong with it as well. Then i found this site and i learnt a lot about the world around me. I never realized that being an athletic white male there was so much going against me. Just take a look around this site and youl see what i mean.

Lol pretty funny post indeed. Yes, sometimes I too question the loathing of the situation of white athletes that can get carried away here at times. Yes, the athletic white male can get full ride scholarships, get all sorts of honors and praise, have an endless amount of pretty young girls interested in him, and get all sorts of support from family and friends for making them proud. They can go out on the field and have 100,000 fans cheering for them to make the play. They get to be on TV, and can watch themselves sometimes on highlights later on when they are at the bar having a few drinks on the house, surrounded by teammates and friends, and plenty on women.

That's not point people are making here. They are talking about the ones that did not get this opportunity, or had their future chances cut short due to false stereotypes, bad coaching, and wrong-headed advice from well-meaning people. Yes, we are proud of the ones that do make it. I am happy for each and every single white player in the NFL for making it that far, if they even only get to suit up for a single game. That's far more than many others who played in college and HS can say. But, we are questioning why so many get passed over that have seemingly equal or superior qualifications. We're asking why guys well-suited to play NFL running back like Jacob Hester, Peyton Hillis, and Brian Leonard were switched to running back, while that rarely happens to black players in the same situation.

I mean, it could all be a big coincidence. Or, you can claim there's plenty of good reasons for it since white players "just aren't good enough," even though the ones we mentioned are "exceptions" to your rule, yet were still given second fiddle to others who didn't perform as well on the stage. Yes, Hillis, Hester, and Leonard have it good in life. Nobody's guaranteed to make the NFL or stay there, black or white. They make a considerable amount of money, they are not in any legal trouble that we know of, I'm sure their families are extremely proud of them, and they get to make a living doing something they love.

But, why should they be held back from doing something greater, when others get to just because they have a different skin color???
MarkMadsenCANdance said:
I appreciate those of you who took the time to respond in an intelligent manner (not Lost, who made sure to respond to my comments in this topic and the other one in the equivalent manner of sticking his fingers in his ears, shouting "WITCH!" and closing his eyes until the scary man went away).I probably should've clarified my question.  In the other topic, many of the users said that they had less respect or even hated the whites and blacks that participate in interracial relationships.  Now, I can understand why you would feel that way, with all the problems it can cause: family troubles, racist family members on either side, being treated differently by others, racial dilemmas between the couple, what their own kids would have to deal with while growing up, and the fact that whites and blacks have every opportunity to be with one of their own.  What I am interested in hearing about is your guys' opinions on the whites and mixed-race people that engage in relationships with each other.  Do you have the same feelings toward them that you do for those in white-black relationships?For me, I don't have a problem with this.  Mixed-race people don't have the same luxury as whites, blacks, Hispanics, or any other race in that they can never really be in a community that's just like them.  You can't tell many mixed-race people to stick with their own kind like you could for a white or black person.  A lot of them don't really fit in anywhere.  And none of that was of their own choosing.  Take someone like Grady Sizemore, who looks mostly white, but you can slightly tell that he has a bit of black in him.  If he were to have a son with a white woman, the boy most likely wouldn't look a whole lot different than anyone here.  If you would discredit the kid and claim that "he's just another black guy," I'd like to see that kid go into the ghetto and say "What up, my *****!"  Or I'd like to see any white person do that and then claim that their great-granddad was black.  I don't think the blacks would gladly take them up as one of their own.I hate the whole 'drop of blood' theory that claims that anyone who has a great-great-great-great-great-great-great (etc.) grandparent of black descent (or another race), then they are automatically a black person (or other race) and not white.  There's a top swimmer whose name I can't quite remember right now (not Cullen Jones) who is three-quarters white and one-quarter black.  For a place that celebrates the achievement of whites, are his accomplishments discarded because a small part of him isn't white?  The guy looks like a normal white person.  He acts like a normal white person.  He was raised as a normal white person.  He considers himself a normal white person.  And he participates in one of the whitest activities there is: swimming.  If he wouldn't be considered a white person, then who would?  Where is the line drawn?  It's a slippery slope.  Should those who look like us and behave like us, but have known black ancestors be shunned because of their ancestry?  Are those from South Africa and Argentina with the same color of skin as ours not classified as white because they may possibly have a few drops of darker blood in them?  Should they be shunned because they don't meet some gold standard of whiteness?  Can any of us even be 100% certain that we are 100% white?  No.  That would be impossible.For those that believe in the 'drop of blood' theory, whites are in a battle that's impossible to win.  There is only a finite amount of whites and an infinite amount of other races if their blood somehow has the extraordinary ability to override white blood.  Whether anyone here wants to admit it or not, going by this theory, whites will be mostly gone in about 100 years time.  But at the same time, pure blacks (and any other race in the United States) will be mostly gone as well.  As long as there are originally more pure whites than any other single race, the inevitable final product (physically, culturally, etc.) will be closer to white than anything else.This went on a bit longer than I expected.  Discuss this however you want, but let me just re-ask my question: Do you have the same dislike or hatred toward those in a white-mixed race relationship as you do for those in a white-black relationship?
Well i believe that you are a troll! you registered at about the same time as two more! that's unusual! allso people that love this multicolored dream will try to blur the line between black and white. one of their little trick's is to say! "what if they are only 25% black. is that OK? you know we all have mixed blood??" so if you like race-mixing.. go on! but dont push it on me!!! Edited by: lost
I grew up thinking this interracial marriage thing was OK. But now, I think it's absolutely overblown. White people have a right to preserve their racial and cultural heritage, preserve their blood.

We are all people alright, regardless of skin color. But every people (of various racial and cultural background) should have the right to preserve their unique identity. The white race deserves to preserve and exist as much as any other race out there.
I think a lot of people here don't care, but don't want to post that because they're afraid of the response. lol I'm much more concerned about blatant discrimination against white athletes than mixed relationships. Ancient Egypt was as mixed and mud colored as you can get and they were the dominant world power for 3,000 years. I'll be happy if America can be that for half as long. There weren't too many people preserving their racial bloodlines in Egypt and they did alright. Edited by: Fightingtowin
The problem with miscegenation is that it causes a mixture of the races, effectively ending the existence of both races involved. It is racial genocide, even if you are just talking about one couple. The children can never truly be called white. So, if miscegenation were not practiced at all, there would be no such examples like what Mark provided. As it stands, I blame the parents for the sick act of creating someone they know will never fit in with any group. I wouldn't classify these kids as white either.

As far as relating this to what this site is all about, I won't treat mixed athletes as white unless they identify as and act white and are treated as white by the media. This is not something that happens often because the media is so anti-white that they perpetuate the one-drop rule by constantly referring to the non-white part of the mixed athletes as being their sole race. The most numerous recent examples of which include athletes with hispanic surnames.

There have been a couple of glaring exceptions to this, such as some outlets referring to Justin Fargas as being white. The main reason for such exceptions has been to help maintain the illusion that whites are still treated equally at the RB position in the NFL. This attempt fails miserably.

Because of all this, it is almost always easy to know which mixed athletes should be "considered white" and which ones shouldn't. The caste media makes it really easy for us, along with individual behavior and identity. If a mixed player acts black, he's not white for the purposes of CF. Considering people outside of sports, I would never view a mixed person as white as long as I knew he was mixed.
This guy is NOT a troll! The premise of the site is to support white athletes (which we all do! :)), and not to worry about the 'death' of the white race. Whilst obviously to many posters the fate of the white race is clearly on their mind, to others its not an overiding issue. The thing is that this wont even have the chance of happening in so many parts of the world for so LONG after we are gone - Russia and Ukraine have 180 million chalk white people and no immigrant mixing, Finland hardly has any immigrants at all, just as 2 examples. Theres plenty of places where the white race is going to exist in its present form for hundreds of generations yet - and mixed race couples in the US are not going to change that. And, according to the amendments of the US, they have every right to be together.
Be that as it may. I personally think a person should be considered white or otherwise based on appearance and personality alone (take Kris Humphries, Brooke Lopez, and Derek Jeter), and not on their blood.

accesscrimea, don't forget Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, and Brazil. There are lots of unmixed whites in those countries. About 150 million chalk and tanned whites in those countries alone.
access, interracial marriage wasn't allowed by an amendment. It was allowed by a cultural Marxist controlled supreme court. Right now, we are facing the same sick judicial activism in the fight over homosexual marriage. Mark is a troll, and now you are outing yourself as one as well.
I think Don will concur the primary purpose of CF is to build up, share successes & trials of White athletes...whilst exposing the atrocious caste system. At the same time, us (real) CF'ers fully support the survival & best interests of the White race. Race mixing is dangerous for the future of our race...period.

It's absurd to claim that pure Whites won't exist 100 years from now!

Pray tell, how come there are still coal blacks that exist in Brazil? Cuba sends mostly coal blacks to the Olympics. "Oh, but we are all already mixed." I would wager that it's easier for Whites to stay pure White than it is for blacks to stay pure black, so don't tell us that "race preservation" is impossible!

Also, if mixing is "great" - why is Brazil OUT OF CONTROL? It's also only a matter of time before South Florida/Central Florida completely explodes with all the various "Hispanic" and "black" groups living side-by-side... A "diversity celebration" is coming, alright.
When it comes to blacks and whites in America there's no such thing as a bi-racial or mixed-race person. If part-black then a person is black. And this is the standard employed by blacks. Only someone unfamiliar with blacks would think otherwise. Light skinned blacks may be resented by darker blacks, but they are still considered part of the black world. If anything darker blacks are treated worse than light skinned blacks in Afrosphere.

So ironically, the whiter a black person is the more black they are. And even more ironically the dreaded one-drop rule is currently enforced by blacks regardless of whites' desire for a color-blind society (havoc at the traffic light).

The MSM is attempting to create a bi-racial category, but it won't work. Americans only think of race in terms of two categories, black and white.

But what about Asians and Hispanics and Indians? My theory is they can be 'white' or 'black' when it comes to assimilation and lifestyle choices. And they can shift from black to white based on circumstances, always determined by how much money is involved.

When an ethnic hustler describes himself as Hispanic-this or Hyphenated-that he's really saying, 'I'm black. Gimme something whitey.' But when values are discussed, 'Law and order are imperative.', then the speaker is saying, 'I'm white, of sorts, please buy my noodles fellow noble white man.'

Of course in other countries the situation is different. It may be other countries can somehow handle the conceptual challenge presented by more than two 'races'.
Charlie said:
When it comes to blacks and whites in America there's no such thing as a bi-racial or mixed-race person. If part-black then a person is black. And this is the standard employed by blacks. Only someone unfamiliar with blacks would think otherwise. Light skinned blacks may be resented by darker blacks, but they are still considered part of the black world. If anything darker blacks are treated worse than light skinned blacks in Afrosphere.

So ironically, the whiter a black person is the more black they are. And even more ironically the dreaded one-drop rule is currently enforced by blacks regardless of whites' desire for a color-blind society (havoc at the traffic light).

The MSM is attempting to create a bi-racial category, but it won't work. Americans only think of race in terms of two categories, black and white.

But what about Asians and Hispanics and Indians? My theory is they can be 'white' or 'black' when it comes to assimilation and lifestyle choices. And they can shift from black to white based on circumstances, always determined by how much money is involved.

When an ethnic hustler describes himself as Hispanic-this or Hyphenated-that he's really saying, 'I'm black. Gimme something whitey.' But when values are discussed, 'Law and order are imperative.', then the speaker is saying, 'I'm white, of sorts, please buy my noodles fellow noble white man.'

Of course in other countries the situation is different. It may be other countries can somehow handle the conceptual challenge presented by more than two 'races'.

Fightingtowin said:
I think a lot of people here don't care, but don't want to post that because they're afraid of the response. lol I'm much more concerned about blatant discrimination against white athletes than mixed relationships. Ancient Egypt was as mixed and mud colored as you can get and they were the dominant world power for 3,000 years. I'll be happy if America can be that for half as long. There weren't too many people preserving their racial bloodlines in Egypt and they did alright.

The first part of your response is good, although I don't totally agree with it. I do agree though that everyone here at CF shouldn't have to believe the same way when it comes to all racial issues. This should be, and is, first and foremost the website that promotes white athletes and points out anti-white discrimination in sports. As for the rest, everyone should have their own beliefs and we should have a spirited debate about it. For the most part, I think we do.

I happen to be on the end that while it shouldn't be illegal for interracial marriages, it should be discouraged and certainly not celebrated like it is now. I believe people have the right to associate with their own race, and that atrocities were committed via social engineering to unnaturally and wrongly force people to integrate via school busing, AA, black quarterbacks, Section 8, set-asides, etc.

But I do understand that it's important that for us to spread our beliefs, we have to fit into society, be normal upstanding people in our community, and not be hating on black people so much. I am aware of the danger that if everyone started conforming to anti-black beliefs and chanting "white power," that quickly this site would devolve into just a few good ole boys patting each other on the back for believing the same way.

We have a fine line to balance and it's very important that we do so that our message does not get obscured!
Wow. It's incredibly ironic that this site was made for whites as a way to cope with and discuss the discrimination that whites faces in the media...and several members on this site discriminate against anyone who doesn't seem to spend all waking hours chasing after blacks with pitchforks. In the media, if someone makes any truthful negative comment about a black, you'll have nutjob Al Sharpton yelling "RACISM!" On Castefootball, if someone makes any truthful positive (or not overwhelmingly negative) comment about a black person, you'll have nutjob Colonel Reb yelling "CULTURAL MARXISM!" I thought this website was for open and honest discussion about white people and their dilemmas and opinions in sports and life, but I guess I was wrong.

I can tell that there are some people on this website that truly 'get it.' They're able to form their own opinions, think for themselves about more complex topics, and *gasp* are actually able to have discussions in a respectful manner...even if their opinions differ. Then there are others, like Colonel Reb and Lost.

Colonel Reb, I'm sorry that you're completely close-minded to anything that differs the slightest from what you've been taught. You can mock and insult all the 'DWFs' for being sheep, but are you really any different from them? You seem to blindly go only by what is written and promoted on this site and if someone's opinion differs from that, then you start crying 'troll' at the drop of your tin foil hat. I'm not sure what Accesscrimea did to you and why he's a troll...oh wait...never mind...he had a different opinion from you. Colonel Reb...you're just as biased and discriminating as all the blacks that you claim do the same thing.

And Lost...seriously, if you're older than five years old, then that's just pathetic. You've eviscerated the English language, intelligence, and common sense all in the span of a few posts. Your sage and worldly advice is 'Don't be friendly to blacks?' Did you and Reb just come here through a time warp from the 1800s? I'm sorry, but the rest of the world has evolved from you.

But as for the discussion...Deadlift, I would implore you to read over my post again, as I didn't say any of the things you put in my mouth. I didn't say whites (or blacks) wouldn't exist in 100 years (nor was I jumping up and down in joy), just that most pure-bloods of any race would be gone in the United States (and other melting pot countries) in about 100 years time. The world's not going to be completely mixed any time soon, especially in places like the middle of Africa where whites, Asians, Hispanics...NO ONE wants to go there.

Son of Radovan...call them miscreants or whatever and feel free to resist if you want, but it will inevitably happen (well...provided we don't all kill each other first). It's like death...you can fight it all you want, but you wouldn't really deny the fact that you will die at some point, would you?

Charlie...I do agree that there are too many people that see the world as only black and white (double entendre intended)...which is a complete shame and I'd say the biggest problem in the world. However, I could counter that only someone unfamiliar with blacks would believe that the standard is part-black = black. For situations such as a good black basketball player or a track star that's half and half, a black person may say that it's the black in him that causes him to be good and they may claim them as one of their own. But for those in highly populated areas of blacks, if someone is noticeably part-white, they will still occasionally face discrimination, sometimes by not only blacks, but whites as well.

I must ask another question though. Hypothetically speaking, if someone like Larry Bird was all of a sudden determined to have a black grandparent...would you guys not be as proud of his accomplishments and not treat him as one of your own? I would bet that in 50, 100, 150 years, there will be many future Castefootballers that would gladly accept those of mixed descent as their own (due to the increasing shortage of pure whites) so long as they looked and acted mostly white.
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