Forcing Gender Equality


Aug 6, 2006
The horrific crash of Continental Airlines flt.3407 just days ago in Buffalo N.Y.,brings to light another aspect of cultural marxism,females on the flight decks of commercial airliners.As the social engineers try to force racial equality upon the American public,gender equality is part of the same package.

24 year old Rebecca Lynne Shaw was the first officer on the doomed flight,we cannot say how she interacted with Captain Marvin Renslow,the 47 year old White male who piloted the aircraft,unless the voice recorders tell the story.If any negative information as to the co-operation of this flight crew is on those tapes,you can bet we will not be told about it.

Had this captain ever expressed concerns about female pilots?,had her father ever thought or said that White Western European males make the best pilots?,probably not,because in Amerika today,there are some things that you just can't say,so much for the first amendment.

The U.S. Airways crash landing in the Hudson river a few weeks back had a happy ending,and seeing captain "Sully" Sullenberger,and first officer Jeff Skiles interviewed many times,one imagines that they were in calm control of the whole situation.I am not saying that Rebecca Lynne Shaw did anything wrong in the last minutes of the flight,and my heart goes out to her family and friends.

I am saying that having flown on the flight deck of many commericial airliners,with all male crews,and male female crews,I noted immediately that the chemistry and communication levels were not the same,how to explain this?,human nature.Edited by: LabMan
My understanding of (what they have released so far) the plane crash was that icing was the culprit. How does "Forcing Gender Equality" play into that?
Too early to make a judgement on this issue but I understand Labman's point. This is certainly a year for plane crashes, one where everybody miracously lives and one where everybody tragically dies. I certainly know I would rather have a 47 year old fly my passenger plane than a 24 year old no matter what the race or gender. Experience matters.
guest301 said:
Too early to make a judgement on this issue but I understand Labman's point. This is certainly a year for plane crashes, one where everybody miracously lives and one where everybody tragically dies. I certainly know I would rather have a 47 year old fly my passenger plane than a 24 year old no matter what the race or gender. Experience matters.

Agreed but I still don't see how you can make the point of how having female crew members caused the crash. "Forced Gender Equality" is the title of the thread. Edited by: Menelik
Menelik said:
guest301 said:
Too early to make a judgement on this issue but I understand Labman's point. This is certainly a year for plane crashes, one where everybody miracously lives and one where everybody tragically dies. I certainly know I would rather have a 47 year old fly my passenger plane than a 24 year old no matter what the race or gender. Experience matters.

Agreed but I still don't see how you can make the point of how having female crew members caused the crash. "Forced Gender Equality" is the title of the thread.

It's more Labman's bone of contention about the gender thing than mine. I am not sure he is categorically stating for a fact that "forced gender equality" caused the crash. I am certainly not saying that, I am just wondering about it and I understand his point. I will also say that I am much more comfortable with a man being at the controls of a plane than a female. Not that a female can't do the job well because many ladies are, but I think a man generally is better at such things and they tend to be in far more control of their emotions when a crisis hits than a woman may be.Edited by: guest301
LabMan said:
...I am not saying that Rebecca Lynne Shaw did anything wrong in the last minutes of the flight,and my heart goes out to her family and friends

He never "made the point that having female crew members caused the crash".

He used this occasion to voice his concerns over forced gender equality, which should be a concern for anyone who still possesses a little sanity.
That's my same concern as well. When I was in boot camp and saw the lesser physical standards that women were held to but often they wanted the same jobs as the male soldiers. There is also the silliness of seeing two female cops in a squad car show up first for a domestic violence complaint or other violent crimes going on, I would rather have one male cop show up than two women cops. Some of these ladies are tough and do great jobs and some can even handle themselves pretty well in a altercation until they get hit.
There are physical differences that need to respected by the pc crowd and unless the women can pass the exact same physical standard a man has to pass then her career and/or job description options should be more limited accordingly. None of this has anything to do with the plane crash, the female pilot may have been first rate and did all she could do to save lives.
I make no connection between having a female co-pilot at the controls and the actual crash itself,it seems that icing is the probable cause,this is common on these types of prop driven aircraft,I do wonder what happened when the plane started to pitch and roll when the ice build up became too much.

The captain probably fell back on his training and had many things running through his mind as to how to save the aircraft,what then was going through the mind of the first officer,who had flown for the company for a little over a year,do males and females process and act on information and dangerous situations in different ways?.

I'm not saying that the aircraft could have been saved had Jeff Skiles been the co-pilot,he of the miracle on the Hudson event.The tapes of the final minutes of the flight can be heard at
Women have never been considered inferior to men in western culture. The role of the mother, wife, and nurturer has always been supreme and it is for that very reason that "feminism" is anti-women.
One of the passengers on Fl. 3407 was a member of a Buffalo-area HS girls ice hockey team. The Wilmington (DE) News Journal made its own contribution to the Cultural Marxism aspect of this story by squeezing a photo of her in action (with a quote memorializing her from her coach) under an article about the Philadelphia Flyers. If she'd been male... well, draw your own conclusion.

My heart goes out to her family and the rest of the affected families of Fl. 3407.

American Freedom News