Earthquake in Haiti

I'm doing my part. The dryer lint filter was due to be cleaned. At first the person at the phone bank was confused. But I explained it was special white people lint, chock-full of special white people magic.

Highly appreciative. I think I heard the phrase 'mo fo', undoubtedly the Haitian term for 'thank you'.

Yes, I'm doing my part. I hope you are doing the same.
Both white women and white men are equally culpable for our people morphing into a fully-compliant, pleasant little global minority.

White women used to be angelic, functional, thrifty, selfless, constantly-pregnant housewives who loved their husband and children more than themselves. Women who didn't have a family / kids by their early twenties were considered social failures. Now, as Bart mentioned, they are lead around by the nose like cattle based solely on Mr. TV's daily distractions"¦which involve all things pertaining to the hollow nothingness that is modern entertainment / consumerism. Most white women are selfish, materialistic, racially ignorant, lazy, spoiled, and lacking in maternal love (accept when it comes to adopting turd-worlders). This vomit-inducing trend could easily change back, however, no white men are willing to voice their concerns"¦.assuming they're even concerned about their race as a whole.

White men used to be innovative, hard-working, prideful, honest, and adored their wives and children. The same money-oriented disease that afflicted the white men who were loathsome enough to bring black slaves from Africa back to their homeland has rotted away the character of modern white men. Most seem racially clueless, much less prideful. I've met hundreds of German men who can't even translate their own last names, much less speak their native tongue. Farmers that once toiled endlessly to feed their large families and their nationfolk have been intentionally replaced by slothful, obese, lemming, DWF types"¦.cheerleading like girlies for non-white athletes, laughing at "dumb white guy"Â￾ commercials, allowing their daughters to date and bare children with non-whites, politically naive, disingenuous "missionary"Â￾ christians. For god's sake, "we"Â￾ even elected a non-white president. The only "rebellion"Â￾ white youths are ever permitted to experience is against "the man,"Â￾ which roughly translates to "traditional white culture."Â￾

I only wish there comes a day in which white men are forced to spill blood to earn their flesh"¦just like the real men who came before us.
Excellent post Thrashen

No one could have put it better.
Thrashen, the other day I willed myself to watch the last installment of the Stallon series "Rambo" I must say that I was impressed with the movie and action sequences. Bottom line it was not a waste of time.

However, the wussy white missionary/doctors led by a good looking white female struck me as what is a major problem with white men/people. Anyways, this group was guided down a river in a small boat by Stallon to some zip village to provide aid and meds much like what is happening in Haiti.

Today there are 100,000s of boats filled with misguided whites going to Haiti to help AKs that would love to kill or rape them if they were bored and didn't have to worry about living the next week due to lack of food or water. White People WTF up!
When have blacks ever helped us? Never!! I truly believe that if blacks had the intelligence and technology of whites they would try to eliminate whites off the face of this earth. They are a thousand times more racist than whites. Sure there are some racist whites but blacks take it to a whole different level.
whiteathlete33 said:
When have blacks ever helped us?  Never!!  I truly believe that if blacks had the intelligence and technology of whites they would try to eliminate whites off the face of this earth.   They are a thousand times more racist than whites.  Sure there are some racist whites but blacks take it to a whole different level.
Right!! White's made "Slaves" Of blacks because they had the power! Not because the white man was more evil than non-whites!
If you're following the Haiti crisis, you may have noticed that Israel has been grandstanding about being in the "frontlines" of the rescue effort. But will Israel actually wind up making an act of genuine self-sacrifice? Not if Zio-Christians have a say in it.

Pastor John Hagee's "Christians United for Israel" wants us to donate to Israel so they can help Haiti with your money.

from the cufi website:

"Thank you for your interest inhelping Israel help Haiti. We are asking that you make a contribution of $18 or a multiple thereof to support Israel's humanitarian efforts in Haiti. This special amount -- which symbolizes "life"Â￾ in Jewish tradition â€" will be sent directly to IsraAID, one of the Israeli organizations that has been at the forefront of these rescue efforts."

Interesting also is the possible apocalyptic significance of the number 18 (you know... 6, 6, 6). (I got this from the Rense website (mark glenn's article from "the ugly truth"))
Soloman Kane,

The "Ugly truth" of Haiti can be defined with one thought, "Tonton Macoute." Ever since Haitian "independance,(1904)" it's been just one group of fiends running the show after another.

Tom Iron...
Thanks for the info, Solomon. Sickening news, but news that needs to be spread around nonetheless. Talk about Israel first! You'd have to try really hard to get any further under their thumb than that. Anti-Christians like John Hagee and Kay Arthur are among the most outspoken, but far from being alone in their views within modern "Christianity." They, along with millions of ordinary believers, have been steered far away from historical Biblical Christianity by jewish/modernist influenced theologians since the first half of the 1800s. Sadly, many fundamentalists who pride themselves on rooting out modernism within their church have accepted this bad seed and nurtured it to such a point that pro-Israel and pre-trib pre-millennial rapture stances appears in some churches doctrinal statements. You can't believe anything otherwise unless you want to go to another church!
Edited by: Colonel_Reb
Soloman Kane,

Sorry, I meant 1804, not 1904.

Colonel Reb,

I don't know what it is with the Chritian faith. Our priest is asking for donations for haiti as well (of course, that's an order coming from Trenton no doubt). I'll have a quiet talk with him. It won't do any good, but I'll let him know how I feel about it anyway.

Tom Iron...
Tom Iron,

Talking to your priest can't hurt and may even help, imo. The Bible is clear about the role Christians should play in rooting out any error or false teachings we see. If a teaching or action doesn't line up with what God says in the Bible, then we are obligated to speak against it, even if it means going against our pastor/priest/fellow church member. We are to test all things against the standards of the Bible. Almost every Baptist pastor I've ever heard has preached this, but sadly, few in the congregation have actually followed this Biblical admonition, as they usually blindly follow whatever is taught.
Charlie said:
What I hope and pray for is someone has the good sense to mix in oral contraceptives with the food aid. If successful the program could be expanded to the dollar menu at McDonald's.
American cities filling up with somali-bantu and haitians,imagine the future for our grandkids!,and where are the White South African child refugees?
Ha ha, helping white South Africans immigrate to America? No, the globe-straddling NWO / Z0G will never be satiated with the rape / torture / kill chastisement of SA whites until not a single one is left breathing. They are "teaching a lesson"Â￾ to the ancestors of those who created the "malevolent"Â￾ apartheid. Sound familiar? If America had a similar racial disparity as SA (whites outnumbered 10 to 1), the master plan would have already reached its obvious End Game, and American whites would be in a mass grave.

The crimes against humanity (always against whites, usually women) that have occurred in SA over the past 15-20 years are, quite honestly, some of the most grotesque, odious, deplorable, pathetic acts of personal anguish that have ever transpired in world history. It makes the embellished tales of the supposed holocaust look like a gay pride parade"¦.because it's slower, more agonizing, and there is nobody in the world who can hear them screaming, nobody in the world who gives a f*ck. In fact, the harmonious world opinion (those who even know the truth), is that "they deserve it."Â￾ My first order as POTUS would be to remove my brothers and sisters from their "lives"Â￾ in this hellish guerrilla war-zone.

But no, American Joe, swill your corperate beer, inject your drugs, cheer loudly for your all-black sports teams, abort your children, support your totalitarian Zionist Occupied Government....and by all means, help your beloved, angelic little Haitians.

For those of you who think that god is working in the hearts and minds of the white Christians who came to their aid after the earthquake"¦.ask yourself why god and his supposed "fishers of men"Â￾ seem to care less about South African whites?Edited by: Thrashen
SK, Zionist shill & phony "Christian" Hagee constantly proves what a complete fraud he is. I can't believe he's hoodwinked so many (sheeplized) "supporters" into shelling out their (fiat) $ for his pro-Israel/Z.O.G crapola! You'd think some of those suckers would awake from their slumber already!

Thrashen, as usual...outstanding analysis!
Haiti Must Not be Rebuilt
<?: prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" />
Day after day, our brains are blitzed by the media with the horror from Haiti. While I would not wish a like disaster to befall my friends and loved ones, I cannot help but roll my eyes at the Western governments' response. <?: PREFIX = U1 /><U1:p></U1:p>
I do not mind the initiatives to forgive Haiti's external debt, as I understand enough about modern banking to know that banks lose nothing except profits when writing off a so-called ‘loan': When banks issue a ‘loan', as it happens, they are not lending actual assets that they have in their possession, but are, in, fact, creating an electronic fiction, out of nothing and backed by nothing, with a few keystrokes and clicks of a mouse on a computer. For this and other reasons, which I shall discuss later, I fully agree with the idea of writing off Haiti's loans.<U1:p></U1:p>
I also do not mind Western charities lending succour to the victims, provided said charities are private institutions, funded by private, consenting donors.<U1:p></U1:p>
In agreement with Cong. Ron Paul, however, I do mind when a Western government, such as that of Barack Obama in the United States, seeks to commit its taxpayer's money to a programme of reconstruction in that part of the world. This is not so much because Western countries are all technically bankrupt and have been for years: after all, we still have the material means and intellectual wherewithal to extricate ourselves from our economic plight. No. This is because reconstructing Haiti would simply repeat the mistakes of the past, which have shown, conclusively and supported by examples elsewhere, that any effort to encourage a former colony now run by Black Africans to become a Western-style society, complete with rule of law, a thriving market economy, property rights, industrial production, modern communications, and the like, is futile and counterproductive. Haiti must not be re-built.

full article:<U1:p></U1:p>
Haitian Refugees Flood White Nations

by Jeff Davis

Once again, a natural disaster in the Third World looks like it will result in a wave of refugees into White nations. Seems like White liberals think the best way to solve Third World problems is to bring the Third Worlders here.

An NBC article reports: "Some of Haiti's most fragile â€" its children â€" have arrived at Miami area hospitals and for a few, Miami may become their new home. So far, 23 patients from the earthquake have been treated at Jackson Memorial Hospital, with countless more likely to be airlifted from the island for treatment. Florida Sen. Bill Nelson (Democrat, of course) has contacted all the children's hospitals in Florida and requested that they receive critically injured Haitian children in the aftermath of the earthquake. Nelson on Friday said he also plans to introduce a ‘major Haitian relief bill.' But the injured won't likely be the only children coming to Florida. ‘Operation Pierre Pan,' as its being called, is an effort to relocate the thousands of children likely orphaned by the natural disaster in Port-au-Prince. Many of the children could already have relatives in Miami and around the U.S."Â

If they don't have relatives in the US, they can serve as future "anchor babies"Â to bring in tens of thousands of adult Haitians and complete the process of turning south Florida into a Third World country.

Long ago, I gave up hope that there would ever be any serious attempt by the two-party system to enforce this country's immigration laws against Third World people. The Jews want more non-Whites in White nations, and the Jews always seem to get their way.

A White school teacher from Britain or a nanny from the Ukraine who overstays her visa by a month will be arrested by the FBI, dragged to the airport and thrown onto the first plane out. Haitians, Somalis, Nigerians, Filipinos or any kind of Latino apparently can stay for life once they sneak across the border.

Barack Obama and the Jews who control him, like Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod, have simply given up all pretense about enforcing immigration law. Obama has ordered that no Haitians be deported from the US during the current chaotic crisis in Haiti. How much would you like to bet that these Haitians are allowed to permanently stay?

Will anyone ever ask why these Third World people always need the White man's help to pull their chestnuts out of the fire whenever there is a problem? Will anyone ever ask why there is no health or public safety infrastructure or building codes in Haiti, the oldest black-ruled nation in the world? Why do they need massive aid and expertise from White countries? Will anyone ever ask why after 200 years these people are still clearly incapable of governing themselves or creating any kind of stable and productive society?

And here's a question for all the White liberals and moderates: If America fills up with Third World people and we turn into yet another Third World nation too poor to do anything, who is going rescue the non-Whites then? Flooding America with non-Whites will destroy our economy, and Third World nations hit with future disasters will be lucky to get a third of the help that they are getting right now thanks to the United States with its White majority.

***Reference article...

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Saw some more images on TV today of even more Haitian orphans being adopted, and no surprise that everyone they show is white. I wonder if Jessie Jackson, Wycleff Jean and all these black athletes will be adopting any of the kids?
Yes, and why don't these successful millionaire haitian immigrants like wyclef jean show their love for their "bruthas" by actually living there forsaytwo months out of the year? one month? they could buy a mansion by the bay and employ at a decent wage some cooks, gardeners, maids, and servants. oh, yeah much easier to be a patriot from afar, and let whitey lift up the black man (for which whitey gets no credit). then Wyclef might admit to himself that there's this reason too of course--earthquake or no...haiti sucks!!!! Hmmmm.....why is that?
Very good point Soloman, I hadn't even thought of that. Wyclef parades the Haitian flag around but really won't invest anything in the country. The only sort of economic activity I saw in the country I saw was a white man who runs a leather tanning factory that he got back in business just a few days after the earthquake, because he said employees were eager to get back to work. They showed images from inside and it looked like things were rolling along smoothly.

What I don't get is why young white girls need to go to places like Haiti to "help." Obviously there is some money source that allows them to have housing, food, and clothes and probably even some recreation while they're down there. Why don't they just get Haitians to do these jobs? I'm sure there are some of eager able-bodied young Haitians that would do it. Now obviously there's not a whole lot that would given the dysfunctional state of the country and the amount of crime, AIDS, orphans etc. But still I there are people there that would do it, which means we don't need to send young white women there to do the job. Also, there were plenty of Haitians that weren't injured in any way during this earthquake, why weren't they utilized to help in the relief effort, distributing supplies, etc? I thought about this in New Orleans, why was it nearly all white people going down there and building/rebuilding houses? Why not the able-bodied residents that were already there?

Seriously, if they don't expect people of African descent to step up and do some serious work, what makes them think they can just give them everything and magically be self sustaining? Or are these brainwashed whites content to make black people their perpetual children that are dependent on whites?
The only agenda on Wycleaf,er, Whypay's brain is 1st, embelzzing money form the charity he operates or part of. 2nd, securing the affection of some good looking white Ho(s). 3rd, pretending to give a real f..k about what is going on there.

This reason alone is why I have decided to keep my "snaps" in my trustee pocket!
Did everyone see this?

It goes on at length. I stopped reading after what seemed to be the most important points. It's a good thing he's in Spain. He'd probably be assassinated if he were to say this on U.S. soil.

Here's a small clip:

I haven't donated to the Haitian relief effort for the same reason that I don't give money to homeless men on the street. Based on past experiences, I don't think the guy with the sign that reads "Need You're Help"Â￾ is going to do anything constructive with the dollar I might give him. If I use history as my guide, I don't think the people of Haiti will do much with my money either.


Dear Haitians â€"

First of all, kudos on developing the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Your commitment to human rights, infrastructure, and birth control should be applauded.

As we prepare to assist you in this difficult time, a polite request: If it's possible, could you not re-build your island home in the image of its predecessor? Could you not resort to the creation of flimsy shanty- and shack-towns? And could some of you maybe use a condom once in a while?


The Rest of the World

It's a reasonable and fair letter. Of course, he will lose his job over it and be villified worldwide.
American Freedom News