Helen Thomas quits

Menelik said:
You didn't have a very good teacher then. I teach history and let me tell you; there is plenty of historical and secular evidence that major figures of the Bible, to include Jesus, existed. Guess how much evidence there is for the authenticity of Hercules? Thor?

There might be evidence for the existence of certain characters in the Bible, but there is no proof that they did the things that are claimed in the Bible, that's where it gets mythological. Although once thought to be a fictional city, Troy was unearthed, but that's not evidence that the Iliad is a truthful recounting of events.
Did you know that Isreal is one 1/6th of 1 percent of the Middle East? Read that somewhere. Thought it was pretty facinating. Surrounded by enemies, yet the they can't be moved.

You may not like 'em, but you got to respect their willingness and ability to stay in there.
Their ability to stay in there is predicated on suicidal White self-sacrifice in the form of blood (Iraq, et al - and likely soon to be Iran) and treasure (billions per year in aid, high-tech weaponry, etc).

Keep in mind, the entire time we sacrifice, they are attempting to exterminate us in OUR OWN nations. For jews "homeland" doesn't count if you're (true) White.
son_of_Radovan said:
Their ability to stay in there is predicated on suicidal White self-sacrifice in the form of blood (Iraq, et al - and likely soon to be Iran) and treasure (billions per year in aid, high-tech weaponry, etc).

Keep in mind, the entire time we sacrifice, they are attempting to exterminate us in OUR OWN nations. For jews "homeland" doesn't count if you're (true) White.

Very true.

It's not just that they have no gratitude, they are trying to slowly exterminate their benefactors. That seems like collective insanity to me. Edited by: Parody
I am no fan of Helen Thomas nor agree with what she said (per se), but this just shows that even card-carrying "lefties" get no quarter when crossing the Z.O.G. She was spineless to apologize IMO.

As for the juden, (as a supercessionist Christian) I believe they haven't been the "chosen people" since they rejected Christ. As for their right to a "homeland"...I don't really care. My concern is the U.S. (& our traitorous politicians) being under the thumb of Israel (via AIPAC, etc.) & doing their bidding, etc. I've long said we need to extract every troop from the entire middle east & let das juden and the muhammedan heathen fight it out amongst themselves. It would be nice to see Jerusalem controlled by Christians, but not at the cost of U.S. middle east intervention.
i'm certainlyno fan of lib-tard Helen Thomas, but her comments regarding the jews clearly weren't over the top. except for the fact that she was talking about "God's Chosen People," that is.

"strangely," however, i've heard no demands that Howard Stern (jew)be fired for his comments regarding Helen Thomas. this, despite the fact thatStern's comments were certainly more out of bounds than anything she lost her job for saying...


how "bizarre" ... a jew who benefits from a blatant double standard.
People still listen to Howard Stern??
FootballDad said:
People still listen to Howard Stern??


nice one, Football Dad.
Howie is doing his duty as a Jew. They all unite and gang up on the offender. How did that creep land a National talk show? Never mind... we know. What happened to the FCC? Why does he get a free pass regarding his vile language and extreme crudity on public airwaves?

HS: "Well guess what? All of America is occupied by White men who came over on boats and took it over."

Well now, that explains everything. Thanks for the history lesson, Howie.

So, the two situations are perfectly the same ... no differences at all between Israel and the USA.Slick move. A sly variation of the bait and switch. No mention or condemnation of Israel's atrocities and the spotlight is now shifted to -- evil White men occupying America. Sweet.
I used to listen to Stern 15 or so years ago. Is his act the same? He is half Jew. I stopped listening to him when leaned left. Funny how he has become so irrelavent that Imus is more respected.
Westside said:
I used to listen to Stern 15 or so years ago. Is his act the same? He is half Jew. I stopped listening to him when leaned left. Funny how he has become so irrelavent that Imus is more respected.

Both of Stern's parents are Jews.
Don Wassall said:
Westside said:
I used to listen to Stern 15 or so years ago. Is his act the same? He is half Jew. I stopped listening to him when leaned left. Funny how he has become so irrelavent that Imus is more respected.
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<div>Both of Stern's parents are Jews.</div>
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Howard Stern

January 12, 1954 â€"

There are times and places when it's understandable for people to hide their Judaism. World War II. The former Soviet Union. The Spanish Inquisition. An annoying co-worker's daughter's bat mitzvah. "Bat... what? We're sorry, we already have plans. We're spending that whole weekend with Jesus."

But that last example (fictional! we promise!) aside, America today is not the time or place to hide one's identity. We're Jewish and we're proud of it. Hell, we even run a website about it.

So when we found out that Howard Stern used to tell people he was only half Jewish, we were pretty disappointed. Not just because he was denying his 100% Jewish roots, but because he made such an obvious choice for his supposed other half: Italian. Really? We expect more from you, Howard.

If you're gonna make something like that up, the least you can do is choose something funky like Albanian, Cherokee, or Sikh. Heck, Greek would have been at least a little more interesting. But Italian? Come on. Even Ray Charles could see right through that.

Well, nowadays Howard has backed off his lies and admits that he is fully Jewish. And we're fine with that. We'll take him back (not that anyone has asked us). But for half a lie, we're gonna have to halve the scores.

Verdict: Jew.
I stand corrected. So, is his act still the same?
American Freedom News