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  1. S

    TV shows we hate!

    Yeah I agree I like those shows. Besides the white girl was killed off about half an episode after hooking up with Tyrese. Just like in real life hahaha.
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    tional Geographic predicts future mixed race America

    It is a bizarre article. It turns out its written by a black guy who writes about "racial issues" among other topics. One would think he would be concerned about maintaining his race but apparently not.
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    tional Geographic predicts future mixed race America Another article predicting the racial makeup of america in the future. There isn't one attractive face in the...
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    Jay Z busted wearing anti-white Afrocentric groups pendant.

    Bravo!! Dues vault has been brilliant on this thread.
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    2014 NCAA Tournament

    You couldn't pay me to watch it. It was Wisconsin or bust for me.
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    Ugly Bowl! What a load of rubbish!!

    That might be the gayest thing I've ever read. Greenfeld? Must be Irish hahaha.
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    NCAA wrestling championship

    Yeah. Besides as a whole wrestling is very, very white. A few black champs here and there isn't a big deal. Great tournament though I highly recommend for people to learn a little about wrestling and how to score it. Great sport that requires almost every aspect of athletics.
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    NCAA wrestling championship

    Heflin got robbed naturally. I knew a stall point would be given and he clearly had that takedown at the end. Damn two black champs in a row. Oh well.
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    What Happened to Flight 370?

    Nothing but I didn't know about it previously. It doesn't hurt to go off on tangents if they are informative.
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    I'm moving

    Definitely give your employer at least two weeks notice. No point in needlessly burning bridges.
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    Wladimir Klitschko to defend his WBA, IBF, WBO, & IBO titles against Alex Leapai

    I agree. I thought he showed a lot of heart during that beating and heaped praise on Vitali afterwards. Sometimes they just can't help themselves I suppose.
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    Crime Thread Negro bites off babies nose for crying.
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    Free Agency Thread

    I doubt smiff with start the entire season. I wouldn't be shocked to see them draft a qb. Hell even Sanchez could get the ball to Decker plenty if he really is the number #1. They jets maybe inept but you don't pay someone that kind of money not to at least try to get them the ball.
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    2014 Winter Olympic Gaymes

    Hahahahahahahha! !!!!!!! Well done FootballDad! I'm crying hahaha!
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    We Are Living In A Cartoon Memo from Obama DOJ justifying the assassination of U.S. citizens.
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    Julian Edelman

    I think its better like this. This'll be the third white star that they've "discovered" that has a chance to start. Welker and Woodhead wouldn't be household names without NE. I think this will create an opportunity for McGuffie who can hopefully make the best of it and be contributing on...
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    Jewish Owners & Antiwhite Media Delay But Can't Stop Rise of Nick Foles and Kirk Cousins

    Yeah thats how I knew handball growing up too. I just followed it this past Olympics when I first began paying attention to the racial makeup of national teams. Plus I was pulling for Croatia as my grandparents are from there and their team was all Croat. Its a fun sport to actually watch...
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    Jewish Owners & Antiwhite Media Delay But Can't Stop Rise of Nick Foles and Kirk Cousins

    Watch "Men's Handball Final - Sweden v France | London 2012 Olympics" on YouTube Here's a recap of the finals France and Sweden. Frances squad is, in fact, full of blacks. France sports teams are almost as bad as the...
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    Jewish Owners & Antiwhite Media Delay But Can't Stop Rise of Nick Foles and Kirk Cousins

    Handball is cool even though I dont completely follow the rules 100%. Most European teams have all-white teams (except France I think). You can see entire games on youtube but here is a nice summary of this past Olympics bronze medal match. Croatia vs Hungary. Its requires a lot of athleticism...
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    Athlete Crime Thread

    Do you have a link or anything about the equal arrest rate nonsense. I haven't heard anything about it but that's pretty serious.
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    Jewish Owners & Antiwhite Media Delay But Can't Stop Rise of Nick Foles and Kirk Cousins

    I've seen lots of people post on here that they think blacks may have an advantage in straight line speed...40 times dont matter...etc etc I think you're giving the guy a hard time for a simple statement that's been said on this site several times.
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    And The 2014 "Australian Of The Year" Is...

    Thanks ill check it out.
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    And The 2014 "Australian Of The Year" Is...

    I dont know much about Aborigines as I've never met one. Any Aussies or people with more knowledge on the subject wanna post some more facts on here I'd appreciate it.
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    The Sopranos

    Yes. Its an excellent show. Being from New Jersey I'm contractually obligated to love it. I highly recommend watching them all from the beginning. If you have HBO you can set up HBOgo which is a streaming service and has their entire library of shows. Boardwalk Empire started off really good...
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    Jewish influence in modern football

    Good for Simunic I say. I have no problem with him doing that. I wouldnt have a problem with any ethnicity leaving the USA team to represent their ancestral countries either. Most importantly, everyone realizes that if white ethnicities stuck together as well as Croats in Australia...