What Happened to Flight 370?

Why post a link to a video from The Young Turks?

Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur are extremely anti-white.

No one knows what happened to the plane, it was likely some kind of mechanical malfunction.
Strange since Kasparian is an Armenian name and Cenk (a Turk) denied the Armenian Holocaust in an article when he was in college in 1991. But anti-white racism can unify a lot of people.
Why post a link to a video from The Young Turks?

Ana Kasparian and Cenk Uygur are extremely anti-white.

No one knows what happened to the plane, it was likely some kind of mechanical malfunction.

He's simply starting a thread on a topic that everyone is discussing. This is exactly how flame wars start.
Strange since Kasparian is an Armenian name and Cenk (a Turk) denied the Armenian Holocaust in an article when he was in college in 1991. But anti-white racism can unify a lot of people.

It's humorous to read the names of some of these shows on cable networks -- The Young Turks, The Independents, etc. Meanwhile they're just as predictable in their views as everyone else on the corporate media's shows centering on politics and current events, often even more liberal if anything.
He started a thread and was immediately attacked because it didn't come from an "approved" source. So every time he posts he's going to be attacked simply because that's what you do every time you see that he's posted something? Who's in violation of the posting guidelines here? Not Menelik. Who is eager to start an immediate flame war? Not Menelik.
You never hear much about what happened to Flight 1771. All 43 people on board the aircraft died :


It is apparent that flight MH370 is another Zionist govt/media hoax much like Sandy Hook. Tomatobubble.com shows side by side comparison of the media presentation of both hoaxes, complete with professionally made banners in English; Hollywood style vigils; an organized "pray for MH370" media blitz; staged photo ops of supposedly grief-stricken Malaysian people; donation pages...

The world needs to wake up to these highly contrived, manipulative hoaxes. It's disgusting and outrageous.

I was watching Bill O'Reilly at the gym, 10 screens and it was the only, and I mean only thing worth even glancing at. He was crowing that that they found the plane so that means that all those lunatics at CNN who were speculating on terrorist causes for the accident were wrong, wrong, wrong. But I don't see why it still couldn't have been some terrorist cause as the plane just fell out of the sky, no warning, no SOS. But anyway....

They were going on about the whole incident and mentioned that only now, after all this time has the FBI been allowed to investigate the house of the pilot and co-pilot. And I thought "what the hell is the FBI even involved in this for?!!" What interstate violation of law has occurred? What part of the FBI charter and my tax monies is earmarked for the investigation of a plane crash 10000 miles away from the US? Why wouldn't a sovereign country tell the FBI to go to hell if they showed up with their stupid badges and bad attitudes and wanted to "investigate"?

As I looked around the gym I was at I realized that of all the 20 and 30 somethings (and a few old farts) I was probably the only one that even considered the question. This issue came up during the Ben Gazi situation where, once again, the FBI supposedly the US internal interstate police force, was called into a foreign country to investigate despite the fact that I know the US military has plenty of police departments that could look into this.

I know that no rules apply anymore but it still pisses me off. This was the kind of stuff that Ron Paul would bitch about and even though it never did any good I still miss it.
They were going on about the whole incident and mentioned that only now, after all this time has the FBI been allowed to investigate the house of the pilot and co-pilot. And I thought "what the hell is the FBI even involved in this for?!!" What interstate violation of law has occurred? What part of the FBI charter and my tax monies is earmarked for the investigation of a plane crash 10000 miles away from the US? Why wouldn't a sovereign country tell the FBI to go to hell if they showed up with their stupid badges and bad attitudes and wanted to "investigate"?
Great post as always.

I guess I too am a member of the increasingly shrinking club of people who gets "pissed off" by these sort of things as well. I don't have the time to fact check this but I believe it was under Bush Jr, post 9/11, that the FBI was given jurisdiction outside of the USSA and the CIA given jurisdiction inside. This ended the long standing boundaries that both had had from their inceptions. Of course, I've heard this had lead to much stepping on toes and "inter-office" cat fighting. I'm sure both strong arms of big, bad Fed Gov want to claim the title of most all-intrusive, all-encompassing, uber-medling nefarious "alphabet agency" in the beltway. Heck maybe the CIA blew up the plane and the FBI cleans up the mess in a sorta good cop / bad cop routine (I joke....but only sorta).

Has their ever been an Empire more annoying in world history than the USSA with their access to modern technology and ease of global mobility (drones, super computers used to spy and compile data, bases in of 75% of the world's countries, electronic voting machines to rig elections, etc)?
I was watching Bill O'Reilly at the gym, 10 screens and it was the only, and I mean only thing worth even glancing at. He was crowing that that they found the plane so that means that all those lunatics at CNN who were speculating on terrorist causes for the accident were wrong, wrong, wrong. But I don't see why it still couldn't have been some terrorist cause as the plane just fell out of the sky, no warning, no SOS. But anyway....

They were going on about the whole incident and mentioned that only now, after all this time has the FBI been allowed to investigate the house of the pilot and co-pilot. And I thought "what the hell is the FBI even involved in this for?!!" What interstate violation of law has occurred? What part of the FBI charter and my tax monies is earmarked for the investigation of a plane crash 10000 miles away from the US? Why wouldn't a sovereign country tell the FBI to go to hell if they showed up with their stupid badges and bad attitudes and wanted to "investigate"?

As I looked around the gym I was at I realized that of all the 20 and 30 somethings (and a few old farts) I was probably the only one that even considered the question. This issue came up during the Ben Gazi situation where, once again, the FBI supposedly the US internal interstate police force, was called into a foreign country to investigate despite the fact that I know the US military has plenty of police departments that could look into this.

I know that no rules apply anymore but it still pisses me off. This was the kind of stuff that Ron Paul would bitch about and even though it never did any good I still miss it.

Four Americans were aboard. The FBI has jurisdiction.
Four Americans were aboard. The FBI has jurisdiction.

So anywhere in the world where something happens to an american the FBI gets involved? And I think you need to look up "jurisdiction".

Jurisdiction. The geographic area over which authority extends; legal authority
. What sovereign nation grants legal authority to a foreign entity?
You never hear much about what happened to Flight 1771. All 43 people on board the aircraft died :



"You know how the media is scratching their heads over this Malaysian Flight 370 that went missing two weeks ago? And how they now suspect some kind of foul play? They go on and on — the same speculation over the barest of facts — all tiresomely repeated on each hourly Zio propaganda “newsâ€￾ show. About the only thing different is the talking head pundits they richly hire for each network, who say the same BS as the rest.* But they sure as hell don’t talk about Pacific Southwest Flight 1771 that crashed horribly on December 7, 1987. Why? Because it was a filthy black bastard responsible, that’s why..."

American Freedom News