tional Geographic predicts future mixed race America

Diversity clearly just means less White people. Of course we know that already.
It is a bizarre article. It turns out its written by a black guy who writes about "racial issues" among other topics. One would think he would be concerned about maintaining his race but apparently not.
All of these projections about demographics assume that everything continues as it is. It cannot. There will come a day when the EBT cards stop working. I'm not sure what happens then, but it won't be what the researchers are currently thinking. Whitey is running out of money to support all of them, and the Asians aren't going to feed them. Reality is going to be really ugly.
All of these projections about demographics assume that everything continues as it is. It cannot. There will come a day when the EBT cards stop working. I'm not sure what happens then, but it won't be what the researchers are currently thinking. Whitey is running out of money to support all of them, and the Asians aren't going to feed them. Reality is going to be really ugly.

Exactly. Besides, race mixing isn't just unnatural, it's unGodly...

What a bizarre article. Every assertion presumes that race mixing is wonderful, and anything else is a tragedy. I thought diversity was supposed to be great. Now, we all have to be Tiger Woods.
So everybody is supposed to be either a Mulatto or some alien Eurasian mixture. If you look at Brazil they still have White people. I'm not just talking about German immigrants or Italian immigrants who have kept their bloodlines ethnically pure either. Brazilians with unknown European immigration history to Brazil, the only difference is these largely Portuguese people still have some distant ******* or Amerindian ancestry from a few hundred years ago. This would be more the reality for many White people of the future than the space alien type hybrids in this article.
You've got to be seriously stupid to think that "everyone will be mixed" by 2050.

2050 is only about 35 years from now. The same amount of time from 1980-today. It would take several hundred years for a group to become entirely mixed, as in the case of Brazil, and even then there are serious class/race/color lines.

In America, there is every reason that in a future third world country that whites will seek to secede, expel or seperate themselves from nonwhites instead of heading into some hybrid nation.
You've got to be seriously stupid to think that "everyone will be mixed" by 2050.

2050 is only about 35 years from now.
The same amount of time from 1980-today. It would take several hundred years for a group to become entirely mixed, as in the case of Brazil, and even then there are serious class/race/color lines.

In America, there is every reason that in a future third world country that whites will seek to secede, expel or seperate themselves from nonwhites instead of heading into some hybrid nation.

Yep, this is made up masturbation porn for the anti-White haters that run the corporate media and their dwindling number of White liberal true believers. The "facts" cited in the article about the rate of mixed marriages among Whites in the U.S. is also fantasy material. The government and its media and "educational" arms push the party line ever harder and more absurdly.

I look forward to National Geographic in its next issue promoting massive deracination in all predominantly non-White countries, leading off with the most racist and xenophobic country in the world, Israel.
The media loves this type of ****. They report it with joy. I just laugh it off I get too worked up about things like this. Walking around pissed off all the time isn't healthy. Just going to try and stay positive make an impact where I can!
The media loves this type of ****. They report it with joy. I just laugh it off I get too worked up about things like this. Walking around pissed off all the time isn't healthy. Just going to try and stay positive make an impact where I can!

It's good you've learned to do that. In the past, I've let the constant barrage of cultmarx & pro-caste BS really get me irrate. However, I've other key 'stressors' to deal with, so I needed to guard against (perpetual) bitterness.
It's good you've learned to do that. In the past, I've let the constant barrage of cultmarx & pro-caste BS really get me irrate. However, I've other key 'stressors' to deal with, so I needed to guard against (perpetual) bitterness.

thanks Dixie,it's definitely a work in progress. But when friends and love ones bring it up,its smart to listen.
If the fantastically-incorrect “predictionsâ€￾ asserted in this article were to come to fruition, it would utterly destroy their holiest-of-holy concept of “racial diversity.â€￾ From the Judeo-Marxist perspective, isn’t that to be considered a negative occurrence?

Should the white race ever be successfully destroyed via genocide and interbreeding, I assume they’ll return to their current blueprint and maintain Asian for Asians, Africa for Negroes, the Middle East for Arabs, South/Central America and the Caribbean for Latinos, and Isra-hell and the top 1% of U.S. and Europe for Jews.
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