Ugly Bowl! What a load of rubbish!!

Well, it was a fan vote as well, so I'm not sure how much the author had to do with the last eight, but he sure did pick a lot of white guys for this, and mostly likely is a self-hating piece of trash like all of these nerdy sportswriters who most likely, have never played a competitive sport in their lives. Guess something like this is the only thing where there's no token affirmative action representation.

How did the Suggs not make this list?


Or RG3? Oh wait, I guess you can't even criticize a black QB's looks either.

There are literally over a hundred monstrously ugly, mildly retarded looking negroes populating various NFL rosters. That site is simply outright racist against Whites or filled with "anti-racist", PC cowards who are too afraid to put blacks on the list for fear of being called racist.

And another thing. What kind of man compares the looks of other men in some foolish NCAA bracket style tournament? In my book, that type of faggotry should remain "bath house conversation" and not the subject of a sports site. I use the term "sports site" loosely after browsing some "articles" that look like they were written by a 4th grader. Looking into the mind of a demented DWF is a frightening thing.
There are literally over a hundred monstrously ugly, mildly retarded looking negroes populating various NFL rosters. That site is simply outright racist against Whites or filled with "anti-racist", PC cowards who are too afraid to put blacks on the list for fear of being called racist.

And another thing. What kind of man compares the looks of other men in some foolish NCAA bracket style tournament? In my book, that type of faggotry should remain "bath house conversation" and not the subject of a sports site. I use the term "sports site" loosely after browsing some "articles" that look like they were written by a 4th grader. Looking into the mind of a demented DWF is a frightening thing.

That's probably what they are, a bunch of emasculated, unathletic young Whites being raised by single mothers or emasculated fathers if the "man of the house" is still present, who are terrified to write anything that isn't totally PC, even as anonymous posters.
How could it not be T. Suggs?
When a limp-wristed, self-loathing White ****** creates a mean-spirited article like this, he's become nothing more than a simpering, middle-school GIRL ranking which boys she thinks are the cutest, and which ones she thinks are the grossest. It's really not something an adult does, and it speaks a LOT for the kind of person he is when he makes a person's LOOKS the focal point of his attack.

This is seriously the kind of sh*t that gets published?

What is he, some kind of f*cking GQ model, himself?

I don't know, and I don't care—but without deigning to take the time to find out, I can guess with 99% certainty that he's an ugly ass little b*tch. On the INSIDE. And that's what matters. Though, he probably LOOKS like a little f*cking weak-assed Heeb pseudo-male, too.

But that's not the point. If he's got beef with a player, he needs to go after what's important—the player's job performance. The players are NOT on the field to look attractive, except maybe to little **** like him who whack off at halftime.

Stay tuned for this b*tchy queen's list of "hottest NFL players," and watch how some Black athletes will make it onto THAT list, but not the list of "ugly" ones.


The REAL intention of this WHOLE ARTICLE is a selfish one for the White writer. He's just using some innocent, random White a$sholes to make his "point."


The sad truth is, those who work the hardest to prove how not-racist they are in this regard, are usually the ones who are the most racist on the inside. The kinds of "I'm not racist"s who pontificate how great they think Black people are, but will stay out of Black neighborhoods after sundown and THINK that they know Black people just because some of their Black friends are White-washed enough to make them feel like they understand the hood.

The sort who THINKS the N-word on the daily, but hasn't got the GUTS to say it, so he goes into full-on b*tch mode instead, and goes after the White, Anglo-Saxon male, an easy target in our society because it's fashionable to bash him. These losers have to let out their gay aggression somehow.

I don't go around calling Black people N*ggers because I know it's wrong, but if a Black person's acting like an a$shole, I'm going to call him out on it, because that's what an ADULT does when dealing with other adults.

Respect begets respect.

Pandering, such as this writer does? That's condescension, and Black people will see right through it. He isn't earning Black respect even if he thinks he is.

This writer obviously considers Blacks a lower form of humanity, or fears their "sub-human" reaction if ranked on the same scale with Whites, so he doesn't include them in his rankings at all, because like every racist coward who smiles to your face, he's calling you a dumb Pollock/Guinea/Wop/Dago/Mick/N*gger behind your back.

What a f*cking douchebag loser. He isn't fooling anybody.

The. END.
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That's probably what they are, a bunch of emasculated, unathletic young Whites being raised by single mothers or emasculated fathers if the "man of the house" is still present, who are terrified to write anything that isn't totally PC, even as anonymous posters.

There are a lot of young white single mothers these days living with a man they aren't married to, whom her kids don't like. The kids spend their time in front of the TV or computer and believe everything they absorb in the "popular culture."
When a limp-wristed, self-loathing White ****** creates a mean-spirited article like this, he's become nothing more than a simpering, middle-school GIRL ranking which boys she thinks are the cutest, and which ones she thinks are the grossest. It's really not something an adult does, and it speaks a LOT for the kind of person he is when he makes a person's LOOKS the focal point of his attack.

This is seriously the kind of sh*t that gets published?

What is he, some kind of f*cking GQ model, himself?

I don't know, and I don't care—but without deigning to take the time to find out, I can guess with 99% certainty that he's an ugly ass little b*tch. On the INSIDE. And that's what matters. Though, he probably LOOKS like a little f*cking weak-assed Heeb pseudo-male, too.

But that's not the point. If he's got beef with a player, he needs to go after what's important—the player's job performance. The players are NOT on the field to look attractive, except maybe to little **** like him who whack off at halftime.

Stay tuned for this b*tchy queen's list of "hottest NFL players," and watch how some Black athletes will make it onto THAT list, but not the list of "ugly" ones.


The REAL intention of this WHOLE ARTICLE is a selfish one for the White writer. He's just using some innocent, random White a$sholes to make his "point."


The sad truth is, those who work the hardest to prove how not-racist they are in this regard, are usually the ones who are the most racist on the inside. The kinds of "I'm not racist"s who pontificate how great they think Black people are, but will stay out of Black neighborhoods after sundown and THINK that they know Black people just because some of their Black friends are White-washed enough to make them feel like they understand the hood.

The sort who THINKS the N-word on the daily, but hasn't got the GUTS to say it, so he goes into full-on b*tch mode instead, and goes after the White, Anglo-Saxon male, an easy target in our society because it's fashionable to bash him. These losers have to let out their gay aggression somehow.

I don't go around calling Black people N*ggers because I know it's wrong, but if a Black person's acting like an a$shole, I'm going to call him out on it, because that's what an ADULT does when dealing with other adults.

Respect begets respect.

Pandering, such as this writer does? That's condescension, and Black people will see right through it. He isn't earning Black respect even if he thinks he is.

This writer obviously considers Blacks a lower form of humanity, or fears their "sub-human" reaction if ranked on the same scale with Whites, so he doesn't include them in his rankings at all, because like every racist coward who smiles to your face, he's calling you a dumb Pollock/Guinea/Wop/Dago/Mick/N*gger behind your back.

What a f*cking douchebag loser. He isn't fooling anybody.

The. END.

Giovani, great post as usual.How can we take anything seriously that was written by ROBOTSfightingdinosaurs?
Giovani, great post as usual.How can we take anything seriously that was written by ROBOTSfightingdinosaurs?

its not just the guy writing it, its the people reading, voting and commenting. I browsed through to see how he got to where he was at, he has ONE black person, BJ Raji, and it was about how his body grew and his head didn't but before that saying he wasn't a large man.

But Raji has good facial symmetry. Isn’t that how you judge physical attractiveness?
Also, that teeny, tiny mustache."

"I am such a ridiculous homer that I care about this, but not enough that I voted for Raji when the vikes guy is clearly horrifying."

(Raji got 25 percent)

and its not limited to just some random blog, I hear stuff like this on the radio, like the other day listening to the Jim Rome show he was talking about how Manziel came out to his pro day with pads and a helmet, and a caller (or emailer, tweet, I forget) said he wore a helmet so the scouts wouldn't see that "his face is so covered in zits".
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These losers are taking their lead from their cult leader Karl Taro Greenfeld, who wrote of Tiki Barber in Sports Illustrated: "In profile, against the orange sun setting into the smog over the industrial badlands of northern New Jersey, Barber's facial structure is so defined that you imagine you know what he will look like in a thousand years, long after the flesh has decomposed and he is only bone. His face is all sharp angles and perfect planes. His broad smile bares gleaming white, evenly arrayed teeth, an extra helping of perfection after the symmetry of his features."

Sorry, I just had to post this quote again. :laugh:
These losers are taking their lead from their cult leader Karl Taro Greenfeld, who wrote of Tiki Barber in Sports Illustrated: "In profile, against the orange sun setting into the smog over the industrial badlands of northern New Jersey, Barber's facial structure is so defined that you imagine you know what he will look like in a thousand years, long after the flesh has decomposed and he is only bone. His face is all sharp angles and perfect planes. His broad smile bares gleaming white, evenly arrayed teeth, an extra helping of perfection after the symmetry of his features."

Sorry, I just had to post this quote again. :laugh:

That might be the gayest thing I've ever read. Greenfeld? Must be Irish hahaha.
But Raji has good facial symmetry. Isn’t that how you judge physical attractiveness?
Also, that teeny, tiny mustache."

"I am such a ridiculous homer that I care about this, but not enough that I voted for Raji when the vikes guy is clearly horrifying."

(Raji got 25 percent)

These people have autism. Yes BJ Raji is more "attractive" than current Hollywood heartthrob Ryan Gosling because facial symmetry is the only thing that matters with looks.
These people have autism. Yes BJ Raji is more "attractive" than current Hollywood heartthrob Ryan Gosling because facial symmetry is the only thing that matters with looks.

My entire generation is made up of drooling autistic children who have rejected heuristics and intuition in favor of bureaucratic consensus (something they like to call SCIENCE).
It's really creepy and gay for a guy to write something like this. I'm a woman and I'd never write something like that. The men on the field aren't there to look pretty.

Also, given that the ratio of blacks to whites in the NFL is about 70-30 (and looks even worse because that's including the almost all-saltine kicker/punter/long snapper group that's rarely on the field), the list probably could have been made 70% black with token whites making up the rest and even most DWFs wouldn't have cried racism.
My entire generation is made up of drooling autistic children who have rejected heuristics and intuition in favor of bureaucratic consensus (something they like to call SCIENCE).

Very well put Goyim. But rather than entire I would just say too many. Then again maybe you're the exception that proves the rule. I'm from an older generation that is guilty of being part of the process. The ominously increasing fear driven conformity is a symptom of the ongoing media takeover, among other things.

It looks like they're winning at the moment.

We'll see.
Had to post this! Lets have a guess what colour every single player in the last 8 of the ugly NFL players is shall we!

What a typical anti white load of rubbish!

Bet the author is some self hating white guy
Danny Woodhead is ugly now? I always thought he was described as "cute". I do agree that he needs to visit the barber. The only truly "ugly" guy on this list is maybe Glennon but these guys have nothing on basketball players. Also Suggs was voted on somebody's ugly list already...:biggrin::scared:
Just to play Devil's Advocate here--usually anytime I see a list of "Hottest NFL Players" or "Hottest Athletes," white men make up the majority of those included and there's a handful of minorities thrown in as tokens.

I think most of these lists, whether they be "Ugliest" or "Hottest"-themed, are compiled by white people. I think the reason why white athletes make up the majority on these lists is because the white compiler is largely indifferent to black appearances. A hot black man or an ugly black man--it doesn't make much difference to the white compiler because black people aren't even on his/her radar so to speak. It's still pretty common for white people (in real life and only around other white people, never online anymore thanks to social media witch-hunts and political correctness) to say things like, "he's pretty handsome for a black guy" which should tell us that most white folks still compartmentalize people racially (yay!). You've got handsome people, average people, ugly people (all of the aforementioned are white), and then black people, who are then further subdivided into handsome blacks, average blacks, ugly blacks, etc.
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Could you really put black and white guys in the same "ugly" category? If you line up white people and black people together it's like lining up different breeds of dogs. Vastly different. Like German Sheppard's and Pit bulls. You can make your own value judgements on which one you might prefer or how one might be better looking then another but no matter how it's done it has to be done on different scales.

So these kind of comparisons have to be done on a highly PC basis or else everyone realizes that despite how much they might try to mix the "breeds" that they are talking about different things entirely. For example the white guys pictured in this article are mostly examples of bad camera angles or silly style choices in haircuts. A few of them have odd lines to their faces but in a crowd they wouldn't stand out. Now take the 10 ugliest black players and you have some real scary characters. Butt ugly misshapen aboriginal freaky featured creatures.

Take an example of a handsome white player like Tom Brady. Give him dark skin and he would be considered one of the better looking black men. Take a black man that is considered "handsome" like the aforementioned Tiki Barber and color his skin white and you would not have someone considered a handsome white man. Similar to how "attractive" black women are usually just mixed black women with strong white female features.

The MSM has been trying to re-engineer what is considered attractive and has had some success in convincing people that african features are good looking to white people but for the most part the accepted standard for attractiveness is found in the genes of white people. Black people know this, that's why successful black men marry white women.
Could you really put black and white guys in the same "ugly" category? If you line up white people and black people together it's like lining up different breeds of dogs. Vastly different. Like German Sheppard's and Pit bulls. You can make your own value judgements on which one you might prefer or how one might be better looking then another but no matter how it's done it has to be done on different scales.

So these kind of comparisons have to be done on a highly PC basis or else everyone realizes that despite how much they might try to mix the "breeds" that they are talking about different things entirely. For example the white guys pictured in this article are mostly examples of bad camera angles or silly style choices in haircuts. A few of them have odd lines to their faces but in a crowd they wouldn't stand out. Now take the 10 ugliest black players and you have some real scary characters. Butt ugly misshapen aboriginal freaky featured creatures.

Take an example of a handsome white player like Tom Brady. Give him dark skin and he would be considered one of the better looking black men. Take a black man that is considered "handsome" like the aforementioned Tiki Barber and color his skin white and you would not have someone considered a handsome white man. Similar to how "attractive" black women are usually just mixed black women with strong white female features.

The MSM has been trying to re-engineer what is considered attractive and has had some success in convincing people that african features are good looking to white people but for the most part the accepted standard for attractiveness is found in the genes of white people. Black people know this, that's why successful black men marry white women.
Yes "Black" men who are considered the most handsome are generally Mulatto. The guy from Miami Vice in the late 80's or mediocre actor Jermain Moore. I have yet to see a full blooded African type actor play a leading man type. That type of actor only plays physical specimen types.
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