TV shows we hate!

Those are just off the top of my head, I hate most sitcoms as well.

I loved the walking dead until season 3 when they introduced the ninja black women that could take out 5 guys with just a sword. It just became too unrealistic at that point and then in season 4 they had to introduce the black male white female relationship.
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I actually like Game of Thrones and the Walking Dead. I didn't have a problem with the addition of the black ninja, only because she was in the comic book. Personally I hate TBS and all reality shows. They have become way too scripted.
Glee is way too gay. It is the only show where the straight guys are gayer than the gay guys.
I actually like Game of Thrones and the Walking Dead. I didn't have a problem with the addition of the black ninja, only because she was in the comic book. Personally I hate TBS and all reality shows. They have become way too scripted.

Yeah I agree I like those shows. Besides the white girl was killed off about half an episode after hooking up with Tyrese. Just like in real life hahaha.
We've not had "SheepleVision" for a few years, but some shows worthy of disdain include that f@99oty "Will & Grace", "Glee", cultmarx fantasy "Gray's Anatomy" & all programming on vile VH-1 & putrid MTV. I'm thankful to be shed of the "hellIvision".
Game of Thrones is just a poorly written I, Claudius with dragons. Also rape.
I don't dig the reality tattoo shows. I can't cite 'em by name (I've only seen them in bits & pieces while channel-surfing). There's one where they pull cretins off the street, and fix their messed-up, stupid ink. Another one where aspiring tattoo artists use human guinea pigs to competitively showcase their work. I understand gaging entertainment is subjective; I just personally don't get anything out of watching slobs get tramp-stamped..
Any show that portrays normal, white, heterosexual, Christian couples as wicked.

I never got the Walking Dead hype. Zombies are cool, but when a genre that's traditionally had a core group of hardcore fans gets mainstreamed, it sinks to the lowest common denominator and ruins it for the real fans. Twilight and vampires is a similar and even more extreme situation.

Now every dumbass on the street thinks they're a ZOMG BADASS ZOMBEH SLAYAH. Some people take that stuff way too seriously.
Tyrants had some major potential, but mid way through you noticed their reckless son that was told to act properly because of where they are by the daughter, isn't actually chasing around girls... Then at the end it became obvious he is gay.

Reviewers are however bashing the character because of this. He's the one that seems so eager to go to the middle eastern country while being gay and they all know the usual crap, its just going to be disgusting scenes without actually being a major part of the plot.
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