Excellent point as always big. Its been my personal experience that people who score very high on IQ tests are some of the most ignorant people on the planet when it comes to intelligence that actually matters.
For example I have two brother in laws that are both extremely book smart. IQs up around the 170 mark, or higher. Ones a big shot lawyer out in California, and ones a "life coach" (whatever that is).
Now I love them, and Im happy my sisters found them, but Im constantly amazed at just how stupid these guys are. They cant change a flat tire, or a spark plug. They cant drive a stick shift. They are pretty much useless.
When it comes to sports and politics they are predictably brainwashed. Blacks are superior athletes, and whites are evil oppressors. Thats one of the reasons I put zero stock into IQ tests. Decker scoring high on tests, or doing well in school dosent mean he IS intelligent. In fact it probably just means hes good and brainwashed.