Jewish Owners & Antiwhite Media Delay But Can't Stop Rise of Nick Foles and Kirk Cousins

As I have frequently complained, with White Nationalists like this no wonder we are in the shape we are in. Here is a major figure in the movement and he can spend a lot of time and energy arguing how Whites are inferior in one way or another. You see this amongst no other group in the world. Find a leading black person who will acknowledge blacks are inferior in intelligence. It don't happen. That's why Whites are doomed as a group. Weak leadership. Even on the fringe!!!

Seriously if you can't be a fire breathing 'Whites are the greatest thing in the world at every freakin' thing possible' than why bother. Extremism should be for extremists.

I like how people accuse someone of arguing from personal experience and then bolster their case by saying that in their experience all the blacks they see are good at running or jumping. It's okay for them to say what they see is "truth", but not for you dumb honkies trying to make whitey look good on the athletic field.

Blacks are NOT better jumpers then Whites. Stop getting your racial information from the cultural marxists you hate and condemn on every other issue but this one. Spike Lee is not the authority on this. You like to use a carefully self selected uber elite example pool as proof of general racial superiority in sprinting (the Olympic 100 m dash). Why don't you use the same example for jumping? You don't. Doesn't fit your anti-White agenda on this issue. The Olympic High Jump (not the long jump which is a measure of distance) is almost always won by White people. (look it up) How can that be? Blacks are supposed to be better jumpers.

The reason for arguing that blacks are not as superior in sprinting vs Whites is as follows. It's not difficult.

1) before the era of cultural marxism in the West, black and White sprinters ran about the same times in the Olympics

2) Cultural Marxism demands that any activity blacks show an interest and some talent in must be immediately and nearly completely converted to a "black thang" only.

3) The upper levels of sport is completely dominated by users of PEDs. White countries set up organizations that catch cheaters. That's why the US is no longer the leader of providing black Olympic medalists in sprinting. It's places like Jamaica. Where testing is lax and done with the same skill one would expect of a third world country. It's also why Europe can no longer provide cheaters (Greece was a recent exception--which was ignored) because of their prodigious testing facilities and more honest (then the USA) people running them.

4) the US White pool to find our super fast runners is non-existent as any good White sprinter will be quickly directed to another endeavor (see step 2 above) and also not to take an important team spot from a black candidate. All US sprinting is done through the college system and the collages have a rigorous program of filling those spots with minorities to get their black quarterbacks. Anyone want to argue the US college educational system is unfair to White people??

Using Olympic sprinters, actually Olympic anything, to make large scale generalizations is an error in logic. Those are carefully selected individuals who are selected by organizations that will pick and choose based on their preconceived biases and then use PED's to expand the success rate.

This is similar to how nearly the only White NBA basketball players are from foreign countries where selection bias and preconceived notions of ability are not favorable to blacks. It's doubtful that in Boznia white people have a better genetic make up for basketball then 250 million americans.

Question for Alex Linder: (I have wondered this about White Nationalists that argue against White interests in athletics). What do you expect to get from winning this argument? Debate style points? A declared win by the debate judges? The sympathy of colored people who will feel you are being "honest" by humbly declaring that your people are inferior in this way but really really great in another?

Is that going to change the world? Are White people really expected to storm the ramparts of Cultural Marxism by the argument that well Asians and Jews are smarter, and blacks do everything athletically better, but uh yeah we White people are really good at putting things together, and poetry, and blondes, well everyone knows how cute they are. Sh*t man get real.

You can't take the Klitschko brothers, Lemaitre, Welker, Nowitski, Manning, Trout, nearly every decathalon winner ever, etc, etc, and go to war arguing against your enemies, people that basically want you and your race exterminated??? Why not??
Well lets just pretend using illegal drugs for any reason was the norm in white households and completely accepted and even celebrated. Then lets pretend that all these whites who have no problem using illegal drugs are pushed into a sport at a young age with government sponsored programs and after school sports programs to keep them out of trouble. How many steroided-up sub 10 white sprinters would we have? 1, no, 2, no - 30? 50? maybe.

That in a nutshell is why some white sprinters were the fastest sprinters in the world pre-mid 80's and they competed against plenty of blacks and now we see virtually none.

What is so special about the genetics in Jamaica anyway? Where do the Jamaican come from because I know blacks weren't hatched in Jamaica man. In other words, nothing special about Jamaican genetics - so what could it be???
so because Whites are the majority of the population in America that makes guys like Jordy the exception to the rule? that makes no sense since they are discriminated against coming out of high school, its been documented on here countless times. There are tons of guys like Nelson, usually a guy like him is suggested to bulk up and play tight end, which takes away from speed. He was a walk on defensive back at K State. Despite all of this bs happening to our Whites we still have Jordy Nelson, Eric Decker and Riley Cooper slip through the cracks, both tall, fast guys that are comparable to AJ Green but imo better. Cooper almost chose baseball, which is what one of our best wr prospects did, Jeff Samardijiza. Decker almost chose baseball (both were signed by the MLB). We have a number of talented Whites who switch over to baseball. Tyler Gaffney almost did but came back, one of the few White rb prospects we have in college right now. I imagine if Cooper had done track instead of baseball he would be a top sprinter, I have seen him on special teams run on pace with Jeff Demps (I believe the fastest NFL player when it comes to 100 meter speed), I know he ran a 10 flat, not sure if is sub 10 was wind legal.

The whole notion of Whites being smaller slot receivers is because most of the ones over 6 foot, if given any chance, were converted to another position like tight end. Just the same with runningback, if they get a chance they are converted to something else, fullback, db, special teams sit on the bench (Hunter Furr). Stanford was the only team that wanted Gerhart as a tailback. Others wanted him as a fullback or linebacker. Still have no clue what his 40 yard dash is because they hid it, but his big runs this year, tons of big runs in a limited number of snaps, proves that he has speed, moreso than most blacks.

Same with corner, Daniel Graff was the fastest guy on the LSU roster a few years back, I think a 10.3 100 meter, yet he sat on the bench, and played special teams. Steve Korte, a 230+ pound rb, son of Saints Steve Korte, sat on the bench and didn't even play special teams at LSU, ran a 4.3 at his pro day.

If you want to see it with your eyes just REALLY watch sports (with the sound off), do you think the plodding Blount, Green Ellis, (the list goes on and on) are faster than Whites? Richard Sherman, the much talked about corner, who is said to be top 5 right now, runs a 4.6, if a White safety ran that he would be lucky to get into the league as a special teams ace, but Whites are said not to be fast enough to play corner. Eric Weddle was perfect proof of that, shut down Calvin Johnson in college, prototypical size/speed for corner, put at safety. Brian Urlacher, the all time great at MLB, was a hybrid safety in college. They bulked him up to play linebacker, and he never got credit for his coverage ability, which made that tampa 2 work because the MLB lines up deeper and plays more like a safety when in coverage.

as to why would someone choose baseball over track? hmm? Whites look at sprinting in the 100 and 200, how many people look like them? why make it their primary sport? where is the money in that unless they know for SURE they will be in the top of the top, when they can go to baseball and they can see for themselves that they have a much better chance of getting a pay day. Not to mention, imo its freaking boring, its something merely to pass time between sports. These kids are young and impressionable and will switch to another sport, or another event in track if track is really their focus with persuasion from coaches. I have seen it with my own eyes, which seems to be good enough for you but my observations aren't. Even though I have been to numerous high school events, numerous d1 and fcs programs.

but I think Jaxvid summed up things much better

as far as Jamaicans, some do have White blood in them, mainly Irish, because Irish were shipped there as well. How do you account for all of these blacks who have White DNA, in America its up to 12 percent on average, some way more than others that we see competing. Shouldn't that White DNA be holding them back?

my opinion is that certain athletic sports are the only thing that blacks can hold their own in with Whites, so it is falsely promoted that they are superior, so shut Whites out of black positions or events and it makes it hard for the average joe to question it. Whites should be the majority of NFL rosters when you factor EVERYTHING in (speed, agility, mental ability), but it isn't the case. But if you ever want to see it first hand, just go down to the South and watch majority White teams crush majority black teams, and then go see the ones who got beat get big time offers while most of the Whites go to the real world.

but yeah, jaxvid summed it up pretty well, as to not let my talk push his post down here:

As I have frequently complained, with White Nationalists like this no wonder we are in the shape we are in. Here is a major figure in the movement and he can spend a lot of time and energy arguing how Whites are inferior in one way or another. You see this amongst no other group in the world. Find a leading black person who will acknowledge blacks are inferior in intelligence. It don't happen. That's why Whites are doomed as a group. Weak leadership. Even on the fringe!!!

Seriously if you can't be a fire breathing 'Whites are the greatest thing in the world at every freakin' thing possible' than why bother. Extremism should be for extremists.

I like how people accuse someone of arguing from personal experience and then bolster their case by saying that in their experience all the blacks they see are good at running or jumping. It's okay for them to say what they see is "truth", but not for you dumb honkies trying to make whitey look good on the athletic field.

Blacks are NOT better jumpers then Whites. Stop getting your racial information from the cultural marxists you hate and condemn on every other issue but this one. Spike Lee is not the authority on this. You like to use a carefully self selected uber elite example pool as proof of general racial superiority in sprinting (the Olympic 100 m dash). Why don't you use the same example for jumping? You don't. Doesn't fit your anti-White agenda on this issue. The Olympic High Jump (not the long jump which is a measure of distance) is almost always won by White people. (look it up) How can that be? Blacks are supposed to be better jumpers.

The reason for arguing that blacks are not as superior in sprinting vs Whites is as follows. It's not difficult.

1) before the era of cultural marxism in the West, black and White sprinters ran about the same times in the Olympics

2) Cultural Marxism demands that any activity blacks show an interest and some talent in must be immediately and nearly completely converted to a "black thang" only.

3) The upper levels of sport is completely dominated by users of PEDs. White countries set up organizations that catch cheaters. That's why the US is no longer the leader of providing black Olympic medalists in sprinting. It's places like Jamaica. Where testing is lax and done with the same skill one would expect of a third world country. It's also why Europe can no longer provide cheaters (Greece was a recent exception--which was ignored) because of their prodigious testing facilities and more honest (then the USA) people running them.

4) the US White pool to find our super fast runners is non-existent as any good White sprinter will be quickly directed to another endeavor (see step 2 above) and also not to take an important team spot from a black candidate. All US sprinting is done through the college system and the collages have a rigorous program of filling those spots with minorities to get their black quarterbacks. Anyone want to argue the US college educational system is unfair to White people??

Using Olympic sprinters, actually Olympic anything, to make large scale generalizations is an error in logic. Those are carefully selected individuals who are selected by organizations that will pick and choose based on their preconceived biases and then use PED's to expand the success rate.

This is similar to how nearly the only White NBA basketball players are from foreign countries where selection bias and preconceived notions of ability are not favorable to blacks. It's doubtful that in Boznia white people have a better genetic make up for basketball then 250 million americans.

Question for Alex Linder: (I have wondered this about White Nationalists that argue against White interests in athletics). What do you expect to get from winning this argument? Debate style points? A declared win by the debate judges? The sympathy of colored people who will feel you are being "honest" by humbly declaring that your people are inferior in this way but really really great in another?

Is that going to change the world? Are White people really expected to storm the ramparts of Cultural Marxism by the argument that well Asians and Jews are smarter, and blacks do everything athletically better, but uh yeah we White people are really good at putting things together, and poetry, and blondes, well everyone knows how cute they are. Sh*t man get real.

You can't take the Klitschko brothers, Lemaitre, Welker, Nowitski, Manning, Trout, nearly every decathalon winner ever, etc, etc, and go to war arguing against your enemies, people that basically want you and your race exterminated??? Why not??
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Right, jaxvid summed it up. Over 40 maybe 50 years of conditioning the white kid that sprinting is only for blacks or the RB and WR is soley for black players. It's amazing we even have Jordy, Welker, Decker, Edelman, etc. It's not anecdote when we've cited many examples here. There are many others I'm sure we never here about.

I can cite many examples here in North Carolina ALONE. The best high school RB in N.C., maybe the country, was "white" last year and rushed for over 3,000 yards in about 8 games and if not for a torn ACL in the first game this season would have rushed for over 4,000 yards in one season and I know would have set the national record! Yet he had no D-1 offers, only a few D-1AA, while running a 4.5, 4.0 shuttle at 5'11, 200lbs. A preferred walk-on offer at ECU!

Two other white RB's rushed for 3,000 and 2,500 yards and I have no idea where they are.

Back to track. You said "MILLIONS" of white kids participate in track. That's not true for the 100M and 200M events. I invite you to go to a AAU or USA youth track and field meet. There are virtually no white kids in the 100M 0r 200M events. Maybe 1 in 50 are white among boys.

This is where I may have a small disagreement with my CF brothers in; I think it's a "PARTICIPATION" problem. If there are white kids that can run, number 1. It's up to the parents and the kids to get out there and do it and do it early, like around 6 or 7 years of age, and number 2. They have to stay with it. I'm speaking from personal experience. It's tough and it's boring as one poster put it, but in order to be the best you have to compete with best and train like the best!
What Caste Football is arguing- that no one race has a genetic superiority over any other, is about as anti-racist a position as can be taken. Thus, if you're trying to enlighten people in general, it seems to be a much better approach to point out the fallacies in all racial stereotypes, rather than accept all the positive generalizations about blacks (as nearly everyone does). It's absurd to say, "Yeah, blacks are better dancers, faster runners, higher jumpers, and have bigger penises, but they're just as good as us!"

I know nothing about track and field. I've always found it an incredibly boring sport, much like NASCAR. But I would guess that there are plenty of faster white runners who are discarded in favor of equal or even slower black runners, much as we see so many all-state high school white running backs relegated to Division II or III college ball, or converted to fullback, while countless black backs who achieved far less in high school win all the Division I scholarships, to all the biggest NFL breeding grounds.

Regarding blacks jumping higher, just look at the vertical numbers for Sam McGuffie and so many other white players, which are superior to those by even some of the top black NFL stars. But the numbers appear only to be significant when they are used to invoke the superiority of black athletes. With whites they are ignored, or, as we have seen repeatedly with Toby Gerhart and others, they are simply "changed" magically by tptb, to present a false picture that literally puts the brakes on the most unwelcome white players.

We also cannot overlook the intimidation factor here. Young whites, like their elders, buy into the notion of black superiority themselves. And there is nowhere else where this false concept is more evident than on a track field. If the fastest white runners don't think they can beat the black guy-any black guy- sprinting against them, then they aren't going to. And just as importantly, don't discount the self- confidence every black runner has when he sees a "white boy" up against him. Black males have been enabled and had their self-esteem bolstered for so long, it's a wonder any of them are still willing to talk to the common riffraff.
When the anecdotes (a/k/a "observations") start piling up, questions will arise as to the validity of the theory. It is possible that blacks are drawn to track/sprints because they are good at it, and the white kids are weeded out early. Track at an early age for white kids is an afterthought around here. Baseball, soccer, football, wrestling, basketball, lacrosse, tennis, volleyball (for girls), and swimming all dwarf track for white participation. The blacks play basketball, football, and run track. That's it. I don't know what they do in Europe, but soccer seems to be the undisputed king there.

Even if we take the "blacks have a physical advantage in sprinting across a population" theory as true, there are still some things that don't make sense. For instance:

1) Why aren't whites running much faster than they did 30 years ago? Blacks are running a lot faster than they used to. They are also a lot more muscular than they used to be.

2) Why are almost all of the top 25 times in the 100 meters from the last 10 years? Other periods of time do not show that type of cluster, particularly the further back you go. The current top sprinters are all more muscular than Ben Johnson at the height of his juicing.

3) Jamaica and Kenya have been countries for quite a while, so why did their runners explode on the scene out of nowhere? It's a bit like the Chinese swimmers about 20 years ago, but I digress.

4) Nobody was breaking 10 seconds in the 100 until 30 years ago. Lemaitre would outrun every black man in the world until Carl Lewis in 1983.

5) The top high jump performances of all time are dominated by whites. Just FYI.

Even if the theory is true, there is still a system at work to discourage white kids from pursuing certain sports, and certain positions in sports. That has an effect. From the 70s on we were told that there would never be another white heavyweight boxing champion. Now that it's the case, and has been for quite a while, most people don't even know it. The general public would tell you that blacks are better boxers. Propaganda is real, and very effective.
This is a reply to carolinaspeed. Anyone on this board knows I've been here since the start. I was the only guy on the track board for a very long time and I felt like I was talking to myself. I have participated in the sprints and watched the sprints since I was little. I have said since I was little that there are not enough whites interested in track. Even on this board for 10 years I have said this. People thought I was crazy when I said you will see a sub 10 from a white guy. It happened and then Lemaitre did it multiple more times and he will continue to at only 23 years of age. The kid also has run sub 20 in the 200! He is the first of a mini tidal wave. Please come post at the track board.

Anyone that follows athletics knows that 99% of the best high jumpers in the world are white. We dominate the mens and womens event from high school to college and on to the professional level. I want to see more whites and especially white americans get involved in sprinting. It is with out a doubt a particpation problem more than gentics. I guarantee it. It is also a psychological problem with whites in general not believing they can compete in many sports and not just athletics. Some will break through but we need it to happen more often. We also need people involved in sports like football and basketball scouting to be more fair in recruiting. They are absolutely racist. End of rant.
Nice discussion...I will spare the long multi paragraph post...

It is interesting that the 2008 Olympics....4 of the 5 Top High Jumpers were white( #1 Silnov) 2 from Russia, Sweden & Germany....& the 2012 Olympics 3 of the Top 5 were white(#1 Ukhov)....
Welcome back Alex urrrrrrr I mean Brutal. Lol. He never gives up. Whites can run and jump. The fastest 15 year old in the history of the world is Kristoffer Hari. A white kid from Denmark. How is this possible if whites can't run you flipping idiot. Get lost before your banned again.

The fastest sprinters are black. I'd like to see that change but for now it is what it is.
What Caste Football is arguing- that no one race has a genetic superiority over any other, is about as anti-racist a position as can be taken. Thus, if you're trying to enlighten people in general, it seems to be a much better approach to point out the fallacies in all racial stereotypes, rather than accept all the positive generalizations about blacks (as nearly everyone does). It's absurd to say, "Yeah, blacks are better dancers, faster runners, higher jumpers, and have bigger penises, but they're just as good as us!"

I know nothing about track and field. I've always found it an incredibly boring sport, much like NASCAR. But I would guess that there are plenty of faster white runners who are discarded in favor of equal or even slower black runners, much as we see so many all-state high school white running backs relegated to Division II or III college ball, or converted to fullback, while countless black backs who achieved far less in high school win all the Division I scholarships, to all the biggest NFL breeding grounds.

Regarding blacks jumping higher, just look at the vertical numbers for Sam McGuffie and so many other white players, which are superior to those by even some of the top black NFL stars. But the numbers appear only to be significant when they are used to invoke the superiority of black athletes. With whites they are ignored, or, as we have seen repeatedly with Toby Gerhart and others, they are simply "changed" magically by tptb, to present a false picture that literally puts the brakes on the most unwelcome white players.

We also cannot overlook the intimidation factor here. Young whites, like their elders, buy into the notion of black superiority themselves. And there is nowhere else where this false concept is more evident than on a track field. If the fastest white runners don't think they can beat the black guy-any black guy- sprinting against them, then they aren't going to. And just as importantly, don't discount the self- confidence every black runner has when he sees a "white boy" up against him. Black males have been enabled and had their self-esteem bolstered for so long, it's a wonder any of them are still willing to talk to the common riffraff.

bigunreal, great post, very hard to refute any of it IMHO. I would highlight this:

We also cannot overlook the intimidation factor here. Young whites, like their elders, buy into the notion of black superiority themselves. And there is nowhere else where this false concept is more evident than on a track field. If the fastest white runners don't think they can beat the black guy-any black guy- sprinting against them, then they aren't going to. And just as importantly, don't discount the self- confidence every black runner has when he sees a "white boy" up against him. Black males have been enabled and had their self-esteem bolstered for so long, it's a wonder any of them are still willing to talk to the common riffraff.

And then I want to say that I appreciate what Mr. Linder has done for my people. It is him, and people like him, that has taken the slings and arrows of the considerable forces allayed against the White race. God bless the effort he has devoted, probably with little reward, for years on this issue.

I dislike aiming criticism at someone who has done so much. However I want to point out that as mentioned above, the fastest White kid has no support from the group of people that Mr. Linder represents. Thus according to the internet, the ADL, the rest of big media, one of the vilest, nastiest, meaninst, White Supremacist, neo-Nazi's on the face of the earth does not have his back. Will not go to bat for him. And agrees with the jews (who he has pledged his life to oppose) that the kid is inferior. End of story. He has seen it on the jewtube so it must be true!!

Imagine that! You have to run against all those blacks and their enablers and hardly a single White guy on the planet, not even a well-known race supporter, thinks you are capable. Can there possibly be a more effective campaign against White people then the one that can turn the supposedly most staunch supporters into doubters?
bigunreal, great post, very hard to refute any of it IMHO. I would highlight this:

We also cannot overlook the intimidation factor here. Young whites, like their elders, buy into the notion of black superiority themselves. And there is nowhere else where this false concept is more evident than on a track field. If the fastest white runners don't think they can beat the black guy-any black guy- sprinting against them, then they aren't going to. And just as importantly, don't discount the self- confidence every black runner has when he sees a "white boy" up against him. Black males have been enabled and had their self-esteem bolstered for so long, it's a wonder any of them are still willing to talk to the common riffraff.

And then I want to say that I appreciate what Mr. Linder has done for my people. It is him, and people like him, that has taken the slings and arrows of the considerable forces allayed against the White race. God bless the effort he has devoted, probably with little reward, for years on this issue.

I dislike aiming criticism at someone who has done so much. However I want to point out that as mentioned above, the fastest White kid has no support from the group of people that Mr. Linder represents. Thus according to the internet, the ADL, the rest of big media, one of the vilest, nastiest, meaninst, White Supremacist, neo-Nazi's on the face of the earth does not have his back. Will not go to bat for him. And agrees with the jews (who he has pledged his life to oppose) that the kid is inferior. End of story. He has seen it on the jewtube so it must be true!!

Imagine that! You have to run against all those blacks and their enablers and hardly a single White guy on the planet, not even a well-known race supporter, thinks you are capable. Can there possibly be a more effective campaign against White people then the one that can turn the supposedly most staunch supporters into doubters?

Great Post!
This is a reply to carolinaspeed. Anyone on this board knows I've been here since the start. I was the only guy on the track board for a very long time and I felt like I was talking to myself. I have participated in the sprints and watched the sprints since I was little. I have said since I was little that there are not enough whites interested in track. Even on this board for 10 years I have said this. People thought I was crazy when I said you will see a sub 10 from a white guy. It happened and then Lemaitre did it multiple more times and he will continue to at only 23 years of age. The kid also has run sub 20 in the 200! He is the first of a mini tidal wave. Please come post at the track board.

Anyone that follows athletics knows that 99% of the best high jumpers in the world are white. We dominate the mens and womens event from high school to college and on to the professional level. I want to see more whites and especially white americans get involved in sprinting. It is with out a doubt a particpation problem more than gentics. I guarantee it. It is also a psychological problem with whites in general not believing they can compete in many sports and not just athletics. Some will break through but we need it to happen more often. We also need people involved in sports like football and basketball scouting to be more fair in recruiting. They are absolutely racist. End of rant.

white lightning, I hope you and I aren't the only CF members who understand this, but worse than that is the fact that 99% of white America doesn't understand!
The fastest sprinters are black. I'd like to see that change but for now it is what it is.

Yes Amren, the sprinters that compete are black and they are fast, but that doesn't mean blacks are faster than whites. I guess you didn't read any of my posts on this thread.

I would say that less than 1% of all white athletes compete in any AAU or USA track and field meets in the 100M or 200M,

so yes blacks are the fastest among themselves, not against 99% of whites.

White kids, for the most part, do not PARTICIPATE in the 100M and 200M. Get it?
Let's try this from another angle. We'll flip the usual argument as to why blacks don't dominate all sports.

Blacks don't dominate hockey, golf, tennis, baseball, swimming, volleyball, soccer, wrestling, lacrosse, fencing, horseback riding, skiing, table tennis, figure skating, gymnastics, bobsledding, luge, weightlifting, strongman, and on and on ad nauseam. We are assured that this is because blacks simply don't compete in these sports in large numbers.

Now, it has been suggested that whites do not compete in large numbers in track, particularly in the sprints. The anecdotal observations of those of us in the sports-crazy U.S. are in line with this suggestion. Maybe Europe is teeming with white sprinters who simply stink at it, but I have a feeling that other sports are probably where the white kids are.

The message is clear: if blacks don't dominate a sport, it's because they don't play it; if whites don't dominate a sport, it's because they stink at it. That type of thinking is what is known as The Caste System.
Let's try this from another angle. We'll flip the usual argument as to why blacks don't dominate all sports.

Blacks don't dominate hockey, golf, tennis, baseball, swimming, volleyball, soccer, wrestling, lacrosse, fencing, horseback riding, skiing, table tennis, figure skating, gymnastics, bobsledding, luge, weightlifting, strongman, and on and on ad nauseam. We are assured that this is because blacks simply don't compete in these sports in large numbers.

Now, it has been suggested that whites do not compete in large numbers in track, particularly in the sprints. The anecdotal observations of those of us in the sports-crazy U.S. are in line with this suggestion. Maybe Europe is teeming with white sprinters who simply stink at it, but I have a feeling that other sports are probably where the white kids are.

The message is clear: if blacks don't dominate a sport, it's because they don't play it; if whites don't dominate a sport, it's because they stink at it. That type of thinking is what is known as The Caste System.

This was well put in a relatively small amount of words.
Ever been abroad? They don't play football or baseball in Germany. They play soccer. And they do a lot of track and field. That's where you should be looking for these whites-who-are-as-fast-as-blacks. They'd be in Russia, Eastern Europe or Germany.

Track didn't crack the Top Ten in Germany, but team handball is #4. I don't even know what that is.

Track didn't crack the Top Ten in Russia, but two variants of Ice Hockey are in the top three, and handball showed up again.
Let's try this from another angle. We'll flip the usual argument as to why blacks don't dominate all sports.

Blacks don't dominate hockey, golf, tennis, baseball, swimming, volleyball, soccer, wrestling, lacrosse, fencing, horseback riding, skiing, table tennis, figure skating, gymnastics, bobsledding, luge, weightlifting, strongman, and on and on ad nauseam. We are assured that this is because blacks simply don't compete in these sports in large numbers.

Now, it has been suggested that whites do not compete in large numbers in track, particularly in the sprints. The anecdotal observations of those of us in the sports-crazy U.S. are in line with this suggestion. Maybe Europe is teeming with white sprinters who simply stink at it, but I have a feeling that other sports are probably where the white kids are.

The message is clear: if blacks don't dominate a sport, it's because they don't play it; if whites don't dominate a sport, it's because they stink at it. That type of thinking is what is known as The Caste System.

A lot of good posts on this thread, but this one is quite concise and summarizes Caste System thinking and indoctrination in a nutshell.

One can't just look at "black speed" without taking into account how speed has gone from a traditionally black and White thing, as shown by Olympic results from the 1930s into the 1980s, into a solely black thing without looking at a number of other factors. In short, the dearth of White sprinters in the U.S. started at the same time as White basketball stars began becoming rarer and White running backs, receivers and defensive players began disappearing -- the late 1960s -- and then went virtually all black by the mid-1980s. It's a result of the successful Permanent Revolution that was launched in earnest in the late 1960s, a significant part of which is a concerted, unrelenting psy-war against Whites at all levels, including when it comes to athletic ability, masculinity, and all things in the physical realm.

Blacks on average have a slight advantage in short sprints, but in a country where there are far more Whites than blacks, there are still going to be a lot of very fast Whites, many of whom are steered away from sprinting, football and basketball, or avoid those sports voluntarily because of their overwhelming black milieu. Ones who don't are routinely "slotted" beginning at an early age -- White kids learn early on that certain positions in football are verboten unless there are few or no blacks on the team, and in track, White kids are steered toward the distance races over sprinting. And then there is the whole disgusting but almost completely unrecognized policy of college scholarships being denied to worthy White kids in "black" sports.

To believe that the 100% black monopoly in perpetuity at cornerback, running back and sprinting is purely genetic defies Bell Curve logic as well as common sense. It's to believe in a theory of total racial supremacy far more "extreme" and encompassing than that of, say, National Socialism.

Jeremy Wariner, the White American who won gold in the 2004 Olympics in the 400 meters, was forced to be a walk-on on the Baylor football team. He had world class speed but no college football programs were interested in him. Wariner was very fortunate in that he had a track coach who didn't follow Caste System stereotypes and took the time to develop him. Just as in college football and basketball, the scouts and coaches in track know what's expected of them when it comes to handing out scholarships and who gets opportunities.

The bigger picture involves a lot more than just 40 times and the very slight advantage blacks may have on average.
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It worth pointing out that in the U.S., the outdoor track season is also the baseball season so most whites choose baseball over track. Baseball players like Bryce Harper and Jacoby Ellsberry could have easily done well in track.
And then there is the whole disgusting but almost completely unrecognized policy of college scholarships being denied to worthy White kids in "black" sports.

To believe that the 100% black monopoly in perpetuity at cornerback, running back and sprinting is purely genetic defies Bell Curve logic as well as common sense. It's to believe in a theory of total racial supremacy far more "extreme" and encompassing than that of, say, National Socialism.
For football, the entire scouting process is geared towards black promotion. At thousands of high school football stadiums every week, most of the players are white, and many of them are dominant. Yet sadly, 99.9% (no exaggeration) play their last game the final week of their senior season. Why? It's not because they aren't deserving of all of those black quarterback-related scholarships that the black players are getting, it's because they are purposefully ignored. A small minority of parents, players, HS coaches and administrators pursue colleges for these kids, but being shut out by the all-important recruiting services and "star ratings" dooms the vast majority. It's a crime.

Track didn't crack the Top Ten in Germany, but team handball is #4. I don't even know what that is.

Track didn't crack the Top Ten in Russia, but two variants of Ice Hockey are in the top three, and handball showed up again.

Handball is cool even though I dont completely follow the rules 100%. Most European teams have all-white teams (except France I think). You can see entire games on youtube but here is a nice summary of this past Olympics bronze medal match. Croatia vs Hungary. Its requires a lot of athleticism.

Watch "Croatia Wins Men's Handball Bronze v Hungary - London 2012 Olympics" on YouTube
Watch "Men's Handball Final - Sweden v France | London 2012 Olympics" on YouTube

Here's a recap of the finals France and Sweden. Frances squad is, in fact, full of blacks. France sports teams are almost as bad as the USA. Sorry to all the Frenchmen on these forums. If anyone know the details of the rules better than I and would like to share them that would be appreciated.
Handball is cool even though I dont completely follow the rules 100%. Most European teams have all-white teams (except France I think). You can see entire games on youtube but here is a nice summary of this past Olympics bronze medal match. Croatia vs Hungary. Its requires a lot of athleticism.

Watch "Croatia Wins Men's Handball Bronze v Hungary - London 2012 Olympics" on YouTube

It looks like lacrosse for people who can't afford sticks, or water polo for people aren't great swimmers, or horizontal basketball. Looks like fun to me. Handball in these parts is more like racquetball without a racquet.
For football, the entire scouting process is geared towards black promotion. At thousands of high school football stadiums every week, most of the players are white, and many of them are dominant. Yet sadly, 99.9% (no exaggeration) play their last game the final week of their senior season. Why? It's not because they aren't deserving of all of those black quarterback-related scholarships that the black players are getting, it's because they are purposefully ignored. A small minority of parents, players, HS coaches and administrators pursue colleges for these kids, but being shut out by the all-important recruiting services and "star ratings" dooms the vast majority. It's a crime.

VERY well said. Although it starts earlier, this is where the Caste System really kicks in. As I have posted several times, I am a Georgia fan and alum. The Bulldogs always seems to have a couple of white walkons starting, and a few more playing serious minutes. Merritt Hall, Conner Norman, and Rhett McGowan most recently. The fans are perplexed: on the one hand they are amazed that the program finds these "diamonds in the rough", on the other hand they can't believe that the program is so depleted of talent that mere walkons can start. It seldom crosses their minds that these are players who should not be walkons in the first place. Even scholarship players like Michael Bennett and Brendon Douglas are doubted every year, no matter how well they play. Each year the "real athletes" with more stars from Rivals or Scout are going to supplant them, or not.

Okay, I've been complimented for brevity twice in this thread, so I'm going to catch a clue and stop now, but excellent post, FootballDad.
It looks like lacrosse for people who can't afford sticks, or water polo for people aren't great swimmers, or horizontal basketball. Looks like fun to me. Handball in these parts is more like racquetball without a racquet.

Yeah thats how I knew handball growing up too. I just followed it this past Olympics when I first began paying attention to the racial makeup of national teams. Plus I was pulling for Croatia as my grandparents are from there and their team was all Croat. Its a fun sport to actually watch though I'm sure some of the European posters would have better insight into the sport. Its levels of popularity, etc.
there is a lot of good stuff in this thread. Awake in America hit the nail on the head, i think. also, white lightning's and Carolina Speed's comments about the lack of participation by White athletes in sprinting is spot on. in fact, there is an article i wrote on the subject on Caste Football's homepage at the moment: Just Run, Baby!.

Alex Linder's contribution was thought-provoking, and perhaps my article can inspire a similar thought process in him.

It worth pointing out that in the U.S., the outdoor track season is also the baseball season so most whites choose baseball over track. Baseball players like Bryce Harper and Jacoby Ellsberry could have easily done well in track.

i've pointed out several times in the past that this exact thing happens routinely in my home state of Arkansas. it is not uncommon for the fastest White football players in the state (based on 40 times) to not run track at all, instead choosing to play baseball. in fact, in one particular year the three fastest kids in the state (based on 40 times) were all White, all eschewed track, and all ended up playing baseball at the University of Arkansas (on partial scholarships). additionally, despite all three being first-team all-state football players, none were offered a single Division One scholarship to play football, nor run track … something that did not occur for several slower, lesser achieving black athletes in the state who went on to have their collegiate tenure paid for via football and/or track scholarships.

i also have provided an illustration (perhaps anecdotal, but certainly legitimate) of a White speedster who had never run track in his life, yet qualified for the State Meet in his first-ever 100-meter showing. he went on to run a 10.8 100-meters in his second-ever meet (as one of the ten fastest kids in the state), but didn't receive a single track scholarship offer. he ended up playing baseball in college, where he was renowned for his speed.

i think the lack of participation by White kids is a HUGE part of the issue, as well as a genetic component that favors the likelihood of blacks having speed. that being said, the fastest White high school girl in the country last year is White: MaryBeth Sant.
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