Jewish Owners & Antiwhite Media Delay But Can't Stop Rise of Nick Foles and Kirk Cousins

[long article i wrote...i'm not going to copy in here, has lots of links, but someone else is welcome to - would be interested in any response - a.linder]

Hey great stuff man. That was a good read. I thought you might have pointed out that Foles had such great success throwing to the only White man in amerika that has publicly said the n-word and (professionally) lived to tell about it. Also liked "not even the blackest tool in the shed could maintain Vick should be let out of his kennel" hehe well put. Look forward to more.
Hey great stuff man. That was a good read. I thought you might have pointed out that Foles had such great success throwing to the only White man in amerika that has publicly said the n-word and (professionally) lived to tell about it. Also liked "not even the blackest tool in the shed could maintain Vick should be let out of his kennel" hehe well put. Look forward to more.


Re Cooper - yes, there are more points to be made on that, but this is 6200 words had to rope it in at some point. I wish I'd written something when that brouhaha was going on. The point that ought to be brought out is that whites endure endless taunting from blacks, particularly at the receiver position. Maybe you guys discussed it here but one his black teammates said publicly, quoted in a news story, that Cooper ENDURES more racial abuse than he dishes. I forget the exact wording, but it hinted at the real story - which of course the jews at ESPN have no interested. Now THAT would be a good basis for a column. Maybe Kersey wrote on it, I don't know.
" In sports, that means you can say that blacks are faster than whites, no problem. You're just being honest."


tell usain bolt. you can say the differential is exaggerated, but it's there. at least at the 100-meter distance. any whites in the top ten for 100-meter times? i dont know, but i doubt it.

of course we know the jewsmedia/analysts routinely downplay raw white speed in football, which you can see with your own eyes many times.

i have to think whites would be winning sprints much more often than they do if there were no genuine racial difference.

it's not enough to assert something, you have to prove it.

find some whites on here...i dont see any in top 10 100m times for 2013
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Negroes have an advantage when it comes to sprinting - and sports-mouth jews love to rub White noses in it.

Whites have an even bigger advantage in strength & brains: jews ignore that.
tell usain bolt. you can say the differential is exaggerated, but it's there. at least at the 100-meter distance. any whites in the top ten for 100-meter times? i dont know, but i doubt it.

of course we know the jewsmedia/analysts routinely downplay raw white speed in football, which you can see with your own eyes many times.

i have to think whites would be winning sprints much more often than they do if there were no genuine racial difference.

it's not enough to assert something, you have to prove it.

find some whites on here...i dont see any in top 10 100m times for 2013
um no, you have to prove it, this site is filled with plenty of evidence of White speedsters that don't get a shot or are switched to other distances. Your proof is that 40 blacks in the entire world have run sub 10 in the past couple of decades?

Not to mention Bolt is juiced to the gills, all of the previous guys who had ridiculous times turned out to be cheaters, but Bolt is somehow clean? Christophe LeMaitre (White) broke the 10 second barrier, but look at his frame compared to all of the blacks that have broken it. I won't deny that many Whites probably juice for other sports like football, I just don't see it with the White sprinters I have seen.

check out 40 yard dash times, which are often changed anyway to make Whites look slower like Hillis going from 4.58 to 4.64. I see the raw speed, when I see guys like Jordy Nelson and Riley Cooper beat black dbs with ease, and then I see Calvin Johnson, supposedly the fastest wr get caught from behind by a White safety , Heath, who is said to be lacking speed. I guess just like Matt Giordano who was able to catch up with Devin Hester whose 100 meter dash was 10.6, same as Jordy Nelson. Only one starter has a faster 100 meter dash, Jamaal Charles, 10.3 or 10.4, the only guys who have come close to going sub 10 are midgets like Trindon Holliday who is 5'5 and Jeff Demps who is pretty thin and just a special teams player as well. Both continued track in college. Imagine if Jordy Nelson had continued track like Demps, Hollliday or Charles (yes Nelson's time was in high school). Or a rb like Jake Sharp who you've probably never even heard of because he got screwed over, who also ran a 10.6 and a 4.3 at his pro day, 1200 yards from scrimmage his junior year at KU, one day at the Bears camp and let go.

This is what I can't stand about racists like you, you automatically assume that since Whites are better on IQ tests, smarter, able think faster etc on average etc. that they must be lacking somewhere else, that there must be some advantage the black man must have with his low IQ. This is the same line of thinking most liberals have, the media etc. They just don't come out right and say it. Same with a lot of coaches as well. Id say 99 percent of them.

Notice how they WANT ALL OF their black qb prospects to be RUNNERS and they talk about athleticism, because deep down they know they can't get it done as pocket passers. Out of all of the ones pushed into the league, only Warren Moon has had success. The same reason they don't give White running qbs a chance, they only want to be a black thing, or believe Whites can't do it. Tebow ran the same 40 yard dash as LeGarrete Blount, but was always knocked for his speed, when it was around what most powerbacks run, yet he was a qb, with faster shuttle and 3 cone drill times, agility. And that is much easier to prove, that Whites have better quickness and coordination than blacks.

What good is straight line speed if you can't cut without losing a significant amount of speed? Most speedy black receivers round out their routes which makes it easier for a db to make an interception, which gets blamed on the WHITE quarterback. So when it comes to football, it doesn't really matter, there is only one route that involves going straight down the field, and rarely is a rb going to get a hole straight up the middle without having to make a cut.

Not too long ago, it was absurd to think of even a legit White heavyweight contender in boxing, now Whites own the division. So because Whites aren't on the top 100 meter list right now means nothing. Maybe if more were interested in it weren't changed to different distances we would see the same thing. For most high school Whites I have encountered, sprinting is merely a 2nd or 3rd sport to them, not something to move up in the world in. I am not a track expert, I coach football, so perhaps read more by those who are into track, like I said, lots of info on here
.Frankly, I find sprinting to be boring.why is the 100 meter the end all is what I have questioned, why not 250 to 300 meters, which is the farthest the human body can go all out before lactic acid completley builds up in the body?

so why is the 100 meter dash proof that blacks are faster? because less than 100 blacks have broken the 10 second barrier as opposed to 1 White? think about the event, what else in life does it apply to? anything? where else will they be sitting on the blocks, in a track stance with track shoes for exactly 100 meters in a straight line? Lemme guess, blacks are taller, have bigger dicks and can jump higher as well? right? even though the average black in the hood is probably like 5'6 and can't outrun overweight White policemen. Save that nonsense garbage for stormfront.
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tell usain bolt. you can say the differential is exaggerated, but it's there. at least at the 100-meter distance. any whites in the top ten for 100-meter times? i dont know, but i doubt it.

of course we know the jewsmedia/analysts routinely downplay raw white speed in football, which you can see with your own eyes many times.

i have to think whites would be winning sprints much more often than they do if there were no genuine racial difference.

it's not enough to assert something, you have to prove it.

find some whites on here...i dont see any in top 10 100m times for 2013

Your “argument” regarding the black “domination” of 100m dash times is rather comical. Do yourself a colossal favor and research every one of those “Sub-10” sprinters. I think you’ll find that the overwhelming majority are known drug-cheats (as in, they’ve been caught) in one form or another. There’s a very good reason why it took until the late 1960’s for any male sprinter to break the elusive “10-Second Barrier.” In the 1970’s, only 1 sprinter accomplished the feat. In the 1980’s, it was only 6 sprinters. In the 1990’s, it was 22 sprinters. In the 2000’s, it was 33 sprinters. Notice a pattern?

To this day, even with the blatant abuse of PED’s, only 89 men have done it. If blacks (primarily West Africans) have a natural advantage in sprinting in a straight line, it certainly didn’t manifest itself until about 30 years ago. Christophe Lemaitre, the only white man on the exclusive list, doesn't appear to be a drug cheat. If he is, he certainly doesn't have the build of one...


Of course, there are a few black sprinters than are clean, also. But forget about track for a moment. Below are a few pertinent examples of “proof” using real NFL football players.

Here is a photo of Reggie Bush losing to Matt Bruno in California State Track Championships. Bush went on to win the Heismann Trophy and was the 2nd overall pick in the NFL draft...


Here is a video of little-known safety, Matt Giordano (a fringe roster prospect for his entire career due to the Caste System), chasing down Devin Hester, who, at that time was widely considered the NFL’s fastest player…


Here are some Jordy Nelson highlights. Notice the stunning array of 60, 70, 80, 90-yard TD catches against all-black secondaries. Unless he needs to stop to make the catch, he's never caught from behind...

There are hundreds of examples of white WR's burning black DB's.

Travis Jervey defeated Herschel Walker in a sprint. We discussed it in this thread, but the video has been deleted...


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Welcome back Alex urrrrrrr I mean Brutal. Lol. He never gives up. Whites can run and jump. The fastest 15 year old in the history of the world is Kristoffer Hari. A white kid from Denmark. How is this possible if whites can't run you flipping idiot. Get lost before your banned again.
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Welcome back Alex urrrrrrr I mean Brutal. Lol. He never gives up. Whitss can run and jump. The fastest 15 year old in the history of the world is Kristoffer Hari. A white kid from Denmark. How is this possible if whites can't run you flipping idiot. Get lost before your banned again.

He's not a troll, he's the admin of Vanguard News Network. That's a site that deals mainly with race not sports, so give him a break if he isn't aware of every nuance of the Caste System. Much time and research was put into his article, which has a lot of truth in it concerning black QBs and the way they are hyped and pandered to. It should be obvious from reading his post that he's anything but hostile to White athletes.
tell usain bolt. you can say the differential is exaggerated, but it's there. at least at the 100-meter distance. any whites in the top ten for 100-meter times? i dont know, but i doubt it.

of course we know the jewsmedia/analysts routinely downplay raw white speed in football, which you can see with your own eyes many times.

i have to think whites would be winning sprints much more often than they do if there were no genuine racial difference.

it's not enough to assert something, you have to prove it.

find some whites on here...i dont see any in top 10 100m times for 2013

Yeah, the idea that blacks are faster is almost absurd based on the top 100 meter times for the reasons my colleagues, dwid and Thrashen explained.

I would like to add to the discussion; to say that white participation in track & field, specifically sprinting, is about the same as black participation in baseball, less than 2%, in the areas I have seen. With that said, I believe it will be difficult to ever determine if blacks have a straight line speed advantage until more white athletes actually run track in this country. However, the few whites that do run, seem to do well. Hunter Furr won the NIKE Outdoor Nationals 100M, his senior year with a sub- 10.4, I believe a 10.34.

Certainly 40 times and shuttle times seem to see whites run just as fast and even more so in the shuttle times than blacks and obviously we see more blacks participating in combines than whites, but not at the same differentiation as in track. Whites regularly win combines where they compete. Here in N.C. 2 white high school football players, one a RB and the other a WR held down the 2 best shuttle times in the state. RB ran a 4.01, while the WR ran a 3.89!

Most of the faster white athletes just don't run track. They are playing baseball or choosing to concentrate on other sports like football.

There's no finer example of this as in the current best MLB player in Mike Trout. Trout probably the fastest player in MLB, reportedly ran a 6.38 60 yard dash, which equates to around a 10.88 100M without ever training to run track.

We'll never know what guys like Trout could do if had begun running track at 6/7 years of age as do most blacks.

To me, at this point there's really no way of knowing for sure until we see a huge surge in white athletes running track, the 100/200M in particular. However, by what we see in other measurables such as, the 40 and the 20 short shuttle it appears there's no clear advantage to blacks.
My apology to AlexLinder. We have so many trolls that come here over and over. One of the guys is an older white man that usually goes by Brutal on the different track boards. He loves track and especilally sprinting but he is convinced that whites cannot compete in any sprint or jumping event. He also thinks we can't compete in football. The guy is a total moron. So I'm sorry for thinking that it was him posting.

Whites are really making some waves in sprinting but it is an uphill battle with little participation from most whites in general. Added to the fact is that most whites don't even follow athletics(track & field). I love the sport and have followed it for decades.

Anyways, thanks for a great article and I hope to see you post whenever you can. The article was spot on! You nailed it.
Too bad there aren't any white countries that juice their sprinters anymore. It would be nice to have a small white country with lax enforcement that let their top sprinters get away with cheating like Jamaica. Someplace like say..Greece. Oh wait that happened. The 2000 Olympics, Kostos Kentaris juiced and beat all the black cheaters in the 200m sprint to win gold. How could that happen? I thought blacks were faster??
I've seen lots of people post on here that they think blacks may have an advantage in straight line speed...40 times dont matter...etc etc I think you're giving the guy a hard time for a simple statement that's been said on this site several times.
I've seen lots of people post on here that they think blacks may have an advantage in straight line speed...40 times dont matter...etc etc I think you're giving the guy a hard time for a simple statement that's been said on this site several times.

I agree, however, it's difficult to say given the facts in regards to the statistics that bare out that only about 2% of the white athletes in this country run track. That's just the kids the actually participate in athletics. How many white kids are out there that do not participate in any athletic events at all?

When I go to an AAU or USA track meet and see 500 black kids running the 100M and see less than 10 white kids running the 100M it makes it difficult to say without a doubt blacks are faster in general. What's interesting is, there's usually at least 1 white kid that wins one of the 100M events. Don't you find it unusual that 1 white kid out of hundreds of black kids wins one of the 100M races?

The day I see 1,000 white kids running the 100M vs. 500 black kids and the black kids still dominate, I may believe it, but until that day, I won't be convinced.
I would like to add to the discussion; to say that white participation in track & field, specifically sprinting, is about the same as black participation in baseball, less than 2%, in the areas I have seen.

This is interesting to me. The old 100 yard dash record at my alma mater is held by a white guy from the 1950s, and it was on a cinder track. If you compare the newer metric record (held by a diversity, running on an absurdly nice track for a high school), it's pretty close, but NO white kid is running anywhere near that fast 55 years later at that same school. I wish I could remember the exact numbers. Hopefully, I'll think to look the next time I'm over there. The white kids are on the track team, but they are NOT sprinting anymore.

Secondly, I was reminded of a guy from that same school who was a couple of years ahead of me. He was a good basketball player, but was a muscular 6'5" post guy with no real outside game. Really too short for his position at the next level. The spring of his senior year, he decided he would run track, the 100 meters. He qualified for the state meet. He had never run track before.
um no, you have to prove it, this site is filled with plenty of evidence of White speedsters that don't get a shot or are switched to other distances.

I don't believe that. It may happen in cases, but if some white is able to win at that distance, he'll get a shot. Just playing with blacks, there are two things where they are generally superior to whites.

I would say number one, even more than speed, a considerably higher percentage of blacks is able to jump high. That's just my observation, playing basketball with them.

Second, they are generally a little quicker. I do think this difference is exaggerated, but I also believe it's real.

Whites are superior at pretty much everything else, as I know from reading and from paying attention in the real world. These two areas of deficit they can mostly make up for in other ways, but in straightforward, nothing-else sprinting over a short distance, you will find a lot more blacks making the fastest times. That's what we see. I don't think racial discrimination is enough to account for reality.

Your proof is that 40 blacks in the entire world have run sub 10 in the past couple of decades?

My point was a quick search of the fastest 2013 100m sprint times seemed to show almost all blacks making those times, though I didn't look at all the names. All the ones I checked were blacks.

Not to mention Bolt is juiced to the gills, all of the previous guys who had ridiculous times turned out to be cheaters, but Bolt is somehow clean? Christophe LeMaitre (White) broke the 10 second barrier, but look at his frame compared to all of the blacks that have broken it. I won't deny that many Whites probably juice for other sports like football, I just don't see it with the White sprinters I have seen.

Maybe...but I don't see any proof. It's not like whites have any problem with cheating - see all white bicylists, starting with Armstrong. I'd agree they're a little less likely to cheat, see steroids in baseball, but plenty of them juiced there when it was the going thing.

All I'm asserting is (west african) blacks do have some genetic advantage in sprinting. What I've read tracks with what I've seen myself playing sports.

check out 40 yard dash times, which are often changed anyway to make Whites look slower like Hillis going from 4.58 to 4.64. I see the raw speed, when I see guys like Jordy Nelson and Riley Cooper beat black dbs with ease, and then I see Calvin Johnson, supposedly the fastest wr get caught from behind by a White safety , Heath, who is said to be lacking speed.

I agree with this - functional speed, whites are underrated. I was discussing pure speed on the track. There's a reason blacks win all the 100m races, it's not racial discrimination. Until someone proves otherwise. Pointing to a couple examples where guys are shifted to other races, or saying "they're all using steroids" - I doubt it very much.

I guess just like Matt Giordano who was able to catch up with Devin Hester whose 100 meter dash was 10.6, same as Jordy Nelson. Only one starter has a faster 100 meter dash, Jamaal Charles, 10.3 or 10.4, the only guys who have come close to going sub 10 are midgets like Trindon Holliday who is 5'5 and Jeff Demps who is pretty thin and just a special teams player as well. Both continued track in college. Imagine if Jordy Nelson had continued track like Demps, Hollliday or Charles (yes Nelson's time was in high school). Or a rb like Jake Sharp who you've probably never even heard of because he got screwed over, who also ran a 10.6 and a 4.3 at his pro day, 1200 yards from scrimmage his junior year at KU, one day at the Bears camp and let go.

There's 6x as many whites as blacks in the US, so you shouldn't have to rely on a few anecdotes. The whites you mention like Nelson are succeeding just fine. That suggests that others that aren't fail for non-racial reasons.

Way I see it, NFL is trending toward higher IQs, which result in stabler behavior on and off field, and that alone will favor whites. Even the blacks that succeed - they usual have whiter names (Richard Sherman) and more behavioral control (I don't consider Sherman's response to Andrews' question thuglike or inappropriate).

This is what I can't stand about racists like you, you automatically assume that since Whites are better on IQ tests, smarter, able think faster etc on average etc. that they must be lacking somewhere else, that there must be some advantage the black man must have with his low IQ. This is the same line of thinking most liberals have, the media etc. They just don't come out right and say it. Same with a lot of coaches as well. Id say 99 percent of them.

I know exactly what you mean - but I don't think that way. I would LOVE to believe whites are as fast as blacks. Or could jump as high. But I don't. Because of what I've seen first-hand with my own eyes, with no jew in between me and what was going on, offering a queered interpretation.

It's roughly 100x easier to discriminate against whites in football than in track. If you can run the 100m faster than anyone, who can stop you? You're not part of a team. Any track coach will take you.

You're letting what you want to believe drive your opinion, rather than the facts.

Notice how they WANT ALL OF their black qb prospects to be RUNNERS and they talk about athleticism, because deep down they know they can't get it done as pocket passers. Out of all of the ones pushed into the league, only Warren Moon has had success. The same reason they don't give White running qbs a chance, they only want to be a black thing, or believe Whites can't do it. Tebow ran the same 40 yard dash as LeGarrete Blount, but was always knocked for his speed, when it was around what most powerbacks run, yet he was a qb, with faster shuttle and 3 cone drill times, agility. And that is much easier to prove, that Whites have better quickness and coordination than blacks.

I know all that and have written about it many times. But the media are owned and operated by jews, and they hate christians. Even a jew writer suggested Tebow was blackballed. I personally have never in 47 years seen anyone who did what he did with Denver be unable to find a starting job. That goes to background whispers among the jew owners, in my opinion. But I know caste football is not so open to the jew explanation, or maybe I'm wrong. I don't like christianity at all, I think it's the worst thing that ever happened to our race. But Tebow was fantastically exciting to watch. And I guarantee you if he had been black, the jews at ESPN would have howled nonstop until he had a new starting job. But didn't I already say all this in the article? The very title shows you what I think.

Yes, absolutely: the jews controlling the US have promoted the idea of the QB of the future - who is always black and what they call mobile. They can't ever make this a reality because blacks can't think well enough to read defenses, and they end up getting smashed. They might pull off some success for a few years a la Michael Vick, but they certainly aren't changing the position. It will always be dominated by people like Brady and Manning who aren't fast but can think. But QBs with an ability to run in spots can certainly do well, white or mulatto (Kaep and Wilson) or black. The position will always put a premium on quick thinking and good judgment, and those are qualities whites more often possess than non-whites.

What good is straight line speed if you can't cut without losing a significant amount of speed? Most speedy black receivers round out their routes which makes it easier for a db to make an interception, which gets blamed on the WHITE quarterback. So when it comes to football, it doesn't really matter, there is only one route that involves going straight down the field, and rarely is a rb going to get a hole straight up the middle without having to make a cut.

Perhaps that's why the smarter coaches like Belichick seem to be realizing that it's the guys like Welker and Edelman who are the where the gold lies. I'd bet anythign Belichick would admit this in private...if you gave him truth serum.

Not too long ago, it was absurd to think of even a legit White heavyweight contender in boxing, now Whites own the division.

Yeah, now boxing is "dead" - the second a white PhD takes the heavyweight division. Can only laugh at these jews at ESPN.

So because Whites aren't on the top 100 meter list right now means nothing.

No, it means something. Your standard of proof ought to be higher than your real opinion. Have you observed whites generally being faster than blacks in real life? I haven't. I've observed blacks are generally faster. Just as they're generally dumber, more obnoxious, more violent. I don't doubt the last three, why would I doubt the first?

Produce some white who can run 100m faster than any black. Or who claism he's been discriminated against?

Sprinting would be about the hardest single sport to sustain racial discrimination in because all you're doing is...running in a straight line. Habeas runnerus, so to speak: produce these runners who are being discriminated against who can run these sub-10 100s? They aren't there. They don't exist.

Maybe if more were interested in it weren't changed to different distances we would see the same thing. For most high school Whites I have encountered, sprinting is merely a 2nd or 3rd sport to them, not something to move up in the world in. I am not a track expert, I coach football, so perhaps read more by those who are into track, like I said, lots of info on here
.Frankly, I find sprinting to be boring.why is the 100 meter the end all is what I have questioned, why not 250 to 300 meters, which is the farthest the human body can go all out before lactic acid completley builds up in the body?

Because anything longer is an endurance test, rather than a speed test. In real-life situations where you have to employ running to get away, the issue is settled within 100 yards. Anything longer than that, it might as well be a competition to scale Everest or something. When you say who is fastest, that's what it means: over a 100 yards or 200 yards, not miles and miles. Longer than one lap around a track is some other competition, endurance like I say.

so why is the 100 meter dash proof that blacks are faster? because less than 100 blacks have broken the 10 second barrier as opposed to 1 White?

Because blacks are the large majority at the top of every 100m list I've ever seen, has nothing to do with 10s or time. Show me these whites you say exist who can beat the top blacks. I don't see them. I say they don't exist.

think about the event, what else in life does it apply to? anything? where else will they be sitting on the blocks, in a track stance with track shoes for exactly 100 meters in a straight line? Lemme guess, blacks are taller, have bigger dicks and can jump higher as well? right? even though the average black in the hood is probably like 5'6 and can't outrun overweight White policemen. Save that nonsense garbage for stormfront.

Blacks aren't taller than whites. Nor do they have bigger dicks - that is a media-propagated myth. But they are faster than whites at springs. I don't know stuff longer than a mile.

Sorry I called into question the great honor of your opinion and implied that actual evidence is more compelling.

See...I don't care what you think. Name names. Show me these whites who can beat these top blacks. Or, show me these whites who are discriminated against. Get me their quotes.

You can't. Because they exist in your head and nowhere else.
Your “argument” regarding the black “domination” of 100m dash times is rather comical. Do yourself a colossal favor and research every one of those “Sub-10” sprinters.

I know you guys are obsessed with this. Just like the other guy, you didn't notice what I actually said: not a word about sub-10. I don't care about that. my point was the lists of top sprinters at 100m include very few whites - as far as I know. but I don't know that far, I just looked up top scores for 2013, and all the sprinters I clicked on were black.

I think you’ll find that the overwhelming majority are known drug-cheats (as in, they’ve been caught) in one form or another.

I doubt whites cheat more than a little less than blacks, see Lance Armstrong and bike racing generally.

There’s a very good reason why it took until the late 1960’s for any male sprinter to break the elusive “10-Second Barrier.” In the 1970’s, only 1 sprinter accomplished the feat. In the 1980’s, it was only 6 sprinters. In the 1990’s, it was 22 sprinters. In the 2000’s, it was 33 sprinters. Notice a pattern?

That has no relevance to my contention, which has nothing to do with drug use. I will even agree whites would be marginally less likely to cheat w drugs than blacks, but it still doesn't explain why the top names on the speed lists are nearly 100% black.

To this day, even with the blatant abuse of PED’s, only 89 men have done it. If blacks (primarily West Africans) have a natural advantage in sprinting in a straight line, it certainly didn’t manifest itself until about 30 years ago.

I doubt there was much international track going on at any serious level until more recently. A lot of that stuff, as with the Olympics or tennis, is a function of money and the abilty to travel.

If whites are as fast as blacks, why don't they show up on the top of the 100m lists? Simple question with no easy answer if whites actually are as fast. I mean, track isn't truly a team sport like football. If you can do can do it.

Christophe Lemaitre, the only white man on the exclusive list, doesn't appear to be a drug cheat. If he is, he certainly doesn't have the build of one...

Either way, it's one man. Anecdote. You think blacks use drugs because many have been caught. You don't know whether Lemaitre uses drugs. Lance Armstrong did, and he was if anything even skinnier than this guy.


Of course, there are a few black sprinters than are clean, also. But forget about track for a moment. Below are a few pertinent examples of “proof” using real NFL football players.

Here is a photo of Reggie Bush losing to Matt Bruno in California State Track Championships. Bush went on to win the Heismann Trophy and was the 2nd overall pick in the NFL draft...

That's not proof of anything except whites can outrun blacks. Which is obviously true and no one denies. Track is a measure of pure speed, there's no equipment involved. There could be any number of reasons someone outran someone else on a particular play. Track offers a clean test of pure speed, or as close as we can get to measuring it. Football, there are always other factors.

If I gave you some video clips of blacks outrunning Nelson or Giordano, would that prove blacks are faster? Of course not. It's a single play - it's anecdotal.


Here is a video of little-known safety, Matt Giordano (a fringe roster prospect for his entire career due to the Caste System), chasing down Devin Hester, who, at that time was widely considered the NFL’s fastest player…


Here are some Jordy Nelson highlights. Notice the stunning array of 60, 70, 80, 90-yard TD catches against all-black secondaries. Unless he needs to stop to make the catch, he's never caught from behind...

There are hundreds of examples of white WR's burning black DB's.

I'm familiar with these, but they don't prove what you're claiming. I agree the media overrate the black-white speed differential, but it's based on something real - which is in evidence in the lists of the top sprinters.

Why are you so anxious to find a proxy for a direct race? That's what you ought to ask yourself. If whites are as fast as blacks, it would show on the track. Millions of whites do track and field, if there were top sprinters among them, their names would be up there as much or more than black names. But we don't see that. We see a few sprinters here and there at the top, but mostly it's blacks.

Travis Jervey defeated Herschel Walker in a sprint. We discussed it in this thread, but the video has been deleted...

Yeah, I know, I've read around here before. You guys cling to your anecdotal video cuts and try to make something larger out of them.

It doesn't work that way, though.

No one denies that some whites are faster than almost all blacks. All I'm asserting is what I have seen (which could be wrong) and what the record shows - the fastest sprinters (whatever their number) are almost all black. To get around that fact, you have anecdotes and arguments about discrimination and drugs, but you can't produce these whites who say they were discriminated against, and the drug stuff is pure speculation.

All I said, which I think is true, and which I consider the evidence backs, is that blacks are faster than whites, on average. And that genetic difference, more than any other factor, is why they are 90%+ of the top sprinters.
Welcome back Alex urrrrrrr I mean Brutal. Lol. He never gives up. Whites can run and jump. The fastest 15 year old in the history of the world is Kristoffer Hari. A white kid from Denmark. How is this possible if whites can't run you flipping idiot. Get lost before your banned again.

Ah, the curse of all forums: Paranoid Guy.

I'm who I say.

Hey, that's interesting about the kid, never heard of him, good stuff. But you know, a lot of kids who win at junior tennis get nowhere in the ATP or WTA. I'd love to see this kid replace Bolt when he reaches 18.
He's not a troll, he's the admin of Vanguard News Network. That's a site that deals mainly with race not sports, so give him a break if he isn't aware of every nuance of the Caste System. Much time and research was put into his article, which has a lot of truth in it concerning black QBs and the way they are hyped and pandered to. It should be obvious from reading his post that he's anything but hostile to White athletes.

Thanks, Don. You're correct. I think whites are superior in virtually every area, but what I see from experience, and I played a lot of sports, tapping out at Div III baseball (Pomona-Pitzer in SCIAC (don't laugh)), blacks are a little faster than whites on average and (this I'm 100% sure of) produce a much higher percentage that can vertically jump say 30-40 inches. Reading and research back what I observe so, as with low black IQ or greater tendency toward violence, I assume there's probably something there.
Yeah, the idea that blacks are faster is almost absurd based on the top 100 meter times for the reasons my colleagues, dwid and Thrashen explained.

I would like to add to the discussion; to say that white participation in track & field, specifically sprinting, is about the same as black participation in baseball, less than 2%, in the areas I have seen. With that said, I believe it will be difficult to ever determine if blacks have a straight line speed advantage until more white athletes actually run track in this country. However, the few whites that do run, seem to do well. Hunter Furr won the NIKE Outdoor Nationals 100M, his senior year with a sub- 10.4, I believe a 10.34.

Ever been abroad? They don't play football or baseball in Germany. They play soccer. And they do a lot of track and field. That's where you should be looking for these whites-who-are-as-fast-as-blacks. They'd be in Russia, Eastern Europe or Germany.

Certainly 40 times and shuttle times seem to see whites run just as fast and even more so in the shuttle times than blacks and obviously we see more blacks participating in combines than whites, but not at the same differentiation as in track. Whites regularly win combines where they compete. Here in N.C. 2 white high school football players, one a RB and the other a WR held down the 2 best shuttle times in the state. RB ran a 4.01, while the WR ran a 3.89!

Most of the faster white athletes just don't run track. They are playing baseball or choosing to concentrate on other sports like football.

I've never heard of anyone choosing between baseball and track.

You guys use too many anecdotes. You can't disprove a generalization with here-and-there stories or clips. Look at the biggest picture: whites dominate almost EVERY sport. Many, yes, as the left says, it is cultural: skiing, for instance. But mostly, no, it's racial - strength and such. But then in one or two areas, blacks seem to dominate. I don't know what could be less culturally tied than sprinting, it seems about as pure as you can get. And blacks seem a little better. It does mesh with what I see, at least, but there I recognize I fall into anecdote myself. White dominate almost everything else; there's no reason to believe they wouldn't dominate sprinting apart from a genetic difference. Sprinting isn't tennis, it's simply running a shortish distance.

There's no finer example of this as in the current best MLB player in Mike Trout. Trout probably the fastest player in MLB, reportedly ran a 6.38 60 yard dash, which equates to around a 10.88 100M without ever training to run track.

Ok, that's interesting.

We'll never know what guys like Trout could do if had begun running track at 6/7 years of age as do most blacks.

So...what about all the Trouts who don't have baseball options. Where are they? As I said, I've never heard of anyone, until you mention Trout, choosing between baseball and world-class track. There's not a huge overlap between the aptitudes or skills.

To me, at this point there's really no way of knowing for sure until we see a huge surge in white athletes running track, the 100/200M in particular. However, by what we see in other measurables such as, the 40 and the 20 short shuttle it appears there's no clear advantage to blacks.

Your argument might make sense if Europe didn't exist. Europe has

1) more whites than North America; and

2) Europe is a lot more into track and field than the US is.

If whites truly were world-class sprinters, we'd see them in Europe. But we don't. Just at the periphery of the top 10, I guess. At the same time, whites often dominate other track and field events, so that all tells me there is in fact something genetic at work.
My apology to AlexLinder. We have so many trolls that come here over and over. One of the guys is an older white man that usually goes by Brutal on the different track boards. He loves track and especilally sprinting but he is convinced that whites cannot compete in any sprint or jumping event. He also thinks we can't compete in football. The guy is a total moron. So I'm sorry for thinking that it was him posting. [/quot e]

Ah, don't worry about it. I know what boards are like, ha.

Whites are really making some waves in sprinting but it is an uphill battle with little participation from most whites in general. Added to the fact is that most whites don't even follow athletics(track & field). I love the sport and have followed it for decades.

Anyways, thanks for a great article and I hope to see you post whenever you can. The article was spot on! You nailed it.

Well, thanks, I appreciate it. I will certainly post anything I write that's relevant. I'm not into track, I do follow football and tennis, mostly. Not a lot to say racially about tennis, but plenty to say about NFL.
Ever been abroad? They don't play football or baseball in Germany. They play soccer. And they do a lot of track and field. That's where you should be looking for these whites-who-are-as-fast-as-blacks. They'd be in Russia, Eastern Europe or Germany.

I've never heard of anyone choosing between baseball and track.

You guys use too many anecdotes. You can't disprove a generalization with here-and-there stories or clips. Look at the biggest picture: whites dominate almost EVERY sport. Many, yes, as the left says, it is cultural: skiing, for instance. But mostly, no, it's racial - strength and such. But then in one or two areas, blacks seem to dominate. I don't know what could be less culturally tied than sprinting, it seems about as pure as you can get. And blacks seem a little better. It does mesh with what I see, at least, but there I recognize I fall into anecdote myself. White dominate almost everything else; there's no reason to believe they wouldn't dominate sprinting apart from a genetic difference. Sprinting isn't tennis, it's simply running a shortish distance.

Ok, that's interesting.

So...what about all the Trouts who don't have baseball options. Where are they? As I said, I've never heard of anyone, until you mention Trout, choosing between baseball and world-class track. There's not a huge overlap between the aptitudes or skills.

Your argument might make sense if Europe didn't exist. Europe has

1) more whites than North America; and

2) Europe is a lot more into track and field than the US is.

If whites truly were world-class sprinters, we'd see them in Europe. But we don't. Just at the periphery of the top 10, I guess. At the same time, whites often dominate other track and field events, so that all tells me there is in fact something genetic at work.

Hey AlexLinder, welcome to the board. I enjoy the discussion and thanks for getting back to everyone on this subject. I'll try to rebut.

First, there's no question blacks can excel in sprinting, but again until I see the number of white participation in this country in relation to the population, I'll never believe whites, can't be just as fast. Maybe not win everything in sight, but compete more closely to blacks than they do currently.

First, let's take the population. I'm not exactly sure of the numbers, but let's just say hypothetically the white pop. in the U.S. is 70% white and the black population is 20%. Let's say there are 700,000 white athletes and 200,000 black athletes. Based on what I've seen at AAU and USA track meets across the eastern U.S. less than 2% of whites are running the 100M, let's just say 1%, that's 7,000 white sprinters, I think it's less than that, then you have 200,000 black athletes and I would say it's about 80% participate in the sprinting events, mainly the 100M, that's 160,000.

Wouldn't it stand to reason that 160,000 to 7,000 is an advantage to begin with. That's almost a 23 to 1 ratio. If you've ever attended a youth track meet that number is far greater than 23 to 1. It's more like 50 to 1, in favor of blacks. On the rare occasion you do see a white sprinter, they are generally really good and win their age group. I can give other names of kids who have done well up into the high school ranks in track, but I don't know what happens to them after high school. In Hunter Furr's case, he chose to play college football at UNC.

Where are the other 630,000 white athletes that could run track? Until I see the numbers compare along the lines of the population of whites to blacks, I won't be convinced.

Well, as I said a great deal of them like Mike Trout, choose the baseball route or simply don't participate in athletics period.

Does this not make any sense?

Mr. Linder you do raise a good question. Where are they? My other question is not only where are they, but why aren't they running? Are we lazy? Don't want to put in the effort it takes to be a great sprinter? White parents too busy trying to make living or simply don't want to spend time with their children, what is it? Is there something in American white children that just shows no interest in sprinting? I don't know, but as I said previously whites seem to do just as well in the 40 and 20 yard short shuttle when it comes to football combines, so obviously there's the potential for speed there.

About the European comparison. You used Europe as an example of white sprinters.

That's a good point, however, the best sprinters in the world are generally here in the U.S. I believe you get better by going against the best. Most European white sprinters don't grow up as children facing the best black sprinters. Do they?

All I'm saying is I would like to see the same number of white kids begin running track and go through the same training as black kids at the same age here in the U.S., then if blacks still dominate, OK, but as of right now, it's not happening and it probably never will.

Again, welcome to CF.
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