We Are Living In A Cartoon

foobar75;293874 I really hope New York becomes the next Detroit or [insert your favorite black hellhole here said:
That will only happen if the whites and jews leave. As long as there is essentially a white majority (especially Manhattan) the city won't disintegrate. Contrary to what conservative pundits like to say, it's not "liberalism" that causes Detroits, it's blacks.
"it's not "liberalism" that causes Detroits, it's blacks"

True enough, but, as much as I despise them, NYC was a mess before Giuliani and Bloomberg. They kept ******* crime more or less under control. Now the black windshield wipers will be descending upon stopped white drivers by the hundreds and the parks will start filling up with stripped stolen cars again. I'm glad I'm outa there.
That will only happen if the whites and jews leave. As long as there is essentially a white majority (especially Manhattan) the city won't disintegrate. Contrary to what conservative pundits like to say, it's not "liberalism" that causes Detroits, it's blacks.
As someone who resides amongst some of the most Liberal retards you'll ever meet, I'd say you are correct. I've been living in NYC, Brooklyn to be precise, since late 2005 and I can say the city "looks" Whiter each and every year. I say looks with a grain of salt because the city still probably has generally the same racial demographics. Alot of the blacks and other undesirables have been pushed out of Manhattan, Western Queens and Western Brooklyn into the fringes of the outer boroughs thanks to gentrification. Think central Brooklyn (Brownsville, East New York, Cyprus Hills, etc) and Eastern Queens around JFK airport. That's where most of the blacks are now and that is where the crime is still bad. Even traditionally black areas like Harlem, Fort Green (BK) and Bedford-Stuyvesant (BK) are seeing a huge influx of Whites (hipsters, artists and now young professionals). My neighborhood, which was blue-collar White and hispanic when I moved in, is quickly getting priced out. There are countless other neighborhoods that used to be filthy and full of minorities but sure look good now due to their proximity to Manhattan. You wouldn't even recognize them from the 80's and 90's to today.

I doubt De Bolshevik can change these trends over his time in office no matter how many buffoonish socialist schemes he comes up with. Sure someone like me may move out, but they'll be countless Whites from around the USA rushing in to "make it big" and take my place. And also, as long a Wall St is allowed to prosper as well as the other major financial institutes, fashion, advertising, retail headquarters, etc, the money will continue to keep NYC wealthy, White and most-likely "safe" (by big city standards).
As someone who resides amongst some of the most Liberal retards you'll ever meet, I'd say you are correct. I've been living in NYC, Brooklyn to be precise, since late 2005 and I can say the city "looks" Whiter each and every year. I say looks with a grain of salt because the city still probably has generally the same racial demographics. Alot of the blacks and other undesirables have been pushed out of Manhattan, Western Queens and Western Brooklyn into the fringes of the outer boroughs thanks to gentrification. Think central Brooklyn (Brownsville, East New York, Cyprus Hills, etc) and Eastern Queens around JFK airport. That's where most of the blacks are now and that is where the crime is still bad. Even traditionally black areas like Harlem, Fort Green (BK) and Bedford-Stuyvesant (BK) are seeing a huge influx of Whites (hipsters, artists and now young professionals). My neighborhood, which was blue-collar White and hispanic when I moved in, is quickly getting priced out. There are countless other neighborhoods that used to be filthy and full of minorities but sure look good now due to their proximity to Manhattan. You wouldn't even recognize them from the 80's and 90's to today.

I doubt De Bolshevik can change these trends over his time in office no matter how many buffoonish socialist schemes he comes up with. Sure someone like me may move out, but they'll be countless Whites from around the USA rushing in to "make it big" and take my place. And also, as long a Wall St is allowed to prosper as well as the other major financial institutes, fashion, advertising, retail headquarters, etc, the money will continue to keep NYC wealthy, White and most-likely "safe" (by big city standards).

Those neighbourhoods changed because of the price of real estate. The useless and the freeloaders can't live there anymore because they can't afford to.
"Think central Brooklyn (Brownsville, East New York, Cyprus Hills, etc) ..."

All the lovely places I used to work... but what's Cypress Hills?...and Jamaica, Queens, and south Bronx and Harlem...

The yuppies who bought into some of those erstwhile ******* neighborhoods will probably be sorry they didn't move to NJ or Lung Island instead when ******* crime starts exploding again in. NYC...in NYC where all the honest people have been disarmed.
"Think central Brooklyn (Brownsville, East New York, Cyprus Hills, etc) ..."

All the lovely places I used to work... but what's Cypress Hills?...and Jamaica, Queens, and south Bronx and Harlem...

The yuppies who bought into some of those erstwhile ******* neighborhoods will probably be sorry they didn't move to NJ or Lung Island instead when ******* crime starts exploding again in. NYC...in NYC where all the honest people have been disarmed.
Gentrification in cities can have tragic stories in the early stages of it. I recall Toronto having incidents where yuppies have been shot while waiting at red lights or car jacked while a neighborhood is in transition. I have a few relatives who bought into neighborhoods and some of the old owners and renters are viewed with suspicion and contempt. Ps I also find it funny that a s%^t hole town house that was a former rooming house is now viewed as some wonderful dwelling because it costs 600K, when 15 years ago it went for 150K it was viewed as what really is a s#$t hole.....:icon_mrgreen:
This thread can use a timely bump. The new mayor of NYC Bill de Blasio was sworn into office yesterday. Here's a picture of the new mayor with his family:


I really hope New York becomes the next Detroit or [insert your favorite black hellhole here].
This whole pic is epic for its content. A microcosm of the people who have led and will lead Amerika down a slow slide into the shi**er. Closet uber liberal/communist sympathizer, Jew Mayor, who uses an Italian last name. His dark negress wife and former/still hard core lesbian. His dufuss looking ******* son with a rats nest fro. I swear he looks like a "fat Albert cartoon character" from the 1970s. Then we have his light carmel colored daughter who deep down wishes she was White, or at least had "good" hair, rather than the nappy headed hoe hair, that Imus got fired for. Finally, we have the "1st black president" who was disbarred, impeached, shoot his load of spunk into some naive jewess interterm's dress in the white house, while old Hill laid by herself with eager fingers down the hall way. LOL. Yet, millions of dummy Whites cheer this day in the concrete bowel that is NY as Thrashen would say. Hoorah Hoorah.
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I've always thought the day would come when the Jews precious 3rd world pets would gain such significant numbers that it would put their existence and quality of life in peril. Looks like that might be happening sooner than they think in NY:

According to this article, a significant number of Jews in NYC hated Warren and are very worried that new Mayor Wilhelm is too much of a radical leftist and is a closet anti-Semite:


Snippets from the link above:

“They had a youthful energy and idealism mixed with a human ability and practicality that was really inspirational,” Bill de Blasio said of the Sandinistas. That energy included throwing firebombs at a synagogue during Shabbat services while shouting “Death to the Jews,” “Jewish Pigs” and “What Hitler started we will finish.”

Bill de Blasio worked as a political organizer for a left-wing group raising money to aid a regime that had deprived the Jews of their property, their homes and even their house of worship. The president of the synagogue that the Sandinistas had attacked was forced to sweep the streets, a scene reminiscent of Nazi behavior in occupied Europe, before being forced to leave the country with the clothes on his back.

The synagogue was seized and transformed into a Sandinista youth center decorated with Anti-Zionist posters. The Jewish community of Nicaragua fled to Miami and Costa Rica.

Cities and countries are precarious places. That is something that Jews have found out in countless places from Nicaragua to Iran. The Jews of Brooklyn discovered in 1991 how precarious a place New York City could be. The decades of peace since then only became possible because Bill de Blasio’s old boss was forced out of office.

If Bill de Blasio moves from Park Slope to Gracie Mansion, his old dreams for Nicaragua could become his new dreams for New York.

In this photo, a young Warren Whilhelm looks like a classic 70's/80's pothead/coke junky. Probably explains the black/lesbian wife and his glee over being the father of mulatto kids?

I've always thought the day would come when the Jews precious 3rd world pets would gain such significant numbers that it would put their existence and quality of life in peril. Looks like that might be happening sooner than they think in NY:

According to this article, a significant number of Jews in NYC hated Warren and are very worried that new Mayor Wilhelm is too much of a radical leftist and is a closet anti-Semite:


Snippets from the link above:

In this photo, a young Warren Whilhelm looks like a classic 70's/80's pothead/coke junky. Probably explains the black/lesbian wife and his glee over being the father of mulatto kids?


Yes that is a Jew Fro. Seen enough of them in the 70's and early 80's as my neighbourhood and school district had a distinct Jewish presence. What I want to know why did he adopt an Italian Nom de guerre? Jews when they want to pretend they are gentiles always adopt Anglosaxon names.
According to this article, a significant number of Jews in NYC hated Warren and are very worried that new Mayor Wilhelm is too much of a radical leftist and is a closet anti-Semite...

Quick, send more $$$Reparations$$$ money before Mayor Kaiser Wilhelm starts up the ovens!

What a load of Zhid bull. They like to play both sides against the middle. If the rich NYC Jews didn't want the subhuman commy to be mayor no one would have heard of him.

The Yeshiva World News:

"Bill De Blasio – The Elected King Of The Jews"

"Mayor-Elect de Blasio is the first Democrat to win the Jewish vote since Ed Koch won his reelection bid in 1985... "

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Quick, send more $$$Reparations$$$ money before Mayor Kaiser Wilhelm starts up the ovens!

What a load of Zhid bull. They like to play both sides against the middle. If the rich NYC Jews didn't want the subhuman commy to be mayor no one would have heard of him.

The Yeshiva World News:

"Bill De Blasio – The Elected King Of The Jews"

"Mayor-Elect de Blasio is the first Democrat to win the Jewish vote since Ed Koch won his reelection bid in 1985... "

Paranoia runs deep in the Jewish community. Isn't the Manhattan borough President still a Jew? It seems like every campaign strategy team for the Democrats has some Jews involved in spinmeister speeches. Even the Republicans have Neo-Cons like David Frum in their inner circle.
Cypress Hills must be a recent name they've given to the joint to make it sound more upscale. I guess we used to call it Brownsville or Bed Stuy or East NY. I forgot. It's been a long time since I worked in Brooklyn, but if it's a bad neighborhood in NYC I know it. And yeah those el trains sure do a lot to brighten up a street don't they?
Here's an excellent article that vividly and indisputably illustrates that far from being in an economic "recovery," the Greater Depression that started in 2008 continues to wipe out the middle class for the benefit of the top one percent. Well worth a read:

The Retail Death Rattle

AHDIW files for Chapter 11 Bankruptcy. Oh, the horror and disappointment. Incredible how the majority of the time its affelets go broke after making millions. Did it ever occur to any of them to buy some apartment complexes in nice areas for a constant revenue stream? Nah, too affeletic for that. LOL
So the police were trying to serve a warrant on some young White guy in a working class Pittsburgh neighborhood the other day, and the guy stabbed a K-9 dog with a pocket knife during a struggle. The dog dies after vets perform two surgeries and removed a kidney.

Today's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (owned by Richard Mellon Scaife) has as its most prominent front page story, "K-9 Dies 'Warrior's Death'." Above the story and headline is a large picture of lots of policemen saluting as the dog is wheeled out of an animal hospital in a casket with an American flag draped over it. The caption to the picture is "RIP Rocco" (Rocco being the dog's name).

The front-page article, continued on Page 4, reports that "Flags on all city buildings were lowered to half-staff on Thursday night," and that a "procession of more than two dozen police vehicles, many carrying the city's 21 K-9 officers, accompanied Rocco's remains through part of the city." Also, "A number of officers sobbed openly outside the hospital as the vigil continued. Others, some of them holding their young children inside the facility, stood quietly, saying little."

I'm an animal lover, but this story gives me an uneasy feeling. We live in a society in which human life increasingly means little in various circumstances -- if someone is regarded as a "bad guy," or a potential enemy, or men in general especially when used as canon fodder for the government's wars all over the world -- and then there's the extreme violence routinely found in everything marketed to the masses, including video games -- but an animal is accorded this kind of treatment and media acclaim? We often remark how White men are almost never allowed to be heroes anymore, but a German Shepherd stabbed by a pocketknife is weeped over and flags are lowered to half-staff?

There's just some very strange dynamics at work in America today, some above the surface, others subterranean. The melding of the military and police mindset, and the placement of "officer safety" above keeping the peace and enforcing the law is part of it, but there's also this bizarre treatment of animals, where they appear more and more as human-like in commercials and shows, and then there's that whole trend of people who go out in public dressed like animals. Very strange.

Here's the link to the article: http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/5505426-74/police-rocco-pittsburgh#axzz2s2qndP00
So the police were trying to serve a warrant on some young White guy in a working class Pittsburgh neighborhood the other day, and the guy stabbed a K-9 dog with a pocket knife during a struggle. The dog dies after vets perform two surgeries and removed a kidney.

Today's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (owned by Richard Mellon Scaife) has as its most prominent front page story, "K-9 Dies 'Warrior's Death'." Above the story and headline is a large picture of lots of policemen saluting as the dog is wheeled out of an animal hospital in a casket with an American flag draped over it. The caption to the picture is "RIP Rocco" (Rocco being the dog's name).

The front-page article, continued on Page 4, reports that "Flags on all city buildings were lowered to half-staff on Thursday night," and that a "procession of more than two dozen police vehicles, many carrying the city's 21 K-9 officers, accompanied Rocco's remains through part of the city." Also, "A number of officers sobbed openly outside the hospital as the vigil continued. Others, some of them holding their young children inside the facility, stood quietly, saying little."

I'm an animal lover, but this story gives me an uneasy feeling. We live in a society in which human life increasingly means little in various circumstances -- if someone is regarded as a "bad guy," or a potential enemy, or men in general especially when used as canon fodder for the government's wars all over the world -- and then there's the extreme violence routinely found in everything marketed to the masses, including video games -- but an animal is accorded this kind of treatment and media acclaim? We often remark how White men are almost never allowed to be heroes anymore, but a German Shepherd stabbed by a pocketknife is weeped over and flags are lowered to half-staff?

There's just some very strange dynamics at work in America today, some above the surface, others subterranean. The melding of the military and police mindset, and the placement of "officer safety" above keeping the peace and enforcing the law is part of it, but there's also this bizarre treatment of animals, where they appear more and more as human-like in commercials and shows, and then there's that whole trend of people who go out in public dressed like animals. Very strange.

Here's the link to the article: http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/5505426-74/police-rocco-pittsburgh#axzz2s2qndP00

I recall a similar incident in Tennessee over 30 years ago in which a K-9 was shot and killed, saving a police officer's life. The dog was given a big funeral as in this Pittsburgh case.

The perp who killed the dog, by the way, was black.
So the police were trying to serve a warrant on some young White guy in a working class Pittsburgh neighborhood the other day, and the guy stabbed a K-9 dog with a pocket knife during a struggle. The dog dies after vets perform two surgeries and removed a kidney.

Today's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (owned by Richard Mellon Scaife) has as its most prominent front page story, "K-9 Dies 'Warrior's Death'." Above the story and headline is a large picture of lots of policemen saluting as the dog is wheeled out of an animal hospital in a casket with an American flag draped over it. The caption to the picture is "RIP Rocco" (Rocco being the dog's name).

The front-page article, continued on Page 4, reports that "Flags on all city buildings were lowered to half-staff on Thursday night," and that a "procession of more than two dozen police vehicles, many carrying the city's 21 K-9 officers, accompanied Rocco's remains through part of the city." Also, "A number of officers sobbed openly outside the hospital as the vigil continued. Others, some of them holding their young children inside the facility, stood quietly, saying little."

I'm an animal lover, but this story gives me an uneasy feeling. We live in a society in which human life increasingly means little in various circumstances -- if someone is regarded as a "bad guy," or a potential enemy, or men in general especially when used as canon fodder for the government's wars all over the world -- and then there's the extreme violence routinely found in everything marketed to the masses, including video games -- but an animal is accorded this kind of treatment and media acclaim? We often remark how White men are almost never allowed to be heroes anymore, but a German Shepherd stabbed by a pocketknife is weeped over and flags are lowered to half-staff?

There's just some very strange dynamics at work in America today, some above the surface, others subterranean. The melding of the military and police mindset, and the placement of "officer safety" above keeping the peace and enforcing the law is part of it, but there's also this bizarre treatment of animals, where they appear more and more as human-like in commercials and shows, and then there's that whole trend of people who go out in public dressed like animals. Very strange.

Here's the link to the article: http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/5505426-74/police-rocco-pittsburgh#axzz2s2qndP00

Really, that is a most fitting example of "we are living in a cartoon".

It doesn't surprise me though, a while ago a friends adult kid was lecturing me one time on "abortion rights" and how the mother has the "right" to kill the baby, even shortly after birth. We argued for awhile, bitterly by the way.

Later the conversation turned to some baby racoons that had been found in her parents yard, the mother was gone, presumed dead. She then went on about how she tried so desperately to save them, nursing them, feeding them, eventually an expensive visit to a vet. One of the poor things died and her eyes got misty and she shed a tear for the poor dead rodent. Human baby? Kill it. Baby raccoon-do everything possible to keep it alive.

Sometimes I watch videos with kids. You can kill a million people in a movie and they won't blink an eye, but let an animal die and the kids openly cry.

A real mental f**k job has been done on people in this country (and elsewhere).
So the police were trying to serve a warrant on some young White guy in a working class Pittsburgh neighborhood the other day, and the guy stabbed a K-9 dog with a pocket knife during a struggle. The dog dies after vets perform two surgeries and removed a kidney.

Today's Pittsburgh Tribune-Review (owned by Richard Mellon Scaife) has as its most prominent front page story, "K-9 Dies 'Warrior's Death'." Above the story and headline is a large picture of lots of policemen saluting as the dog is wheeled out of an animal hospital in a casket with an American flag draped over it. The caption to the picture is "RIP Rocco" (Rocco being the dog's name).

The front-page article, continued on Page 4, reports that "Flags on all city buildings were lowered to half-staff on Thursday night," and that a "procession of more than two dozen police vehicles, many carrying the city's 21 K-9 officers, accompanied Rocco's remains through part of the city." Also, "A number of officers sobbed openly outside the hospital as the vigil continued. Others, some of them holding their young children inside the facility, stood quietly, saying little."

I'm an animal lover, but this story gives me an uneasy feeling. We live in a society in which human life increasingly means little in various circumstances -- if someone is regarded as a "bad guy," or a potential enemy, or men in general especially when used as canon fodder for the government's wars all over the world -- and then there's the extreme violence routinely found in everything marketed to the masses, including video games -- but an animal is accorded this kind of treatment and media acclaim? We often remark how White men are almost never allowed to be heroes anymore, but a German Shepherd stabbed by a pocketknife is weeped over and flags are lowered to half-staff?

There's just some very strange dynamics at work in America today, some above the surface, others subterranean. The melding of the military and police mindset, and the placement of "officer safety" above keeping the peace and enforcing the law is part of it, but there's also this bizarre treatment of animals, where they appear more and more as human-like in commercials and shows, and then there's that whole trend of people who go out in public dressed like animals. Very strange.

Here's the link to the article: http://triblive.com/news/adminpage/5505426-74/police-rocco-pittsburgh#axzz2s2qndP00

For the cartoon on its op-ed page today, The Tribune-Review depicts a figure in the clouds meant to represent God patting Rocco on the head and saying, "Well done, Rocco, well done."

I also read in the same paper today that Ben Roethlisberger has donated $1.3 million to the bereaving human families of deceased police and fire dogs. Not to the families of dead policemen (you know, the human kind), or to say needy families in the poorest regions of Appalachia, or to deserving White athletes denied college football scholarships, but to dog families.
New studies: ‘Conspiracy theorists’ sane; government dupes crazy, hostile

Recent studies by psychologists and social scientists in the US and UK suggest that contrary to mainstream media stereotypes, those labeled “conspiracy theoristsâ€￾ appear to be saner than those who accept the official versions of contested events.

PNAC Redux: “Extraordinary Crisis” Needed to Preserve “New World Order” – Think Tank -

Writing for the Atlantic Council, a prominent think tank based in Washington DC, Harlan K. Ullman warns that an “extraordinary crisis” is needed to preserve the “new world order,” which is under threat of being derailed by non-state actors like Edward Snowden.

In an article entitled War on Terror Is not the Only Threat, Ullman asserts that, “tectonic changes are reshaping the international geostrategic system,” arguing that it’s not military superpowers like China but “non-state actors” like Edward Snowden, Bradley Manning and anonymous hackers who pose the biggest threat to the “365 year-old Westphalian system” because they are encouraging individuals to become self-empowered, eviscerating state control.

“Very few have taken note and fewer have acted on this realization,” notes Ullman, lamenting that “information revolution and instantaneous global communications” are thwarting the “new world order” announced by U.S. President George H.W. Bush more than two decades ago.

“Without an extraordinary crisis, little is likely to be done to reverse or limit the damage imposed by failed or failing governance,” writes Ullman, implying that only another 9/11-style cataclysm will enable the state to re-assert its dominance while “containing, reducing and eliminating the dangers posed by newly empowered non-state actors.”

Ullman concludes that the elimination of non-state actors and empowered individuals “must be done” in order to preserve the new world order. A summary of their material suggests that the Atlantic Council’s definition of a “new world order” is a global technocracy run by a fusion of big government and big business under which individuality is replaced by transhumanist singularity.

Ullman’s rhetoric sounds somewhat similar to that espoused by Trilateral Commission co-founder and regular Bilderberg attendee Zbigniew Brzezinski, who in 2010 told a Council on Foreign Relations meeting that a “global political awakening,” in combination with infighting amongst the elite, was threatening to derail the move towards a one world government.

full article: http://www.zengardner.com/pnac-redu...s-needed-preserve-new-world-order-think-tank/
American Freedom News