And The 2014 "Australian Of The Year" Is...


Nov 9, 2009
N.S.W. - Australia
...drum roll (or - more appropriately - two sticks being bashed together to produce a highly annoying clicking sound, terminated by a squealing fart...)...


Needless to say, Rebajlo has gone through the roof - yet again. My country certainly serves up bull**** by the coal-truck-full.

Abos are so backward and disturbingly unevolved that one has to see it to believe it. Last year, I actually witnessed a group of straight-down-from-the-trees Negro "refugees" who under normal, non-Australian circumstances would be considered the worst dregs of the zoo screw up their fat-lipped faces in revulsion at the sight of a pair of grossly misshapen, big-gutted Abo "females" waddling past. That pretty much says it all...

Such stinking Abo parasites should constantly express grovelling gratitude for not being exterminated like the worthless vermin that they are. Instead, they have the hide to complain about "cultural genocide" and other tripe that the few (semi)literate, half-breed "supra-geniuses" their godforsaken "race" has managed to crap out cannot even spell.

The "Senior Australian of the Year" is - "surprisingly" enough - an Abo-loving do-gooder:

Now, this is my interpretation of "Aboriginal rights":

Was it a contest to determine the ugliest Australian?

If so, it makes sense that he won.
I remember reading somewhere that Aborigines hadn't even connected sex with child birth when first discovered by Europeans. Not sure how true that is, but probably some truth in it, they have the lowest IQ out of any other group I believe.

they are 6 % Homo Denisova. I know Whites can be up to 4% Neanderthal but this may give us an advantage with IQ because I believe Asians have Neanderthal heritage as well.
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Abos are the dumbest humans on earth. One might think this would make them the most violent though but that's not true. Blacks despite having an average IQ 10 points greater are much more violent. There's a peak IQ when it comes to violence I believe. Abos are dumb but they demonstrate their stupidity by getting high off huffing gasoline, not by going out and murdering.
White people giving awards to non-deserving brown and black people is a sickness that has thoroughly infected the white elite. It's insultingly patronizing to give out something that isn't deserved merely because of the race of the recipient. The Nobel Prize to Obama was the peak example of that. However since that particular group of people rules the world they can continue on with their madness until something stops them.

Whenever I see some example, like this one posted by Rebajlo, I realize that it's just the group in power sending out another reminder that, yes, they are still in charge, and yes, they are still insane. Eventually there will be blowback for this type of thing but it may not be soon and it probably won't be pretty.
Abos are the dumbest humans on earth. One might think this would make them the most violent though but that's not true. Blacks despite having an average IQ 10 points greater are much more violent. There's a peak IQ when it comes to violence I believe. Abos are dumb but they demonstrate their stupidity by getting high off huffing gasoline, not by going out and murdering.

Abos are quite prone to violence but it's usually limited to beating the **** out of each other whilst drunk, their particular speciality consisting of bashing their own "women" and children. Put it this way: a single, stomach-turning look at their "females" is enough to explain both the hard-core alcoholism and equally hard-core domestic violence.

One often encounters Abos who look like they've recently copped a series of brutal beatings. Then again, such impressions can be deceiving for the naturally repulsive Abo is the ultimate loser in the great genetic lottery (animals included) and his or her strange gait, swollen eyes, and gaping dental lacunae are often simply the consequences of a shockingly poor diet and a disgraceful absence of personal hygiene. The Abos mightn't brush their teeth, but many purchase drink, that is.

It is important to keep in mind that Abos are the laziest, most disorganised creatures on earth. I'm not just being facetious - that's the honest truth. They'd love to engage in violent, gun-toting Negro-style gang crime which forms the subject of the rap they always listen to but as they generally couldn't even be bothered to wash, the effort required for such pursuits is beyond them. That's not to say that Abos don't engage in crime - far from it. Abos form a disproportionately high percentage of prison inmates and will steal or destroy anything they can get their dirty hands on.

In order to prevent (in reality - reduce...) petrol sniffing, the taxpayer subsidises the provision of "low aromatic" Opal fuel to "remote Aboriginal communities:

But the introduction of Opal fuel hasn't been enough to stop the doughty Abos - backed by their "40,000 years of culture" - from getting drilled. Oh, no - they also sniff paint, glue, and an assortment of aerosols. It's almost tempting to open a hardware store in Alice Springs...

"Urban" Abos mightn't engage in much gang crime but ultra-vicious gang warfare (alongside child rape) is a hallmark of many "remote Aboriginal communities". Check out the story below, which is about a well-publicised case from back in 2006. The gangs involved were known as the Evil Warriors and - can You believe it? - the Judas Priests...


Pass the scatter gun...
Australoids are a separate race, and very primitive, not nearly as violent as negroes, and oddly they seem to be closer related to us than negroes. Some of them are blond, and some Australoid-Europid hybrids can pass for white.

The self righteous and hypocritical Australians that are so eager to condemn "white racists" nowadays exterminated all of the native Australoids in Tasmania, every last one.
Abos are quite prone to violence but it's usually limited to beating the **** out of each other whilst drunk, their particular speciality consisting of bashing their own "women" and children. Put it this way: a single, stomach-turning look at their "females" is enough to explain both the hard-core alcoholism and equally hard-core domestic violence.

One often encounters Abos who look like they've recently copped a series of brutal beatings. Then again, such impressions can be deceiving for the naturally repulsive Abo is the ultimate loser in the great genetic lottery (animals included) and his or her strange gait, swollen eyes, and gaping dental lacunae are often simply the consequences of a shockingly poor diet and a disgraceful absence of personal hygiene. The Abos mightn't brush their teeth, but many purchase drink, that is.

It is important to keep in mind that Abos are the laziest, most disorganised creatures on earth. I'm not just being facetious - that's the honest truth. They'd love to engage in violent, gun-toting Negro-style gang crime which forms the subject of the rap they always listen to but as they generally couldn't even be bothered to wash, the effort required for such pursuits is beyond them. That's not to say that Abos don't engage in crime - far from it. Abos form a disproportionately high percentage of prison inmates and will steal or destroy anything they can get their dirty hands on.

In order to prevent (in reality - reduce...) petrol sniffing, the taxpayer subsidises the provision of "low aromatic" Opal fuel to "remote Aboriginal communities:

But the introduction of Opal fuel hasn't been enough to stop the doughty Abos - backed by their "40,000 years of culture" - from getting drilled. Oh, no - they also sniff paint, glue, and an assortment of aerosols. It's almost tempting to open a hardware store in Alice Springs...

"Urban" Abos mightn't engage in much gang crime but ultra-vicious gang warfare (alongside child rape) is a hallmark of many "remote Aboriginal communities". Check out the story below, which is about a well-publicised case from back in 2006. The gangs involved were known as the Evil Warriors and - can You believe it? - the Judas Priests...


Pass the scatter gun...
The guy in the middle with array of spears looks like a darker Dave Chapelle......:becky:
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Australoids are a separate race, and very primitive, not nearly as violent as negroes, and oddly they seem to be closer related to us than negroes. Some of them are blond, and some Australoid-Europid hybrids can pass for white.
You are correct.

DNA sequences show the greatest difference in any races is between negroes and Australian aborigines, with .16% difference.

They are somewhat more closely related to Europeans than negroes are, but still there's still about four times as much DNA difference between us and them than between a European and a Japanese.

If the percentage seems small, consider a chimpanzee has less than 2% difference in DNA, a house cat has about 10% difference. Even a Fruit fly fruit fly (Drosophila) shares about 60% of its DNA with humans.
I dont know much about Aborigines as I've never met one. Any Aussies or people with more knowledge on the subject wanna post some more facts on here I'd appreciate it.
"I dont know much about Aborigines as I've never met one..."

They have deliberately dumbed down people on the vital subject of race. They teach them that all races on the planet are exactly the same except for insignificant differences in the tincture of the skin, and of course White men are Evil. The libraries are filled up with books by Ashley Montagu t/n Israel Ehrenberg and books like that are required reading in schools and play acted in Hollywood and tv.

But here is the best book on the real subject of race that I know of, and it is finally back in print. As you can see it was going for $1,000 used. It's Race by John R. Baker. Amazon sells it now, for less than $20. In it you can learn about what are Aborigines/Australoids and Sanids/Bushmen and Europids and ******** etc etc,

Carlton Coon's books are also very good, and have also been purged from the libraries. He was working on a book that was specifically about the differences in brain size and construction and intelligence of the different races at the time of his death, so unfortunately it was never published.
I dont know much about Aborigines as I've never met one. Any Aussies or people with more knowledge on the subject wanna post some more facts on here I'd appreciate it.

One doesn't require genetic studies et cetera to confirm that Abos constitute the figurative wood-worms which infest the very bottom of the human barrel (in this case, the word "human" is generously being employed in its most expansively inclusive technical sense...) so I won't bother commenting on such ultimately pointless angles. In this instance, the "eyeball test" is 100% infallible and provides piles of open evidence, which are even higher than the piles of garbage found in the front and back yards of public housing dwellings occupied and thereby instantly ruined by Abos.

Despite the meticulously manipulated statistics which all levels of government cook up for public consumption it's glaringly obvious that the majority of Abos don't work. When reporting on Abos, government departments employ the same obfuscatory statistical legerdemain they use to habitually understate the overall unemployment rate. The most common tricks involve placing people who are perfectly fit to work (apart from their congenital laziness and lack of intelligence...) into various categories of "disability pension" or enrolling them as "students". In reality such students are shunted from one meaningless kindergarten-level "course" to another and many don't even attend "classes" anyway. Naturally, people who fall within these bogus categories are not listed as being unemployed, hence conveniently masking the frighteningly high de facto jobless rate.

Many, perhaps even most, "employed" Abos are actually in taxpayer-funded "jobs" specifically created for and - here's the important bit - open only to Abos (no "racism" here. No sir...). Such positions are often nothing more than sinecures filled by half-breeds and quarter-breeds and serve no practical purpose whatsoever. The Federal, state, and local government coffers fund endless "Aboriginal committees", "Aboriginal liaison officers", "Aboriginal employment agencies", "Aboriginal youth initiatives", and "Aboriginal community projects" and subsidise (or fully bankroll) a plethora of supposedly "self-funded Aboriginal business ventures". It's a grand fraud perpetrated upon the taxpayers, most of whom generally lap it all up like the naive simpletons that they are.

All in all, Abos are unbearable. As a rule, they are very dirty, milk-curdlingly ugly, ineffably stupid, incredibly uncouth, and sport the greatest inferiority and persecution complexes You will ever see. They are also gratingly loud. Instead of speaking at a normal volume, Abos have a tendency to bellow and screech, particularly whilst intoxicated - which is to say most of the time. Abos usually don't bother to conceal their rabid hatred of Whites and constantly complain about the purported "genocide" Europeans have visited upon them - yet continue to shamelessly collect their endless "social security" payments sourced from White tax dollars as if this was some sort of natural right. "Parasite" is the operative word...

Abos vandalise and wreck anything they come into contact with, especially the taxpayer-funded public housing dwellings they are granted, which they reduce to ruin almost instantly. Give them a pristine mansion in the morning and by sunset it shall resemble a filthy, desolate remote Northern Territory hovel. For all intents and purposes, Abos are a collective corporeal disease which debases and destroys everything it comes into contact with. Nothing lowers the value of real estate quite like the government moving Abos into a neighbourhood.

Now, it's time for a bit of historical background...

By the time the British arrived in Australia, the Abos (whose numbers are generally estimated to have been somewhere between 600,000 and 1,000,000) lived within a reasonably rigid pattern of clan and tribal territories. Such small groups were divided by an incredible variety of "languages" and customs. For example, five different "languages" were spoken in Tasmania (an island of approximately 68,400 square km), none of which had anything in common with those spoken in the area of the mainland directly across the Bass Strait. When Abos were forced to abandon their traditional territories in the nineteenth century under pressure from White settlers, oral communication between "peoples" from different regions proved impossible.

Being the most primitive hunters and gatherers on the planet, the balance between the population and the capacity of the tribal territory to support it was vital to the Abos' survival. They therefore routinely practiced infanticide in order to "dispose" of unwanted children or those who could not be taken care of (for example, in the event of the birth of twins or the death of a mother). Abo females could only care for one infant at a time as they had to participate in food gathering (the women's collection of seeds, roots, et cetera provided about two-thirds of the clan group's daily food intake) and carry "possessions" during seasonal peregrinations. Certain groups apparently used abortifacients.

One of the persistent "noble savage" myths about Abos is that which casts them as profoundly wise, supremely "environmentally conscious" people who not only lived off the land but lived with the land in some kind of quasi-Edenic symbiosis. That, of course, is all bollocks...

The Abos' deliberate use of fire to clear bush in order to expand grasslands which would in turn attract graminivores such as kangaroos had a damaging long-term effect on much of the Australian landscape. European mariners often reported seeing enormous conflagrations along the coastline, the smoke from which was visible far out to sea. Amongst other things, such regular burning over thousands of years almost certainly facilitated and accelerated the spread of the inland deserts. Great work, you coons, great work...

Your posts in this thread are highly entertaining, educational, historical, resounding, overwhelmingly-articulate, and superbly hilarious.

I can vividly recall as a young child in the 1990’s viewing a Marxism-ejaculated (I believe it was produced by PBS) documentary concerning the pillaging of “Abo identity” as a result of European settlement in Austrialian and Tasmania. The palpable goal of the know-nothing Marxists who conceived this digital filth was to represent Abos as a once-thriving people (with the “world’s oldest culture”) who are victims of white-induced genocide, joblessness, addictions to newly-introduced “white vices,” intransigent racism, loss of their native lands, the infamous “White Australian Policy,” etc.

In order to “ingratiate” these valueless, fly-attracting beings to the viewer, the filmmakers decided to display one monstrous dark brown face after another with the sympathetic timbre of a violin ever-strumming in the background. Eyes like two hellish-black spheres glimmering with primitive vacuity that one might imagine leering down upon them from atop some raucous jungle canopy. Nasal openings with a diameter able to accommodate two Titleist golf balls. Hair that drapes down about their shoulders like hundreds of coarse, soiled, matted ropes of filth. Skin like a midnight-black leather hide ridden with strange pustules, dry and grubby and prematurely wrinkled. Lips like two swollen inner tubes submerged in sewer water. Such inborn inferiority can be quite fascinating.

They also showed “beautiful cultural customs” such as perpetually-topless women, the extraction of large grubs from rotting trees for consumption, screaming “ancient” songs like deranged primates, dancing around campfires like Neanderthals, painting their bodies with the juice from berries, piercing their noses with long sticks, etc. At that age, they looked like an exceptionally-hideous faction of African Negroes to my untrained eyes…






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One of the persistent "noble savage" myths about Abos is that which casts them as profoundly wise, supremely "environmentally conscious" people who not only lived off the land but lived with the land in some kind of quasi-Edenic symbiosis. That, of course, is all bollocks...
Very true.

A wave of extinctions came within a few thousand years of the Aboriginals arrival in Australia.

Humans Caused Extinction of Australian Megafauna
Many, perhaps even most, "employed" Abos are actually in taxpayer-funded "jobs" specifically created for and - here's the important bit -open only to Abos (no "racism" here. No sir...). Such positions are often nothing more than sinecures filled by half-breeds and quarter-breeds and serve no practical purpose whatsoever.

Substitute "African American" for "Abos" and you could be talking about the USA. It's like the same template is being used for the entire Western world. Of course, throughout the West there are plenty of "make work" jobs for whites too in the various civil services. these are designed to keep the proles loyal to their governments or, as in the case of Northern Ireland where virtually every family has a civil servant, to dissuade the locals from restarting the Troubles.

Your posts in this thread are highly entertaining, educational, historical, resounding, overwhelmingly-articulate, and superbly hilarious.

Thrashen -

Thanks for the compliments, mate. Those instant-gag-reflex photos You posted indubitably prove that despite the competition posed by various other borderline human non-White "genetic snake eyes", the full-blooded Australian Aboriginal is the foulest, ugliest creature on the planet. With such a prize "pedigree" twisted into their DNA double-helix, part-Abos are definitely in the running for a permanent podium finish in the Ghastliness Olympics. Onr thing's for sure: I'm glad those photos are incapable of conveying an olfactory component. Nevertheless, the visual elements alone have potential medical applications as supremely effective emesis inducing agents...but their psychological side-effects are obviously far too traumatic for ethical use.

The photo of that Abo covered in hideous ritual scars crawling about on all fours while sporting an oversized dildo stuck to his misshapen, empty head communicates everything one needs to know about "Aboriginal culture". Yet we are told that this so-called "Aboriginal culture" is "just as valid" as ours. Hear that noise? That's Western civilisation crumbling into dust...

Contrary to the myths strangely prevalent among non-Australian White Nationalists, Australia is rapidly catching up to and even outstripping the US, Canada, Britain and Europe in the open promotion of "multiculturalism" in sports. If anyone thinks the NHL's "Hockey Is For Everyone" rubbish is blatantly transparent, have a look at the following links pertaining to the AFL's "Multicultural Program":


Note that the article below outlandishly implies that Italians and Greeks are not "white":

Matra2 said:
Substitute "African American" for "Abos" and you could be talking about the USA. It's like the same template is being used for the entire Western world. Of course, throughout the West there are plenty of "make work" jobs for whites too in the various civil services. these are designed to keep the proles loyal to their governments or, as in the case of Northern Ireland where virtually every family has a civil servant, to dissuade the locals from restarting the Troubles.

Matra2 -

Yes, expanding already bloated bureaucracies with additional useless public servants to create a classic network of dependent clients is a characteristic of Western governments. The further Left one goes, the more of these "jobs" appear...
American Freedom News