2023 Indoor Season

Abby Steiner breaks the 300 meters American Record at the 2023 Millrose Games!

Femke Bol set 2 more New Dutch National Records today.

here’s a video of the 400m. it’s noteworthy that the other two (lovely) White ladies in the race also set personal-bests, and Bol wasn’t far off the world record (if i understood the commentator correctly). she’s not just an impressive hurdler; she’s also a superb long sprinter.

In All of Europe 17 year old Marek Zakrzewski is off to a great start. First off he won't be 18 until December.

Despite his very young age if you look at the European Top Lists for Mens Under 20 Years of Age he stands out. As
of today this incredibly talented 17 year old phenom is 2nd in the 60 meters with a time of 6.70! Then over 200 meters
Marek is also in 2nd place with a time of 21.07! The leaders barely have him beat and they are both a year older than him.

Not many kids in the world can run this fast at such a young age. I just hope he progresses and continues to grow & get stronger.
I've seen far too many elite young sprinters that hit a wall and then they dissapear and vanish. Hoping this kid is different and he
will continue to shock & amazing the track world!
Guys we have yet another german sprinter who wasn't invited to the ISTF Berlin Meet a few days ago to perform well today in a small meet.

Aleksandr Askovic who ran 6.60 a couple of weeks ago won again today. He ran a fast time of 6.59 for the victory. So the 25 year old
Askovic shows that the race a few weeks ago wasn't a one off. Maybe he can translate the speed indoors to some personal best times
this summer. I'm happy for him as like many german sprinters he is never invited to the major german meets.
There is a 21 year old Russian Sprinter I think has great potential. He has run 6.68 indoors so far which is ok but not great. He
is not the best starter yet but he finishes like a freight train that can't be stopped. Danila Ten already has personal best of 10.19
from last summer wind legal and he has a 10.15 windy!
2-14-23 Julian Wagner Interview


Things couldn't have gone better for Julian Wagner (LC Top Team Thüringen) this winter - the 24-year-old sprinter from Erfurt has been able to improve steadily in almost every race he has run so far. With a strong 6.55 seconds, he is clearly one of the favorites for the title over 60 meters at the German Indoor Championships in Dortmund. In an interview, he reveals whether the German record falls there and why he prefers the summer to the European Indoor Championships.

How important are the ISTAF Certified Meets?

In general, the ISTAF is very important, especially for us sprinters. Simply because it is the only meeting in Germany with a B category - both the ISTAF in Düsseldorf and the Berlin. Accordingly, you can collect a lot of points for the world ranking. This is important because the norms for the World Cup and Paris are set very high and it is primarily only possible to qualify for the international highlights through the ranking. Added to this is the great atmosphere in the halls. That's the other point why people say they like running there.

How fast can you go over 60 meters?

This is something we are still working on. That I can then go one better. But that's not quite so easy in the performance areas, because even small things mean that you don't improve again. It's the first time I've ventured into these areas this season, and of course small mistakes make themselves felt. In Berlin I ran 6.55 and 6.56 seconds – they are not big differences. It's important to me to keep my performance stable, and I did that very well in the last two competitions. That I can not only run fast in Erfurt in front of my home crowd in my "living room", but also in a fast international field.

On the one hand I have learned a lot from the last two summer seasons and have developed a certain basic level. On the other hand, we got through the preparation very well and I noticed in training that many values are better than in previous years. So it was already indicated that I'm in a good mood. The only thing we have to work on towards the summer is the launch area. It is important to accelerate the first 30 meters in front even better and then run faster than 10.11 seconds.

Last year in February you successfully completed your training as a mechatronics engineer. Since then you have only concentrated on sport – what has changed in your everyday life and also in training? How do you use the extra time?

A lot has changed in everyday life simply because I no longer have to get up so early – instead of having to get up at 5:30 a.m., I can now sleep until 8 a.m. And sleep is the best regeneration. I also use the time to train more and to prepare better for the units. For example, I started going to the gym every Monday morning and using yoga and gymnastics to prepare the muscles for important sessions. In addition, there are more treatments for physiotherapy or to lie in the lymphomat. I simply have more time to take care of my body - and that's really good for me and I'm not so exhausted anymore, but without the stress of school and training I go to the next unit or the next much fresher and more relaxed Competition.

Your "predecessor" Julian Reus, who still holds the German record over 60 meters (6.52 seconds) together with Kevin Kranz, had always raved about the good training environment in Erfurt. What makes the location so special for you?

The special thing is that the team works so well together. This includes medical care with Gerald Lutz and Torsten Rocktäschel, who are available to us day and night. But also preventive measures and athletic training. And of course the coaching team with Tobias Schneider and Gerhard Jäger from young and old, who complement each other very well. But the entire facility and the short distances also play a major role, so we are very well positioned. And I'm always happy to emphasize that we also have Julian Reus to thank for this, who built it up over the years and from which we are now benefiting.

Let's take a look at the coming weekend, the German Indoor Championships in Dortmund. In both 2020 and 2021 you finished second in the national winter highlight – as well as in 2022 over 100 meters outdoors. Which medal color should it be on Saturday?

Of course I want to win with my previous performances (laughs). But I'm still cautious about such statements. So far, everyone has improved every year towards the German Championships, so it will definitely be very exciting. But I'm going to Dortmund with the aim of winning there too.

Dortmund certainly seems to be a fast place for you. You ran your best times there in 2021 as well as in 2022. Most recently you ran 6.58 seconds from full training – is the German record finally due at the weekend?

That is difficult to say. In any case, I trust myself to advance into these areas. But above all in the hall it also depends heavily on the form of the day, because you can't rely on just any wind and no mistakes can be forgiven. I trust myself and have proven that with stable times of 6.55 and 6.56 seconds. As is well known, it is also the case that there are occasional outliers at a stable level. But I can't say whether that will happen this weekend. I definitely feel good and recovered. I still want to win there – with what time is then irrelevant. The main thing is the golden precious metal, that's what I really want. That would be the first time, so far I've only been runner-up. I would like to have a championship title on my agenda.

Can any Current German Sprinter break the German National Record of Julian Reus at 10.01?

I already have that in my head, but here it's similar to the German record over 60 meters indoors: Everything has to be right and a lot can always happen. Such a winter structure is easier to design than a summer structure. Many aspects come into play here. But of course such values from the winter suggest that the brand can be viewed on a somewhat shorter-term basis. But I still don't put any pressure on myself. It either comes on the day it's supposed to happen, or it doesn't. Basically, I think that the German record over 100 meters will fall soon - whether that's me or, for example, Josh [Joshua Hartmann] or Owen [Ansah], that's difficult to say. But I can well imagine that it will play an increasingly important role in the next one to two years. Simply because the level is so strong that it suggests that one of us will eventually make it.
In the Polish Indoor Champs Ewa Swoboda won running a time of 7.10! For the mens we saw Dominik Kopek run a 6.58 despite having his
worst start of the season. He litterally fell asleep in the blocks and was the slowest reaction time. We had 2 young Polish guys take 2nd and
4th which is great for the future.

In the German Champs we saw the lovely Gina Luekenkemper run a 7.17 for the win for the ladies. In the mens we had some major upsets. A few guys pulled up including Julian Wagner. Aleksandr Askovic blazed to a new p.b. of 6.56 for the gold. Youngters domnated for the silver, bronze and 4th and 5th. Great for the future. Robin Ganter took the silver and Philip Corucle took the bronze for the vanilla sweep! I didn't see the race but to be fair Julian Wagner ran 6.58 in the semi finals and both him and another sprinter DQ'd in the Finals. Such a shame!

Nothing to talk about from the English Champs.

Pascal Mancini the agless wonder won his champs today running a new p.b. of 6.58!

The US Champs is on right now. Despite a horrible start as always, Coby Hilton is into the finals of the mens 60 meters. He is always last
out of the blocks. A suprise D3 College guy Sam Blaskowski made the finals as well running a new p.b. of 6.67. Finals are later today.
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The US Champs is on right now. Despite a horrible start as always, Coby Hilton is into the finals of the mens 60 meters. He is always last
out of the blocks. A suprise D3 College guy Sam Blaskowski made the finals as well running a new p.b. of 6.67. Finals are later today.
Coby Hilton has very good speed....but his start, unfortunately, is really atrocious.
Very good race for Mary Beth.
The winner was a man-ish and muscular woman. Not quite Caster Semenya, but kind of in that direction.
It looked like the winner had facial hair and a mustache. Either way yes I'm not sure if it's a woman. They have so many
transathletes in sports now. Brittney Griner plays in the wnba despite the fact of who sHE was born as. I've see videos from
a private pool party where Brittney is wearing male swim trunks with no shirt. It's a man 100 percent. We will never know just
how many trans athletes are in sports these days.

Yes Mary Beth Sant Price ran fantastic. I felt bad for her and the other female with the exception of the winner. Just my honest opinion.

I agree that Hilton is the worst starter I've ever seen in track. As bad as Lemaite was he was tall and lanky like Carl Lewis. It takes time for
a tall guy to get going. Even Usain Bolt always trailed in the first part of races. Hilton just has no drive phase. His top speed is epic but
he loses so much ground that even in a 100 he is gonna have a tough time gaining much ground. The 200 might be better for him. I say
to Coby Hiltons Coach teach your man the start & drive phase. Get help if needed because his start is killing the kid when he has elite talent.
It's not his height but his horrible mechanics over the first 10 to 30 meters.
Femke Bol shatters the world record in the indoor 400m.
Record had been around for 40 years!
Albert Komanski of Poland (never heard of him), ran 20.56 200m at the Polish Championships. 8th fastest time in the world, and No.1 in Europe.
Femke Bol shatters the world record in the indoor 400m.
Record had been around for 40 years!

This is amazing. I thought she might break some records in a few years but she is not playing around. Incredible athlete
and a very pretty & sweet young lady. Congrats to Femke Bol. What a weekend it has been!
Does anyone know why Bolings 300 meter world leading time was taken down by Iaaf.org if he was just listed last week ?
Does anyone know why Bolings 300 meter world leading time was taken down by Iaaf.org if he was just listed last week ?
Not sure but it's probably some stupid reason like with the long jumper Tentoglou. Anti White Hatred is rapant
worldwide. It's sad to see but if it brings europeans worldwide together in UNITY FINALLY it will be a good thing.
Whites must learn to think like minorities as we are a minority worldwide with under 10 percent of all humans that
are white. In all of our home lands the same thing is happening and we will not have a majority anywhere. That is when
it gets really dangerous. With UNITY we can no only survive but thrive. Take pride in your heritage.

Ok back to track. My fear with Matthew Boling is that his coach has moved him away from the 60 and 100 meters as a
permanent decision. I hope this isn't true but he hasn't run a 60 meters race all indoor season. So he won't be eligible to
even run it at the SEC Indoor Champs next weekend as far as I know. Hope I'm wrong. I feel like the coach wants him to be
a 200/400 guy. Now he would do fine in both of those but the 100/200 is far more important. He is the first american white
sprinter to go sub 10 and sub 20 wind legal last year. Please don't let this be true. We need him in the short sprints! It's far
more important than to have another Jeremy Wariner type guy.
Yeah, how do you keep a guy who ran a 6.56 and 9.98 last year out of the 60? It's anti white racism. At least concentrate only on the 200 then, don't burn him out with 300s and 400s.

I watched the vid above of Femke Bol. Wow! And that Klaver girl who got second place ran a great race too. They are going to have a kick ass relay team.
Some great news out of the 2023 Italian Indoor Championships. In the mens 60 meters Samuele Ceccarelli ran a new
personal best time of 6.54 to beat Lamond Marcell Jacobs for the gold medal. Here's the video! :)

Nice race. I knew of Cecarelli but not much about him. Outdoors in the 100 Jacob's would have beaten him by ten feet as that last 10 meters Jacob's out a he'll of a burst on. Good to see Jacob's at least graciously congratulating SC. Lots of whites and Asians 6 60 or less. We might get a Kilty time at the worlds.
Samuele Ceccarelli's best 100m time is 10.45. He should improve that a lot this year.
And maybe he can make the Italian 4x100 relay team.
Meanwhile, I wonder what is happening with Filippo Tortu?
I think Georgia was a horrible decision for Bolling.
Let's hope Boling goes pro soon and gets the right coach. His raw talent alone with the right training could get him in the low 9.80 s in the 100. He may never be a world champion but could make a very nice living on endorsements if he could run a little faster. Maybe I'm fantasizing but so many so called experts said it was impossible for whites os Asians to run sub 10 in the 100 meters. Boling got more raw talent than any Chinaman lol running 9.83.
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