2023 Indoor Season

How can you say you dont like the way he has been trained this season? I think that's premature and unfair. They cut the long jump which everyone wanted to see, they cut the number of races he ran, and they didnt have him running events all over the map. He stuck with just the 200m and the 400, mostly in the form of relays, and of course one 300m race. Yes, we'd all like to see him blast a 60m, but he has the rest of his pro career to do that. As it turns out he just won the 200m indoor national title in a personal best and against better competition then when he did it two years ago. I like what their strategy appears to be so far. And it looks like I may have been right with my 3-14-23 post that his team wasnt concerned about running fast during the indoor season and were simply focused on building a strong base for summer. We shall see. If they decide to cut the 100m from him then I would say that's a problem, but I dont think there is any reason to believe they will do that. Look how strong his relay legs have been! He's got a great base. If they cut the number of races in the outdoor season as well and continue to stay away from the long jump he's going to be in good shape especially when they start adding speed work to his training. So far they are doing it right this year as far as we can tell I would say.

If I were his coach I would skip next week's outdoor opener at the the Yellow Jacket Invitational and the Raleigh Relays the following week. I'd have him open at the Texas Relays March 31st and April 1st in the 100m. They do that, and if the weather is good I would expect him to set a new personal best.

Please go back and read my posts again. I was all for running less races as are all us here. I was all for getting rid of the long jump as were
most of us here. I was even for cutting down on some of the relays. His coach did great with everything except for the not having him run
a few 60 meters. That was my biggest complaint. There are rumors they are trying to move him away from the 100 meters. Just rumors for
now but I want him to remain a 100/200 meter sprinter period. Yes he can do some 400 meters occasionally but that's it. My biggest fear
is that they will make him a 200/400 guy. He would be good at that but it's not as effective in fighting the anti white stereotypes. We finally
have an american born sprinter with blonde hair and blue eyes challenging that lies that only blacks can run fast. Boling went sub 10 and
sub 20 wind legal last year. If they give up on the 100 right when he is coming along it would be crazy and it would make me very angry.

We don't know what's gonna happen. As long as he does the 100/200 meters I will be a happy fan. I also say outdoors is where the money
and fame is. Hope you understand my view points better now. He did lose more this year than any other season. I think it was not enough
speed work and too much on strength. He does have an excellent base to build on outdoors now.

I agree about not racing again unti for 2 or 3 weeks. Let the kid relax and be ready when it counts. Don't peak until May or June!
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Please go back and read my posts again. I was all for running less races as are all us here. I was all for getting rid of the long jump as were
most of us here. I was even for cutting down on some of the relays. His coach did great with everything except for the not having him run
a few 60 meters. That was my biggest complaint. There are rumors they are trying to move him away from the 100 meters. Just rumors for
now but I want him to remain a 100/200 meter sprinter period. Yes he can do some 400 meters occasionally but that's it. My biggest fear
is that they will make him a 200/400 guy. He would be good at that but it's not as effective in fighting the anti white stereotypes. We finally
have an american born sprinter with blonde hair and blue eyes challenging that lies that only blacks can run fast. Boling went sub 10 and
sub 20 wind legal last year. If they give up on the 100 right when he is coming along it would be crazy and it would make me very angry.

We don't know what's gonna happen. As long as he does the 100/200 meters I will be a happy fan. I also say outdoors is where the money
and fame is. Hope you understand my view points better now. He did lose more this year than any other season. I think it was not enough
speed work and too much on strength. He does have an excellent base to build on outdoors now.

I agree about not racing again unti for 2 or 3 weeks. Let the kid relax and be ready when it counts. Don't peak until May or June!
Cool - thanks for the clarification. I would definitely agree that it would be a shame if he stopped racing the 100m. Everyone here wants to see him run the 100, and certainly, at the 100 he will have the greatest chance to be a stereotype myth-buster.

I want to see him run some 60s as well, but honestly I was okay seeing him give that up this year if it helps him perform better outdoors in the 100m. He did lose a lot of races and his times were not as good this indoor season. Yet when it mattered most he rallied for a season's best 20.31 which was over a tenth better than his previous best in the semi-final. And the next day in the final he sets a PR and a world lead to take the title. Perfect and I think it bodes well for his outdoor season. If he was concentrating on strength this season so far (we dont know of course), then sure - if he had instead trained like most of the other sprinters he could have won more races with faster times and maybe could have joined Fredericks as the only sprinter to break 20 seconds indoor. I think he definitely could have done that. However, I much rather would prefer to see him struggle indoors because he's just focused on strength and then come out and kill it outdoors.

I think what he did at Nationals should show everyone he's not out, rather he's just been prioritizing. he dropped three-tenths of a second - that's not an accident! The last couple of years he has worn out during outdoors. Hopefully this year he cruises to making the US World Team. If he continues to run 400s outdoors then that's a problem, but hopefully all the indoor 400s just give him a super strong base. Would love to see him go to Austin and PR in the 100m! If he stays strong I see 9.86 and 19.60 as possibilities.
TF, I agree with most of your comments in regards to Boling. I think he is gearing for the outdoor 100/200 and some 400m races. I hope he goes sub 9.9/19.75 and sub 44.5 for the 400M. Would we all be talking him give up the LJ if he was consistently hitting 8.35m and over? I doubt it as he would then be hitting world level marks for high level track meets. Now personally, I hope he never takes LJ seriously as one bad jump and he could blow out a knee, ankle, Achilles, hamstring, quads, shoulders, lower back etc etc etc I will be rooting for this young lad to hit high levels of achievement this year and many years to come!
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