The Trumpening?

BREAKING! Cruz carries Alaska! Just more leverage to demand that Rubio drop out. Thursday is going to be very pivotal in determining who will go against that lying c*nt Hillary.
Don and others have posted many times about the trance like sheeple of America and how hopeless it seemed to wake them up. But perhaps we were wrong. America seems very awake now that there is a safe voice to attach themselves to. I don't blame anyone today for not speaking out. All it does it get the SJW's after you and perhaps you lose the job you can't afford to lose. Now people can safely go the the voters booth and make their pitch for change the best way possible.

I am very hopeful that there are enough angry like-minded Americans out there that will vote for our survival come November. This may be premature, but Trump for Rushmore!
A highly damning quote from Ted "The Big-Nosed Zionist NeoCon" Cruz’s vile speech last night:

“Donald Trump pledges to be neutral between Israel and the Palestinians…as president, I will not be neutral. America will stand UNAPOLOGETICALLY will the nation of Israel!”

[fervid cheers for the many endless sand wars to come]

The comment about Isra-hell comes at the 8:00 minute mark:

Despite his recent attempts to break away from his robotic, scripted nature and be a tough guy this past week, Little Baby Marco Robotio only "won" the ultra-rigged Minnesota caucus. As much as I'd love to see this hardcore "anti-racist" banished from the public eye, I actually hope he stays the course, as it'll only steal NeoCon votes from Big Nose Zio-Ted.
Trump is showing a great fracture in our country and it is great to see so many whites lining up in support of him, totally going against the attempts of leftist shaming and labeling. He is doing a great job at solidifying and creating a voter block and seems to be looking out for the common man moreso than any candidate in my lifetime (or at least since I have had a vested interest in politics). Win or lose I think the system in place is going to be in for a big shake up.
He's also helped expose Fox News, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh as well as the establishment Republican party for the globalists (anti-White, anti-America) party they are.
The Daily Mail (NY fishwrap) cover story is all about a how-to of leaving the country if Trump wins the Presidency. I'd gladly help throw these scum off our shores. Of course, they'd never keep their promise, as these pantywaists are too spoiled here to actually get out.
It's great to see so many western countries finally standing up to the government sanctioned invasion of non-whites to destroy the white countries of the world. The elite and media no longer
have absolute power over information. I think their is a collective feeling among many white people who are now becoming more aware of what's going on.

Any white with common sense is fed up with black lives matter, illegal immigration, the cover up and glossing
over of the disproportionate ratio of black on white crime, muslim invaders polluting white society with their hateful and backwards sheep ******* religion, the racial pandering of Amerika's chosen race etc.
illegal immigration..I think their is a collective feeling among many white people who are now becoming more aware of what's going on..

Amen. And I don't think White Americans have a monopoly on that feeling. I think productive Americans of all races are feeling the devastation of illegal immigration. It was easy for large parts of the country to ignore it when it was concentrated in the SouthWest, and other isolated pockets etc.. but it's impact has become too broad to escape. Depressed wages, public schools filled w/kids who can't read or speak English, increased drug trafficking, public services & hospitals being pushed to bankruptcy..
I believe Trump speaks across color lines if he points out this reality.. but I also believe he has to stay completely on point, address the catastrophic impact of lawless immigration without engaging the Socratic attacks of cultural Marxists. The cult Marxists never explain how illegal immigration benefits America (bcuz they can't), but they effectively derail their opponents into explaining that they're not racist for opposing an illegal invasion. When I hear Trump exclaiming defensively 'I love the Mexican people', he's playing into the cultural Marxist's frame job. He's wading into the pointless, distracting waters of having to prove he's not racist. Hope he just demonstrates the damage illegal immigration has had on all of America, the votes will come.. meanwhile Rubio will fade quietly & unlamented off this election cycle rambling about tax returns & the length of Trump's fingers..

This election is gonna be fun to watch..
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Man it felt good to cast that vote for Trump yesterday. Other people I talked with who voted for him feel the same way. The amount of excitement and enthusiasm he is generating is shown in that over 1 million votes were cast in the Republican primary in Virginia yesterday, which broke the record by 50 percent. Georgia also broke its record by something like 50%, and a few other states set records. I just have an awful feeling the establishment is going to try to assassinate Trump, because that's what they do when there is a President or strong candidate they don't own, like JFK, RFK, George Wallace, Ford, and Reagan. I hope I'm wrong.

BTW, what does SJW mean?

Report: Marco Rubio Loses Fox; Ailes: ‘We Can’t Do the Rubio Thing Anymore’


Scott Olson/Getty; Wesley Mann/FOX News via Getty Images

by BREITBART NEWS2 Mar 20166,313

Gabriel Sherman writes that “there are on-air signs that Fox’s attitude toward
Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL)


has cooled,” and Roger Ailes is behind that decision.

From New York Magazine:

In his role as the donor class’s darling, Marco Rubio has enjoyed support from the Republicans’ media arm, Fox News. Throughout the primary, Fox provided Rubio with friendly interviews and key bookings, including the first prime-time response to Barack Obama’s Oval Office address on ISIS. Many of the network’s top pundits, including Stephen Hayes and Charles Krauthammer, have been enthusiastic boosters. Bill Sammon, Fox’s Washington managing editor, is the father of Rubio’s communications director, Brooke Sammon.

But this alliance now seems to be over. According to three Fox sources, Fox chief Roger Ailes has told people he’s lost confidence in Rubio’s ability to win. “We’re finished with Rubio,” Ailes recently told a Fox host. “We can’t do the Rubio thing anymore.”

Ailes was already concerned about Rubio’s lackluster performance in GOP primaries and caucuses, winning only one contest among the 15 that have been held. But the more proximate cause for the flip was an embarrassing New York Times article revealing that Rubio and Ailes had a secret dinner meeting in 2013 during which the Florida senator successfully lobbied the Fox News chief to throw his support behind the “Gang of 8” comprehensive immigration-reform bill. “Roger hates seeing his name in print,” a longtime Ailes associate told me. “He was appalled the dinner was reported,” the source said.

Read the rest of the story here.


Rupert Murdoch ‏@rupertmurdoch 5h5 hours ago
As predicted, Trump reaching out to make peace with Republican "establishment". If he becomes inevitable party would be mad not to unify.

467 retweets489 likes

So, the Bush family control over the GOP is slipping; expect Trump to get decent shake in the upcoming debate on Fox with Rubio really getting the BBQ fork dance.

"Mormon" Mitt Romney, the Arch Zionist Supreme, will supposedly be making a Hail Mary-style "Anti-Trump" speech later today in Utah to implore Republican primary voters to only support The System's candidates moving forward. The people have spoken with a record-setting primary season (in terms of both passion and total Republican ballots cast) thus far and the GOP Establishment is pulling their hair out as their controlled, bought-and-paid-for corporate puppets (RoboRubio, ZioTed, and Jeb!) have all failed laughably in their quest to defeat Der Donald. Good luck convincing tens of millions of hardcore supporters that they're wrong for supporting Trump, "Willard," you'll need it...

Former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney will deliver a scorching indictment of Donald Trump on Thursday, calling the candidate a "phony" and a "fraud" who'd threaten America's future.

Romney is due to speak Thursday in Utah at the Hinckley Institute of Politics Forum on the state of the 2016 presidential race. Already a vocal critic of Trump, excerpts released ahead of the speech show Romney will go a step further in his attacks by accusing the GOP frontrunner of "playing the American public for suckers."

Translation - We can't control him, so he's not good for the Banking Cartel, Wall Street, non-whites becoming the majority, or endless warring for Israel.

In a healthy society, people shouldn't like being told what to do, especially by the professional losers, creeps, homosexuals, Zionist Christians, and NeoCons that control "Corporation R." I'm positive that Romney's speech today will backfire in a tremendous way and Trump will continue to dominate.

What's in it for Romney? Nomination at a brokered convention? There has to be a payoff some kind of way from the GOP.

Live stream of Trump rally at Portland, ME.

Edit: Skip to about the 54 min. mark for Trump's appearance

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Yeah, was just watching some of Romney's warning to Trump supporters. It's completely clueless advisement.. But I take into account it's source.. A gelded 2012 candidate who apologized for advocating in the interests of tax-paying, productive Americans.. on his way to getting routed by an unpopular Democratic opponent.
The Romney-Rubio paradigm has become the Washington Generals to the Left's Harlem Globetrotters.. their opposition is simply for show.. They don't actually want to fight against corrosive cultural Marxism. Romney's concerns are that Trump had an unsuccessful business venture in Trump Vodka, Rubio is concerned about the (supposed) stubbiness of Trump's fingers. These guys aren't up to fighting against cultural-Marxism; Romney already proved that on an epic scale 4 years ago.

Trump may not be any better, but at least he hasn't already failed like his hypocritical Republican critics.
He's also helped expose Fox News, Mark Levin, and Rush Limbaugh as well as the establishment Republican party for the globalists (anti-White, anti-America) party they are.
Limbaugh is as close to a Trump cheerleader as you will find on the radio, if you've bothered to listen. He is fervently anti-Republican Establishment. Levin, on the other hand, spends his three hours every day bashing Trump nonstop, and Faux News is now the bash-Trump network.
Romney attacks and Trump's approval rating soars. These established controllers are too stupid to be smart (lol). Trump replies in his speech:

"Romney would have dropped to his knees for my endorsement" -hahahaha!

Lots of Trump bashing posts popping up on my FB page. Many shared by clueless females who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to politics. But boy they hate Trump because he's mean! Some of them no doubt don't like his hair. One ditz posted that Trump was a racist. Some guy asked her to explain why Trump is racist. Her answer: "Are you kidding?" Another woman chimed in with "Oh my God!" Herd mentality at work. I mean, like, everyone knows that Trump is, like, mean, and like, a racist and stuff. When is the election? I can't wait to vote for Hillary!

About as much thinking going on there as a herd of Holsteins out in the pastures grazing.
Lots of Trump bashing posts popping up on my FB page. Many shared by clueless females who don't know their ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to politics. But boy they hate Trump because he's mean! Some of them no doubt don't like his hair. One ditz posted that Trump was a racist. Some guy asked her to explain why Trump is racist. Her answer: "Are you kidding?" Another woman chimed in with "Oh my God!" Herd mentality at work. I mean, like, everyone knows that Trump is, like, mean, and like, a racist and stuff. When is the election? I can't wait to vote for Hillary!

About as much thinking going on there as a herd of Holsteins out in the pastures grazing.

You're describing ignorance married to stupidity; a very bad mix. What does anyone really need to know that trade with China has been a really bad deal for Americans? Chinese get all the factories, do all the selling, while Americans do all the buying and no selling; China then builds a massive trade surplus and buys out American private companies, public utilities, agribusinesses and farmland while Americans get foot stamps. The only ones that benefit from Trade with China are the stock investors (and that paper wealth is disappearing) and those with net worth greater than one hundred million (maybe a few thousand?). Even those of us that are doing well don't like it Yet, fools whine about Trump's style, his hair, his tone...:rolleyes:
I echo what Hock said. Females and minorities are in panic mode regarding Trump. It's funny to see them squirm.
Trump responds to Romney's lame speech in a funny way, claiming that Zio-Mitt would've "dropped to his knees" for Trump's endorsement in 2012, haha...

What an ill-advised move by Leatherface Mitt and The System...making Trump look like the "bad kid in class" that all the other kids think is cool (which he is) because he challenges the teacher and creates chaos. I guess the Establishment GOP is used to holding totalitarian control. They've betrayed white men in every conceivable way and I love watching them wriggle. Given their hatred and jealously, it wouldn't surprise me if Trump was assassinated before November...
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I am planning to watch the debate tonight. Haven't seen one yet and I'm looking forward to it. It will be interesting to see what desperate tactics the establishment neocon NWO banksters resort to.
Pretty bizarre that the GOP establishment has gone to these lengths to stop Trump. Unprecedented. Has a political party in america ever tried so hard to destroy a popular frontrunner? I'm not even sure what they don't like, yeah he's kind of a dick but for the most part he is fairly middle of the road and anyway it's all talk at this point.

I'm beginning to think the conspiracy guys are right. The system is run by a cabal and they only want people at the top whom they can control. Trump must not be controllable. That means they have to get rid of him some other way. I would not be surprised if they tried to bump him off. The system has to have some kind of weapon that can cause an aneurysm or untraceable chemicals that trigger a heart attack. But I still think they can just set up a third party run and ensure a democrat victory.
Megan Kelly is doing her best to team up with Rubio and Cruz against Trump. They are in panic mode.
The debate tonight was about Trump -not so much about the future of the business called UNITED STATES. It was a sort of ambush but he likely knew it was coming. Trump took it well enough though he looked pissed off at all the ******** he had to pass the time with. Basically he played it like a winning team that has a big lead and coasts to the finish. I'm sure some -even here- will chirp he "lost". He hasn't lost anything and in open primaries will win 75% of States. If you wish to vote on debate polls, below is a link. BTW, Trump is demolishing the field in every poll.

I just voted and checked out 20 online debate polls. TRUMP WINS ALL POLLS AND BY A LANDSLIDE. People are fuming. Online comments are overwhelmingly in favor of Trump. And we know the ******* insiders and executives have knowledge of them and can't believe what they are seeing.
American Freedom News