The Trumpening?

Donald will need both the Senate and Congress to get done most of what he promises; he likes to "out" those that oppose him so I think he'll get the consensus. Hilary may drop dead from stress before the election...
Robotic Rubio short-circuits yet again, repeating the exact same (scripted) answer to the same immigration question EIGHT different times on "The O'Reilly Factor." The ultimate politician with no CPU...oops, I mean "mind" of his own...

Given Trump's recent dominance, we should know in a week's time (Super Tuesday) if Cruz or the Marcobot 2000 will drop out.

In other news, Trump vows to prosecute Hillary for her email scandal if he wins the presidency. There's a lot at stake (including her freedom) for the Wicked Witch...

At this point, DJT is the most talked about man on planet earth. He's fearless, ultra-confident, completely unapologetic, highly charismatic, and speaks like the common (white) man about everyday issues that impact our daily lives. If he wins the nomination, I can't wait to see him humiliate the slow-witted Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sander in future debates. Should be the most interesting election season in U.S. history.
In this article Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser for the Trump campaign and former communications director for Sen. Jeff Sessions, talked with The Daily Caller to answer questions on how the Republican front-runner approaches immigration and what kind of actions we could expect from a President Trump.

I'm loving it! He even talks about getting rid of birthright citizenship. This country needs Trump.

If he wins the nomination, I can't wait to see him humiliate the slow-witted Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sander in future debates. Should be the most interesting election season in U.S. history.[/QUOTE]

Agree, this mismatch will make good popcorn time.
In this article Stephen Miller, a senior policy adviser for the Trump campaign and former communications director for Sen. Jeff Sessions, talked with The Daily Caller to answer questions on how the Republican front-runner approaches immigration and what kind of actions we could expect from a President Trump.

I'm loving it! He even talks about getting rid of birthright citizenship. This country needs Trump.

B'Mor Dan I'll be honest with you. That was by far the best things I've heard from ANYONE serving in a prominent role connected to a major political candidate. Direct, to the point, logical and VERY polically incorrect and against the status quo. That was a breath of fresh air and we can give Trump credit for having people like this on his staff who, like him, are telling it like it is regardless of asinine liberals and even worse, the responses from liberals and pantywaists duped by them.
Excellent article! Thanks for posting the link, mate.
Trump does not want to be the puppet-in-chief. He's playing his role to win the R nomination and then hand the election over to Hillary.

Does anybody honestly believe that a 70 year old, egomaniacal, selfish billionaire wants to give up 4 to 8 of his remaining years of life to "save his country." And he is damn sure aware that the potus is just a figurehead with a daily itinerary of obligatory pomp and circumstance.

How not to win a general election: alienate women, blacks, Hispanics and Muslims in the primaries. Alienate Christians and conservatives (Trump is neither) in the general.
Trump does not want to be the puppet-in-chief. He's playing his role to win the R nomination and then hand the election over to Hillary.

Does anybody honestly believe that a 70 year old, egomaniacal, selfish billionaire wants to give up 4 to 8 of his remaining years of life to "save his country." And he is damn sure aware that the potus is just a figurehead with a daily itinerary of obligatory pomp and circumstance.

How not to win a general election: alienate women, blacks, Hispanics and Muslims in the primaries. Alienate Christians and conservatives (Trump is neither) in the general.

Women love him because he talks like a man; Latinos voting in leagues for him. Poll after poll after poll from all directions show people's mistrust for the administrators is extremely high. Hilary is getting stressed-out sick she's so terrified to face him. When the administrators from around the world are blathering about him -and they are blathering- he must be saying what they don't want to hear. Whatever the chief administrators want WE don't.
Trump does not want to be the puppet-in-chief. He's playing his role to win the R nomination and then hand the election over to Hillary.

Does anybody honestly believe that a 70 year old, egomaniacal, selfish billionaire wants to give up 4 to 8 of his remaining years of life to "save his country." And he is damn sure aware that the potus is just a figurehead with a daily itinerary of obligatory pomp and circumstance.

How not to win a general election: alienate women, blacks, Hispanics and Muslims in the primaries. Alienate Christians and conservatives (Trump is neither) in the general.

Right, because blacks, Hispanics, and Muslims are known for their unyielding support for the Republican party...they essentially carry Republicans to every single victory year-in, year-out! Said no one, ever. In reality, the laughable percentage of non-white Republicans (or "fence-sitters" who might actually vote Republican) is probably well under 1% of the total number of registered non-white voters. Or perhaps you're suggesting that non-white voters who wouldn't normally vote at all will make a point to vote against Trump? Either way, it's negligible.

As for Trump "alienating Christians," what are you anticipating the Trump-hating Zionist Christians to do in the presidential election in November? Cast their ballot for an atheist, Communist, pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, anti-white, pro-immigration, pro-feminist, gun-grabbing, globalist, Marxist, anti-Christian cretin like Hilliary or Bernie instead? If Christians are offended by what Trump says, they deserve to be "alienated." Meanwhile, Trump talks about how the Christian Bible is his "all-time favorite book" and how everyone will be saying "Merry Christmas" instead of "Happy Holidays" if he's elected...

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A different, toned down Trump appeared at the private Christian school, Regent University. It was quite remarkable, nevertheless.


El magnífico uno ha hablado

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox to Trump: We’re ‘Not Going To Pay For That F*cking Wall’

Thursday on Fusion, former Mexican President Vicente Fox said of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s plan to get Mexico to pay for a border wall was not going to happen.

Host Jorge Ramos asked “Are you afraid that he’s going to be the next president of the United States?”

Fox said, “No no no, democracy can not take that, crazy people that don’t know what is going on in the world today. This worries me, the last caucus in Nevada… he won 44 percent of Hispanics. I’d like to know who those Hispanics are, because they are followers of a false prophet. He’s going to take them to the desert, and if they think that they will benefit with an administration led by Donald Trump, they’re wrong. They must open their eyes. Please, you Hispanics in the U.S., open your eyes. It is not to defend our race, it is not to defend our creed, but to defend the same nation that is hosting you. This nation is going to fail if it goes into the hands of a crazy guy.”

He added, “What is Trump? He’s not a Republican. Absolutely not. Those are not the Republican principles. He is not a Democrat. He is just himself. He is egocentric.”


El magnífico uno ha hablado

Former Mexican President Vicente Fox to Trump: We’re ‘Not Going To Pay For That F*cking Wall’

Thursday on Fusion, former Mexican President Vicente Fox said of Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s plan to get Mexico to pay for a border wall was not going to happen.

Host Jorge Ramos asked “Are you afraid that he’s going to be the next president of the United States?”

Fox said, “No no no, democracy can not take that, crazy people that don’t know what is going on in the world today. This worries me, the last caucus in Nevada… he won 44 percent of Hispanics. I’d like to know who those Hispanics are, because they are followers of a false prophet. He’s going to take them to the desert, and if they think that they will benefit with an administration led by Donald Trump, they’re wrong. They must open their eyes. Please, you Hispanics in the U.S., open your eyes. It is not to defend our race, it is not to defend our creed, but to defend the same nation that is hosting you. This nation is going to fail if it goes into the hands of a crazy guy.”

He added, “What is Trump? He’s not a Republican. Absolutely not. Those are not the Republican principles. He is not a Democrat. He is just himself. He is egocentric.”

"Hey Chico, I got a message for ya: Vamos! Vamos! Muchacho!"

-The Clash, "Staight to Hell"
CNN GOP debate tonight. Assassination attempt by CNN and GOP on Trump. Julio is like a hysterical woman and Cruz acting like a thief who just got robbed and whines to the police; its just a total hatchet job on Trump; best line of the night comes from Carson: "Can somebody attack me please"!!! ROFL. The estupidos only want to talk about Trump not the Country and he's not even el presidente yet. Trump acting like the chairman and his popularity just went through the roof. Stick it in the socket and suck -yeah!
Getting illegal aliens out of the USA is critical. Trump's the only candidate that will do this.

That's why Trump is the best candidate for white people, despite what may be his flaws.

I urge everyone to support Trump and vote for him.
Tonight Rubio and Cruz tag teamed Trump with effectiveness. And at times Trump was unable to speak substance, just lashed out with usual insults. Rubio easily won the debate with Cruz a close second by knifing Trump in the back with a sharpen knife. But it maybe too little too late. Next Tuesday should tell us a lot where this nomination goes. I believe Trump is riding the wave of electorate anger towards Washington.
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That debate was ugly, what I saw of it was just a series of arguments and put downs. I'm not a fan of Trump's debate style, it's odd that in interviews and rallies he really seems like a great guy but goes all reality TV star during the debates. It seems to work for him though. I'm hoping he busts up the establishment and so far it's working.
hoping Trump busts up the establishment and so far it's working.

And Cruz & Rubio don't seem to get it. Their recent, combined attack strategy is to speculate on Trump's tax returns.. Nobody cares.

The country has been experiencing catastrophic demographic changes, catastrophic fiscal irresponsibility, catastrophic moral decline etc.. And my opinion, American public is blaming the political establishment en masse. That blame is coming without any distinction of individual (political) culpability.. so Cruz & Rubio are seen as equally responsible for America's problems as were John McCain, Hillary in 08, etc. Which is why a novice & outsider like Obama was given a chance, and why I believe voters want to give Trump a chance. The attitude is: anything is better than what we have. But Rubio is going to go out harping about Trump's tax returns.. half of America doesn't even pay income tax, and/or has a strip mall accountant handling all the paperwork.. Tax returns are a pointless, crytpic issue to many American voters desperate for competent leaders, the establishment is just confirming their detachment from ground level reality.
And Cruz & Rubio don't seem to get it. Their recent, combined attack strategy is to speculate on Trump's tax returns.. Nobody cares.

The country has been experiencing catastrophic demographic changes, catastrophic fiscal irresponsibility, catastrophic moral decline etc.. And my opinion, American public is blaming the political establishment en masse. That blame is coming without any distinction of individual (political) culpability.. so Cruz & Rubio are seen as equally responsible for America's problems as were John McCain, Hillary in 08, etc. Which is why a novice & outsider like Obama was given a chance, and why I believe voters want to give Trump a chance. The attitude is: anything is better than what we have. But Rubio is going to go out harping about Trump's tax returns.. half of America doesn't even pay income tax, and/or has a strip mall accountant handling all the paperwork.. Tax returns are a pointless, crytpic issue to many American voters desperate for competent leaders, the establishment is just confirming their detachment from ground level reality.

I like this. AA's got it.
And Cruz & Rubio don't seem to get it. Their recent, combined attack strategy is to speculate on Trump's tax returns...but Rubio is going to go out harping about Trump's tax returns.. half of America doesn't even pay income tax, and/or has a strip mall accountant handling all the paperwork.. Tax returns are a pointless, crytpic issue to many American voters desperate for competent leaders, the establishment is just confirming their detachment from ground level reality.
Plus, one of Cruz's talking points is "abolishing the IRS", so why should he care about someone's tax returns that are done by this same said group? As for Rubio, he's a totally transparent Zionist establishment shill, so I can expect him to want to continue using their primary enforcement arm to harass, bully, and prosecute true patriots.
Looks like Trump is adding another nail into the coffin of Cruz. Later today Trump will get respected and real conservative Senator Jeff Sessions endorsement. Unless Cruz can get two other states besides Texas its looking grim for him. Meanwhile, Rubio is shredding Trump with jokes and insults.
The Sessions endorsement is huge. Sessions is one of the very few members of Congress worthy of his office. He's pretty much the Senate's equivalent to the late Antonin Scalia.

Trump should be able to trounce both Cruz and Rubio now on Tuesday. Get ready for the establishment to roll out the old system warhorse Mitt Romney. Can't wait to see Trump rip Mitt a new one.
The media is launching an all out assault on Trump as a racist because he didn't properly disavow, or didn't disavow enough times and in a timely enough manner the endorsement of David Duke. I don't know if it will have any effect. it's BS and the states where he is competitive will probably not care. Also the endorsement of Sessions has pushed that off the top for a minute. Gingrich has also oddly enough come out in lukewarm support of Trump. Of course if Trump wins big on Tuesday then more dominoes will fall as the parasitic class gets on board.
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