The Trumpening?

Should be a nice night for Donald. According to every poll, he should do quite well in Michigan and he's leading by around 10 points in Mississippi and Idaho. Hawaii, like all caucuses, can be bought by the highest bidder (probably Little Marco) in The Establishment.
Hawaii is chalk full of polys, japs, libtards & slackers any way. ;-)
Trump is already the projected winner of Michigan and Mississippi. Marco "Anti-Racist" Rubio running 4th (under 5% in MI and under 10% in MS) in both states, haha. He's finished, but I hope he sticks around so Trump can continue to laugh at the little Establishment lowlife.

Hope to see DT win Idaho later.
Donald Trump is the only man alive who can give dominatrix-looking Megyn Kelly tingles. If you were watching Fox News during Trump's victory press conference you know what I mean -- Trump complimented Megyn and Fox News just happened to have a live camera on her while he did so, and she was positively beaming. lol
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Trump is hovering around 50% in Mississippi. If he can get at least 50% of the vote there, he wins all delegates.

Trump is doing especially well in the South. Kasich is doing surprisingly well in the north and northeast. If Trump somehow manages to win the Republican nomination, he may want to consider Kasich as his running mate (from a purely strategic point of view). That would guarantee him Ohio, much of the north, maybe even New York, and probably Florida and all of the south as well. Who he chooses as his running mate is very important, because if Hillary chooses Sanders, that will be a tough ticket to beat.

So glad to see Rubio flaming out...
Rubio is toast. He is young and still has political ambition and future. Some say becoming Governor of Fl. If he wants to see that, the pressure to bow out now will be huge. He has to bow out now before getting demolished next Tuesday and politically ruined for the future. I suspect he will bow out in the next day or so. Cruz will stay on Trump's heels. If he comes in 2nd in MICH he will share in delegates and with a great chance of winning ID.
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Looks like once again Florida will play be a huge, possibly decisive role, in the GOP beauty pageant/presidential race.

If Rubio stays in and loses Florida, for sure it could affect his future for a long time (and let's hope the neo-con pitbull/robot gets what's coming to him).

If Rubio drops out then FL becomes Cruz's last stand.

It's amazing that two Cubans have driven everyone else out of the race except Trump and faux eastern European John Kasich. Once Paul, Fiorina and company were driven out, The Donald has taken advantage of the huge opportunity that was there for the taking (by a billionaire with cajones :)).
ID was just called for Cruz. Cruz is also now second in MI.
Next Tuesday will be yuge. Kasich is a establishment big gov shill and their last hope. What a lot of ppl don't know about him is that he smeared parents who wanted to home school their children in his state. To his credit he has been effective governor, who dig Ohio out of debt and improved their economy. He could be a good pick for VP.
Trump demolishes Scuz in the big states with massive populations; not even close. Scuz will get Idaho, a state of 90% white population? Not many voted in ID and those that did are either Latinos, Bush loyalist goons, or older people easily duped who still get their knowledge of the world from television.
Scuz was way back in third place in Michigan when his numbers suddenly jumped when others didn't; at one point we saw Scuz get a 10,000 vote spike while the others nothing. The GOP psycho-goon gops are really pushing puke face. Won't work. Next Tuesday is Trump's again.
Idaho, along with Mississippi, are generally regarded as the most "pro-White" states. Losing to Cruz in Idaho only shows that the sadly misled for generations "true GOP conservatives" are as lost as ever and can't understand Trump's populist message of renewal. When Trump calls himself a "common sense conservative," he is accurate, though his breakthrough has been because of a shrewd populist-nationalist campaign. Whether he means it is the big question.
Isn't Idaho one of those lily white states up north that has become a Somali dumping ground? For some of these evangelical cucks, religion comes above all and racial awareness is not even in their radar. It doesn't matter to them if this country turns into a third world hellhole by importing all the African, Latino, and Islamic vermin, they'll vote for "Lyin' Ted" for religious reasons.

Thankfully we are about at the end of the road in terms of number of states Cruz can win going forward. I really hope Trump can win both Florida and Ohio to wrap this thing up next week as we continue to watch establishment, media, and pundit heads explode.
In watching Donald’s “victory speech” last night, I couldn’t help but wonder if there is another man on the face of the earth who could speak for 45 straight minutes, totally off the cuff and unscripted, no notes, no teleprompter…and still manage to broach literally dozens of different topics, "work the room," and be hilarious and wildly entertaining the entire time by simply talking about his poll numbers, his companies, political pundits, his rivals, his net wealth, etc. This man is a natural born entertainer with more talent and charisma than 99% of the actors and “comedians” spewed forth by Hollywood. I really like when he starts talking about how "everyone in this country is tired of political correctness"...

After his great speech, I began flipping through Faux News, CNN, and MSNBC (filth I haven’t watched in years before Trump came along) only to see the pundits mocking Trump’s speaking skills. Charles Krauthammer (Jew), for instance, called Trump’s speech “weird” and “scatter-brained,” and said that Trump needs much coaching in the art of public speaking. Translation: he's not fake.

MSNBC gaylord, Chuck Todd (Jew), said it “sounded like an infomercial” before talking about the Muslim population in Michigan who voted for Bernie Sanders before remarking that “these Muslims wouldn’t even exist in Trump’s America.” There’s no one more out-of-touch than modern Newz Jewz personnel.

Surprisingly, Megyn Kelly defended Trump on numerous occasions during the Faux broadcast last night. I have a hunch that she has a crush on him now that he made her famous. Lindsey Graham probably feels the same way…
Could not agree more. I felt the same thing when I watched his speech in AL last week. No notes, really, just off the cuff speaking, with ZERO POLITICAL CORRECTNESS. Just him being him. As a Christian, I don't ever put my trust fully in man, as we are prone to faults and weaknesses. However, this guy absolutely shreds the fake, petulant, teleprompter-addicted current Imposter-in-Chief. As you said about Krouthammer's (sp- whatever) remarks, it's that these talking heads want someone as fake as they are. Trump apparently is the antithesis of all that they are, and they could indeed be jealous of him.
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Trump crushed it last night. Good ol' Michigan comes through again, we gave George Wallace a primary victory back in the day, and now Trump wins and Hillary loses a shocker.

The crying and complaining from faux conservatives and Hillary supporters is yuuge and entertaining. Trump is taking a wrecking ball to their corrupt system and there is nothing they can do about it. I don't think Trump is the greatest thing ever but he is practically single handedly changing the process in US politics.
Trump will win Florida and ought to win Ohio. If Ohio doesn't vote him in, after how their state economy has been slaughtered the past 30 years, they can expect a lifetime of troubles.
When Trump was speaking last night Hillary at some point started her victory speech. Not a single network cut away from Trump to cover Hillary. There wasn't even a commercial break. I watch these news shows and the energy level is way up among the pundits. I would guess their ratings are up as well. They are all going to miss Trump when he's gone. Hopefully that won't be for about nine years.

As for Trump and his ability to be entertaining, Elton John had the best quote, "Donald Trump is the most entertaining person in the world who isn't holding a guitar."
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