In watching Donald’s “victory speech” last night, I couldn’t help but wonder if there is another man on the face of the earth who could speak for 45 straight minutes, totally off the cuff and unscripted, no notes, no teleprompter…and still manage to broach literally dozens of different topics, "work the room," and be hilarious and wildly entertaining the entire time by simply talking about his poll numbers, his companies, political pundits, his rivals, his net wealth, etc. This man is a natural born entertainer with more talent and charisma than 99% of the actors and “comedians” spewed forth by Hollywood. I really like when he starts talking about how "everyone in this country is tired of political correctness"...
After his great speech, I began flipping through Faux News, CNN, and MSNBC (filth I haven’t watched in years before Trump came along) only to see the pundits mocking Trump’s speaking skills. Charles Krauthammer (Jew), for instance, called Trump’s speech “weird” and “scatter-brained,” and said that Trump needs much coaching in the art of public speaking. Translation: he's not fake.
MSNBC gaylord, Chuck Todd (Jew), said it “sounded like an infomercial” before talking about the Muslim population in Michigan who voted for Bernie Sanders before remarking that “these Muslims wouldn’t even exist in Trump’s America.” There’s no one more out-of-touch than modern Newz Jewz personnel.
Surprisingly, Megyn Kelly defended Trump on numerous occasions during the Faux broadcast last night. I have a hunch that she has a crush on him now that he made her famous. Lindsey Graham probably feels the same way…