The Trumpening?

I probably watched/listening a little too much infowars leading up to the election. I appreciate what they do but wish Alex Jones would tone it down a little because he becomes more of a sensationalist rather than just providing facts and a logical argument. Infowars did have some great stories and contributors during the election. I am a huge fan of Paul Joseph Watson from Infowars/Prison Planet. Drudge is the only place I go for news. It's amazing what he accomplished with nothing more than being a news aggregate and never changing up his website. He is bigger than any MSM websites.

Leonardfan I am the same way. For 6 weeks or so leading up to the election I would download AJ's podcast from the day before and listen to it in the car on my way to and from work. Some people may see him as over the top but that intensity is exactly what was needed to get Trump elected and is exactly what is needed now in the continuing fight against the globalist scum and their brainwashed, brain-dead, zombie mass of minions. Paul Watson does an incredible job also.
The "infamous Diabold machines" were infamous Diebold machines until they changed the name of their company because Diebold had become a byword for crooked vote counting machines, and if it wasn't for their crooked vote counting machines, some owned by His Infernal Majesty Schwartz-Soros Himself, and some owned by Diebold under their new name, and all their other vote cheating Trump would have won by a landslide.

From now on I am going to start charging you for further corrections, at least until you get rid of that degenerate drunk Churchill's quote!


We are already hearing the constant lying whine from the Left about how Clinton "won the popular vote." What a total fabrication. We know millions of her votes were illegitimate as they came from illegals, people voting in two or more jurisdictions, dead people voting, and Dems stealing other peoples ballots from their mailboxes and voting as them. We can only guess how many others were from the fractional voting racket that Benny Smith and Bev Harris exposed.
In talking with people in my area, the excitement for Trump's victory is massive. It's amazing how one man can change the world, lift the spirits if like-minded folks, and possibly alter the course of history. Our new Independence Day, 11/8/16, was a long time coming, but it's thus far it's played out to perfection...

We are already hearing the constant lying whine from the Left about how Clinton "won the popular vote." What a total fabrication. We know millions of her votes were illegitimate as they came from illegals, people voting in two or more jurisdictions, dead people voting, and Dems stealing other peoples ballots from their mailboxes and voting as them. We can only guess how many others were from the fractional voting racket that Benny Smith and Bev Harris exposed.

From their reaction I think the Democrats thought the election was in the bag, because they knew they were going to steal many votes through fraud. Hillary Clinton didn't seem to be campaigning very hard.

I think they were shocked when they lost. Trump had such overwhelming support it overcame all of their vote fraud.
Crooked Hillary's campaign created this 10-minute long video of Trump's "misogyny." He makes truly some hysterical comments that would likely make even the most militant feminist crack a smile...

The "infamous Diabold machines" were infamous Diebold machines until they changed the name of their company because Diebold had become a byword for crooked vote counting machines, and if it wasn't for their crooked vote counting machines, some owned by His Infernal Majesty Schwartz-Soros Himself, and some owned by Diebold under their new name, and all their other vote cheating Trump would have won by a landslide.

From now on I am going to start charging you for further corrections, at least until you get rid of that degenerate drunk Churchill's quote!

Winston's epic statement stays.
I found out the reason why Cristie is being pushed out from the inner Trump circle. Jared Kushner's father was successful prosecuted by Cristie and served served two years in prison for white collar crimes. Kushner had a score to settle for his father.
So you noticed Churchill's slurred speech too? On some of those old recordings he really sounds like he makes wet, slurred liaison when he speaks. Doubt he wrote them sloshed though.

They say he was too drunk to even read his most famous speeches and they were read by a BBC actor who went under the name "Larry The Lamb" mimicking him. The worst thing about that mass murdering drunken SOB was he knew the score and wrote and spoke about the Jewish Bolsheviks before he sold his soul to the Jewish bankers in the City of London.

Just a few things, and this from a pro-Allies website:

"Rethinking Churchill

To gain any understanding of Churchill, we must go beyond the heroic images propagated for over half a century.

Churchill in ‘war crimes’ row

British bombing raids killed a thousand German civilians a day when World War II was already won, says the historian sparking debate on whether Churchill was a war criminal.

Germans call Churchill a war criminal

Winston Churchill was effectively a war criminal who sanctioned the extermination of Germany’s civilian population through indiscriminate bombing of towns and cities, an article in the country’s biggest-circulation newspaper claimed yesterday.

The bombing of Dresden

The morality of the Allied bombing campaign during the Second World War is still hotly debated. What should we feel about the decision to attack Dresden?

Why did the British start bombing civilians?

The RAF began the war with the policy of targeting enemy military or industrial targets. But then, early in 1942, that policy suddenly changed to embrace the deliberate destruction of civilians. Why?...
I will be honest with you. I haven't watched a single NFL game this year. I do check stats on but that is about it. I also quit watching the NBA a long time ago and baseball is not my thing. I pretty much only watch boxing and then it is only big fights(Kovalev, Klitschko, Golovkin.) I just can't support a league that hates whites and the outright disrespect blacks are showing towards this country and white people in general.

Same here except I have zero interest in football or other team sports, possible exception being world cup soccer. I did follow baseball as a kid. Agree with u about boxing - Kovalev, Klitschko, Golovkin, Usyk, other white fighters. Mostly interested in the heavies, though.
Same here except I have zero interest in football or other team sports, possible exception being world cup soccer. I did follow baseball as a kid. Agree with u about boxing - Kovalev, Klitschko, Golovkin, Usyk, other white fighters. Mostly interested in the heavies, though.

Seems more than a few of us are doing the same thing. I stopped watching all of them long, long ago. Now just a spot checker. Still keep up with the good white boxers though.
It was really nice to see that Trump met with the great British anti-globalist, Nigel "Brexit" Farage, this past weekend...


CAPTION: With Nationalism on the Rise, Globalists Scurry

Both of these great men got their "who's laughing now?" moment in 2016 and our race owes them a great debt of gratitude...

There may be less enthusiasm for football, reflected in lower TV ratings because White people have found something much more important to do.

Wasn't it nice to see White people getting excited over a politician, going to rallies in record numbers, decorating their houses, making elaborate displays of support on-line? This years presidential contest reminded me of my history classes that taught about the long ago past where political rallies were rollicking, rowdy, affairs, that generated great excitement. And they should! Politics is important business. CF has pointed out for years that the energy of White men has been redirected from important issues of the day to absurd levels of devotion to the "opiate of the masses" -professional sports.

I give credit to the men and women that finally had a good reason to get off the couch, and did. The "sheeple" and DWF's may not all be as far gone as I had thought. For Trump to win in the many places of the heartland that had been given up for lost up until now is inspiring. I also think that once people have the taste for it they will want more. Perhaps this is a turning point. I have long wondered why there was no politician, not one, that would pick up the mantle of the self interest of the White middle class, and all the votes waiting there. Look what happened when someone finally did.
Here is an interesting statistical evaluation that shows the demographic change that elected Trump. It wasn't whites overall, since so many are cucked, but the incredible increase in the Thrashen ruralites and "uneducated" whites made a Yuuuuuge difference. Not to mention all of those hispanics and blacks that voted for the terrible rayciss. ;)
How can they get those numbers? Exit polling? It would have to be extrapolated. Only a few people are exit polled and some of them are going to lie. It seems odd that they would have the numbers down to the last digit.
How can they get those numbers? Exit polling? It would have to be extrapolated. Only a few people are exit polled and some of them are going to lie. It seems odd that they would have the numbers down to the last digit.

I agree. It is supposed to be a secret ballot election. How could they possibly know who voted for whom?
There may be less enthusiasm for football, reflected in lower TV ratings because White people have found something much more important to do.

Wasn't it nice to see White people getting excited over a politician, going to rallies in record numbers, decorating their houses, making elaborate displays of support on-line? This years presidential contest reminded me of my history classes that taught about the long ago past where political rallies were rollicking, rowdy, affairs, that generated great excitement. And they should! Politics is important business. CF has pointed out for years that the energy of White men has been redirected from important issues of the day to absurd levels of devotion to the "opiate of the masses" -professional sports.

I give credit to the men and women that finally had a good reason to get off the couch, and did. The "sheeple" and DWF's may not all be as far gone as I had thought. For Trump to win in the many places of the heartland that had been given up for lost up until now is inspiring. I also think that once people have the taste for it they will want more. Perhaps this is a turning point. I have long wondered why there was no politician, not one, that would pick up the mantle of the self interest of the White middle class, and all the votes waiting there. Look what happened when someone finally did.

Great post. As for people "decorating their houses," you wouldn't believe the things I've seen in my area. Farmers painting "TRUMP" in huge white letters on the sides of their barns, guys erecting their own billboards in fields along highways, one guy even strung Christmas lights on the roof of his house that spell out the president-elect's name. Another interesting aspect of Trump's victory is that, even a week after his stunning victory, nobody seems to be taking down their pro-Trump yard signs. Trump supporters share more common ground than any other group, so failing to remove yard signs is likely because they want others to remember friend from foe. Assuming he makes good on his promises while POTUS, I plan on leaving mine up until the days he leaves office.

This election proved that there are still many millions of American whites that are intelligent enough to know when a certain candidate has the best interest of their race at heart. All Trump needed to do was come to their home town, hold a rally, entertain them, treat them with respect, and tell them to their face that he understands them. These people are worth saving and give me hope for our race.

I was reading a far right German political blog and there were countless posters who were elated at Trump's win. I've seen plenty of joy from internet posters from Great Britain, too.

Thrashen I am sure there are millions of real Europeans that will elated and grateful for Trump in pulling off the huge upset. Just like last June, when the British voted for Briexit, millions here, me included were glad and gave me additional hope in the election of Trump. Hopefully France is next with Le Penn.
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