The Trumpening?

Pretty bizarre that the GOP establishment has gone to these lengths to stop Trump. Unprecedented. Has a political party in america ever tried so hard to destroy a popular frontrunner? I'm not even sure what they don't like, yeah he's kind of a dick but for the most part he is fairly middle of the road and anyway it's all talk at this point.

I'm beginning to think the conspiracy guys are right. The system is run by a cabal and they only want people at the top whom they can control. Trump must not be controllable. That means they have to get rid of him some other way. I would not be surprised if they tried to bump him off. The system has to have some kind of weapon that can cause an aneurysm or untraceable chemicals that trigger a heart attack. But I still think they can just set up a third party run and ensure a democrat victory.

Flint man, you gotta check this out:

Rubio and Cruz picked up where they left off last debate. They made him look lost at times. He could not articulate policy when questioned by the moderators. Rubio seized on this several times while mocking him, getting Trump to become enraged. Cruz for his part refrained from making personal attacks but hit him with his financial support of Hillary Clinton, Poliosi and Reid in the past 8 yrs and flip flopping. Trump needs to know rudimentary policy. Last night he put out a reasonable policy paper on health care. To Trump's credit, he had a long day with being tag teamed and stabbed in the back by the failed Romney. Listen I want any of these 3 to stomp Hillary Clinton, if the FBI does not do it first. Next Saturday , should be the end game. If Rubio does not win Florida, and Kacish does not win Ohio and Cruz does not win more than two other large states, its over. Trump will be the Republican nominee.
Rubio and Cruz picked up where they left off last debate. They made him look lost at times. He could not articulate policy when questioned by the moderators. Rubio seized on this several times while mocking him, getting Trump to become enraged. Cruz for his part refrained from making personal attacks but hit him with his financial support of Hillary Clinton, Poliosi and Reid in the past 8 yrs and flip flopping. Trump needs to know rudimentary policy. Last night he put out a reasonable policy paper on health care. To Trump's credit, he had a long day with being tag teamed and stabbed in the back by the failed Romney. Listen I want any of these 3 to stomp Hillary Clinton, if the FBI does not do it first. Next Saturday , should be the end game. If Rubio does not win Florida, and Kacish does not win Ohio and Cruz does not win more than two other large states, its over. Trump will be the Republican nominee.

Julio is so far out of contention it's not even a discussion. There is not a great deal of difference between Cruz and Hillary, it'll be more of the same: more war, more spy state, more QE, negative interest rates, more IRS raids, more taxes, more debtor prisons, more impossibly bad 5000 page trade deals that will really sack America, a rust belt so vast it will look like an ancient civilization, more forced socialist healthcare fees or jail time, more and more illegals flooding in and permanently residing, etc. etc. etc. and no wall.

Trump is no magician, but he's the start of a new era which will spread to other countries. It has to be Trump or none of the above. Not voting at all would be more powerful than voting for a Cruz.
Julio is so far out of contention it's not even a discussion. There is not a great deal of difference between Cruz and Hillary, it'll be more of the same: more war, more spy state, more QE, negative interest rates, more IRS raids, more taxes, more debtor prisons, more impossibly bad 5000 page trade deals that will really sack America, a rust belt so vast it will look like an ancient civilization, more forced socialist healthcare fees or jail time, more and more illegals flooding in and permanently residing, etc. etc. etc. and no wall.

Trump is no magician, but he's the start of a new era which will spread to other countries. It has to be Trump or none of the above. Not voting at all would be more powerful than voting for a Cruz.
I think Cruz vs that lying c*nt would be a good match destroying her.
I think Cruz vs that lying c*nt would be a good match destroying her.

I don't think he is electable. Too religious. That turns people off, the brainwashing in this regard has been very effective. He might destroy her in debates but no one really cares about the debates, it's all identity politics and tribal warfare. There are not enough genuine religious people in the US. Heck he can't even win with Republicans, a group self selected for religious beliefs. And why is he not Catholic? Him and Castro must be the only non-Catholic Cubans in existence, and Castro probably still practices.
And women are loving it.

Woman are the worst group for supporting Trump, he does much better with men. However in November when they get into the voting booth things may change.
Women loving Trump too:




Good idea. He was tag-teamed last night not only by Cruz and Rubio but also by Fox News.

For better or worse, he's not detail oriented when it comes to specific policies, and so has little to gain by continuing the debates now that a semi-effective m.o. of bashing him from all different directions has been established.
For better or worse, he's not detail oriented when it comes to specific policies, and so has little to gain by continuing the debates now that a semi-effective m.o. of bashing him from all different directions has been established.

Very true. They hammer away on the Trump U, the David Duke thing, his past affiliations, and behavior, it's the same thing every time. Nothing of substance happens in the debates, which aren't really debates at all. After you know what the candidate is like there is nothing else to learn, there is no time to go into details and it's all talk anyway. Trump has nothing to gain from more debates and can only lose as some slip up or gotcha moment is all they are looking for anyway.
Trump just told the GOP Bush goons to shove their ambush debates up their asses: won't attend any more debates!!!!

I don't see anywhere where Trump announced this. He is skipping CPAC to stage rallies, but I thought he was still going to do next weeks debate?
I don't see anywhere where Trump announced this. He is skipping CPAC to stage rallies, but I thought he was still going to do next weeks debate?

I viewed the New Orleans rally. He said early on. Crowd took off roaring. Go to 24 minute mark.

I still haven't seen news of Trump skipping the debate.

Saturday was not a particularly good day for the Trumpster, he came out on the short end of the delegate count even though he got more votes. Momentum might be shifting to Cruz although if Trump can win Michigan and Missouri on Tuesday he is back on track.

Cruz is winning in closed primaries, Trump wins in open one's. Cruz wins red states, Trump wins a mix. Cruz would lose the general, Trump would have a chance.
I still haven't seen news of Trump skipping the debate.

Saturday was not a particularly good day for the Trumpster, he came out on the short end of the delegate count even though he got more votes. Momentum might be shifting to Cruz although if Trump can win Michigan and Missouri on Tuesday he is back on track.

Cruz is winning in closed primaries, Trump wins in open one's. Cruz wins red states, Trump wins a mix. Cruz would lose the general, Trump would have a chance.
Yep, I noticed that trend as well. Michigan and Mississippi's this Tuesday are open, while Idaho's is closed, so I expect Trump to win both Michigan and Mississippi, but lose in Idaho. Also, Donald is doing better in the primaries, Ted in the caucuses.

The constant bashing of him by the Zio-media is taking its toll...the trotting-out of former politicians like Romney, so-called celebrities and so-called comedians like Louis C.K. recently calling him "Hitler", not to mention the "gang-rape" of him during the Fox News debate, SNL's couple of skits last night, one entitled "Racists for Trump" with a neo-nazi dressed up like a Hitler-youth, swastika arm-band and all, etc. etc. etc....
Donald Trump tweeted how biased Meet The Press was this morning. Said it was basically a one hour hit job. I tried to watch the stream but had to quit after the first several minutes of Mitt Romney. We all know Trump is far from perfect. But this man is a thorn in the side of the cult that has an agenda to destroy us. So he must be destroyed.
I really want him to hang in there and stick it out to the end. I have a feeling he will. He has never been in a fight with a force like the Illuminati devil worshipping Satanists he is facing, but he is not the kind to back down from anything.
Of the 6 states won by "Big Nose Ted," 4 of them were caucuses. His only legitimate, vote-based victories came in TX and OK, his home turf. Little Marco has done even worse in that regard, only managing to buy the corrupt Minnesota caucus.

I think Trump will rebound from a so-so performance and have a great day this Tuesday, particularly in Mississippi and Michigan, where he has a decent lead in the polls.
Trump will win Michigan and Mississippi this Tuesday; no doubt. In the fair open primaries he wins. The caucuses, save Nevada, are old style crooked set-ups that require "boots on the ground' campaign crews to win. Of course, the Bush goons who operate the bad side of the GOP scoop these up. No worries boys, Trump will win the following Tuesday also with open primaries in Florida, Ohio, Illinois, and North Carolina. Those wins will all but shut down these stooges masquerading as would-be presidents. Game over.
The Detroit News came out strongly against Trump today in it's editorial. There is no more cuckservative paper in the US then that rag. Not that I buy the thing but it's free on the web of course which matches it's real money value. Judging by the comment section their rant against Trump could not have been better for him.
The Detroit News came out strongly against Trump today in it's editorial. There is no more cuckservative paper in the US then that rag. Not that I buy the thing but it's free on the web of course which matches it's real money value. Judging by the comment section their rant against Trump could not have been better for him.

Funny you mention that Flint, after the last debate I went to The Detroit News: the poll and the comments went crazy in Trump's favor. These dopes never learn.
The headline on Drudge this morning in all caps:

It's basically unnamed foreign diplomats (guess who) complaining and whining about what a Trump Presidency would mean to "foreign affiars" i.e. the status quo.
The more I see how much the elites and especially the media hate and fear this guy the more appealing he is. You should always ask yourself which position does the MSM take on any given issue or particular person(s), then just firmly and unapologetically go the other direction, face set like stone and you'll be doing the right thing. They can't ignore this guy or marginalize him the way they did Ron Paul, as good as he was. This man cannot be bought, apparently, and hopefully he can and will do what he what he has vowed to. Interesting times we are in.

History will either be written very dark or a revolution could be birthing. I'm hoping for the latter...
American Freedom News