The Trumpening?

All time hall of famer of Caste Media, maniac Rupert Murdoch -an oligarch who is desperately trying to kill Trump's run- seen here giving his scrawny finger:


This is the face of the bastards that are hell-bent to turn the United States Of America into a Brasil. Not happening.

Internet killed the television star
oh oh oh oh...
It seems like the media and dead fish Republicans are being typical puppets. They are all looking hateful and glum as they ALL are parroting the same hypocritical rhetoric: Trump is evil because he won't reject vehemently an endorsement of someone who cares about the White race. Period. Why weren't they all over every Dem since the 60's who was openly endorsed by a pro-Black, anti-White, truly racist piece of trash? And speaking of trash, I caught a couple clips of Chris Rock telling everyone in Hollywood and beyond how it's White racism that is the root of all evil, with nary a clue sinking into anyone's feeble brain that elitist, Leftist, anti-White, anti-goyim Jews control the whole kit and caboodle. Sigh...
Rupert Moloch is a wicked globalist sociopathic Machiavellian....of course he hates anyone who'll stand for (true) liberty.
I see that female supporters are now being called Trumpettes.
For all you racially-conscious (pro-white) folks who still aren’t sold on Der Donald, please take a moment to watch this interview in which Trump is confronted by a Marxist CNN “reporter” about the recent “endorsement” that Trump received from the great David Duke, the KKK, and “other white supremacist groups.”

Notice how the “reporter” is essentially forcing Trump to vehemently denounce Duke and white supremacists, but Trump doesn’t yield, instead saying things like: “I’ve never met David Duke and I really don’t know much about him” and “Well, I’d have to look at the group. You wouldn’t want me to condemn a group that I know nothing about. If you would send me a list of the groups, I would do research on them and disavow if I thought there was something wrong. They could be totally fine and it would be very unfair. So give me a list of the groups and I’ll let you know.”

The part about Duke, the KKK, and the support Trump receives from white supremacists starts at the 6 minute mark...

I can't take this anymore. I am a Republican but am only conservative on race and abortion issues. Donald Trump is a complete fool. He is an egomaniac jerk who will destroy this country though the Democrats if elected will give us stability though as much as I hate Hillary she is the lesser of two evils and they are both evil. I used to read a cartoon in many books in the 80's growing up called Bloom County. Done incredibly by Berkely Breathed. It was the funniest well drawn comic of its time yet funny and incredibly well done for its political satire. He spent his last book in 1988 making in fun of Trump in about 70 % of his issue. I don't want to vote Democratic but Trump leaves me no option.
In regards to Trump's answer in that interview, I don't know of a single polical person of any prominence whatsoever that has that kind of guts and diplomacy at the same time. Good for him to not cave in and be the typical neutered politician we've seen for decades.
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I can't take this anymore. I am a Republican but am only conservative on race and abortion issues. Donald Trump is a complete fool. He is an egomaniac jerk who will destroy this country though the Democrats if elected will give us stability though as much as I hate Hillary she is the lesser of two evils and they are both evil. I used to read a cartoon in many books in the 80's growing up called Bloom County. Done incredibly by Berkely Breathed. It was the funniest well drawn comic of its time yet funny and incredibly well done for its political satire. He spent his last book in 1988 making in fun of Trump in about 70 % of his issue. I don't want to vote Democratic but Trump leaves me no option.

You are NOT a conservative in any sense of the word if you are voting for Killary and you are not anti-abortion/pro-life nor are you pro-White either. Stop trying to say you are either. If you were you wouldn't even consider voting for her.
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I can't take this anymore. I am a Republican but am only conservative on race and abortion issues. Donald Trump is a complete fool. He is an egomaniac jerk who will destroy this country though the Democrats if elected will give us stability though as much as I hate Hillary she is the lesser of two evils and they are both evil. I used to read a cartoon in many books in the 80's growing up called Bloom County. Done incredibly by Berkely Breathed. It was the funniest well drawn comic of its time yet funny and incredibly well done for its political satire. He spent his last book in 1988 making in fun of Trump in about 70 % of his issue. I don't want to vote Democratic but Trump leaves me no option.
Weird endorsement.

Well, all the manufacturing jobs are being sent overseas, American companies can't compete with foreign companies, free trade is destroying our economy, foreigners are being brought over to take tech and other such jobs, Mexicans cross over to drive down the wages for low skill work, the demographics are rapidly being shifted, but "vote Hillary, she'll maintain the status quo!"

"Republicans" are stupid as hell.

Yes, the GOPe would definitely rather have Hillary win because they serve the same masters.
I can't take this anymore. I am a Republican but am only conservative on race and abortion issues. Donald Trump is a complete fool. He is an egomaniac jerk who will destroy this country though the Democrats if elected will give us stability though as much as I hate Hillary she is the lesser of two evils and they are both evil. I used to read a cartoon in many books in the 80's growing up called Bloom County. Done incredibly by Berkely Breathed. It was the funniest well drawn comic of its time yet funny and incredibly well done for its political satire. He spent his last book in 1988 making in fun of Trump in about 70 % of his issue. I don't want to vote Democratic but Trump leaves me no option.

Then vote for Hillary. I'm sure she'll do your "racially conservative" bidding...

Oh, and I heard she holds really "conservative" views on abortion, too...


Do you like guns? I heard she does too...


Think someone needs to stand up to the "Black Lives Matter" goons, black rioters, and cop-haters? She's the man for the job...

Hate globalism? So does she...


Enjoying the militant LGBT agenda, are we? Not ole Hillary...


One could literally find hundreds of different examples of "Ms." Clinton making anti-white, Marxist, Communist, socialist, globalist, pro-immigration, pro-sodomite, pro-abortion comments in her speeches. Let me know if you'd like me to take more time demeaning your scatter-brained and highly ill-informed post.
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I can't take this anymore. I am a Republican but am only conservative on race and abortion issues. Donald Trump is a complete fool. He is an egomaniac jerk who will destroy this country though the Democrats if elected will give us stability though as much as I hate Hillary she is the lesser of two evils and they are both evil. I used to read a cartoon in many books in the 80's growing up called Bloom County. Done incredibly by Berkely Breathed. It was the funniest well drawn comic of its time yet funny and incredibly well done for its political satire. He spent his last book in 1988 making in fun of Trump in about 70 % of his issue. I don't want to vote Democratic but Trump leaves me no option.

Dude, this really sounds like you either are:

1) ignorant (not stupid, just don't have knowledge)?

2) or, you have re-interpreted that old nursery rhyme: "troll, troll, troll your boat gently down the stream, merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream?
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DEMOCRATS/OLD REPUBLICAN GUARD (Bush family and friends)
Maintain perpetual war to maintain USD as reserve currency
Bankster run abandonment of US economy for global disbursement
Elimination of national borders both physical & conceptual



Maintain strong military to defend/enforce contracts
Nationalist economic preference as first priority
Enforced national borders both physical & conceptual

Is there any better choice than Trump?????
I can't take this anymore. I am a Republican but am only conservative on race and abortion issues. Donald Trump is a complete fool. He is an egomaniac jerk who will destroy this country though the Democrats if elected will give us stability though as much as I hate Hillary she is the lesser of two evils and they are both evil. I used to read a cartoon in many books in the 80's growing up called Bloom County. Done incredibly by Berkely Breathed. It was the funniest well drawn comic of its time yet funny and incredibly well done for its political satire. He spent his last book in 1988 making in fun of Trump in about 70 % of his issue. I don't want to vote Democratic but Trump leaves me no option.

Is this guy for real?ive been quite anti trump and pro cruz. But trump is way better than hilary clinton. She is a black lovong, muslim ass kissing ugly scum bag, no way would a republican ever endorse hilary clinton. If you dont like trump, stay at home, but dont vote hilary then claim your a right wing conservative!
I hope after tomorrow the real frauds get the F**K out. Like......Rubio, Carson and Kasnich. So we can decide and coalesce around the winner to stomp clinton.
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Trump has already taken Tennessee, Alabama and Georgia. He crushed the establishment badly in Massachusetts. He also seems poised to take Vermont and Virginia but hasn't been called yet. Let's hope he sweeps but I think Cruz may take Texas and Oklahoma.

For the Dems it looks like the Wicked Witch is putting the old commie Jew out to pasture.
Cruz takes TX and it's little brother OK, Rubio may win MN for some reason. Big night for Trump as expected. Watched some of his presser and he came off pretty good. It will be interesting to see what happens at the next debate and if it stays as ugly as it has been. Rubio has to be super desperate. On some of the cuckservative sites they are now hoping for a VP spot for Cruz.

Cruz camped out in Texas -where he is sitting Senator- and campaigned there for two weeks so no surprise he won TX (a primary state).

Foamio wins in Minnesota?????????? WRONG!!!!! Minnesota is a caucus election system, so to make that greasy sweaty little twerp seem legitimate for the big spin media, the GOP Bush insiders rigged (paid) the caucus off to consent to Foamio.

In the wide open, fair, one member vote to candidate system, Trump knocks out all comers despite the cheating and falsifying. Easy.
Trump had a big night, but not big enough to knock out Cruz or Rubio. Come Thursday night at the FOX debate, Cruz and Rubio will pick up where they left off last debate. Both tag teaming the Donald and hoping to seriously wound him this time. Both know they have to make Trump look silly like last debate and have him implode. Trump will have brush up on policy and keep his cool during their attacks. Rubio knows the end game is Florida. If he can win his state, his campaign will have new hope. For Cruz, it may also mean new confidence in gaining additional states. Starting tomorrow and leading past Thursday night will be pretty much like the Donald as the Americans in Bastogne in the Battle of Bulge. Rubio and Cruz will launch an all out last ditch German assault against Trump hoping to fatally wound Trump to stop his momentum. Both know that deeply wounding him will lead them to a path of the nomination. Both Cruz and Rubio have the resources to carry on. Trump has to know what is coming at the debate and the weeks of negative ads. If he is able to hold his own and not go into meltdown mode like last debate, he can look forward to an easy glide path in wrapping up the nomination in the next few weeks by taking Florida. Florida, make no mistake is the end game for all three. For one its the nail in the coffin of his foes. For the others its a means to carry on and maybe ally themselves as the Republican ticket against Donald. Right now its still Trump's nomination to lose. Lets see how he weathers the up coming storm of Rubio and Cruz. Thursday is must see TV.
Trump is the summation of 50 years of exclusion of normal, honest, hard working white Americans. The people that made this country go while the "progressives", liberals, leftists, media elite ran amok with their perverse social engineering programs which have been aimed excluding, attacking, persecuting and eliminating normal white americans - the heirs of Western Civilization. It is also a response to everyone who is fed up with special interests, donors and rich people lining these politicians pockets for cheap labor, exporting of American jobs (mostly manufacturing and Tech), total disregard for the American worker. If Trump does not win, its obvious that the future political landscape is going to change anyways. Trump has been a lightning rod - bringing up the important issues that the political, media and Hollywood elite machines try to sweep under the rug. If anything, he is laying a template for either a total tearing down/building up of the Republican party or ultimately a new political group/party that can continue to push the messages and issues Trump has had the gumption to bring to the forefront in his campaign. Hell even on the left Bernie Sanders does seem to want to protect the American economy and worker. Shillary is the establishment pick to carry on the agenda. It will be interesting to see if those who supported Sanders will realize Trump is a much better option than Clinton or if they will sheepishly vote along party lines.

Trump is showing a great fracture in our country and it is great to see so many whites lining up in support of him, totally going against the attempts of leftist shaming and labeling. He is doing a great job at solidifying and creating a voter block and seems to be looking out for the common man moreso than any candidate in my lifetime (or at least since I have had a vested interest in politics). Win or lose I think the system in place is going to be in for a big shake up.
I can't see Rubio and Cruz damaging Trump much more than they have. Trump lost some support but not much, he still was the Mack Daddy of Super Tuesday.

Trump was a bit off his game in the last debate but I expect him to rebound nicely this week. He's got a huge base of unwavering support, not just populist Republicans but a nice bloc of working class Democrats. It's a winning combination for the general election if he plays it right, and if the GOP Learned Elders don't choose the route of self-destruction rather than letting him win the nomination he's earning.

It's a fascinating presidential election, the most interesting and most important ever in some ways as Trump may end up with the power to lead a revolution if he wants. My guess is that if elected president he'll be conventional in some ways and unconventional in others but not a true revolutionary. As has been observed, he's "The Last American," trying to save what's left of America 1.0. Time will tell, but he's been brilliant so far in exposing the system's weaknesses and vulnerabilities to an assault from someone who is a celebrity and isn't beholden to the financial interests that own almost all politicians. It literally takes a billionaire to crack open the U.S.'s closed political system; Ross Perot in 1992 being the last one to try. But Perot was a flake while Trump has the mentality of a Strongman.
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Don, you might be right on the white Democrats. A story on a cuckservative site stated that 1000s of White Dems support Trump in MASS, the bloc of working class DEMs you speak of. I hope so.
BTW, Leonardfan, I agree with you on your eloquent post. As I have stated before, I just hope Trump believes what he is stating.
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