The Trumpening?

An impressive post that Der Donald wrote on Twitter 2 days ago...

Donald J. Trump Verified account ‏@realDonaldTrump Remember that Marco Rubio is very weak on illegal immigration. South Carolina needs strength as illegals and Syrians pour in. Don't allow it

Aside from the great David Duke, has there ever been a modern white politician with the backbone to say such things about non-white immigration? Even if Trump gets elected and doesn't do anything in terms of deportation, a border wall, etc., I'm still thankful that a white man is speaking such truths (with the whole Western world watching) in 2016. Very refreshing.
An impressive post that Der Donald wrote on Twitter 2 days ago...

Aside from the great David Duke, has there ever been a modern white politician with the backbone to say such things about non-white immigration? Even if Trump gets elected and doesn't do anything in terms of deportation, a border wall, etc., I'm still thankful that a white man is speaking such truths (with the whole Western world watching) in 2016. Very refreshing.

Well stated. This has been the point of so many! Finally someone forces the world to listen.
Yeah those types are always going on about "hate" but if you think differently than them they would hate you to death if they could. I play my cards close, so I've had occasion to discuss things with lefties and I've seen it. Just a purple faced rage that someone might hold contrary ideas. Phonies and hypocrites. Not that I'm sold on Trump, but I enjoy watching him shake their cages and rattle their chains. What would be this campaign be without him? Whatever he really is, he's bumped up the ratings. (thought I was quoting whiteathlete's post number 125 but it didn't work. Probably just did it wrong)
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Concerning South Carolina politicians, yes its very depressing that South Carolina doesn't have a Jeff Sessions type senator. In 2014, Lindsay Graham only got 56% of the vote in the primary. Under 50% and he would have had to face a runoff against Lee Bright who was running a strong, but underfunded campaign against him. Bright would have been much better than Grahamnesty, and with better funding could have defeated him.
I went to the wiki page for Donald Trump and was quite impressed. This is a man that has done a lot in his life. I was amazed at the number and variety of businesses he has started, many of them successful. He has been in real estate as that was his fathers business, he has also started an airlines, clothing line, finance, owned a pro football team, been in the steak business, builds great golf courses, casinos. He must have started dozens of companies.

When you consider the energy and drive needed to build and run large businesses AND marry two models and an actress and father 5 or 6 kids, Donald Trump has to be one of the most accomplished men to ever run for president. Compare that to the do nothing lawyers that dominate the political scene who have never run anything but their mouths. Some people compare Trump to Obama. What a joke! Obama the guy who did nothing in his life, whose academic records are sealed, who was a "community organizer" in comparison to a guy that generated billions of dollars and put thousands of people to work.

The idea that Trump is inferior in some way to the mealy mouthed politicians like Clinton or Cruz or Rubio is a ridiculous. This is a man of accomplishment who has done great things in his long life, how can he not be more then qualified to run a large dysfunctional organization like USA Gov Inc? In fact be might be the best man in the country.
He is an amazing man in many ways. Maybe it's his destiny to be the President we've so desperately needed for so long. Time will tell.

I'm watching Trump right now on Fox News with Sean Hannity in Vegas. Hannity has been very supportive of him, at least recently. Trump had to initially get all of the obligatory pro-Israel stuff out of the way, given that Hannity is a fanatical Zionist and the pro-Trump studio crowd is likewise. When he can talk about other topics he makes a lot of sense. And he calls himself a "common sense conservative." What he is, is a populist, a billionaire populist, who we must continually observe and critique, but as of now he's head and shoulders above the other Republicrats who are running.
I went to the wiki page for Donald Trump and was quite impressed. This is a man that has done a lot in his life. I was amazed at the number and variety of businesses he has started, many of them successful. He has been in real estate as that was his fathers business, he has also started an airlines, clothing line, finance, owned a pro football team, been in the steak business, builds great golf courses, casinos. He must have started dozens of companies.

When you consider the energy and drive needed to build and run large businesses AND marry two models and an actress and father 5 or 6 kids, Donald Trump has to be one of the most accomplished men to ever run for president. Compare that to the do nothing lawyers that dominate the political scene who have never run anything but their mouths. Some people compare Trump to Obama. What a joke! Obama the guy who did nothing in his life, whose academic records are sealed, who was a "community organizer" in comparison to a guy that generated billions of dollars and put thousands of people to work.

The idea that Trump is inferior in some way to the mealy mouthed politicians like Clinton or Cruz or Rubio is a ridiculous. This is a man of accomplishment who has done great things in his long life, how can he not be more then qualified to run a large dysfunctional organization like USA Gov Inc? In fact be might be the best man in the country.
What is also amazing is his energy level for a man near 70 yrs old. Also, he does not drink alcohol. I am pretty confident that he is now going to rout Cruz and Rubio during Super Tuesday. It will be all but over for the Cruz and the now detestable Rubio. His true colors have shown. An establishment f**k at heart.
I cannot believe how you guys cannot see that cruz is the actual true non establishment candidate. And despite the odds, he can still win.

What makes me laugh is the msm is saying that rubios second place(which was in effect a tie as he won by only 1000 votes over cruz) means that cruz is and i quote "finished" by charlie hurt etc.

Firstly south carolina is open, so anyone can in effect vote, so its not as conservative as they make out. But more importantly cruz beat rubio in new hampshire spending only 520 000 dollas there. New hampshire is considered the most LIBERAL STATE IN THE US!!Also in south carolina rubio had every top endorment you can possibly get, yet still in effect tied with cruz. Has anyone else noticed this? Cruz has actually beaten trump, the only candidate thus far. Super tuesday gonna be brutal for rubio as well.
Trump recently said something to the effect that he would be neutral in the Isreal Palestine conflict. I don't know what the context was, heard it on the radio, and it was in contrast to Cruz who said he'd be pro-Israel.
I cannot believe how you guys cannot see that cruz is the actual true non establishment candidate. And despite the odds, he can still win.

What makes me laugh is the msm is saying that rubios second place(which was in effect a tie as he won by only 1000 votes over cruz) means that cruz is and i quote "finished" by charlie hurt etc.

Firstly south carolina is open, so anyone can in effect vote, so its not as conservative as they make out. But more importantly cruz beat rubio in new hampshire spending only 520 000 dollas there. New hampshire is considered the most LIBERAL STATE IN THE US!!Also in south carolina rubio had every top endorment you can possibly get, yet still in effect tied with cruz. Has anyone else noticed this? Cruz has actually beaten trump, the only candidate thus far. Super tuesday gonna be brutal for rubio as well.

Huh? Cruz has only "beaten" Trump in the imbecilic caucus/circus system in Iowa. A caucus is little more than a bunch of militant NeoCons (in this case, Zionist Evangelical Christians) gathered in bingo halls, high school gymnasiums, township buildings, and fire halls used for bullying a room full of other people into supporting the most popular Republican establishment candidate available. Check out the total number of "votes" (they're not actually votes, more like the entire room is forced to vote for one candidate) in all of Iowa, a state of 3.1 million people. Essentially, less than 5% of the total population "voted" in the Iowa Caucus. Lame...

Huh? Cruz has only "beaten" Trump in the imbecilic caucus/circus system in Iowa. A caucus is little more than a bunch of militant NeoCons (in this case, Zionist Evangelical Christians) gathered in bingo halls, high school gymnasiums, township buildings, and fire halls used for bullying a room full of other people into supporting the most popular Republican establishment candidate available. Check out the total number of "votes" (they're not actually votes, more like the entire room is forced to vote for one candidate) in all of Iowa, a state of 3.1 million people. Essentially, less than 5% of the total population "voted" in the Iowa Caucus. Lame...


I dont disagree with you, you mis interpreted what i said mate. Im referring to the media saying that cruz is finished but rubio isnt. My point is, how is that the case? At best they are both finished if trump maintains his momentum.

But the facts are rubio is relying on a state of florida where hes polling in third behind trump and cruz! Cruz beat rubio in liberal new hampshire spending only half a mil there! Despite what you say about cruz winning iowa, amd you maybe right, my point was at least hes actually beaten trump.

Rubio in south carolina had every top endorsement possible, including the govener with a 80 percent approval rating and still only beat cruz by 1000 votes.

So my point is, why should cruz be finished and rubio not? Makes no sense to me!
Cruz is no worse off then Rubio but really they are both on life support as Trump is steamrolling them. I think the reason Rubio is seen as more viable than Cruz is simply his backing from the neocon fat cats, establishment republican "journalists" and sitting zio-repub politicians. He's "their boy" now but despite all this his results have been pitiful. If not for Jeb! stinking it up, Rubio would be seen as the big loser.
I cannot believe how you guys cannot see that cruz is the actual true non establishment candidate. And despite the odds, he can still win.

I cannot believe you cannot see Cruz is a completely manufactured payed for candidate? He's an agent of his sponsors -it's that simple.
I cannot believe you cannot see Cruz is a completely manufactured payed for candidate? He's an agent of his sponsors -it's that simple.

Thats why fox news continuosly bashes him, its relentless. Thats why no senator endorses him.

His record speaks for itself, while trump was actually being an open liberal and funding the democrats such as chuck schumer, nancy poloskie, hilary etc cruz has fought for evevry conservative issue, from. abortion to immigration. Even stood with sessions on immigration.

You do know trump was a literal smut peddler, getting gay porn into the casinos.

These are facts, as i say trumps been a liberal all his life, cruz has been a animal in the senate never caving in.

Look, you guys can vote for trump im not going go sway you, but let it be known you are voting for a liberal, he said on camera"hilary clinton did a good job" and funded her. Not my words, the words of donald trump. Who you seem hell bent on preaching for.
Thats why fox news continuosly bashes him, its relentless. Thats why no senator endorses him.

His record speaks for itself, while trump was actually being an open liberal and funding the democrats such as chuck schumer, nancy poloskie, hilary etc cruz has fought for evevry conservative issue, from. abortion to immigration. Even stood with sessions on immigration.

You do know trump was a literal smut peddler, getting gay porn into the casinos.

These are facts, as i say trumps been a liberal all his life, cruz has been a animal in the senate never caving in.

Look, you guys can vote for trump im not going go sway you, but let it be known you are voting for a liberal, he said on camera"hilary clinton did a good job" and funded her. Not my words, the words of donald trump. Who you seem hell bent on preaching for.

I think there is something you may not understand. When "Trump" paid into "Hilary" these are company to company payments; Donald the man is not "Trump" the company. When these payments are done it is for tax/investment/influence/peace confluence. In business we exchange with anyone for our advantage. Its no matter of false principles.

What I like about Donald is he has single handily put his fist down the throat of all of "liberals" who had all but locked up free speech.
I think there is something you may not understand. When "Trump" paid into "Hilary" these are company to company payments; Donald the man is not "Trump" the company. When these payments are done it is for tax/investment/influence/peace confluence. In business we exchange with anyone for our advantage. Its no matter of false principles.

What I like about Donald is he has single handily put his fist down the throat of all of "liberals" who had all but locked up free speech.

Ill definitely give trump his dues there, no doubt that ,despite me thinking he has horrible views, his un pc populists views have destroyed the resting face of the establishment. That is unquestionable. Hes dared do ,despite imo being false pretences, what alot of politicians wont do and thats be un pc. The third rail of politics, well guess what, hes winning, and winning easily. So he is a caste buster in the politcal world in that respect.
I think Rubio is finished afterward Super Tuesday. He will not win one state. Cruz on the other hand, has Texas, with over 55 delegates. This gives Cruz hope, and his belief of picking up a state or two. Its against the odds, but that is Cruz's only play. The nomination is Trump's to lose at this point.
The establishment Repubs mean business to stop Trump. A Koch bros associate is joining the Rubio campaign to help stop Trump. Right now I can not see this helping Rubio.
Looks as if Trump is winning Nevada.
Super-cuck Glenn Beck, a fervent Cruz supporter, was briefly shown on CNN just now. He looks, and is even dressed, like the smarmiest snake oil salesmen that roamed the West in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The Donald should wrap this up on Super Tuesday. Even if Cruz carries Texas. I liked what Cruz was stating, however, to most, he was just a Washington insider, being a sitting Senator. Man, I really hope Donald can carry out most of what he is saying, especially immigration. We shall see. Contrary to the pundits on both sides. He will destroy the lying c*nt Hillary Clinton if she is not indicted first. Another big apple(s) is selecting at least 2, maybe 3 Supreme Court Justices.
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