The Trumpening?

Anyone else looking at the polls? I am not encouraged. Hopefully their way off base.
I'm not believing them for one second. Not judging by the youtube vids of Trump rallies and comments sections in even "mainstream" news sites. Especially after the Orlando Homocaust.
Great speech buy Trump today. He laid out Clinton for the corrupt c*nt she is. Hopefully this will start to right the ship and get the American people on board.
Great speech buy Trump today. He laid out Clinton for the corrupt c*nt she is. Hopefully this will start to right the ship and get the American people on board.

Yep, he called a spade a spade. Roger Stone could have written that speech. It was so un-Romney, so un-milquetoast establishment Republican. Great speech.

Now we need Brexit to pass tomorrow.
No way Brexit wins. Can't happen. They won't let it.
No way Brexit wins. Can't happen. They won't let it.
Unfortunately, I'm going to have to agree with you on that. I've already set myself up for disappointment come tomorrow.
Yeah they saw to it Le Pen lost in France, even as a clear favorite, same with Hofer in Austria, probably Trump here, they can stretch it out a few years before the dam bursts.
If Brexit fails. The blame is ultimately on White people. Too many are fooled or persuaded by groups, parties that do not have their interests in mind. If Brexit goes the way of Le Pen, the last hope is Trump. Never in the last 30 years has a Republican candidate tore into the opposing liberal candidate like Trump did yesterday. Yesterday gave me hope.
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If Brexit fails. The blame is ultimately on White people. Too many are fooled or persuaded by groups, parties that do not have their interests in mind. If Brexit goes the way of Le Pen, the last hope is Trump. Never in the last 30 years has a Republican candidate tore into the opposing liberal candidate like Trump did yesterday. Yesterday gave me hope.

I agree, he eviscerated The Hildabeast in every conceivable way and we're still 5 months away from the election. The Clinton Crime Family has an endless cavalcade of powerful political connections around the globe, but this guy doesn't fear anyone or anything. The majority of Americans truly don't deserve this kind of brutal honesty to exist in their fake, controlled, cowardly little lives...

Interestingly, I just clicked on a poll that is on the homepage, not exactly a bastion of conservatism, and according to this informal poll, Trump is up 49% to 31%.
Speaking of Brexit, I also doubt that it will pass. Looking at it overall, with GB being a cash cow for the EU and being overrun with mandated "refugees", it would seem like a no-brainer. Even the wussy cult-marx crowd could see this. Where the vote is being swayed is in the financial threats. EU goons have relentlessy advertised that the Pound will tank and everybody will instantly be destitute. And considering the power of the Banksters to make this happen, it's no idle threat.
Yeah they saw to it Le Pen lost in France, even as a clear favorite, same with Hofer in Austria, probably Trump here, they can stretch it out a few years before the dam bursts.

I agree. With electronic voting machines, there is absolutely no way to confirm voting results. Whoever is in control of the machines can say the votes are whatever they want. This doesn't portend well for the future of democracy. Conditions will have to deteriorate to the point that people are desperate enough to be propelled to action.
Britex to leave are in front. Too close to call.
It's looking like Brexit may be happening after all!! Independent TV in England have just called the referendum for Leave. Sky and BBC still not there yet. Only 80 precincts left to go. Wales has voted to leave the EU.
Leave up almost a million votes!!!!
SKY is forecasting a Brit Exit from the EU. I am feeling good.
Closing in on a million votes as a cushion.
Over a million votes! Jaxvid, I think Werewolf has caste a spell on you. You need a exorcism, mosh gosh. LOL No false flag here.
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Over a million votes! Jaxvid, I think Werewolf has caste a spell on you. You need a exorcism, mosh gosh. LOL No false flag here.

Amazing bit of good news! Someone needs to check those Diebold voting machines. This could be a game changer.

Geez if the horribly cucked Brits can show a bit of balls anything is possible. This is going to give the French and Germans something to think about.
One shoe drops tonight. I hope the other shoe drops November 2016 with Trump as the POTUS!!!!

Absolutely unbelievable!! I am in shock. This is the best piece of good news in I don't know how long. Gold is soaring and the markets are crashing as the corrupt global elite are Shi#tting themselves... Not that I necessarily want the markets to crash. I just want the evil, parasitical, verminous globalist elite to feel a whole lot of pain.

Anything is possible now :)
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Amazing bit of good news! Someone needs to check those Diebold voting machines. This could be a game changer.

Geez if the horribly cucked Brits can show a bit of balls anything is possible. This is going to give the French and Germans something to think about.
Yeah, I guess the old Diebold voting machine excuse can't be used in Great Britain any longer. Good one Jaxvid, LOL!
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