The Trumpening?

Anytime something goes against George Soros is a great day for me!:aaaaa:
PM Cameron does the classy and right thing. He will step down after a transition for a new PM to lead the exit. Sometime in October. Right now on FOX the news casters are comparing the uprising of the ppl in GB to here, where Trump is in the right spot to capitalize on the obvious discontent here in Amerika. Interesting Trump will land in Scotland in a couple of hours. Should be interesting to hear his remarks and the later the lying c*nt's, Hillary. Also, Obama must feel like sh*t after telling the ppl of GB to stay in the globalist quagmire called the EU, where the common man gets f*cked and the globalists gets rich. All the while the citizens have to put up with the Jihadis in GB. This will be the first step in the citizens taken control of their country. I hope Amerika is next.
Wow they actually did it, pleasant surprise!
Trump on the English voting to leave the European Union:

"The people of the United Kingdom have exercised ae sacred right of all free peoples. They have declared their independence from the European Union, and have voted to reassert control over their own politics, borders and economy," Trump said. "Come November, the American people will have the chance to re-declare their independence."

Read more:
Congrats to the people of Britan for breaking free from this leviathan parasite!

Never thought I'd live to see a time when the foul concept of globalism (a globalized form of communism) would ever lose any traction whatsoever in the Western world. When actually put to a vote, normal white people want localized government run by people who share their culture and beliefs.

I hope this is the first step towards eliminating the odious, anti-white, pro-immigration, Cultural Marxist, Jewish Bankster-run EU altogether.

Of course, Trump's comments on the matter are flawless!
Trump's comments in Scotland are right on the money. Of course the MSM is busy spinning away trying to ridicule what he is saying, even though the average reader will say "he's right." Scotland (along with London) though voted to stay in the EU, but votes from Wales and most of the "regular" folks enabled Brexit to win. Now the First Minister of Scotland, Nicole Sturgeon is saying that a second independence referendum is 'inevitable'. What happened to the Braveheart Scots?
Trump's comments in Scotland are right on the money. Of course the MSM is busy spinning away trying to ridicule what he is saying, even though the average reader will say "he's right." Scotland (along with London) though voted to stay in the EU, but votes from Wales and most of the "regular" folks enabled Brexit to win. Now the First Minister of Scotland, Nicole Sturgeon is saying that a second independence referendum is 'inevitable'. What happened to the Braveheart Scots?

Yes the Scots and Irish too are pretty well cucked. They both have complained about the results. Funny how when things go their way they dismiss the losers with " muh democracy". Expect the EU court to nullify the vote just like our courts over turn popular referendums.

The new leader of great Britain should tell the Scots and Irish "how soon can you leave?" We keep our welfare money and you go see if you can get that deal the Greeks got from Germany.
LOL No false flag here.
Actually, there was. The assassination of Jo Cox. Before that, BREXIT was on cruise control, up by as much as 19%. After that, the entire (((media))) came out and utterly demonized the "LEAVE" campaign, calling them "racists", "bigots", "xenophobic", etc. However, their effort fell short and the UK is now, thank God, free of the (((EU))), for the time-being.
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Celebrate this victory.


Meanwhile David Cameron and the Global elites


But don't forget, the Empire will Strike Back.


Freedom requires eternal vigilance or else.......

Trump's comments in Scotland are right on the money. Of course the MSM is busy spinning away trying to ridicule what he is saying, even though the average reader will say "he's right." Scotland (along with London) though voted to stay in the EU, but votes from Wales and most of the "regular" folks enabled Brexit to win. Now the First Minister of Scotland, Nicole Sturgeon is saying that a second independence referendum is 'inevitable'. What happened to the Braveheart Scots?
Same thing that happened to the Scandinavian Vikings and the German Barbarians and the Frankish French and the Roman Italians and the Alexander the Great Greeks and so on.......
They became p~ssy whipped. Never should have given ~them~ the vote and never should have allowed a certain wandering tribe to cross your borders.
Trump's comments in Scotland are right on the money. Of course the MSM is busy spinning away trying to ridicule what he is saying, even though the average reader will say "he's right." Scotland (along with London) though voted to stay in the EU, but votes from Wales and most of the "regular" folks enabled Brexit to win. Now the First Minister of Scotland, Nicole Sturgeon is saying that a second independence referendum is 'inevitable'. What happened to the Braveheart Scots?
Pretty sure, once she is advised that GB will no longer provide funds for welfare and armed forces and presented with the realization that some of the current members of EU will veto their membership, her friggen tune will change. And all of a sudden she will say," after much thought and consideration and consultation with the PM of England, we will forge a union with GB and Ireland. Game over, we are a team."
No way Brexit wins. Can't happen. They won't let it.

You're a good guy so I'm sure you're happy this once to be wrong:D. I was thinkin' the same thing myself so I'm very happy to be wrong as well.
Amazing bit of good news! Someone needs to check those Diebold voting machines. This could be a game changer.

Geez if the horribly cucked Brits can show a bit of balls anything is possible. This is going to give the French and Germans something to think about.

But they didn't use computerized Diebold voting machines. They used paper ballots. That's why Brexit was able to win. They mess with the paper ballots too, but nothing like the way they mess with the no paper trail privately owned and privately programmed and privately vote counted "Premier Election Solutions" (Diebold's new name) computers that they use in the USSA's sham elections.

"What is the Big Lesson of the UK 'Brexit' Vote for Americans? It Was Done With Paper Ballots"
But they didn't use computerized Diebold voting machines. They used paper ballots. That's why Brexit was able to win. They mess with the paper ballots too, but nothing like the way they mess with the no paper trail privately owned and privately programmed and privately vote counted "Premier Election Solutions" (Diebold's new name) computers that they use in the USSA's sham elections.

"What is the Big Lesson of the UK 'Brexit' Vote for Americans? It Was Done With Paper Ballots"

Wolf, that's a very good point, been repeating this for years. Men also need to apply the same reasoning to money and stop using electronic transfers for every damn thing like a cup of coffee. Keep it physical and the record stands truest.
From the guy that quotes Winston, this is a very fine hour!
You are correct. Today I see that Clinton is expanding her lead over Trump in the polls. Man, that criminal referral from the FBI can not come soon enough. It will be impossible for the FBI to drag out this much longer. A referral in my opinion will be good enough, knowing that BO will not recommend charges. Interesting times ahead.
Real Clear Politics has the latest poll aggregate at 5.6%, that margin of lead means nothing in June, especially since Trump votes are probably under-reported. The was about the advantage that REMAIN had before the actual election.
But they didn't use computerized Diebold voting machines. They used paper ballots. That's why Brexit was able to win. They mess with the paper ballots too, but nothing like the way they mess with the no paper trail privately owned and privately programmed and privately vote counted "Premier Election Solutions" (Diebold's new name) computers that they use in the USSA's sham elections.

"What is the Big Lesson of the UK 'Brexit' Vote for Americans? It Was Done With Paper Ballots"

What? A werewolf post! Did you get back your computer privileges from the institute? :p
Wolf, that's a very good point, been repeating this for years. Men also need to apply the same reasoning to money and stop using electronic transfers for every damn thing like a cup of coffee. Keep it physical and the record stands truest.

That's a good point too. Big Brother can track almost every move you make by looking at your credit card records...and then there are your cell phone records which includes GPS, your internet records of course, and even smart cars and smart tv's. George Orwell saw it coming - only it's much worse.
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What? A werewolf post! Did you get back your computer privileges from the institute? :p

Yeah, I got temporary internet privileges back so long as I don't try to damage the rubber walls in my room any more. Actually my spy told me some jerk was bandying my name about. I wouldn't want to mention names but it rhymes with...say what does Jaxvid rhyme with anyway?
Yeah, I got temporary internet privileges back so long as I don't try to damage the rubber walls in my room any more. Actually my spy told me some jerk was bandying my name about. I wouldn't want to mention names but it rhymes with...say what does Jaxvid rhyme with anyway?
Werewolf, I was only joking. Your point on some things is quite insightful and valued.
Werewolf, I was only joking. Your point on some things is quite insightful and valued.

What do you mean "some things"?

But I was busting Jaxvid's chops, not yours. Anyway I don't take internet fighting and feuding personally. Except in the case of Jaxvid.


Werewolf, 149-0.

I've been watching Charlie Zelenoff videos...

PS. Only kidding about Jaxvid!
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One of the hag's rallies compared with one of Trump's rallies ... and then they publish their phony lying polls saying she's ahead. Who would even vote for that witch other than a stinking lesbian or a banker?
American Freedom News