The Trumpening?

To be honest not feeling good. The media smells blood and attacking Trump for his in artful remarks about the Hispanic judge overseeing the class action suit against him. Now the media is blissfully shedding emotional tears over She devil Scumbag's nomination for the DEM party. I believe the FBI referral for charges against this cunt will be needed to take her out. If she wins, pretty much all is lost as America we once knew. If that happens, I lay it at the footsteps of the bamboozled White people who could not see we were being played. God, I hope that I am really wrong.
Westside, I concur. From everything I can see this is who the elites want, from Bilderberger down she is their choice and has been all along. The media will be in overdrive around the clock with the false narratives, any "dirt" on Trump, ignoring the crimes of Clinton, and making us dry heave over the worship by "everday women" of this political prostitute in a pant suit.
Here's what will probably befall Trump voters in the Fall, like it did to a Bernie voter yesterday in California:

Trumps people need to say it over and over and over again that this judges connections with the Racist and anti-American separatist organization "La Raza (The Race) of Atzlan mythology fame, is the issue. His Hispanic Lawyers Bar Association (that also subscribes to Atzlan) has also officially endorsed the position that Trump must be stopped by all means. What makes this any different than Southern White Segregationist Judges being recused from trying Civil Rights or other race sensitive cases back in those days. There's a clear conflict of Interest. It's not JUST his being Latrino, it's his affiliation with those vehemently Trump hating organizations that makes him unsuitable to oversee this case. Mexcrement racism and hatred is on full display with all the violence and American flag burning and Mex flag waving.
With the crook shilary getting the democratic nomination it looks like the schism on the left in this country is going to be growing as Bolshevik Bernie will not concede. I love this cannibalizing - Clinton is the establishment candidate, Bernie is the candidate of the leeches and Trump is the candidate of the rational.

How Bernie Sanders just became the rabbi of the Jewish left

If every man simply lived in his own interest, and stopped pestering others to align with him, would Bernie really be standing in front of these people seeking their support?
With the crook shilary getting the democratic nomination it looks like the schism on the left in this country is going to be growing as Bolshevik Bernie will not concede. I love this cannibalizing - Clinton is the establishment candidate, Bernie is the candidate of the leeches and Trump is the candidate of the rational.

The rational ? Wow. Some people here are delusional. Both candidates are horrible for this country. End of story.
The rational ? Wow. Some people here are delusional. Both candidates are horrible for this country. End of story.

Trump supports border control and enforcement, bringing jobs back to the United States, penalizing companies who leave America for cheaper labor abroad, a rejection of Globalist policies that are destroying this country, a less hawkish foreign policy than any candidate or president in recent memory, he calls out the media and PC nazi's at every turn. Does he have the tact and political polish? No absolutely not but Americans have seen what career politicians have done in selling out our country.

That is a pretty rational campaign platform for any American who is sick of the way this country is going down the toilet.
Trump supports border control and enforcement, bringing jobs back to the United States, penalizing companies who leave America for cheaper labor abroad, a rejection of Globalist policies that are destroying this country, a less hawkish foreign policy than any candidate or president in recent memory, he calls out the media and PC nazi's at every turn. Does he have the tact and political polish? No absolutely not but Americans have seen what career politicians have done in selling out our country.

That is a pretty rational campaign platform for any American who is sick of the way this country is going down the toilet.

I agree that he lacks tact and polish but I have a good feeling Trump will say anything to get elected and really DO nothing. It is a very good assumption knowing his ego from the past.
I agree that he lacks tact and polish but I have a good feeling Trump will say anything to get elected and really DO nothing. It is a very good assumption knowing his ego from the past.

I think he is genuine in what he is saying and he goes to all of those rallies and seems to connect with everyone. I don't think he is giving them lip service, at least I hope he isn't. The Trump Phenomenon is basically the response to Obama's "Hope" rallying call in 2008. All of the disaffected white folks who voted Obama in 2008 see that he has done nothing for them and left them behind while showing how anti-white he and his administration actually are.

Trump's message is completely different and hopefully if elected he will deliver on what he is saying. The more important thing about Trump is that he has opened the floodgates and awakened or at least encouraged more citizens to call out the Media, Politicians and PC crowd rather than silently cower and obey.

With that said I don't really want to get into a political back and forth with you :)
Whither the Shards of America?: It’s Us, or Them
Posted on June 9, 2016 by Fred Reed


From the sewers they come. Anti-Trump animalia beating a supporter of Trump in San Jose. They have done the same to Sanders. Anti-Trump is legitimate. Beating up his supporters is not. Us or them.
From the Drudge Report, America’s thermometer, regarding the disruption a campaign rally for Trump:








Enough. This can’t last. If people want to demonstrate against anything at all, fine. If they detest any politician at all, fine. If they are vulgar subliterate rabble, let them be vulgar subliterate rabble where I am not. But when they run wild over and over and shut down politics, they need to be stopped, right now, with nightsticks and dogs and long jail sentences.

A country that allows a feral underclass to run unchecked, to attack and beat anyone it doesn’t like, to loot and burn and disrupt political rallies, to block highways and intimidate the citizenry, will not last. It is time to put an end to it. If we still can.

Look at them. They are the muck at the bottom of the national drains, stupid, half-educated at best, without regard for notions of law or democracy. Many couldn’t spell democracy. They need to be stopped, hard.

They do it because they can. They know there won’t be consequences because governments are afraid of them. They sense it and do as they please. They will do so increasingly. They are in charge, and they know it.

These things are no longer incidents in the cute “culture wars,” half amusing and half-exasperating. We see something more like Weimar Germany, with organized mobs making targets of politicians and breaking up rallies. It is a deliberate, conscious assault on what America is supposed to be and to a reasonable approximation, was.

Somebody needs to take command to end this nonsense before it becomes irremediable. But is it possible? There is no nice way to do it. The scum will ignore niceness. The police would have to beat the living dog-snot out of rioters, charge them with assault, and put them in slam for the maximum. Controlling them would require martial law in cities in insurrection and the shooting of arsonists and looters. Universities would have to expel without recourse of misbehaving college children. These would take stomach, which we do not have.

It is probably too late.

Yes, there is a culture war. Behind the rabble, and supporting them, are the media, New York and Washington and Hollywood, the open-borders crowd, the racial lobbies and etiolated epicenes of academia, Obama and Hillary and the Neocons and Wall Street.

Asserting control would not be easy. The cities are powder kegs. The rioters hold too many hostages. If police shoot one black criminal, a city burns. Politicians know it. If Latinos become another hostile racial group, Katie bar the door. We face as part of the larger conflict a tricorn race war of, now, low intensity. This makes no sense as most of all races just want to live in peace, but the civilized inevitably get sucked into hostility started by extremists. White nationalists are spoiling for a fight, as are Black Livists and an indeterminate number of Latino hot-heads.

Latinos are key in what is coming. There are at least 55 million in the US–I suspect the numbers are deliberately understated by the government–and most, being legal, are not going away.

Cracking down appears to be beyond the powers of governments whose politicians will temporize, back away, make polite noises, and hope it doesn’t blow on their watch. If we have Hillary, she will do nothing. It is not clear that Trump could change much, though he would try.


The new Brown Shirts. Trump supporter being attacked by the mob. There is a large racial element in the social battleground no matter how much we pretend otherwise.
Race is only a part of the onrushing disaster. America is no longer a country, but a riot of hostile races, sexes, and political extremes, of self-serving politicians and extractive corporations of the extremely rich who have no attachment to the US. The mild competition between Republicans and Democrats of the Fifties has given way to hard Right and weird Left who bitterly hate each other. They are irreconcilable.

Somebody has to win. There is neither a desire for compromise nor room for it. Those who regard universities as centers for infantilism, inclusiveness and narcissistic political theater cannot live side by side with those who want rigorous schooling for the qualified. It is one or the other. A belief in free discourse is not compatible with firing people who say things offensive to the sacred sensitives. No happy mean exists between affirmative action and advancement by merit. The ghetto cannot cohabit amicably with the library.

America has become a three-ring circus run equally by Goebbels, Barnum and Bailey, and Caligula. Something is seriously out of whack when the President of the United States insists that boys pee in the girls’ room, when the National Basketball Association threatens to pull the All Star game from North Carolina unless it allows integrated urination. Does basketball now dictate to the states? Arrayed against these are people who believe in what was once called common decency. They do not want their daughters of twelve years going to a ladies’ room in which predictably will be hanging out men of doubtful intentions and intense interest.

Underlying all is the clash over dictatorship of the proletariat, the rule of the underclass. The culture that approved taste, learning, careful English and manners confronts the the slums which increasingly prevail. Filth and illiteracy are not just tolerated but exalted.

Lyrics from the gutter, specifically 2LiveCrew, a rap group.

“Bend over and spread em, girl, Show-w-w me those pussy pearls, Rub that ass and play with that clit, You know I like that freaky ****” and so on.

Today’s America.

The intellectual and moral level of these bottom-feeders is not compatible with civilization, yet the country is bathed in their outpourings. To take it out of passive voice, the music industry of New York bathes the country in it. There is no nice way to escape because the courts will uphold the industry.

The conflict is between freedom and social totalitarianism. Remote bureaucracies with whom localities have nothing in common write their children’s textbooks and decide what morality they should be taught. People who want a say in the schooling of their children, who want to choose where and with whom they live, find themselves pitted against a political ruling class with power to decide almost every aspect of their lives.

Something has to give.
We need Fred for President. Well, maybe VP if nothing else.
He is spot on in his observations. Everyone on here needs to go back and read his archives too. He has been a painful blessing to me over the years.
Everyone with a brain sees what is happening. It is us or them. There is no middle ground because it is a Civil War here that has only one side fighting (so far). If this election goes wrong, the Culture Wars against us on the side of right will be unleashed, especially with the forthcoming Supreme Court judges that will criminalize basically anything that differs with the Leftist agenda, which is to destroy Christianity, and our free speech rights. Heck, it will even sink to the lows of Europe of criminalizing "free thought"... We're almost there already. Anything someone even says here, oops, check that, implies that the k!ke-duped Cultural Communists even DIFFER with will be criminalized with hefty fines, imprisonment, and at the very least the end of our given professions and income. We are about to be toast. Next stop: Antichrist...whether you guys believe it or not get ready if things go like it looks like they may.
With the crook shilary getting the democratic nomination it looks like the schism on the left in this country is going to be growing as Bolshevik Bernie will not concede. I love this cannibalizing - Clinton is the establishment candidate, Bernie is the candidate of the leeches and Trump is the candidate of the rational.

Yes, the "Clinton Crime Family" could end up getting "jewed" by Bolshevik Bernie Sanders in the same manner that Al Gore's victory in Florida was spoiled by Ralph Nader, costing Gore the 2000 election. Bernie is rich, elderly, probably has a nice retirement fund, and has nothing to lose by being a pebble in the high heel shoe of the The Hildabeast. In fact, Bernie wasn't even a member of the Democratic Party until 2015, he was an "Independent" throughout his entire political career. Couple all of these items with the fact that Hillary could be indicted for a federal crime at any moment (she won't be) and that Sanders was totally robbed of the nomination by the ultra-corrupt, highly-unfair concept of "Superdelegates" in the primary system...and why should he quit?

Why Trump Must Not Apologize

By Patrick J.Buchanan

“Never retreat. Never explain. Get it done and let them howl.”

Donald Trump has internalized the maxim Benjamin Jowett gave to his students at Balliol who would soon be running the empire.

And in rejecting demands that he apologize for his remarks about the La Raza judge presiding over the class-action suit against Trump University, the Donald is instinctively correct

Assume, as we must, that Trump believes what he said.

Why, then, should he apologize for speaking the truth, as he sees it?

To do so would be to submit to extortion, to recant, to confess to a sin he does not believe he committed. It would be to capitulate to pressure, to tell a lie to stop the beating, to grovel before the Inquisition of Political Correctness.

Trump is cheered today because he defies the commands of political correctness, and, to the astonishment of enemies and admirers alike, he gets away with it.

To the establishment, Trump is thus a far greater menace than Bernie Sanders, who simply wants to push his soak-the-rich party a little further in the direction of Robin Hood and his Merry Men.

But Trump, with his defiant refusal to apologize for remarks about “rapists” among illegal immigrants from Mexico, and banning Muslims, is doing something far more significant.

He is hurling his “Non serviam!” in the face of the establishment. He is declaring: “I reject your moral authority. You have no right to sit in judgment of me. I will defy any moral sanction you impose, and get away with it. And my people will stand by me.”

Trump’s rebellion is not only against the Republican elite but against the establishment’s claim to define what is right and wrong, true and false, acceptable and unacceptable, in this republic.

Contrast Trump with Paul Ryan, who has buckled pathetically.

The speaker says Trump’s remark about Judge Gonzalo Curiel being hostile to him, probably because the judge is Mexican-American, is the “textbook definition of a racist comment.”

But Ryan’s remark raises fewer questions about Trump’s beliefs than it does about the depth of Ryan’s mind.

We have seen a former president of Mexico curse Trump. We have heard Mexican-American journalists and politicians savage him. We have watched Hispanic rioters burn the American flag and flaunt the Mexican flag outside Trump rallies.

We are told Trump “provoked” these folks, to such a degree they are not entirely to blame for their actions.

Yet the simple suggestion that a Mexican-American judge might also be affected is “the textbook definition of a racist comment”?

The most depressing aspect of this episode is to witness the Republican Party in full panic, trashing Trump to mollify the media who detest them.

To see how far the party has come, consider:

After he had locked up his nomination, Barry Goldwater rose on the floor of the Senate in June of 1964 and voted “No” on the Civil Rights Act. The senator believed that the federal government was usurping the power of the states. He could not countenance this, no matter how noble the cause.

Say what you will about him, Barry Goldwater would never be found among this cut-and-run crowd that is deserting Trump to appease an angry elite.

These Republicans seem to believe that, if or when Trump goes down, this whole unfortunate affair will be over, and they can go back to business as usual.

Sorry, but there is no going back.

The nationalist resistance to the invasion across our Southern border and the will to preserve the unique character of America are surging, and they have their counterparts all across Europe. People sense that the fate and future of the West are in the balance.

While Trump defies political correctness here, in Europe one can scarcely keep track of the anti-EU and anti-immigrant nationalist and separatist parties sprouting up from the Atlantic to the Urals.

Call it identity politics, call it tribalism, call it ethnonationalism; it and Islamism are the two most powerful forces on earth.

A decade ago, if one spoke other than derisively of parties like the National Front in France, the blacklisters would come around. Now, the establishments in the West are on the defensive — when they are not openly on the run.

The day of the Bilderberger is over.

Back to Jowett. When the British were serenely confident in the superiority of their tribe, faith, culture and civilization, they went out and conquered and ruled and remade the world, and for the better.

When they embraced the guilt-besotted liberalism that James Burnham called the “ideology of Western suicide,” it all came down.

The empire collapsed, the establishment burbled its endless apologies for how wicked it had been, and the great colonial powers of Europe threw open their borders to the peoples they had colonized, who are now coming to occupy and remake the mother countries.

But suddenly, to the shock of an establishment reconciled to its fate, populist resistance, call it Trumpism, seems everywhere to be rising.
NO F'iiiiiiiiiing APOLOGIES!!!
The Judge belongs to a Racist, Anti-American Separatist (Atzlan) organization: LA RAZA (The Race). Time to call out that organization for what it is. He also belongs to another compromising organization called Hispanic Lawyers Bar Association (?) that also subscribes to (Atzlan) and has officially denounced Trump and told its members to use all means to stop Trumps Presidential campaign bid. It's not being of Hispanic-Latino heritage, it's those affiliations, and belonging to a group of people who are invading this country by the millions, from a country whose leadership has told them time after time to keep dual citizenship, in order to exercise their primary allegiance--politically--to the Fatherland de Mexico.
Recuse! Recuse! Recuse!
No different than an avowed White Southern Segregationist Judge being forced to recuse himself from a Civil Rights or racially sensitive case during the Civil Rights era.


Amen brother. Trump should hit back hard on this, although he appears to be backing off slightly. Either way this #neverTrump supported "controversy" won't hurt Trump because most people hate judges. We hate the arbitrary power they yield, the insufferable bowing down that must be done before them as if they are some kind of God, and the very real fact that they rule over each of us with unquestioned autocracy. When the robes are pulled away they often turn out to be slime and scum yet they are continually put on a pedestal by cuckservatives that have had their entire agenda demolished by the judiciary. There was nothing wrong with Trump calling out this hispanic whore. The ones that have attacked him on this should be remembered for their treachery.
Concuring on the sentiments above regarding Buchanan's article and points. He is right on point again!
There isn't a public figure on the planet who would say the things that Donald Trump says in the speech below. He slams political correctness, uses phrases such as "radical Islam," "Muslim terror," and "Islamic extremists" about 100 different times, talks about his specific plans to literally ban Muslims from entering the country, discusses the 30+ years of America's failed "Nation Building" in the Middle East, bashes Obama in every conceivable way, mentions Hillary's love of Muslim immigrants (whose culture oppresses gays and women, not that I care, but it's true), and displays plenty of class when discussing the Orlando mass shooting...

I never thought I'd live to see a time when the presidential hopeful of a white nation would be openly discussing his plans for banning a non-white group from entering the country. America surely doesn't deserve a great man like Trump, the only mainstream white man in generations with enough testicular fortitude to tell the truth, to be its president.

Meanwhile, like always, Little Barry's speech came off looking weak, PC, mean-spirited, and ultra-partisan. Trump lives in Obama's mind and doesn't even pay any rent. Hillary, the bought-and-paid for shill who can't waiver from her script (offending her many donors), is just an afterthought. Come, gather round, and point and laugh at Baby Barry, the spineless/pussy/wimp/weakling...

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Anyone else looking at the polls? I am not encouraged. Hopefully their way off base.
Trump picked up about 4 points in the last poll taken since the Orlando event. I know the polls are generally a good idea of the voting sentiment but they can be heavily skewed at this point since they measure stuff like national trends, when the real issue is what is going to happen in the battleground states.

At any rate Trump is not going to make up ground until he gets to crush Hillary in the debates. If she makes it there. The only worry for me is that low polls for Trump might give cuckservatives momentum to deny Trump the nomination, however I just read at Breitbart that is not going to happen, the anti-Trumps are not on the convention committee so they can't do anything about the rules. Polls in June mean nothing, just ask President Dukaki
American Freedom News