The Trumpening?

Werewolf........I went to that site of yours to check it out. The thread "Paging-Werewolf" is hilarious.
I also got a glimpse of your brilliant powers of analysis with this sample:

"Well, my dear friend Jaxvid was being sarcastic when he said that, and while I haven't heard Michael Savage in a long time (I once called up and was on his show arguing with him for 30-40 minutes...he sounded like he was afraid of me and afraid to hang up on me...he must have thought I was someone else because he asked me a couple of times if I lived in San Francisco, which I don't) there are a lot of strange things about this latest incident too, like a lot of reports of more than one gun man and someone holding the exit door shut, and the shooter's being trained and employed by a CIA connected company - and that reminds me of how the so called 911 hijackers were at CIA connected airports in the USSA goofing off and saying stuff like we're not interested in learning how to take off and land, just how to fly; and the Orlando shooter's father visiting the White House - and that reminds me of how Hinkley's father was supposed to be having dinner with Bush the very night Hinkley shot Reagan. Strange "coincidences" yeah right."

I think a Werewolf is to tame an Avatar for your take on events. May I humbly suggest another Avatar that would be more appropriate for you.


P.S......and for the record that is not meant to depict "Bat Sheeeeet Crazy."



One of the hag's rallies compared with one of Trump's rallies ... and then they publish their phony lying polls saying she's ahead. Who would even vote for that witch other than a stinking lesbian or a banker?

Great to see you back, buddy!

When Trump came to an area near me in PA, I went to a packed arena (it held 12,000 people, with allegedly many thousands turned away at the door) for one of his rallies and had an amazing time. Meanwhile, The Hildabeast "packed" a local high school gym. "Who would vote for her" is a great question...especially given the fact that the Clinton Crime Family might choose Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren as "her" VP...


Warren is one of the most anti-white, LGBT supremacist, female chauvinist diversity-pushers in all of American politics. Here she is channeling her inner lesbian...


Even by ultra-Marxist standards, her twitter account is some of the worst stuff you'll ever see:
Don posted this video in another thread, but I'd like to see it memorialized in this great thread...

I've seen more than a few videos of Whites giving it back to them and more. Check out this guy, I think it's fair to say that the vast majority of bikers, workout warriors, and plain old badass type Americans who still have plenty of testosterone are Trump supporters.

This dude is awesome. He screamed the following insults at a group of anti-Trump protestors...

"I'll f-ck your whole family with my big c0ck!"

"Go f-cking cook my burrito, bitch!"

"Go build that f-cking wall for me!"

"Go f-cking make my tortilla, bitch!"

"Get the f-ck out of here! Our country!"

When's the last time a white man treated minorities like that in public?

Allegedly, the name of this white bad-ass is Zackary Fisher, a 31-year old former MMA fighter from Arizona with connections to white supremacists groups. This guy would fit in with me and my group of friends, haha...



Fisher for VP!
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More images from the Sex Pervert Pride Parade

Not sure how they came up with this message - the Orlando killer was an ISIS (Israeli Intelligence Service) mohamedan registered democrat with connections to the occupational government in Washington - worked and trained by CIA security co., father visited Obama (nee Soetoro, Dunham etc.) at White House, visited by FBI at least three times - but I guess it makes sense to deranged sex perverts and the Hag and Mayor DiBlasio (nee Wilhelm, and probably etc. too) and the Reverend Al Sharpton...

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NEW YORK — Hillary Clinton has joined in today’s march to celebrate gay [sex pervert] pride in New York City.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee was accompanied by fellow Democrats Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Rev. Al Sharpton as she walked along a part of the parade route.

If that Jezebel and her old lecherous diseased Ahab get back into the Rainbow House............


.........then it will be time for some celestial fireworks..............


NEW YORK — Hillary Clinton has joined in today’s march to celebrate gay [sex pervert] pride in New York City.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee was accompanied by fellow Democrats Gov. Andrew Cuomo and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and Rev. Al Sharpton as she walked along a part of the parade route.
Louis Farakhan is sounding like one of us.

I'm having a bout of Cog-dis-O-nence. Is this the broken clock telling time twice a day?
Kudos to Alex, who I disagree with a lot, but respect and listen to, for listening to someone who most of his audience probably hates.
Like Donald Trumps recitation of the "Snake" story, and Aesop's "The Lion and the mouse," it pays to pay attention when the Snake and Lion tell you who they are. Strange bed fellows who actually agree on (((something))).
Farrakhan is still who he is, but I have more respect for an enemy like him who tells you exactly what he thinks, than a smooth tongued White Republican "Conservative" who talks with forked tongue.

Some more strange bed fellows, but who I despise...

Werewolf........I went to that site of yours to check it out. The thread "Paging-Werewolf" is hilarious.
I also got a glimpse of your brilliant powers of analysis with this sample:

"Well, my dear friend Jaxvid was being sarcastic when he said that, and while I haven't heard Michael Savage in a long time (I once called up and was on his show arguing with him for 30-40 minutes...he sounded like he was afraid of me and afraid to hang up on me...he must have thought I was someone else because he asked me a couple of times if I lived in San Francisco, which I don't) there are a lot of strange things about this latest incident too, like a lot of reports of more than one gun man and someone holding the exit door shut, and the shooter's being trained and employed by a CIA connected company - and that reminds me of how the so called 911 hijackers were at CIA connected airports in the USSA goofing off and saying stuff like we're not interested in learning how to take off and land, just how to fly; and the Orlando shooter's father visiting the White House - and that reminds me of how Hinkley's father was supposed to be having dinner with Bush the very night Hinkley shot Reagan. Strange "coincidences" yeah right."

I think a Werewolf is to tame an Avatar for your take on events. May I humbly suggest another Avatar that would be more appropriate for you.

I would suggest this as a better avatar for him:


Wolfy has yet to explain the success of Trump vs. those Diebold voting machines despite every member of the PTB being against him. False flag? Manchurian candidate? Divine intervention?
I would suggest this as a better avatar for him:

View attachment 1428

Wolfy has yet to explain the success of Trump vs. those Diebold voting machines despite every member of the PTB being against him. False flag? Manchurian candidate? Divine intervention?
Keep it up you two, I love the friendly fire, back and forth. Just remember "Roberts rules of Order" and the "Marquess of Queensberry's boxing etiquette.
I would suggest this as a better avatar for him:

View attachment 1428

Wolfy has yet to explain the success of Trump vs. those Diebold voting machines despite every member of the PTB being against him. False flag? Manchurian candidate? Divine intervention?

What success, Flinty? You're jumping the gun. And didn't I just tell you that Diebold is no more? It has now morphed into Premier Election Solutions much as Jaxvid has morphed into Flint.

Thank you for the very excellent avatar suggestion. I shall give it serious consideration.

soon, very soon.jpg
Farrakhan is still who he is, but I have more respect for an enemy like him who tells you exactly what he thinks, than a smooth tongued White Republican "Conservative" who talks with forked tongue.

She was paid nearly half a million dollars to, ONE, ONE COURSE at Harvard during one school year. Idiots learning at a prestigious Leftist Propaganda Institute to make their young minds dumb and dumber.
I actually hope Killary chooses this dumb twit Polical Prostitute as her running "mate". There shouldn't be a single solitary heterosexual male that would vote for that Ditzy Duo.
But then of course we have horribly stupid women and all of the homo crowd...
Dark times indeed.
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She was paid near half a million dollars to, ONE, ONE COURSE at Harvard during One school year. Idiots learning at a prestigious Leftist Propaganda Institute to make their young minds dumb and dumber.
I actually hope Killary chooses this dumb twit Polical Prostitute as her running "mate". There shouldn't be a single salutary heterosexual male that would vote for that Ditzy Duo.
But then of course we have horribly stupid women and all of the homo crowd...
Dark times indeed.

And the People of Walmart voting bloc.
I'm far from a Neocon Republicrud, but the Demoncrap party membership & voting block is nearly 100% garbage...with 75%+ welfare leech untermenschen & 25% communist, cultmarx scourge!
Wasn't it in NC of all places (at their DNC Convention in 2014? 2012?) where they "booed God" loudly in an attempt to have the wording of their own party platform changed? These scum sure ain't our granddad's Democrats. These scum now are pure unadulterated evil in all their wicked "glory".
Wasn't it in NC of all places (at their DNC Convention in 2014? 2012?) where they "booed God" loudly in an attempt to have the wording of their own party platform changed? These scum sure ain't our granddad's Democrats. These scum now are pure unadulterated evil in all their wicked "glory".
Here you go.

The "just-say-no-to-God" amendment was overturned by the 2/3rds rule, but you can clearly hear that it was unclear who was the moral or immoral majority and certainly no indication of any 2/3rds majority to overturn the No-mention God amendment. They weren't quite ready on that day to go there, but that day is coming soon like everything else that's changing at warp speed, so stay tuned.
They have slithered so far to the Left, that the JFK's and Tip O' Neil's would be tarred and feathered by today's democrats. On the other side of the aisle, the establishment Republicans, if not for the hated base, would show their true rainbow colors when it comes to social issues, and are no better than Marxists when it comes to globalism which is really just another form of international communisms goals of a NWO. Same destination, different brand. Instead of your great grandfathers Karl Marx, you get your Socialist-Crony Capitalist Bankster-International bureaucracy.

Great to see you back, buddy!

When Trump came to an area near me in PA, I went to a packed arena (it held 12,000 people, with allegedly many thousands turned away at the door) for one of his rallies and had an amazing time. Meanwhile, The Hildabeast "packed" a local high school gym. "Who would vote for her" is a great question...especially given the fact that the Clinton Crime Family might choose Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren as "her" VP...


Warren is one of the most anti-white, LGBT supremacist, female chauvinist diversity-pushers in all of American politics. Here she is channeling her inner lesbian...


Even by ultra-Marxist standards, her twitter account is some of the worst stuff you'll ever see:
Amazing how this lying, anti white male c*nt has such prominence in the rancid party that was once the party of JFK! Also, how many emasculated ferry ass white men support her and that lying old hag c*nt H. Clinton. Really? If these two hags are elected as the Democratic party ticket. The US as we know it is ova.
American Freedom News