The Trumpening?


The Imposter is probably/undoubtedly honored by this professionally made sign in Cuba as they eagerly await his arrival. Could any of you imagine Trump having anything but disdain for having his likeness put in such a pictorial way next to Castro or others like him to obviously show comradery (not that he would ever be put along side the likes of a Communist...)
We know who loves America and who hates America.
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63 million dollars in anti-Trump attack ads and counting by... ... ...those in his own party.
The Leftists must be thrilled that the RepublieCONS are doing their work for them...

I think a whole lot of Republicans will be done with the GOP after this election. The time will be right for a legitimate third party. They may even get some Democrats to join them. The GOP could officially become the party of corporate money and Israel.
Its going to be interesting. If Trump gets the 1237 delegates, he will be the nominee. If he is short, the convention will go to the 1st vote. If the establishment tries to move Kasisch in, I believe Trump and Cruz will join forces with Trump as the Pres and Cruz as the VP to override the establishment. Kaisch is hoping for the second vote. What a prick.
Its going to be interesting. If Trump gets the 1237 delegates, he will be the nominee. If he is short, the convention will go to the 1st vote. If the establishment tries to move Kasisch in, I believe Trump and Cruz will join forces with Trump as the Pres and Cruz as the VP to override the establishment. Kaisch is hoping for the second vote. What a prick.
I am going to have to disagree with you Westside on Trump and Cruz on the same team/ticket. I don't see Trump and Cruz joining even under those circumstances. The animosity and divide is too great. And even if they did, the media would run with it and make fools of them showing their rebukes and bitter polemic over and over. It ain't happenin' as far as I can tell even if the Grand Old Prostitute party tries to railroad Trump outta town; which they will attempt no matter what.
Here's a fact: Many of the political whores in the GOP will literally be cheering for KILLary to beat him.
Interesting times we live in...
I am going to have to disagree with you Westside on Trump and Cruz on the same team/ticket. I don't see Trump and Cruz joining even under those circumstances. The animosity and divide is too great. And even if they did, the media would run with it and make fools of them showing their rebukes and bitter polemic over and over. It ain't happenin' as far as I can tell even if the Grand Old Prostitute party tries to railroad Trump outta town; which they will attempt no matter what.
Here's a fact: Many of the political whores in the GOP will literally be cheering for KILLary to beat him.
Interesting times we live in...
You have a point about how the media will show their past skirmishes.
You guys watch these videos and tell me if even the Police are covering up how bad and violent the anti-Trump criminals are. Read this quote from Det. Cody Lougy of the SLC Police Dept and tell me if something is amiss!:

FOX 13 News' Lauren Steinbrecher (Jewess reporter who further lies at the end of her clip) spoke with protesters and police about their take on Friday night's events...
"Like I said, overall, you know our officers were on standby, we were just hoping everything was peaceful, and, no problems whatsoever, and fortunately it turned out just as we anticipated," said Det. Cody Lougy with the Salt Lake City Police Department.
Now watch the videos and tell me if everything was just fine, no problems, all peace, love and kumbaya. Heck, these scum shoved Police and tore down a Security Tent:
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And now they are blocking roads and highways to Phoenix. They are so loving and such wonderful people. They love free speech don't they?

Yeah they are totally anti-free speech and anti-freedom if you don't agree with them. Far from being "live and let live" or the kind of people you see with the "Co-exist" bumper stickers, if they don't agree with you and your beliefs they would love to kill you and your family. They are pro-abortion, anti-family, anti-White, and don't think people should have the right to defend themselves or operate a business. They are actually anti-human. Such insane, ignorant, intolerant, hateful Marxists are the scum of humanity IMO.
And now they are blocking roads and highways to Phoenix. They are so loving and such wonderful people. They love free speech don't they?

Blocking streets like that could end up killing someone. An ambulance with an accident victim might not be able to get through for example.

These people have a callous disregard for human life.
Blocking streets like that could end up killing someone. An ambulance with an accident victim might not be able to get through for example.

These people have a callous disregard for human life.

The law dogs need to be out there cracking heads & locking up those verminous cretins. Cut loose on those subhuman scumbags with the fire hoses, tear gas & attack dogs (like old time hard@$$ Bull Connor). ;-)
The author is a libertarian who isn't a big Trump fan, but it's an interesting perspective nonetheless.

A Long, Hot Summer is Coming

by Eric Peters

Whatever happens, it’s going to get ugly.

If Trump is nominated, there will be riots – the Perpetually (and professionally) Aggrieved will take to the streets.

If Trump is denied the nomination, there will be riots – as the people come face to face with the true nature of the system they were taught to respect since childhood.

Not since 1861 has America been so clearly divided. These divisions transcend mere political differences of opinion over this or that policy. There is a fundamental schism. Irreconcilable differences. The two sides detest each other, have almost nothing in common. And so can no longer live together.

Trump has been likened to Hitler – which is unfair. He is no Hitler. He is a crony capitalist and some other things, too. Mussolini, maybe.

But he isn’t Hitler.

However, he is riding a wave – make that a tsunami – similar to the one that led to the chancellorship of the German Reich (as it was styled in those days) falling into the hands of the former gefreiter. The people of Germany had been driven to a state of desperation and frenzy by decades of economic evisceration of their country and thus, of themselves. Their country had been ruled over by a revolving, insular cabal of greedheads and frauds, some nothing more than puppets of financial interests, who milked the cow for their and their masters’ benefit.

Sound familiar?

People lacked jobs – and those who did have them felt insecure in them. Depraved elements seemed to be having a field day. Things appeared to be falling apart all around them.

The people had had enough … genug.

And in their desperation, elected Der Fuhrer.

People forget this – or never learned this.

Hitler did not seize power, He was freely elected by a majority in an election whose results are not and never were disputed insofar as whether ballots were stuffed or otherwise rigged. They weren’t. The people turned to Hitler because there was – as they saw it – no one else to turn to.

When one is drowning, one tends not to be picky about the life preserver one grabs.

Today, the life preserver – as he is seen by his supporters – is Trump.

People have had enough of Beltway Conservative greedheads and frauds. The Mitt Romneys and Jebs! and other Bushes (which includes Ted Cruz and his wife, both Bushes in every way except DNA). They have flashed on to the reality that electing any of these people will mean More of The Same. More “free trade” deals that are as free as China. More Wall Street pilfering of their livelihoods to benefit “shareholder value.” More work for less pay. More wars, endlessly. Less and less freedom – all the while prattling about it and waving the flag ever more furiously.

They have had genug.

Trump may not be a Libertarian savior – any more than he is a revenant Hitler. But he is not one of them. And the people revere him for this. He is their weapon – the first one they’ve actually got their hands on since at least 1964 – with which they hope to at least stab out an eye, if only for hate’s sake.

It’s that bad – or that good, depending on your perspective.

The rictus of choreographed outrage directed Trump’s way by the House Organs of DC-New York GOP, Inc., speaks volumes about the mortal danger the establishment is in for the first time in literally living memory.

It’s interesting to recall the motto emblazoned on the standards of the NSDAP. It was Deutschland Erwache!

Germany Awake!

America is awakening.

And the greedheads and frauds who’ve been milking the country for years are absolutely petrified. Because no matter what happens now, they are done.

A Trump nomination – and likely victory in November over the obvious fraud Hillary (despite her core support among embittered lesbians and such, she is as “liberal” as The Chimp was a “conservative”… and the people (including people on the political left) know this… she’s a tool, another greedhead… it is why Sanders, an honest socialist, has been embarrassing her for months) will be the ruin of the DC-New York GOP, Inc. They will be turned out like cur dogs, lucky to find work as Starbucks barristas and Wal Mart “associates” – which would be orgiastic to see. Imagine, for instance, Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity with aprons around their waists, asking whether you’d like them to leave room for cream… .

Deny Trump what he has earned – what the people obviously want – and the GOP will find itself as delegitimized as the Ceausescu regime circa fall, 1989.

And just might experience the same fate.

It could not happen to a more deserving crowd.
The law dogs need to be out there cracking heads & locking up those verminous cretins. Cut loose on those subhuman scumbags with the fire hoses, tear gas & attack dogs (like old time hard@$$ Bull Connor). ;-)

If these "protesters" refuse to unblock the streets law enforcement has no choice but to use force. The roads must be clear for emergency vehicles. Lives could be at stake.

Yet the leftist media and leftist academics ignore these facts and lie and say it's political oppression. It's nothing of the sort.
After all the blocked highways and blocked doorways to the rally, Trump gave a fantastic speech in Tucson, AZ yesterday.

About every 5 minutes while he spoke, like clockwork, a "protestor" would interrupt Trump and needed to be escorted out. Of course, he handled it well and with great humor...

At the 44 minute mark, he mentions the "thousands" of (white) people who were raped, killed, and terrorized by illegal immigrant vermin across the nation. Never thought I'd see the day when crimes against normal white people (committed by non-whites) are mentioned by the leading presidential candidate. May the Gods bless Der Donald!

There has never been an American politician that has endured such totalitarian hatred from the street minions of the left...along with the Zionist fat cats on the right. Type "Trump" into Google News and every single article is anti-Trump. Of course, it's all backfiring and the hyper-out-of-touch media is making him look like the cool, bad-ass kid in an elementary school class that rebels against the teacher. Should be the most interesting next few months in American political history.
All these nothing happening, dirtbag, "rent-a-shills" are begging for some old school frontier justice. I absolutely abhor such repugnant refuse & all they 'stand' (or protest-for-pay) for. >:-(
The GOP isn't going to stop Trump. Hashish is going to fack off very soon. Cruz has already said many times he will respect the leader and not mess with what the voters want. Respect Cruz at least for this. Some GOP spoiled brats just push and pulling to make things as bad as they can for Trump to try to spoil his run against the witch. Forget about it.
Trump will go cuck for AIPAC tonight. Not that it matters but doesn't it contradict everything that he and his supporters say about being his own man and not being being beholden to any lobbyists or interests groups ? Oddly enough the only presidential candidate this year who won't be attending the AIPAC conference is Bernie Sanders. I just the want the Trump supporters to explain one thing to me. You guys think that the media and the establishment believe Trump is the next Hitler and they will do anything to stop him, there have been multiple posters on this site that have said they think the establishment will try to assassinate Trump. So what do you have to say then about all of the media coverage Trump receives ? If they wanted him to fail why wouldn't they have just ignored him like they did Ron Paul ? Why does every Fox News personality with exception of Megyn Kelly fellatiate him on the air ?

Donald Trump has earned close to $2 billion worth of free media attention during the 2016 campaign, eclipsing the total value of media attention given to all of his Republican competitors combined, a new study finds.
The findings show that Trump earned more than six times as much free coverage as his closest competitor, Ted Cruz, and more than two-and-a-half times as much free coverage as Hillary Clinton on the Democratic side.

The study, which was conducted by The New York Times using mediaQuant and SMG Delta data, offers evidence that the American news media has given vastly more coverage to Trump's campaign.

The report will fuel arguments that media coverage has played an instrumental role in Trump's rise to becoming the Republican presidential frontrunner.

But, of course, not all media attention is positive. The heavy coverage of Trump has included sharp scrutiny of his controversial views on race and sharp critiques of his policy proposals on issues like trade and immigration.

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This is so funny you'll spit your coffee out. (Psst... he should have chosen Kim Jong Un instead of Jihadi John as a "tough opponent" -but, hey, that's ok.)

This is pretty funny too
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Trump consulting himself is better than KILLary consulting scores of political prostitutes for their Leftist agendas.
American Freedom News