The Trumpening?

I think he'll win 'em all save Ohio which has a crooked ballot, a schemer press, and a twisted governor who is really just trying to save his own political career in that state. Winning Ohio is great but losing isn't so bad because the delegates won't be going to his closest rival anyway so he still stands as the only viable candidate and the GOP needs to stfu and stop now while they are ahead.
Kasich declared the winner of Ohio. This conservative fraud stated that he will give amnesty to the 12 million illegal aliens, 1st 100 days. He has no path possible. He will stay in so that there will be a contested convention if he does not get the 1237 delegates, by denying Trump the magic number.
Kasish did not win Ohio; if we know it is certain the GOP administrators know his "victory" was the result of a bag of trickery. No big deal anway, at this point there is no sense in going any further with this Rep. primary as Trump has millions more votes than his nearest rival. Trump is the candidate, the party just needs to stop now. The magic number is the millions more votes.
Kasich is a scumbag.

He has no chance of winning the nomination through the electoral process. He's only in the race to try to make sure Trump doesn't get enough delegates to win the race outright. Then the Republican establishment can broker the nomination away from Trump.
Missouri turned out to be the state that went down to the wire. Just a couple of thousand or so votes difference between Trump and Cruz with just a few precincts left to be counted. How can a state be so evenly divided? Amazing.
This cements it for Trump. Big wins and close victories in tough states and a loss to a home town fav. I'm a bit disappointed in Ohio, like Michigan it should have spurned the open borders, of a wussy establishment politician, but went for Kasuck anyway. Missouri is also hard to understand, I guess the Ferguson and Missouri U situations weren't enough to wake the dumb asses from their slumber.

However I think this ensures a third party run for the establishment to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse. I cannot see them not doing it as everything else has failed and they will do anything to keep him from winning.
This cements it for Trump. Big wins and close victories in tough states and a loss to a home town fav. I'm a bit disappointed in Ohio, like Michigan it should have spurned the open borders, of a wussy establishment politician, but went for Kasuck anyway. Missouri is also hard to understand, I guess the Ferguson and Missouri U situations weren't enough to wake the dumb asses from their slumber.

However I think this ensures a third party run for the establishment to keep Trump out of the Whitehouse. I cannot see them not doing it as everything else has failed and they will do anything to keep him from winning.
Rush is saying that the establishment will try to foster in Jeb Bush at the contested convention. LOL, if they do that, the GOP is gone forever. Man, sure hoping the FBI primary knocks out clinton.
Rush is saying that the establishment will try to foster in Jeb Bush at the contested convention. LOL, if they do that, the GOP is gone forever. Man, sure hoping the FBI primary knocks out clinton.

Come on. There's no way the FBI will indict the establishment's choice, Hillary. All of this talk of that happening is purely for show.
Rush is saying that the establishment will try to foster in Jeb Bush at the contested convention. LOL, if they do that, the GOP is gone forever. Man, sure hoping the FBI primary knocks out clinton.

They would love to do that. The risk would be that would wake up a whole lot more dumbasses who are still peacefully slumbering.
Good morning gentlemen,
The GOP leaders have their panties in a seriously tight wad this morning after Trump winning four of five states last night (MO is apparently his by the the narrowest of margins unless they try to pull something).
They are now openly admitting they are going to try to deny him the nomination from the top down. If anybody doesn't think we are up against a seriously anti-Trump GOP pharisaical bunch out to destroy him, you gotta see this...
This is what the American people are up against from these shameless scumbuckets (and just listen to the hateful and smug tone of this GOP Senior Official...):
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Come on. There's no way the FBI will indict the establishment's choice, Hillary. All of this talk of that happening is purely for show.

I agree. Over the years the Clinton political machine has gotten away with murder -- many believe literally -- while occasionally a fuss is made over something comparatively minor, e.g., Monica Lewinsky, Benghazi, Hillary's emails. When Slick Willie was president there was an unbelievable amount of corruption unearthed by the alternative media, from the coke running at the Mena airport to Whitewater to the mysterious deaths of Vince Foster and others, to blatant treason in accepting favors from Chinese moguls and transferring high-technology to China, and a lot of other potential scandals, all of which were ignored while the media titillated the masses with a lowbrow fixation on White House blowjobs.

The superficial noise about Hillary's emails will end up with no charges being filed against her, and eventually some congressional subcommittee will issue a report vindicating her.
Hilarious Article- those useful idiots are tools of the rich to espouse their globalist beliefs and destroy the west completely.

Trump has already sparked the fire of political change by resonating with the neglected majority of the past 50 years. It's amazing and scary how indoctrinated the left really is. They cannot take a step back to see the big picture and that what is going on with trump is a true political upheaval of the establishment. For all their supposed education and open mindedness they are a bunch of slow dimwitted morons. They are agents of the left - human drones who are told what to feel and how to act. It's beyond pathetic. They are the political equivalent of drunk white fans.
I agree. Over the years the Clinton political machine has gotten away with murder -- many believe literally -- while occasionally a fuss is made over something comparatively minor, e.g., Monica Lewinsky, Benghazi, Hillary's emails. When Slick Willie was president there was an unbelievable amount of corruption unearthed by the alternative media, from the coke running at the Mena airport to Whitewater to the mysterious deaths of Vince Foster and others, to blatant treason in accepting favors from Chinese moguls and transferring high-technology to China, and a lot of other potential scandals, all of which were ignored while the media titillated the masses with a lowbrow fixation on White House blowjobs.

The superficial noise about Hillary's emails will end up with no charges being filed against her, and eventually some congressional subcommittee will issue a report vindicating her.
She will have to explain her private unsecured server in her home and the 22 top secret emails on it. What Gen Patreaous did and plead to a misdemeanor charge, pales in comparison.
They need to hire some mercs or Hells Angels for security at the next Trump rally. Let the HAMC deal with the scourge "Altamont style". ;-)
Trump has already sparked the fire of political change by resonating with the neglected majority of the past 50 years.
Yep, and that "neglected" majority, commonly referred to as the "Silent Majority" is mostly made up of disenchanted, disenfranchised, disavowed, and marginalized White men; mostly blue-collar White men. Men that no longer have a say or feel free to speak their mind else suffer the consequences. Ones that are older and have seen the idyllic little world they grew up in become an unrecognizable and unrelatable cultural and multicultural mess. These men always followed the law, played by the rules, respected authority, reserved judgement and had a philosophy of "live and let live"...until that is, they finally figured out, it was a one-way-street and that the feelings were not mutual.

Let's not forget an increasing number of White women now as well, especially the past few years where it seems like the system is simply going after "Whites" in general, and that the phrase "White privilege" increasingly refers to both sexes. Until fairly recently, "diversifying" some entity could mean replacing a White man with a White women. That's often no longer good enough.

When the Republican/GOP establishment talks about "expanding the base", like they have for the past 10-20 years, it's now obvious that they never meant the "White base", particularly the legions of politically-unrepresented, hard-working, blue-collar class, socially-conservative, White men that are now voting for Trump in droves. They actually meant Hispanics, women, blacks, Indians, and even the "LGBT Community". So much so that over the past few days the hyper neo-con (anti-White Zionist) publication "National Review" stated in one article and re-affirmed in another (just to prove to us how much they truly despise us) that White blue-collar communities "need to die", basically referring to the largest demographic supporting Trump and the one most responsible for "expanding the base".

You would think that the Republican establishment would be elated with the millions of new voters that Trump is bringing into the party, but they are fighting him tooth-and-nail because they aren't the demographic they were hoping for. They've been fully exposed for who they are, whom they really represent, and what their agenda really is and it's not far from the sentiment espoused in that article in the "National Review". It's also great and telling that Trump has now banned "National Review" reporters from all of his events.
Yep, and that "neglected" majority, commonly referred to as the "Silent Majority" is mostly made up of disenchanted, disenfranchised, disavowed, and marginalized White men; mostly blue-collar White men. Men that no longer have a say or feel free to speak their mind else suffer the consequences. Ones that are older and have seen the idyllic little world they grew up in become an unrecognizable and unrelatable cultural and multicultural mess. These men always followed the law, played by the rules, respected authority, reserved judgement and had a philosophy of "live and let live"...until that is, they finally figured out, it was a one-way-street and that the feelings were not mutual.

Let's not forget an increasing number of White women now as well, especially the past few years where it seems like the system is simply going after "Whites" in general, and that the phrase "White privilege" increasingly refers to both sexes. Until fairly recently, "diversifying" some entity could mean replacing a White man with a White women. That's often no longer good enough.

When the Republican/GOP establishment talks about "expanding the base", like they have for the past 10-20 years, it's now obvious that they never meant the "White base", particularly the legions of politically-unrepresented, hard-working, blue-collar class, socially-conservative, White men that are now voting for Trump in droves. They actually meant Hispanics, women, blacks, Indians, and even the "LGBT Community". So much so that over the past few days the hyper neo-con (anti-White Zionist) publication "National Review" stated in one article and re-affirmed in another (just to prove to us how much they truly despise us) that White blue-collar communities "need to die", basically referring to the largest demographic supporting Trump and the one most responsible for "expanding the base".

You would think that the Republican establishment would be elated with the millions of new voters that Trump is bringing into the party, but they are fighting him tooth-and-nail because they aren't the demographic they were hoping for. They've been fully exposed for who they are, whom they really represent, and what their agenda really is and it's not far from the sentiment espoused in that article in the "National Review". It's also great and telling that Trump has now banned "National Review" reporters from all of his events.

Excellent post, Heretic. Right on with every point. I'm sure many people across this once great land feel exactly what you wrote but did not have the words to express it. I'm glad you did.
So now Trump says that there could be riots if the GOP tries to deny him the nomination and the biased media makes it sound as if he is inciting riots. That pig Bernie Sanders has some nerve saying anything about Trump when it was his BLM supporters causing trouble in Chicago.

This is so funny you'll spit your coffee out. (Psst... he should have chosen Kim Jong Un instead of Jihadi John as a "tough opponent" -but, hey, that's ok.)
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I was actually at the Chicago rally last Friday, and it was absolutely as bad as you've heard. Old veterans and young children who sported Trump hats and shirts were spat upon and cursed out by militant hispanics, moslems, and blacks. Communist flags were flown proudly by protesters (Mexican flags too), gangs of teenage "youths" and other violent minorities told Trump supporters to "get the fck out of our city" or they would "beat our fcking a$$". It was totally disgusting, and only further demonstrates to mentality of the communist agitators who oppose Trump.

This is so funny you'll spit your coffee out. (Psst... he should have chosen Kim Jong Un instead of Jihadi John as a "tough opponent" -but, hey, that's ok.)

YouTube has a scam parody which I accidentally linked. The above is the correct one.
I was actually at the Chicago rally last Friday, and it was absolutely as bad as you've heard. Old veterans and young children who sported Trump hats and shirts were spat upon and cursed out by militant hispanics, moslems, and blacks. Communist flags were flown proudly by protesters (Mexican flags too), gangs of teenage "youths" and other violent minorities told Trump supporters to "get the fck out of our city" or they would "beat our fcking a$$". It was totally disgusting, and only further demonstrates to mentality of the communist agitators who oppose Trump.

Yea sounds about right. It isn't their city either - their lazy asses didn't build it - they just bled it dry and destroyed parts of it. Ignorant animals.
Yea sounds about right. It isn't their city either - their lazy asses didn't build it - they just bled it dry and destroyed parts of it. Ignorant animals.

Absolutely right. The same holds true to those azzholes that inherited Detroit and totally fukced it up and turned most of it into a chithouse.
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